MathsDifference Between Line and Line Segment

Difference Between Line and Line Segment

What is a Line Segment and a Line?

A line segment is a piece of a line that has two endpoints. A line is a one-dimensional object that has no endpoints and goes on forever.

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    Definition of a Line

    A line is a straight path extending infinitely in both directions. It is one of the basic geometric shapes, along with points, planes, and circles. Lines are defined by two points, called endpoints.

    What is a Line Segment?

    A line segment is a segment of a line. It is the shortest distance between two points on a line.

    Difference Between Line and Line Segment

    A line is a one-dimensional object that has no thickness and extends infinitely in both directions. A line segment is a portion of a line that has a finite length.

    Different Types of Lines

    There are four types of lines: straight lines, curved lines, wavy lines, and zigzag lines.

    Straight lines are lines that are always the same distance apart and go in a straight direction.

    Curved lines are lines that have a bend in them and are not always the same distance apart.

    Wavy lines are lines that have a wave-like appearance and are not always the same distance apart.

    Zigzag lines are lines that have a zigzag appearance and are not always the same distance apart.


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