MathsNegative Numbers – History, Real-Life Examples and Applications

Negative Numbers – History, Real-Life Examples and Applications

Explain in Detail :A General Idea about What Negative Numbers are

Negative numbers are numbers that are less than zero. They are used to represent quantities that are negative, or less than zero. For example, if you have a debt of $500, your negative number would be -500.

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    Historical Background of How Negative numbers Arise

    Negative numbers arise from mathematical operations involving subtraction. For example, if we have the numbers 5 and 2, and we want to find the difference between them, we would subtract 5 from 2, which would give us a result of 3. If we then wanted to find the negative of 3, we would simply flip the 3 around, so that it became -3. This is how negative numbers are created – by taking the result of a subtraction and making it into a negative number.

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