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A teacher is a person who helps the students to acquire knowledge and develop their mind so that they gain wisdom to fight against the evils of the society and survive successfully and make the nation develop and feel proud of them. Our teachers have huge contribution in making us what we are today and also what we aspire to be tomorrow.
Every individual in this world had been a student sometime and as a student, he/she had been highly influenced by some great teachers whom she/he can never forget. Teachers are very important in everyone’s life. 5th September is celebrated as Teacher’s Day every year in India. So let’s discuss some useful and valuable things about Teachers through the passages provided below.
Long and Short Paragraphs on Teacher in English
We have prepared few paragraphs on ‘Teachers’ with different word limits to fulfil your wide range of requirements.
These Teacher paragraphs will help you in getting what an ideal Teacher is, how s/he serves his/her Nation and some other important information on the topic ‘Teacher’.
These paragraph on teacher will also help you with some ideas to prepare speech, essay, article or any other project on Teacher.
All the paragraphs are created in easy and simple language to make it suitable for Younger generation also.
Paragraph on Teacher 100 Words
A teacher has a major contribution in making the future of a child. From play group to graduation, I have changed many Schools and Colleges and thus it is obvious that I have encountered with different types of teachers. Some of them were very friendly and some were very strict, some only scolded us on our mistakes whereas some punished us severely.
Apart from all the differences, there was something common in all of them. They all wanted to make us progress every time and be successful in our life. After our parents, only Teachers are those who want to see us successful.
Paragraph on Teacher 150 Words
I studied Class 5th from Queens Collage Varanasi. Mr. Anoop Srivastava used to teach us Hindi there. He had deep knowledge in his subjects so he was our best and favourite teacher. He solved our every doubt regarding the subject very efficiently. Also, some students had such doubts in Hindi which were beyond our syllabus but he never scolded us for those questions and also cleared our doubts on them.
One of the main reasons why he was our favourite teacher is that he had allowed us to ask any question regarding the subject even after the classes are over and that is why I got interest in learning Hindi because of him. We were very sad when he was leaving our School. I used to meet him even after that because he had influenced me the most. I think he had all those good qualities that a teacher should have.
Also Check: Essay on My Favorite Teacher
Paragraph on Teacher 200 Words
We all went to School some day or still going and we surely know the importance of School in our life. School is the place where we started developing our wisdom and knowledge but can you imagine a School without Teachers? Of course No, this perhaps would be your answer.
A teacher provides us knowledge and also he strengthens us to compete in the fast moving world. We all know that a teacher teaches us some particular subjects but actually it is not enough. More than that, the teacher also motivates us to do our best and become successful in achieving what we had ever dreamt.
Unlike others, a teacher is the only person who recognizes the best in a child. He/She knows what the child is capable of and what his/her desires are and helps him/her to achieve the goal. A teacher, after parents, is the only person who becomes happier than you on your success.
S/He leads like a lamp in the darkness of the evils of the world. It is the teacher who can provide good citizens to the nation and help in developing the country. The first teachers in your life were your parents if you remember and this is why teachers must be treated as a family member.
Paragraph on Teacher 250 Words
You might have been taught by many Teachers in your life but I am sure that there has to be at least one teacher who has influenced you the most. It is a good thing to be inspired by a teacher in your life and try to be like him. I also had a very helpful teacher in my life when I was in class 4th. His name was Mr. Vinay Singh and he used to teach us English. I think he is the best teacher I have ever met.
He was one of those for whom teaching was not just a profession but also a passion. He never took an unnecessary holiday even frequently used to take classes for more than the assigned. The most interesting thing is that we also loved to learn in his class. His teaching was a fun and he made learning English quite easier for us.
He had many qualities that can put him in the category of an ideal Teacher. English had been one of my favourite subjects but it was tough for me to learn it without a proper guidance. It was Vinay Sir who helped me a lot in learning my favourite subject.
Not only I but also every student was benefited by him. He used to help everyone regarding the subject no matter what he was doing right then. Every student in my class wanted to attend his period and the day when he left the School was a very sad day for us.
Paragraph on Teacher for Class 5 (300 Words)
It is said that a teacher is our 2nd parent. He/She is the only one who takes care of us when we are in the School, he worries about our future and works towards making us quite successful. The relation between and Teacher and a student is much more than professional. S/He teaches us considering we are his/her own children. S/He assumes that our success is his/her success and our failure is his/her failure.
Teachers in Earlier Era: In earlier era, the teachers were called Guru. Unlike today, they used to have huts where the students spent few years of their life reading Vedas and earning knowledge, learning new arts and skills and spreading sense of co-operation among others.
In that time, only Prince and few rich people had the privilege of learning. Besides learning, students also did farming and gardening around their habitation. They depended on alms for their living. Learning in those era wasn’t as easy as it is now.
