MathsGraphs of Trignometric Functions

Graphs of Trignometric Functions

Explain in Detail :Graph of Sine (sin) Function

A graph of the sine function is a smooth, sinusoidal curve. It has a U-shaped curve that starts at the origin (0,0) and rises to a peak before dropping back to the origin. The curve repeats itself over and over again as it extends to positive and negative infinity.

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    Graph of Cosine (cos) Function

    The graph of the cosine function is a smooth curve that peaks in the middle and falls off on either side.

    Few Similarities Between Sin and Cos Graph

    There are a few key similarities between the sin and cos graphs. First, both graphs have a maximum and minimum value. Second, the maximum and minimum values for both graphs occur at the same points. Finally, the graphs both have a gradual decrease in value as you move away from the maximum or minimum value.

    Graph of the Tangent (tan) Function

    The tangent function is a real-valued function that is defined for all real numbers. The graph of the tangent function is a line that intersects the x-axis at the point where the tangent is equal to zero.

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