MathsLinear Graph

Linear Graph

Explain in Detail :Linear Graph Equation

A linear graph equation is an equation in which the independent variable is linear. This means that the equation can be written in the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope of the line and b is the y-intercept.

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    Linear Graph

    Line Graph Definition

    What is linear? Linear means a straight line. And what is a graph? A graph is a pictorial representation of our data in an organized manner. So we can say that a graph when plotted gives a single straight line then it is said to be a linear graph.

    Linear relationships are used in our day to day life. These relationships can be expressed in many different ways. Linear graphs, when graphed they give a straight line. Linear graphs can be sketched or plotted on graph paper.

    Line Graph Meaning

    When a set of data varies with time, we usually use a line graph to represent them. In a line graph, the data are usually plotted against time and each pair of adjacent data points is joined by a straight line segment. The main advantage of using a line graph to represent data is that we can observe the trend of the movement of data. Hence, we may use a line graph to forecast certain future data values.

    Now it is clear that what is linear, we can define it as,

    Sometimes, the graph is a single straight line. Such a graph is called a linear graph.

    To draw a linear graph, we need to locate some points on the graph paper. Join these points. If the line joining these points is a straight line, then it is a linear graph.

    Linear Graph Equation

    A linear equation or an equation of a straight line.

    General Form

    • ax + by + c = 0, where a, b, c are constants.

    Slope Intercept Form

    • y = mx + b, where m is the gradient or the slope and b is the y-intercept.

    Point Slope Form

    • y – y1 = m (x – x1), where m is the gradient or slope and x1 and y1 are coordinates of a given point.

    Linear Diagram

    A linear diagram can represented as follows:

    How to graph a linear equation?

    We can plot a graph by three methods they are:

    Plot Points

    1. Take any value for x.
    2. Substitute the value of x in the equation to find the value of y.
    3. Plot the x and y values on the graph.
    4. To plot another point repeat step 1.
    5. Join the two points and we get the straight line.

    X and Y-Intercepts

    1. Set y=0 to find the x-intercept and solve for x.
    2. Set x=0 to find the y-intercept and solve for y.
    3. Now plot the x-intercept and the y-intercept on the graph.
    4. Join the two points and we get a straight line.


    1. Plot the point after you find the y-intercept.
    2. Use the slope and find the another point and plot it using the y-intercept.
    3. Join the two points and we get a straight line.

    Solved Examples

    Example 1: Observe the graph given and write it in slope-intercept form i.e y = mx + b.



    The slope is 1

    The y intercept is -1

    Substitute this into y=mx+b

    we get y = x – 1

    So the equation is y = x -1

    Example 2: Find the equation of the straight line that has slope m = 2 and passes through the point (–1, –4).

    Solution: By the slope-intercept form we have;




    we have;

    y = -4 and x = -1

    Substitute the values in the above equation, we get

    -4 = 2(-1) + c

    -4 = -2 + c

    c = -4 – 2 = -6

    Hence, the required equation will be;

    y = 2x – 6


    Also Check For:

    Applications of Linear Graph – Real Life Applications and Solved Examples

    Graphing of Linear Equations in Two Variables

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