MathsFind the volume of a cube

Find the volume of a cube

What is a Cube?

Find the volume of a cube: A cube is a three-dimensional figure with six faces, twelve edges, and eight vertices.

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    Volume of a Cube

    The volume of a cube formula

    is V = s3, where s is the length of a side.

    To find the volume of a cube, you would need to know the length of a side. Once you have that information, you would plug it into the volume of a cube formula, V = s3.

    The volume of a hollow cube :

    The volume of a hollow cube is the volume of the cube minus the volume of the hollow cavity inside the cube. To calculate the volume of a hollow cube, you need to know the length, width, and depth of the cube, and the radius of the hollow cavity.

    The volume of a cube is calculated by multiplying the length, width, and depth of the cube. The volume of a hollow cube calculated by multiplying the length, width, and depth of the cube, and then subtracting the volume of the hollow cavity. The radius of the hollow cavity calculated by dividing the width of the cube by 2, and then multiplying that number by the depth of the cube.

    The Volume of a Solid Cube :

    A cube is a three-dimensional figure with six square faces. The volume of a cube is the number of cubic units it contains. To find the volume of a cube, you need to know the length of its sides.

    The volume of a cube is equal to the length of its side multiplied by itself. So, if a cube has a side length of 3 inches, its volume is 9 cubic inches.

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