EnglishEssayEssay on Bribe/Bribery in English for Children and Students

Essay on Bribe/Bribery in English for Children and Students

The term “Bribe” is used for any amount of money or other valuables given to a person in exchange of an undue favor. It is given to obtain favors from the receiver, which he wouldn’t give in otherwise normal circumstances. Bribe may be in the form of money, goods, property rights, shares, emoluments or other pleasures. The exchange of bribe leads to corruption and obstructs the economical growth of a nation.

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    Long and Short Essay on Bribe in English

    Below we have provided both long and short essay on bribe/Bribery.

    After going through the essays you will be able to define bribery, how is bribery related to corruption, effects of bribery, what are the laws to eliminate bribery, along with types of bribery and methods to be adapted to eliminate it.

    You can choose any Bribe/Bribery essay from those provided below, to help you in school, college essay writing or other competitions.

    Short Essay on Bribe is a Crime – Essay 1 (200 words)

    If money is offered to someone in order to obtain favors, which he/she wouldn’t oblige under normal circumstances, is a bribe. In broader prospective, a bribe couldn’t necessarily be in the form of money, but exchange of other valuables like jewels, property etc also come under the definition of bribe.

    To state few examples – If a contractor pays money to a government official to gain award of a contract, it is bribe. Exchange of bribe doesn’t always indicate collusion among two parties, but the receiver might also demand bribe to just perform his otherwise routine work, under reasonably fair circumstances. Nevertheless, a bribe is a bribe and the act of exchanging bribe is called bribery.

    Bribery leads to rampant corruption and loss of faith of people in the government agencies and judicial system. Apart from that it results in poverty, illiteracy and loss of resources. It is a hindrance to the economical growth of a nation.

    There is a need to increase transparency in the functioning of government agencies and a strict scrutiny of the administrative and financial decisions of a government official must be taken into account. Also, declaring assets should be made mandatory for every government employee and public servant.

    Essay on Bribery and Corruption – Essay 2 (300 Words)


    Bribe is defined as a sum of money or other valuables offered to a person in order to persuade him/her to act in one’s favor. The bribe offered could be in the form of money or other valuables and the favor thus obtained could range from an illegal contract, issue of licenses, escaping conviction to obtaining undue favors in promotion and postings.

    How Bribe is Related to Corruption

    The practice of bribery breeds corruption. In other words, corruption is the most immediate consequence of bribery. Both are also inseparable and one’s presence indicates another’s as well. Giving bribe or accepting it, is an integral part of corruption. Where there is corruption, there has to be exchange of bribe and vice versa.

    Bribery is an agreement between two parties mutually agreeing to collude in illegal practices. Such collusion is bound to negatively affect the nation’s economy. Bribery leads to corruption and corruption becomes a habit, an everyday affair for the government as well as for the people. It becomes a general perception of people that for getting any work done, they have to pay to the public servants.

    The public servants, on the other hand become vocal in demanding favors, thus resulting in rampant corruption. This vicious cycle of bribery and corruption continues obstructing nation’s growth, unless the laws banning bribery are strictly implemented at all the levels of administration.


    Corruption and bribery are inseparable and one is the reflection of other. If the instances of bribery are controlled, corruption will automatically get eliminated. Government and other relevant agencies, should improve vigilance in bribery related cases and fast prosecution. Also, general public should be discouraged from offering bribe to any of the public representative in any circumstances. People should be informed about the effects of bribery and that corruption could be a real setback to the nation’s growth and development.

    Essay on Bribe (Its Impacts and Laws) – Essay 3 (400 Words)


    Bribe is the gratification given to a public officer or representative, in order to influence his/her decision and making it favorable for the bribe giver or his/her accomplices. The gratification may be in the form of money, jewels, property or other valuables.

    Impacts of Bribery

    The act of bribery is the main cause behind the rampart corruption and poor state of public amenities in a developing nation as India. It has long lasting degrading effects on the nation’s economy and overall growth. Bribery implies corruption, hence leading to loss of the nation’s money and valuable resources, pushing it back on development and obstructing its economical growth.

