GK QuestionsGK Questions on Birds With Answers

GK Questions on Birds With Answers

Gk Questions On Birds Name With Answers

Birds are amazing creatures. They soar higher in the sky than we can. They use their wings to glide, which helps them save energy. Birds also undertake incredible long-distance migrations, sometimes even surpassing the Earth’s circumference. The continuous stream of new studies on birds adds to their intrigue.

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    In this article, you’ll find GK questions on birds along with their answers. These questions and answers are designed to aid your preparation for GK quizzes, competitive exams, interviews, and more.

    GK Quiz on Birds

    1. Which bird lays the largest egg?

    Ans. Ostrich

    2. How many limbs does a bird have?

    Ans. 4

    3. Are birds mammals?

    Ans. No

    4. What type of bird has eyes that is bigger than it’s brain?

    Ans. Ostrich

    5. How long does it take a bird to hatch its eggs?

    Ans. 10day to 30days

    6. A group of collective crows is regarded as

    Ans. A murder

    7. Which bird can only eat when it’s head is upside down?

    Ans. A flamingo

    8. Which among the birds possesses blue eggs?

    Ans. American Robin

    9. The bird with the longest life span is known as_________?

    Ans. Large Parrot

    10. ________and birds are able to mimic humans?

    Ans. Songbird and Parrot

    10. Birds are scientifically classifies as______?

    Ans. Aves

    11. How long does it take a bird to build a nest?

    Ans. 5 hours to 30 days

    12. The largest bird in the world is?

    Ans. Common Ostrich (Struthio camelus)

    13. The smallest eggs are being laid by type of bird?

    Ans. Humming bird

    14. _______ is the average heartbeat rate of a birds at rest during the day?

    Ans. 282 per minute

    15. Does a bird possess an alimentary canal like humans

    Ans. Yes

    16. A bird is a _________ blooded animal?

    Ans. Warm-blooded vertebrae

    17. How many heart chambers does a bird possess?

    Ans. 4

    18. What’s the highest flying bird in the world?

    Ans. Bar-headed goose

    19. can bat be regarded as a bird?

    Ans. No

    20. A baby bird is referred to as_______?

    Ans. Nestlings

    21. Do the Nestlings have the ability to fly

    Ans. No

    22. Do all birds lay eggs??

    Ans. Yes

    23. What is the normal temperature of a bird?

    Ans. 105 degrees Fahrenheit

    24. ______ is the only poisonous bird in the world?

    Ans. Hooded Pitohui of Papua

    25. Which bird can sleep while flying?

    Ans. The Albatross

    26. The sebaceous gland in birds provides a grease that serves as and ________?

    Ans. Protectant and lubricant for hair and skin.

    27. Animal that lay eggs are best referred to as ________?

    Ans. Oviparous Animal

    28. The smallest bird in the world is known as?

    Bee hummingbird

    29. The largest carnivorous bird is Known as?

    Ans. Andean Condor

    30. What’s the function of scales in the feather of a bird?

    Ans. The scale is for protection and to prevent water loss

    31. What type of bodyweight does a bird require before it can be able to fly?

    Ans. Low

    32. The rarest bird in the world is called?

    Ans. Madagascar Pochard

    33. A group of owls are regarded

    Ans. Parliament

    34. How many weight of chicken eggs is equivalent to an Ostrich egg

    Ans. 24 chicken eggs

    35. Why do ostrich eat stone?

    Ans. Eating stones helps to digest food.

    36. Birds that plunge into water to catch fish or other food are called?

    Ans. Diving bird

    37. Which bird has the longest beak?

    Ans. Sword-billed hummingbird

    38. What’s the purpose of Gizzard in birds??

    Ans. For grinding food

    39. Which bird dig holes instead of building a nest?

    Ans. Puffin

    40. A male adult bird is called??

    Ans. A rooster

    41. A male younger bird is called?

    Ans. Cockerel

    42. What’s the general name for a female Adult bird?

    Ans. Hen

    43. A castrated bird is know as_________?

    Ans. Capon

    44. The world most dangerous bird is called?

    Ans. Cassowary

    45. _________ is regarded as the King of birds?

    Ans. Eagle

    46. What makes the eagle unique among other birds?

    Ans. The presence of its wings to soar higher in a storm that others bird are scared of.

    47. Birds that are very active during the day are called?

    Ans. Diurnal birds

    48. Birds that are insanely active only at night are called?

    Ans. Nocturnal birds

    49. What is the name of the fastest bird on Earth?

    Peregrine falcon

    50. _____ bird is regarded as the wisest?

    Ans. The Owl

    51._________ is regarded as the strongest bird?

    Ans. Northern African Ostrich

    52. What type of bones does a bird have?

    Ans. Thin and hollow bones. This makes them lightweight.

    53. What is the most sensitive organ of a bird?

    Ans. Eyes

    54. is bird a Viviparous Vertebrate?

    Ans. No

    55. Do birds have bone marrow?

    Ans. Yes

    56. How long do bird sleep?

    Ans. On average some bird sleep 12 hours

    57. What is the main function of the parrot beak?

    Ans. For climbing

    58. What organ is the most important for the excretion of a bird?

    Ans. Kidney

    59. Which organ do birds use for respiration?

    Ans. Lungs

    60. Why are peacock brightly colored?

    Ans. For display

    61. Do all birds have an esophagus?

    Ans. No

    62. Is birds among the animals that give birth to their young ones alive?

    Ans. No

    63. The only bird with its nostril at the end of its beak is called?

    Ans. Kiwi

    64. Do birds eat worm?

    Ans. Yes

    65. Which bird is known for its big yellow bill?

    Ans. Toucan

    66. _________ is the lightest bird in the world?

    Ans. Bee humming bird

    67. How Many species of bird do we have?

    Ans. 10,000 species.

    68. Which species of bird can fly backwards?

    Ans. Hummingbird

    69. Do bird’s egg contain Calcium?

    Ans. Calcium

    70. Which bird enjoys feeding on hairy Caterpillar?

    Ans. Cuckoo

    71. What type of bird can recognize itself in a mirror?

    Ans. Magpie

    72. The Peacock is from what family of birds?

    Ans. Phasianidae

    73. Which bird has the longest tail?

    Ans. Ribbo-tailed astrapia

    74. What bird has the longest feather?

    Ans. Phoenix fowl

    75. _______ Bird has the most beautiful tail?

    Ans. Indian peafowl

    76. How many eggs can an Ostrich lay in a year?

    Ans. 70

    77. ________ is the heartbeat of a bird during a flight?

    Ans. 1000 beats per minute

    78. Which bird represents the symbol of happiness?

    Ans. Bluebird.

    79. Which bird represent symbol of peace and hope?

    Ans. Dove

    79. Which bird is mostly tied to spiritual symbolism and meaning?

    Ans. An Owl

    80. Newly hatched young ones of Peahen are called?

    Ans. Peachicks

    FAQs on GK Questions on Birds

    Which is the national bird question?

    Peacock is the national bird of India.

    Which is the fastest bird in the world?

    peregrine falcon

    Which bird is national Colour?

    Indian peacock, Pavo cristatus, the National Bird of India, is a colourful, swan-sized bird, with a fan-shaped crest of feathers, a white patch under the eye and a long, slender neck.

    Which bird can fly speed?

    Peregrine Falcon: 390km/h

    Who is the biggest bird in the world?

    The ostrich is the largest and heaviest bird in the world. Ostriches can reach up to 9 feet (2.7 meters) in height and weigh around 220-350 pounds (100-160 kilograms).

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