MathsThree Dimensional Shapes, 3D Shapes and Properties, Solved Examples And FAQs

Three Dimensional Shapes, 3D Shapes and Properties, Solved Examples And FAQs

Three Dimensional Shapes

A three-dimensional shape is a shape that has height, width, and depth. It is possible to see three-dimensional shapes in the world around us. Some examples of three-dimensional shapes are cubes, spheres, and cones.

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    3D Shapes and their Properties

    There are three types of 3D shapes:

    solids, which have a definite volume and shape;

    pipes or tubes, which have a definite shape but no volume;

    surfaces, which have no definite shape or volume.

    There are six properties of 3D shapes:

    1. Volume: The volume of a 3D shape is the amount of space inside it.

    2. Surface area: The surface area of a 3D shape is the amount of space on its surface.

    3. Length: The length of a 3D shape is the distance from one end to the other.

    4. Width: The width of a 3D shape is the distance from one side to the other.

    5. Height: The height of a 3D shape is the distance from the bottom to the top.

    6. Shape: The shape of a 3D shape is its outline or silhouette.

    More Examples of three Dimensional Shapes

    There are many three dimensional shapes. Some examples are cubes, spheres, and cones. A cube is a six-sided figure with square sides. A sphere is a round figure with no corners or edges. A cone is a figure with a pointy top and round base.

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