MathsEven and Odd Numbers

Even and Odd Numbers

Even and odd numbers are sets of whole numbers. They are classified on certain properties. There are no numbers that can be both. Even numbers are divisible by 2 and odd numbers are not divisible by 2. In this article, we will discuss Even and odd numbers, their examples and their properties.

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    What are Even Numbers?

    Even numbers are fundamental elements. Even numbers can be divided into two equal groups. This means that even numbers can be written as multiples of two. The examples of the Even Numbers are 4, 6, 8, 10 and more.

    What are Odd Numbers?

    Odd numbers are those numbers that cannot be divided into two equal groups. Integers that cannot be divided into two groups are known as Odd numbers. These numbers are not divisible by two. The examples of odd numbers are 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and more.

    Difference Between Even and Odd Numbers

    Below discussed are the differences between even and odd numbers.

    Even Number Odd Number
    A number that is divisible by 2 is called an Even number. These numbers usually leave 0 as a reminder when divided by 2. A number that is not divisible by 2 is known as an Odd number. These numbers usually leave 1 as a reminder when divided by 2.
    Even numbers can be divided into two equal groups. Odd numbers can not be divided into two equal groups.
    The last digit of a given number must be Even, so that number becomes Even as well. The last digit of a given number must be odd, so that number becomes odd as well.
    Numbers that end with 0 2 4 6 and 8 are Even numbers. Numbers that end with 1 3 5 7 and 9 are Odd numbers.
    Examples of Even Numbers: 12, 24, 46 Examples of Odd Numbers: 17, 29, 46

    Also Check – Prime and Composite Numbers

    Properties of Odd Numbers and Even Numbers

    Properties of Even and Odd numbers are such as Addition, subtraction and multiplication. Below discussed are some important properties of Even and Odd numbers given below:

    Property of Addition:

    • If you add an Even number with an Even number, you will get an even number as a result.

    For Example: 12 + 10 = 22

    • If you add an Even number with an Odd number, you will get an odd number as a result.

    For Example 12 + 11 = 23

    • If you add an Odd number with an Odd number, you will get an even number as a result.
    • For Example 27 +3= 30

    Property of subtraction:

    • If you subtract an Even number from an Even number, you will get an even number as a result.

    For Example: 12 – 2 = 10

    • If you subtract an Even number from an Odd number, you will get an odd number as a result.

    For Example 12 – 1 = 11

    • If you subtract an Odd number from an Odd number, you will get an even number as a result.

    For Example 27 – 3 = 24

    Property of Multiplication:

    • If you multiply an Even number with an Even number, you will get an Even Number as a result.

    For Example 4 × 4 = 16

    • If you multiply an Even number with an Odd number, you will still get an Even number as a result.

    For Example 2 × 3 = 6

    Types of Odd numbers

    There are two types of Odd numbers

    • Consecutive Odd number.
    • Composite Odd number.

    Definition of Consecutive Odd Number

    Consecutive numbers are those numbers that come after one another. In Consecutive numbers, there are not any Even numbers between them. A few examples of Consecutive numbers are 15 and 17, 31 and 49, and more.

    Definition of Composite Odd Number

    A Composite Odd number is an odd integer that is not a prime number. These odd numbers are the multiple of more than one number. Examples of Composite Odd numbers are 9, 15, 21, 25, 27, 33, 39, and more.

    What is the Smallest Odd Composite Number?

    The 9 number is the smallest composite Odd number. If we compare the Odd numbers and composite numbers, we find that 9 is the smallest Odd composite number. This is because the odd numbers lesser than 9 are prime numbers.

    How to find Even and Odd Numbers?

    We can check Even and Odd numbers in the following ways:

    1. We can identify the even number and odd number by checking the last digit of the given number. If the last digit is even, then the number is even and if it is odd then it is an odd number.
    2. We can find Even numbers and Odd numbers by equaling grouping. Even numbers are in pairs and Odd numbers are not in pairs.

    List of Even Numbers up to 100

    The list of Even numbers are given below:

    2 4 6 8 10
    12 14 16 18 20
    22 24 26 28 30
    32 34 36 38 40
    42 44 46 48 50
    52 54 56 58 60
    62 64 66 68 70
    72 74 76 78 80
    82 84 86 88 90
    92 94 96 98 100

    List of Odd numbers up to 100

    A list of Odd numbers is given below:

    Odd Numbers 1-50 Odd Numbers 51-100
    1 51
    3 53
    5 55
    7 57
    9 59
    11 61
    13 63
    15 65
    17 67
    19 69
    21 71
    23 73
    25 75
    27 77
    29 79
    31 81
    33 83
    35 85
    37 87
    39 89
    41 91
    43 93
    45 95
    47 97
    49 99

    Tips on Even and Odd Numbers

    • If the list of alternate numbers starts from 1 it is an Odd number. For example 1 3 5 7 and so on.
    • In the same way, if the list of alternate numbers starts from 2, it is an even number. For example 2 4 6 8 and so on.
    • Non-integer numbers are not even Even, in the same way, non-integer numbers are not Odd also. For example, 0.76, and ¼ are neither Even Numbers nor Odd Numbers.

    Even and Odd Numbers on a Number Line

    If you start from 0 on a Number line, taking a jump of 2 you will land on an Even number such as 2, 4, 6, 8 and so on. These numbers are Even numbers. And the rest will be odd numbers.

    Even and Odd Numbers on a Number Line

    Facts about Even and Odd Numbers

    • 0 is an Even number.
    • 1 is positively an Odd number.
    • The sum of two or more than two even numbers is always an Even Number.
    • The product of two or more even numbers is always an Even Number.
    • An Odd number is an integer. It is not a multiple of 2.

    Even and Odd Numbers FAQs

    Is zero an even or odd number?

    Zero is an even number.

    Is 36 an even number?

    36 is an even number.

    Is 25 an even number?

    25 is not an even number. It is an odd number.

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