MathsCentroid of a Trapezoid – Properties and Explanation

Centroid of a Trapezoid – Properties and Explanation

What is Trapezoid?

A trapezoid is a four-sided figure with two parallel sides and two non-parallel sides. The two parallel sides are the base and the other two sides are the sides of the trapezoid.

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    The Properties of a Trapezoid

    A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides and two nonparallel sides. The two parallel sides are the bases of the trapezoid, and the two nonparallel sides are the legs of the trapezoid. The angles between the parallel sides are called the bases angles, and the angles between the legs and the bases are called the legs angles.

    The Formula for Centroid of a Trapezoid

    The centroid of a trapezoid is the point where the two parallel sides of the trapezoid intersect. The distance from the centroid to each of the parallel sides is called the “base” of the trapezoid. The distance from the centroid to the vertex of the trapezoid is called the “height” of the trapezoid. The formula for the centroid of a trapezoid is:

    where “a” is the base, “h” is the height, and “b” and “c” are the lengths of the two parallel sides.

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