Study MaterialsImportant QuestionsThe Interview Important Questions Class 12 English

The Interview Important Questions Class 12 English

In this piece, we’ve put together important questions for the Class 12 English interview. Students can also find a summary of the interview.

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    Question 1. Why did Umberto Eco prefer himself to be called an academician than a novelist? (2000 Delhi)

    Ans. While Eco gained recognition as a novelist, he primarily aligned himself with the academic world during the initial half of his life. He delved into fiction writing when he was about fifty years old. His primary identification was with the academic community, and he turned to writing fiction only when he wasn’t deeply engrossed in scholarly pursuits.

    Question 2. Why do most celebrity writers despise being interviewed? (2003 Delhi)


    What are the views of writers like V.S. Naipaul and Lewis Carroll on interviews? (2005 Delhi)

    Ans. Celebrities such as V.S. Naipaul, Rudyard Kipling, Lewis Carroll, and H.G. Wells have openly shared their dislike for interviews. They believe that interviews are wrong and invasive because they believe that interviews can have a negative impact on their image and invade their personal space.

    Question 3. What was unique and distinctive about Eco’s academic writing style? (2004 Delhi)


    What do you learn about Umberto Eco’s distinctive style in his doctoral dissertation? (2013 Outside Delhi)

    Ans. Umberto Eco way of writing for academic purposes is personal, relaxed, and fun. He includes all the challenges and mistakes in his research stories, making even his research work as unique as creative writing and reading. It is not just informative but also captivating.

    Question 4. State the reason for the huge success of the novel, “The Name of the Rose”. (2008 Delhi)

    Ans. The novel ‘The Name of the Rose’ achieved great success for various reasons, and even its author, Umberto Eco, found this success somewhat mysterious. Perhaps one key factor was that this detective story, which explored metaphysics, theology, and medieval history, captured the interest of readers because it was released at just the right time, neither too early nor too late.

    Question 5. “The Name of the Rose” deals with medieval history. Was it responsible for the novel’s success? (2008 Delhi)

    Ans. The novel ‘The Name of the Rose’ became popular for several reasons, not just one. Many other books talked about medieval history, but they didn’t become as famous. Its success is because it came out at the right time, it had an interesting storytelling style like a detective story, and it explored deep ideas about metaphysics and theology, in addition to medieval history.

    Question 6. What did the publisher think of ‘The Name of the Rose’? (2008 Delhi; 2012 Delhi)

    Ans. The American publisher of ‘The Name of the Rose’ really liked the book but didn’t think it would sell more than 3,000 copies. In America, not many people visit cathedrals or study Latin, so it was hard to sell a book like this. However, the publisher was surprised because they ended up selling two to three million copies of the book in America.

    Question 7. Why do most celebrity writers hate to be interviewed? (2010 Comptt. Delhi)

    Ans. Many famous authors avoid interviews because they believe that interviews can harm their image. They see interviews as an invasion of their personal space. Writers like V.S. Naipaul think that interviews can be hurtful and cause them to lose a piece of their identity.

    Question 8. How did Lewis Carroll react to the interviews? (2012 Comptt. Outside Delhi)


    What was Lewis Carroll’s attitude towards being interviewed? (2010 Comptt. Outside Delhi)

    Ans. Lewis Carroll avoided interviews because he didn’t want to seem too important. He strongly said no to interviews and kept his fans, friends, and interviewers at a distance. This made him very happy.

    Answer each of the following questions in about 125-150 words.

    Question 9. What made the American publisher think that the novel ‘The Name of the Rose’ won’t sell in America? What actually happened? What was the secret of its success? (2013 Delhi)


    What is the reason for the huge success of the novel “The Name of the Rose” according to Umberto Eco? (2002 Delhi)

    Ans. The American publisher thought that people prefer easy-to-read stuff, but “The Name of the Rose” explored deep topics like metaphysics, theology, and medieval history, which can be tough to digest. Umberto Eco, the author, believed that his book, which sold around 10 to 15 million copies, appealed to a small group of readers. These readers didn’t want simple stories all the time; they liked challenging reads.

