MathsCosine Functions

Cosine Functions

Cosine Formula

The cosine formula calculates the cosine of a given angle. The cosine of an angle is the ratio of the length of the adjacent side to the length of the hypotenuse.

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    Cosine Functions

    Inverse Cosine Functions

    The inverse cosine function is a function that takes a real number as input and outputs the angle in radians that is the inverse of the input.

    The inverse cosine function is written as:

    The inverse cosine function can be used to find the angle in radians that is the inverse of a given number. For example, if someone inputs the number 3 into the inverse cosine function, the function will output the angle in radians that is the inverse of 3, which is approximately -0.5772.

    Properties Of Cosine Function

    The cosine function is periodic with a period of 2π.

    The cosine function is even.

    The cosine function is continuous.

    Cosine function uses in Calculus

    The Cosine function is used in calculus to find the derivative of sine and cosine functions.

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