ChemistryGeneral Principles And Processes Of Isolation Of Elements Questions for CBSE Class 12th

General Principles And Processes Of Isolation Of Elements Questions for CBSE Class 12th

Match the anionic species given in Column I that are present in the ore(s) given in column II Column-I Column-II A) Carbonate P) Siderite B) Sulphide Q) Malachite C) Hydroxide R) Bauxite D) Oxide S) Calamine T) Argentite

Which of the following are correct processes?

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    Which of the following metal oxides are reduced by self-reduction method?

    The anode mud obtained during electrorefining of copper may contain

    Which of the following are true for electrolytic extraction of aluminium?

    ΔG ∘ vs T plot in the Ellingham diagram slopes down for the reaction.

    Match the Column I with Column II and mark the correct option from the codes given below.

    Match the anionic species given in Column I that are present in the ore(s) given in column II Column-I Column-II A) Carbonate P) Siderite B) Sulphide Q) Malachite C) Hydroxide R) Bauxite D) Oxide S) Calamine T) Argentite

    Which of the following reaction occurs during smelting in the blast furnace at the lowest temperature in the extraction of iron.

    Goldschmidt’s aluminothermic process, thermite mixture contains parts of Fe 2 O 3 and one part of aluminium.

    Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 is:

    Which of the following pairs consists of ore of the same metal?

    reduction processes among the given is/are i. Fe 2 O 3 + 3C 2Fe + 3CO ii. Cu 2 O + C 2Cu+ CO iii. PbO + C Pb + CO iv. ZnO + C Zn+ CO

    In Fe extraction, the roasting is carried out because

    For the pyrometallurgical method used for the extraction of copper from sulphide ore, which statements is/are correct?

    Select the correct statements:

    Which of the following statements is/are correct?

    In the commercial extraction of iron, roasting is adopted because

    Select the correct statement.

    Select the correct statements for Ellingham diagram:

    Silver containing lead as an impurity is not purified by

    Refer to the above Ellingham diagram, select correct option.

    Which of the following statements is correct about the role of substances added in the froth floatation process?

    In which of the following pairs, the minerals are converting into metals by self reduction?

    In order to concentrate galena (which contains ZnS as impurity) by froth-floatation process, sodium cyanide is used as depressant. NaCN dissolves ZnS due to formation of water soluble complex ( A ). Find w + x y + z Where w = coordination number of central metal ion in complex ion of (A) x = number of unpaired electrons in (A) y = total number of possible linkage isomers of (A) including (A) z = maximum number of atoms in a single plane in the complex ion of (A)

    Which process is used to oxidise impurities present in crude metal that is obtained by reduction of ore?

    In hydrometallurgical process for the extraction of copper

    Which of the following are examples of calcination?

    Find out the correct options from the above graphical information.

    Carnallite is an ore of

    Salt which is (are) least likely to be found in minerals

    Which is (are) not an ore?

    Metal(s) which does/do not form amalgam is/are:

    Froth flotation process used for the concentration of sulphide ore

    Which of the following reactions occur during calcination?

    MgO can be used as a refractory material because

    Leaching can be used for extraction of

    The extraction of metals from oxide ores involves

    Which of the following oxides cannot be reduced to metal by carbon?

    Which of the following statements are correct regarding metallurgy of iron?

    Tempering of steel

    Disadvantages of using carbon as a reducing agent:

    Auto-reduction process is used for the extraction of:

    Select the correct statements:

    Which of the following steps are involved in hydrometallurgical process ?

    Select the correct statements for calcination:

    Liquation process may be applied for the purification of

    The extraction of metals from sulphide ore involves

    H 2 is not widely used as the reducing agent in metallurgical process because

    Select the correct statement.

    Select the correct statement.

    Select the correct statement.

    Select the correct statements (Ellingham diagram):

    Select the correct statements for Ellingham diagram:

    In the leaching of Ag 2 S with NaCN, a stream of air is also passed. It is because of

    Aluminothermy used for the spot welding of large iron structures is based upon the fact that:

    Of the following reduction processes, correct processes are:

    Select correct statement regarding silver extraction process.

    In the extraction of aluminium metal, one of the process is summarised as follows: Which of the following entries incorrectly summarises reagents, electrodes & products of the process? A B C D E 1. NaOH Al 3+ HF Na 3 AlF 6 Cathode 2. NaOH NaAlO 2 CO 2 NaF Anode 3. H 2 SO 4 Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 NH3 Na 3 AlF 6 Cathode 4. NaOH NaAlO 2 CO 2 Na 3 AlF 6 Cathode

    Metals which can be extracted by smelting process are:

    Refer to above diagram. Select the incorrect statement at 1000 o C. Given 2 D + O 2 2 DO , ΔG ⊖ = − 370 kJ 2 C + O 2 2 CO , ΔG ⊖ = − 470 kJ

    Which of the following reduction reactions are actually employed in commercial extraction of metals?

    The chief reaction(s) occurring in blast furnace during extraction of iron from haematite is/are:

    Highly electropositive metals can not be extracted by carbon reduction process because these:

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