MathsComparing Quantities MCQs For Class 8 Math’s

Comparing Quantities MCQs For Class 8 Math’s

MCQs on Comparing Quantities


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    The following questions ask about methods of comparing quantities.

    1. What is the difference between two quantities?

    The difference between two quantities is the difference between their values. The difference can be negative or positive, depending on the values of the quantities.

    2. What is the sum of two quantities?

    The sum of two quantities is the sum of their values. The sum can be negative or positive, depending on the values of the quantities.

    Types of Comparing Quantities MCQs

    There are three types of comparing quantities questions:

    – Equality questions
    – Inequality questions
    – Ordering questions

    Questions about Comparing Quantities MCQs

    1. The quantity of apples is greater than the quantity of oranges.

    2. The quantity of apples is less than the quantity of oranges.

    3. The quantity of apples is equal to the quantity of oranges.

    1. The quantity of apples is greater than the quantity of oranges.

    Key Features of NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Maths Chapter 8 Comparing Quantities MCQs

    The features of NCERT Solutions of Class 8 Maths Chapter 8 Comparing Quantities MCQs are as follows:

    The solutions are well-explained and easy to understand.

    The solutions are step-by-step, so that students can understand each and every step easily.

    The solutions are accompanied by appropriate examples and diagrams.

    The solutions are updated and relevant to the latest CBSE syllabus.

    The solutions are available for free download.

    The solutions are printable.

    MCQs on Class 8 Comparing Quantities

    1. Choose the correct option.


    The quantity of water in a container is more than the quantity of air in the container.


    The quantity of air in a container is more than the quantity of water in the container.


    The quantity of water and air in a container are the same.


    The quantity of water in a container is less than the quantity of air in the container.

    The quantity of water in a container is less than the quantity of air in the container.

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