    Moreover, uncontrolled corruption in public sector discourages small businesses to come up, ultimately resulting in a stalled economy. Payments paid to the government officials for licensing and other paper works, discourage small businesses from flourishing, ultimately resulting in low employment opportunities.

    It also results in poverty and unemployment. Due to rampant corruption in public sector, it has become difficult for the government of India to eradicate poverty. The welfare scheme for the poor cannot be implemented effectively and the money assigned doesn’t reach the beneficiaries.

    Laws to Eliminate Bribery

    The Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 is an act passed by the government of India, criminalizing the receipt of any kind of gratification by any public servant and also providing such gratification by any member of public. The act also targets the middle men who act as liaison between the two parties.

    The penalties include imprisonment ranging from six months to ten years and a fine depending upon the amount of bribe exchanged. The stricter actions might include the confiscation and sale of the property of the accused.

    Under the PCA, even an agreement between two parties for exchange of bribe is a criminal offence and enough to attract prosecution, even if no exchange of bribe took place.

    Also, the government officials in India are bound to conduct themselves in accordance to the service rules. These rules prohibit the officials from receiving gifts and other pleasures from persons other than near relatives or friends, with no business intentions.


    The practice of bribery is a potential hindrance to India’s economic growth. It makes the system unstable and promotes corruption, resulting in other serious consequences like – poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, poor public amenities, poor infrastructure etc. It is therefore imperative for India to have a strong monitoring of bribery cases and enforcement of laws prohibiting such illegal practices.

    Essay on Say No to Bribery – Essay 4 (500 Words)


    Bribe is the money or other monetary benefit offered to a person, in order to influence his/her decision in favor of the giver. Money, jewelry, property or other valuables, resulting in an inappropriate collection of wealth by the receiver, constitutes bribe. It is also the seed of corruption which poses a threat to the country’s development.

    Bribe – A Crime

    Under the Indian law, it is illegal not only to accept bribe, but also to pay bribe in exchange of a favor. It is a criminal offence committed by both the receiver and giver of the bribe. Bribe is an illegal payment given to a party asking for undue favor in return.

    The Indian Penal Code (IPC) defines bribery in section 171B as –

    • Giving gratifications to a person, in order to reward him/her, for exercising rights in favor of the giver.
    • Accepting gratifications for himself/herself or on behalf of someone else, in an attempt to persuade him to make a favorable decision.

    Bribery in India is a punishable offence. Punishment includes fine, imprisonment or both depending on the nature and amount of bribe exchanged. Even someone, who attempts to bribe a government official, could be punished with imprisonment for a term of three years which might also include fine.

    Say No to Bribery

    The only immediate solution to eliminate the practice of bribe is to neither demand nor give it under any circumstances. Today, India is a fast developing nation, with one of the world’s fastest growing economy. But, there is also dark side of the story, i.e. corruption. Corruption is present at all the levels of administration. Not only government employees, but also officials of private organizations and banks are often seen involved in corrupt practices.

    The common Indian conception that one has to bribe a government employee/official to get the job done, only promotes such illegal practices. How often you have escaped a legal action even after flouting traffic rules, by simply paying money to the traffic police official. How often you have bribed the train ticket examiner (TTE) to remain aboard a train or in the class otherwise not permissible. The main problem lies in our acceptance of considering bribe as a business as usual.

    By bribing the officials and discouraging them from following their duty, we are only partnering in the crime. As long as we concede to the illegal demands of such officials, it will be impossible to eliminate corruption from India. For that we need to make a stern resolve to say no to bribery. A resolve to neither demand nor give bribe, whatever the matter may be. Things will begin to change only when we say no to bribery.


    Today, India is one of the world’s fastest growing economies. There is development all around us; new roads are being constructed every day, new buildings are coming up, welfare schemes and projects of public interest are being announced. In such stage of development, bribery is a hindrance to the nation’s development and economical growth. Strict laws and vigilance must be in place to check any act of bribery; also general public must be made aware of the ill effects of bribery practices and must be persuaded to say no to any illegitimate demands by any public official.

