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    Circumscribed Meaning

    The meaning of circumscribed in Geometry is drawing a figure around another figure in such a way that the drawn figure touches the outer line or points of the inside figure without intersecting it. It should limit the inside shape within itself. Suppose, a regular hexagon is circumscribed by a circle, then the circle touches its six vertices without cutting it. Let us discuss more circumscribed shapes, such as:

    • Circle
    • Triangle
    • Polygon
    • Angle
    • Rectangle
    • Quadrilateral

    Circumscribed Circle

    The circle which passes through all the vertices of any given geometrical figure or a polygon, without crossing the figure. This is also termed as circumcircle.

    Circumscribed Circle

    In the below figure, you can see, a hexagon is inside a circle, whose all 6 vertices have been touched by the circle.

    Circumscribed Triangle

    When a triangle surrounds any geometrical shape in such a way that it touches the inside figure at maximum points but never cuts it, such a triangle is called a circumscribed triangle.

    Circumscribed Triangle

    We can see in the above, the triangle surrounds the circle in such a way that the sides of the triangle are tangent to the circle.

    Circumscribed Polygon

    When a polygon surrounds any geometrical figure, in such a way that all the vertices inside the figure touch the sides of the polygon, then it is circumscribed. Polygon could be regular or irregular.

    Circumscribed Polygon

    In the above figure, we can see a pentagon which surrounds a circle.

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