EnglishSpeechSpeech on Human Rights in simple and easy words

Speech on Human Rights in simple and easy words

Speech on Human Rights: The concept of Human Rights holds great significance in our lives, especially in today’s time when the exploitation of human beings is increasing day by day. The exploitation has been reported more than ever. To understand the basic rights of a human, it becomes necessary for the teachers to let students get themselves abreast of them. So here we give you both short speeches on Human Rights as well as long speeches on human rights to learn about human rights and the various categories under it. The content that we provide is comprehensive and can help students to learn all about basic rights to live life with dignity. We can confidently say that our content of the speeches on Human Rights are relevant to the topics and are a good reference point for all the learners.

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    Long and Short Speech on Human Rights­­­­­­­

    Speech on Human Rights­­­­­­­ – 1

    Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, My Fell­­­­­­ow Colleagues and Dear Students – Good Morning to everyone present here!­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

    I would like to utilize this opportunity to share my views on human rights and their relevance in today’s world.

    All people on Earth have these rights, which work for everyone, no matter who they are or where they’re from, and they exist to safeguard against harm and violations.

    Let us first understand what exactly Human rights entail. Broadly speaking, human rights are such rights which each individual becomes entitled to by virtue of his birth and nationality. These rights are considered to be indispensable for any human being irrespective of his/her nationality, race, religion, language, etc. Different countries have their own set of legislatively backed human rights which its citizens are entitled to but the basic theme across is the same – to provide each of its citizens equal rights and not to discriminate among them.

    The concept of Human rights has been constantly evolving over the period of time. There have been some basic tenets in the way human societies functioned which recognized the importance of giving each individual access to certain rights. The society recognizes these rights of the individual and respects them.

    The earliest civilizations tried codifying the rights as part of the law. Hammurabi’s law was one of the first recorded mentions of the rights of individuals. However, these rights across the societies varied for different individuals. Although the basic concept has been that all citizens are equal, the definition of citizens vastly varied and there were many people who would fall beyond the gambit of citizens and hence do not have a statutory backing to their human rights. Over the period of time, the efforts of various social reformers and activists across different time periods have been to bring in more people into this concept of being citizens.

    The international law and theories which started taking shape around 19th century have attempted towards defining the human rights which are rights each individual is entitled to irrespective of the race, religion or culture. The qualification of being an individual defined here is in larger sense unlike the definition of citizens in the earlier societies. The efforts towards abolishing slavery, fights for equal rights to women, universal adult franchise are few of the efforts that ensured the discrimination of whom to be recognized as being eligible to have rights have been reduced and every individual by virtue of being born as human being is entitled to human rights.

    In today’s world, most of the countries recognize human rights and make it a part of their constitutional provisions. The countries which have not yet recognized the basic equality of all its citizens are trying to bring in changes in and provide safeguards for all the citizens to be enfranchised of the rights. These countries face the challenge of deep rooted stigma and discrimination carried down from many centuries. Implementing and practicing at the ground level still remains a problem. Individuals and in many cases large groups of individuals are denied their basic human rights. The main reason for it is the lack of awareness of what they are entitled to.

    Human rights are universal and everyone needs to be educated on these and understand that no matter where they are born and who they are, by virtue of being born as humans some rights automatically become a part and parcel of their life in a social set up.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Human Rights­­­­­­­ – 2

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Today, please allow me to utilize this opportunity and talk on a very important topic on which each one of us should have a fair knowledge and that is Speech Human rights!

    Human rights belong to everyone, no matter who they are. These rights cover life, freedom, and more, for all people, regardless of differences

    The concept of Human rights as how we define now is of a recent origin in context of the long Human history. Modern thinkers and commentators attribute human rights to be a product of the French revolution in the 18th century where the values of liberty, equality and fraternity stood as the central theme for the whole struggle. However the human yearning for basic rights of all the individuals has been a fundamental aspect all through the course of human history. It is this understanding of the basic nature of human rights that we all need to be able to comprehend and realize its meaning, purpose and of course importance in the present times.

    The various revolutions and movements which took place in the modern history like French Revolution, American Revolution, the various freedom movements against colonialist rule, anti-slavery movement, women rights movements, etc all have a common theme running through them. It is to recognize the basic right of each individual to lead a life of equality and freedom. These movements helped shape the modern concept of Human rights. There have been many charters, declarations, statements etc which have been drafted and implemented by various authorities around the world to put into effect Human rights to each of its citizens.

    United Nations Organization (UNO) has recognized the importance of Human rights by declaring December 10th as World Human Rights day. This has been adopted since the year 1948. The rights can be included as part of the Human rights varies from each country to country. Modern states across the world have given prominence to this concept of Human rights by providing the citizens with rights which are backed up by the constitution and legislation. India, through its constitution provides its citizens set of fundamental rights. All the citizens in India have equal right to enjoy these fundamental rights and have a right to appeal when any of these fundamental rights are violated. Some Human rights like “Right to live” have a global acceptance and can be exercised in any country within the legal statuettes.

    The main idea which I intend to communicate is the need for each one of us to understand the importance of Human rights. The need has a duality to it. The first reason we need to understand about Human rights is for self. As citizens of a nation, it is of primary importance that we have an understanding of the rights that we are entitled to. This would help us to exercise the rights and fight against any exploitation. This understanding helps to serve a larger purpose as well. It is to recognize the rights of other citizens or in a larger context the rights of other human beings and ensure that we do not infringe on them.