Teachers in Modern Era: The modern day teachers are very different from those in Vedic era. Now the role of Teachers has completely changed. Besides teaching students, they also help them in learning other curriculum activities which benefit them in the future. The teachers also help their students in choosing the right career according to their capacity.
There are some Kindergarten teachers in our Schools who work on developing the young minds and preparing them with basic skills to live. Also some teachers regularly contacts with the parents of the weak students to help them to grow their child mentally so that he/she can compete in the world.
So we see that the role of a teacher has gone through evolution. Many functions have changed but one thing that has still not changed that is the ‘motive of the growth of his student’. It has been and will remain their primary goal forever.
Paragraph on Teacher for Class 6 (350 Words)
Knowledge is equally important in everyone’s life because it plays a very important role in one’s life when s/he gets stuck in some problems. A quality education is impossible without a good teacher. Teachers are not only important for the students but also for the Society. The presence of teachers in any function, programme or social events adds some moral values to the time.
Our Parents are our first teacher as they have taught us to speak, walk and to respect others. In the same way we can also say that our teachers are not less than our parents who observe our activities, tell us our mistakes and motivate us to do our best.
Importance of a Teacher: It is impossible to describe the value of teachers in few lines. A teacher provides good citizens which help developing their country. If a man/woman is successful in his/her life then it is because of the efforts of his/her teachers. Teacher is like God in our life and also we must treat them like that. A teacher is not only a person with certain duties that he/she has to perform but he/she is an inspiration to the whole world.
Apart from all the other things, the happiness of a teacher lies in the success of the students. The students remain completely depend on the teachers for proper guidance and education. The teacher helps us in becoming good citizens and by this we become able to serve our nation.
Qualities of an Ideal Teacher: We don’t need to describe the quality of an ideal teacher as it is represented by many teachers from time to time. An ideal teacher is the one who completes the definition of a teacher. He/She is full of many good qualities and always works towards the betterment of the students of the nation.
A good teacher understands the value of time and thus never postpones his/her responsibilities. They perform their duties systematically. They are the source of politeness and helpfulness. Instead of discrimination, they treat every student equally.
Teachers are the need of the society and the have the power to change the history of the nation. They are highly respectful and we must never forget their importance in our life.
Paragraph on Teacher for Class 7 (400 Words)
A teacher is the creator of the future of a generation. S/He is the person who plays the lead role in shaping the career and the future of a child by developing his/her mind and filling it with the great knowledge of the world. A teacher makes a child understand what is right and what is wrong that is why he is also called the 2nd parent. It is a teacher who leads you to the path of success and glory by minimizing your faults and showing you the right path.
Qualities of a Teacher: A teacher can be a good teacher only when he possesses certain qualities that can make him/her an ideal teacher. The most basic quality that a modern teacher should have is to have a good command over his/her teaching subject. This is how s/he will be able to solve every single doubt of his pupils.
What comes next in the list is a good teaching manner. It is very important to be an effective teacher. Besides a good knowledge, one can’t be a good teacher if s/he does not have teaching manner. It comes from experience.
A good teacher should always have love for his/her students without any discrimination but it does not mean that s/he should be emotional. A teacher should never be emotional because it is an obstacle to be an ideal. The teacher should never be confused and must have the ability to express his/her thoughts.
Relation between a Teacher and a Student: A teacher and a student both are incomplete without each other. The teacher should have the highest regard for a student after his/her parents. Also the teacher should be impartial to all his/her students and always work for their growth. A good relation between a teacher and a student can only be made by providing a good educational environment.
As said that the student must always respect his/her teachers, in the same way the teachers should also respect the student and his/her opinions. The love and care for student should be according to the time, for example the love for a child of play group is much different from than the love for a child of higher classes.
A student is nothing without a good teacher so we should always respect our teachers and obey them. They just want our well being and in return of that we must give them huge respect. Love and respect your teachers.

Frequently Asked Questions on Paragraph on Teacher
What defines you as a teacher?
A teacher is defined by their dedication to imparting knowledge, shaping minds, and guiding students towards success.
What is the role of the teacher?
The role of a teacher is to educate, inspire, and mentor students, fostering their intellectual and personal growth.
What is a teachers best line?
A teacher ignites the fire that fuels a students thirst for knowledge, curiosity, and wisdom.
What is special about teachers?
Teachers have the unique ability to influence future generations, instill values, and foster lifelong learning.
How do you write a paragraph about a teacher?
A teacher is a beacon of knowledge and wisdom, guiding students on their educational journey. They inspire, motivate, and nurture young minds, playing a pivotal role in shaping their futures.
What is the full meaning of a teacher?
A teacher is an individual who imparts knowledge, values, and skills to students, facilitating their overall development.
What makes a good teacher?
A good teacher possesses patience, knowledge, empathy, and the ability to inspire and connect with students.
Who is a good teacher quotes?
A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. - Brad Henry