    Essay on Meaning, Types, Causes, Effects and Solutions of Bribery – Essay 5 (600 Words)


    “Bribery” is an act of giving or receiving money or anything valuable, in exchange of a favor in return. Bribery is most commonly defined as offering money to a government official or any other person on public duty to influence his/her decisions to favor the bribe giver. The bribe thus offered could be in the form of cash, jewels, property etc.

    Types of Bribery

    The act of bribery is not limited to the exchange of cash only; rather, it has many constituents like – gifts, property, perks, waivers, sweetheart deals, kickbacks etc. However, bribery could be broadly classified into following five types as defined below-

    1) Kickback

    Kickback or Payback is offering money or other valuables in order to get a favorable decision from the receiver. It is usually a kind of mutual agreement between the two parties to cooperate in illegal activities.

    2) Bribing of Government Official

    Any government official must function within the parameters of law, and make necessary decisions without unduly favoring any individual or agency. Nevertheless, some individuals offer bribe to government officials or employees, in order to get a favor or to waive off a legal action.

    3) Bribery of Witnesses

    This type of bribery constitutes the bribe accepted by a judicial witness in order to give an altered or favorable testimony with the objective of influencing the decision of judicial body in favor of the provider of bribe.

    4) Bribery of Bank Officials

    This type of bribery constitutes, bribing a bank official in order to obtain undue favors in form of loan or waiver, which would not be possible in otherwise normal circumstances.

    5) Sporting Bribe

    This type of bribery is related to sporting events. It constitutes bribing the sports officials, referees or sports men to influence the outcome of a sporting event. Any sports official unduly favoring a candidate over others in exchange of money also falls under this category.

    Causes of Bribery

    The most significant factors responsible for bribery are – non transparency and unaccountability in the functioning of government and other relevant agencies. A non-transparent decision taken by a government official provides a loophole allowing him/her to convene with other party for a mutually agreeable exchange of benefits, which could go undetected. This leads to rampant corruption, which is only fuelled by unaccountability of government employees as well as low general awareness of public or illiteracy.

    Effects of Bribery

    The practice of bribery has wide range of impacts on the people and the society. Firstly, it reduces the trust of common people in government machinery. Moreover, it makes the economy unstable, increases corruption, resulting in poor public amenities, poverty and illiteracy.

    In a developing nation as India, bribery is a big pull back on economy. The practice of accepting/giving bribe could hamper the growth of public welfare schemes and the quality of work. Government officials may collude with the contractors or other relevant agencies, in order to provide monetary benefits, ultimately compromising the quality of work.

    Bribery could also influence the voter, to vote for an inappropriate electoral candidate, to whom he/she wouldn’t have voted for, under normal circumstances. This ultimately results in a corrupt public representative and an unstable government.

    Solutions to Bribery

    Some of the significant solutions to eliminate the practice of bribery are provided below-

    1) Public Awareness

    General public plays a significant role in promoting the practice of bribery, by being a party or else by just being silent witnesses. Someone could accept bribe only when we are ready to give. People bribe the police official to not get fined for violations, bribing the train ticket examiner while travelling without ticket; all such acts promote bribery and must be rejected by the common person.

    2) Strict Laws

    Strict laws must be formed in order to eliminate bribery practices. Both the givers and receiver should be equivalently punished, to set an example for others and deter them from following similar practices.

    3) Better Vigilance

    Agencies responsible for looking over the charges of bribery, must keep a strong vigil on the accused parties. Such agencies need to work in coordination with agencies like banks and land records department in order to know any large money or property transactions.


    Bribery is a practice which is harmful for the economic as well as social growth of India. It has the potential to send the nation decades back on path of progress. There is a need to raise public awareness about the ill effects of bribery and persuade them for reporting such illegal transaction.

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