    Eco couldn’t exactly explain why “The Name of the Rose” became so popular. He considered it a mystery. He thought maybe readers found the mix of a detective story with deep subjects intriguing, and the timing of its release played a big role. If it came out a bit earlier or later, it might not have been as successful.

    The book surprised everyone by becoming a hit despite its complex content. Eco became famous as a novelist rather than just an academic scholar because of it.

    Question 10. What do you think about Umberto Eco? Does he like being interviewed? Give reasons in support of your answer from the text ‘The Interview’. (2006 Delhi)

    Ans. Unlike many other famous people who dislike interviews and see them as an intrusion into their private lives, Umberto Eco seems to enjoy giving interviews. He answers the questions from the interviewer, Mukund Padmanabhan, with enthusiasm. Eco answers honestly and sincerely, providing detailed responses. This shows that he doesn’t mind sharing his experiences with others. He doesn’t rush to finish the interview and makes sure to address all of Padmanabhan’s questions. This makes the interviewer feel welcomed and appreciated.

    Question 11. Why did Umberto Eco start writing novels and when? What does Eco say about the huge success of his novel, ‘The Name of the Rose’ in spite of it being a difficult and very serious novel? (2008 Outside Delhi)

    Ans. Umberto Eco was mainly an academic who mostly wrote scholarly papers. He didn’t plan to be a novelist, but he started writing novels when he was nearly fifty years old. Eco describes himself as a university professor who only writes novels on Sundays.

    He is not exactly sure why his novel The Name of the Rose became so popular. He thinks the timing of when it was published might be the main reason. The book is interesting because, on one hand, its like a detective story, but it also talks about deep subjects like metaphysics, theology, and medieval history.

    Even though The Name of the Rose is a bit challenging to read, it became popular with a lot of people, and Eco became known more as a novelist than an academic scholar.

    Question 12. Eco’s academic work has certain playful and personal quality about it. Comment. (2013 Comptt. Outside Delhi)

    Ans. Eco presents his arguments in a clear and organized manner, with a touch of cleverness and playfulness. He mentions that he stumbled into novel writing unintentionally. He mostly sees himself as a university professor who dabbled in writing novels during his free time, particularly on Sundays. His non-fiction writing stands out because it’s different from the usual dry and dull academic style. Even his research work has a creative quality that not only conveys information but also makes it engaging to read. In his doctoral thesis, Eco shares the journey of his research, including the challenges and mistakes he faced. His essays also often incorporate storytelling elements.

    Question 13. Umberto Eco is an academic as well as a famous novelist. Comment. (2013 Comptt. Delhi)

    Ans. While Umberto Eco gained fame as a novelist, he remained closely connected to the world of academia. In fact, he authored only five novels, in contrast to his extensive body of forty scholarly non-fiction works. He often saw himself primarily as a university professor who happened to dabble in novel writing on Sundays.

    During his presentation of his first doctoral dissertation in Italy, one of the professors was impressed by the way he skillfully narrated the story of his research journey, complete with the ups and downs he faced along the way. This narrative quality was a consistent feature of his essays. Interestingly, Eco ventured into novel writing relatively late in life, starting at the age of 50, almost by accident, driven by his innate passion for storytelling.

    The Interview Important Questions Class 12 English FAQs

    What are the top 10 most asked interview questions?

    The top 10 most asked interview questions usually cover strengths and weaknesses, past experiences, career goals, teamwork, problem-solving, and situational scenarios.

    What are the negative views on interview class 12?

    Some negative views on Interview Class 12 could be stress due to performance pressure, limited preparation time, anxiety about the unknown questions, and fear of judgment.

    Which chapter is most important in English class 12?

    In English Class 12, chapters like 'The Last Lesson' or 'The Invisible Man' are often considered significant due to their themes, character depth, and literary importance.

    What are the positive aspects of interview class 12 English?

    The positive aspects of Interview Class 12 English include improving communication skills, enhancing critical thinking, gaining confidence in expressing opinions, and developing analytical abilities.

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