    This understanding to fight for self and value others claim form the basis for practicing human rights in its true sense.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Human Rights – 3

    Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to all of you! I hope this day finds you in the best of spirit.

    Today, I am going to address a very crucial aspect of human life, i.e. Speech on Human Rights. Human rights are defined as those set of rights which are fundamental to human existence. Since they have a universal appeal, people from all over the world are entitled to it. Thus, these rights other than having a universal and fundamental dimension carry a global appeal as well. These rights enable a man to live under no fear or threat. Universalization of human rights without any discrimination is a mark of civilized society. These rights are framed while keeping in mind fundamental human demands and needs. Thus, human rights have found its place in the constitution of every nation.

    And, it is the responsibility of very nation to secure human rights for its citizens and give them the liberty to perform actions within their interest, which cause no threat to the integrity of others. As these rights carry a universal appeal, human rights and problems associated with them have become a cause of global concern. In fact, the UN has adopted Human Rights Charter and has asked various governments to not only give them a due place in their constitutional body, but also ensure their enforcement. It was on the 10th of December in the year 1948 that UN came up with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the contemporary times, a growing concern has been observed towards safeguarding human rights.

    The issues related with human rights differ from society to society whereas the entitlement of social, economic, civil as well as political rights of the people differ from one nation to the other as per the laws governing those rights of the people belonging to a specific country. For instance, the UN has taken much interest in doing way with the discrimination caused against women. Other than that, racial discrimination also forms a major cause of concern under human rights violation. Despite the fact that Black people are a majority in South Africa, they do not enjoy political or social rights as much as white people do, who continue to dominate black people. Nevertheless, this practice of racism has been abolished by the UN and a resolution too has been passed in this regard.

    Therefore, it becomes the utmost duty of every nation to form such laws and create such conditions where human rights of the citizens can be protected. Our country, India, has a democratic set up where its citizens are entitled to enjoy basic human rights, in addition to the freedom of expression. These rights are defined as Fundamental Rights, which needless to say form a significant part of the Indian Constitution.

    Our Indian Constitution assures six fundamental rights, which are:

    • Right to Freedom
    • Right to Equality
    • Right to choose Religion
    • Right against Exploitation
    • Right to Constitutional Remedies
    • Cultural and Educational Rights

    These human rights are founded on the doctrine of human solidarity, support, growth and access of everyone to the common legacy of humankind.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Human Rights – 4

    Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Students – Good Morning to one and all!

    I, Priyanka Vashisht from Standard-IX (C), wish to deliver a speech on Human Rights. As Social Science is my favorite subject the best topic that I could think of for this speech ceremony is Human Rights and more so because it’s a vital part of human existence. Why vital because we do not live in isolation, but in a democratic set up where everyone has certain roles and responsibilities to deliver. Besides, each one of us is also entitled to certain rights so that we can enjoy our status as human beings.

    In a civilized society, rights play an extremely critical role in the overall growth of human personality. The individual rights are referred to as conditions under which an individual is able to attain his goals or ideals by enjoying the privileges that come with a minimum set of rights. If I were to define human rights, I would define it in the words of Harold Joseph Laski, who said “Rights, in fact, are those conditions of social life without which no man can seek, in general, to be himself at his best”. To put it in simpler terms, rights are the fundamental necessities for a man to lead a good life, which are acknowledged under the state’s legal code.

    Human rights are universal in nature having a legal and moral framework, which aim towards safeguarding the interest of the people from rigorous legal, political and social abuses. Following are the human rights examples:

    • Freedom of Movement
    • Right to Expression
    • Right against Exploitation
    • Right to Freedom of Religion
    • Right to associate with a Political Party
    • Right to a Fair Trial when accused of a crime
    • Right not to be Tortured

    In addition, there are certain social and economic rights as well. Let’s take a look:

    • Right to Education
    • Right to Work
    • Right to have a good living standard
    • Right to have an equal pay for equal work
    • Right to leisure and rest

    These rights have moral grounds and have found a place in law at both national as well as international levels. They are primarily addressed to the governments for their observance and enforcement. The chief source of the modern-day thought behind human rights is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (United Nations, 1948). The human rights philosophy attends to such questions as the existence, nature, content, universality and validation of human rights.

    However, despite these clearly formulated set of human rights, multiple cases of human rights breach at different places of this world have been observed. I firmly believe that in such a situation an everlasting state of prosperity cannot prevail in a nation where its natives cannot enjoy human rights which are so integral to their existence.

    Now, I would request my other fellow students to join me on stage and say a few words in this regard.
    Thank You!

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    Speech on Human Rights FAQs

    How do you start a speech about human rights?

    Begin with a strong statement or a touching story related to human rights to grab your audience's attention.

    What is the best human rights speech?

    The best human rights speech is one that is passionate, well-researched, and inspires people to take action for justice and equality.

    What are the 7 main human rights?

    The 7 main human rights include life, liberty, equality, dignity, justice, education, and freedom of expression.

    What are human rights speeches?

    Human rights speeches are talks or presentations that address issues related to basic freedoms and fairness in society.

    What is the best human rights speech?

    The best human rights speech is one that touches hearts, educates, and motivates positive change.

    How do you start a speech about human rights?

    You can start a human rights speech with a compelling story, a shocking fact, or a thought-provoking question to engage your audience.

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