MathsSets, Subset, and Superset

Sets, Subset, and Superset

What is a Subset?

A subset is a group of elements that are all contained within a larger set. The subset is also known as a part of the larger set. The elements in a subset must all have a common characteristic that is found in the larger set.

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    Basics of Sets and Subsets

    A set is a collection of objects. The objects in a set are called its members.

    The cardinality of a set is the number of members in the set.

    A subset is a set that is a member of another set.

    The intersection of two sets is the set of objects that are members of both sets.

    The union of two sets is the set of objects that are members of either set.

    The difference of two sets is the set of objects that are members of the first set but not the second set.

    What is a Superset?

    A superset is a set that is a member of another set. In other words, a superset is a set that contains another set as a member.

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