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Educating a girl child in India is very necessary to remove various social issues against girls in the Indian society. Girls are treated as load and taker of money by the parents especially in the rural areas. Boys are given much value by the parents in India as they are understood as earner of the money and support of parents in future.
However, as we live in the 21st century and know well the value of both, boys and girls; both are equally responsible for the development and bright future of the country. So, it is an urgent need to save and educate a girl child in India if we really want to be the citizen of a developed country.
Educate Girl Child Slogan in English
We have provided below some unique and catchy Slogans on Educate Girl Child in English. These Education Slogans are written with rhyming words, to generate maximum impact.
The slogans will inspire the audiences to spread awareness about educating a girl child and the fortune that it could bring to the family, society and the nation as well.
These Slogans on Educate Girl Child will also motivate the marginalized sections of society to educate the girls for a better future.
There are several occasions when you can use these slogans – National Education Day, International Literacy Day, during campaigning for girl’s right to education and equality or any other local event.
Unique and Catchy Slogans on Educate Girl Child
Educate a girl child; she will be nation’s pride.
If you want the success of the nation, then she must be given education.
She will be an inspiration, but first provide her education.
Girl’s basic need is education, it must not be provided with discrimination.
Educate your girl child, and let her be nation’s pride.
If you educate her today, she will educate the society every day.
A girl is a gift of nature; educate her for bright future.
Educate every girl; they will emerge out to be a pearl.
Do not let her be a slave of coward, let her educate and be empowered.
Educated girl is like a boon, she brings society’s fortune.
Focus on education and develop the nation.
Girls education is a way to developed nation.
Books are tools of success and develop the nation.
Educate the girls and empower the nation.
Educating girls can give many powerful leaders to the country.
Educating girls in present will give sweet fruit in future.
In India! No girl child should be left behind!
Every girl has rights to learn! Educate girls.
Don’t waste time, just start educating girls!
Educate a girl child and brightens the future of country.
Good education is the base of developed nation.
Educate a girl child and give her way to be independent.
Know the way to success from good education.
Let a girl child be empowered with proper education.
Let every girl child educate to kill the demon of gender discrimination in the society.
Let gender inequality go away from the society through girls education.
Let the country be powerful through the weapon of good education.
Education is a weapon which can change the world.
Girls are the base of life, educate them and empower them!
Girls are future, let them grow and educate.
Never make a girl devoid of education, and lack of birth rights.
Education is really important to all, especially for girl child.
Educate a girl child to promote the weak section of the society.
Expand the education criteria for girls and let their brain grow.
Education is the only utility which can empower girls.
Each one teach one is the best strategy to enhance the status of girl child.
Education is the only key to empower girls.
Proper education can show a brighter path to the girls to go ahead.
Send your girl child school today and let her prepare for bright future of country tomorrow.
The future of country will be bright when we educate our boys and girls equally without discrimination.
The way we differentiate our girls from boys is the way of forcing half population of the country backward.
The reason of empowering girls even in 21st century is the existence of gender discrimination.
Why we need to empower girls as we follow gender discrimination.
Gender inequality is badly rooted in our society which forces girls to face several crimes from birth.
Girls education is necessary to remove the social demon of gender discrimination.
Girls education is key to lock the demon of gender inequality in the Indian society.
Educating girls will help in removing gender discrimination; and removal of gender discrimination will help in developing the country.
Empowering girls will empower the country and can double its present power in the future.
Girls empowerment is the key to developed country.
Educating and empowering the girls can double the power of India.
Educate a girl child and remove all the crimes against her!
Let a girl child educate and grow in a happy family environment.
Educating and empowering a girl child is the best mantra of success for India.
Failing to educate a girl child is failing to succeed, whether it is family, society or country.
The status of female in any country shows its real power all over the world.
Don’t understand a girl child a taker of money; she is always a giver in the form of daughter, sister, wife, mother, etc.
Let a girl child breathe, educate and empower in her own family and country.
A girl child has all the rights as like as a boy; let her educate and be happy.
Never behave badly with a girl child; she is a base of life, so let your life go smooth.
Give a girl child all the rights as like as a boy; educate her and empower her.
Proper education is birth rights of all the girls.
Parents, who do not give full rights to their girl child, don’t have hand in the success of India.
A girl child understand herself more responsible what she has been educated for than a boy child.
Educate a girl child if we really want to see our country the most developed country of the world.
Educate a girl child; she can be a best leader of the country.
Invest in girl’s education; they are worth more than diamond and platinum.
If boys are hero then girls are heroine; don’t underestimate a girl child, educate her and empower her for better future!!!
We have no idea! How much high an educated girl can fly. Let educate a girl child.
A drop of tear in the eye of a girl child is enough to destroy us! Let her educate and be happy.
If you want a good mother, sister and wife, then start educating a girl child.
If you want good citizens in the country in future, start educating all the girl child.
Educate a girl child as she is butterfly and can spread aromatic fragrance in the life.
Girl child is a source of joy however we are focusing only on the boy! Is this right? Let’s both educate and grow equally.
Never understand a girl as a load and weakness, let her be your power. Educate her!
A girl is a complete entity; save her and educate her by stopping all the exploitation.
Girls are great and spirit of the nation! Let them grow through proper education.
End of girls indicates end of life! If you want your life, start saving and educating girls.
Educating a girl in present can be a miracle in future.
A girl is source of happy life, why we restrict her from education.
Think out of the box and imagine what will happen if we educate each and every girl child.
You want everything for your boy only, but why you don’t think that a boy has taken birth from a girl. Save a girl and educate a girl!
Save and educate a girl child to make future bright.
A girl has to play many roles in her life; let her educate to perform in better way.
Let a girl be your power and not the weakness. Educate her!
You are making a person rich by educating a boy, however; you are making a family rich by educating a girl.