Study MaterialsNCERT SolutionsNCERT Solutions for Class 6NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Fiber To Fabric

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Fiber To Fabric

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Updated for 2024-25

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric is given here in a simple and easy to understand way. After learning these NCERT Solutions, students will be able to clear all their doubts on the concepts involved in CBSE syllabus for Class 6 Science Chapter 3. Fibre to Fabric teaches you about the production of fabrics from yarns, synthetic fibres, natural fibres, the process of spinning, weaving and knitting.

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    Answers to true or false, fill in the blanks and descriptive answer questions will provide you with a greater understanding of the topics involved in the Chapter. To score good marks in CBSE Class 6 examination students are advised to read this study material thoroughly.NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science provided here will assist you in getting the practice of solving a variety of questions before writing the main examination. NCERT Solutions, which is prepared by subject experts will create strong basics, will further help in the understanding of advanced topics in future.

    NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Chapter 3 Question Answer

    Here are NCERT class 6 science chapter 3 exercise solutions of NCERT textbook questions:

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    Class 6 Science Chapter Chapter 3 Fiber To Fabric Question Answer

    1. Classify the following fibers as natural or synthetic:

    nylon, wool, cotton, silk, polyester, jute, Terylene


    Natural Fibers Synthetic Fibers
    Wool Nylon
    Silk Polyester
    Cotton, Jute Terylene

    2. State whether the following statements are true or false :

    a) Yarn is made from fibers (True)

    b) Spinning is a process of making fibers (False)

    c) Jute is the outer covering of coconut (False)

    d) The process of separating the seed from cotton is called ginning (True)

    e) Weaving of yarn makes a piece of fabric (True)

    f) Silk fiber is obtained from the stem of a plant (False)

    g) Polyester is a natural fiber (False)

    3. Fill in the Blanks :

    a) Plant fibers are obtained from ___________ and ___________(Jute plants, cotton plants)

    b) Animal fibers are ___________ and ____________ (Wool, Silk)

    4. From which parts of the plant cotton and jute are obtained?

    Ans: Cotton fiber obtained from cotton seeds. They are hairs of cotton seeds. Jute fibers are obtained from the stem of jute plants by the retting process.

    5. Name two items that are made from coconut fiber?

    Ans: i) Ropes ii) Mats

    6. Explain the process of making yarn from fiber?

    Ans: The process of making yarn from fibers is called spinning. In this process, fibers from a mass of cotton, wool are drawn out and twisted. This brings the fibers together to form yarn. A simple device used for spinning is takli, Another device, charkha also.

    Class 6 NCERT Solutions for Science Chapter 3 Fiber To Fabric Overview

    The Class 6 NCERT Solutions for Science Chapter 3 “Fibre to Fabric” delve into various aspects of fibres, including natural and synthetic fibres, the process of yarn production, techniques of weaving, and the art of knitting. Infinity Learn offers comprehensive explanations and elucidations aimed at aiding students in grasping these concepts thoroughly. By providing detailed insights and clarifications, Infinity Learn strives to facilitate a deeper understanding of the intricate processes involved in the transformation of fibres into fabrics, thus enabling students to enhance their knowledge and excel in their academic endeavors.

    Important Topics Covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric

    • Variety in Fabrics
    • Fibre
    • Some Plant Fibres
    • Spinning Cotton Yarn
    • Yarn to Fabric
    • History of Clothing Material

    Students can also find solutions for the chapters present in NCERT textbooks, sample papers, CBSE notes for further details.

    FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 Fibre to Fabric

    What is the process of making yarn from fibre from the Chapter 3 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science?

    Yarn can be made from fibre by the process called Spinning. From the mass of cotton, fibres are drawn and twisted which brings together the fibres to form a yarn

    What concepts can I learn from the Chapter 3 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science?

    From the Chapter 3 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science, you can learn about concepts like – Variety in Fabrics, Fibre, Some Plant Fibres, Spinning Cotton Yarn, Yarn to Fabric, History of Clothing Material

    How many questions are present in the Chapter 3 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science?

    There are about 6 questions present in the Chapter 3 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science. Students who are not able to answer the textbook questions are advised to refer to the solutions prepared by the faculty at INFINITY LEARN. The solutions are created as per the latest CBSE syllabus and guidelines to help students ace the exam without fear. Using the solutions on a daily basis will enable students to answer complex questions that would appear in the exam. The expert faculty design the solutions with the aim of helping students to score well in the annual exams.

    Why Choose NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3?

    NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 'Fibre to Fabric' provide comprehensive and accurate explanations of the key concepts. They are prepared by subject experts and help students develop a strong understanding of topics like natural and synthetic fibres, yarn production, weaving, and knitting.

    What is the Name of Chapter 3 in Class 6 Science?

    The name of Chapter 3 in the Class 6 Science NCERT textbook is 'Fibre to Fabric'. This chapter covers the various types of fibres, the process of converting them into yarn, and the methods of fabric production through weaving and knitting.

    What is Fabric in Class 6 Short Answer?

    Fabric is a material made by weaving or knitting natural or synthetic fibres. It is the end product obtained from the process of converting fibres into yarn and then into a woven or knitted cloth.

    How Are Clothes Made in Class 6?

    Clothes are made from fabric, which is produced through the following steps: Obtaining natural or synthetic fibres, Spinning the fibres into yarn, Weaving or knitting the yarn into fabric, Cutting and sewing the fabric into garments and other textile products.

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