EnglishSpeechSpeech on Internet in English for Students

Speech on Internet in English for Students

The topic internet is a very sought after topic to write on, especially when it is to be addressed in relation with the students or the today’s globalizing world. The need of internet arises everywhere – whether it’s an organization, education institute, research centre or any household for that matter. Moreover, teachers often ask their students to write an effective speech on internet citing its advantages and disadvantages and its impact on a growing child. Therefore, in order to cater to the needs of children or adults, if they need to deliver one, we have covered this topic too. In our section, you would find both short speech on internet as well as long speech on internet that are comprehensive and can help serve your purpose. We can confidently say that our speeches are a good reference point for all the learners.

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    Long and Short Speech on Internet

    Speech on Internet – Sample 1

    Warm Greetings Ladies and Gentleman!

    As you know that today’s seminar is conducted to discuss various aspects of internet – the benefits and loss it entails. I, as the host of today’s seminar, welcome you all to this event and sincerely hope to make this seminar a fruitful one for everyone present here by our active participation. However, before we initiate the discuss round, I would like to deliver a brief speech on internet so as to warm up the session for my audience and in the hope to add up to your existing knowledge.

    The definition of internet is not same for everyone and entails different meanings for different people. It is mainly because of the fact that it offers a range of applications along with multitudinous opportunities for trade & commerce. In other words, internet is an acronym for the internetwork system, i.e. a network of computers.

    Did you know that it is in the year 1969 that the US Defence Department with the help of their Advanced Research Project Agency also called as ARPA developed a system of computer networks through the use of telephone lines and called it ARPANet, which means the seed of internet? The ARPANet enabled the officials to access various military personnel and academicians using their sites situated at multiple places.

    Then, with the gradual development in networking technology and the ease of access to a range of information on the ARPANet, the officials connected more and more computers to the source. This way a significant bare minimum mass for the internet was achieved. In the year 1990, ARPANet was brought to an end and the internet itself emerged as the most powerful and overwhelming force for communication to reckon with.

    Also, let me share with you a few more basic facts about internet. The architecture of internet consists of 3 basic layers, viz. Internet Backbone, Providers of Internet Service and lastly the end user. The Internet backbones are considered networks with a really high speed connected with each other and he providers of internet services are linked to any of the backbone having transfer lines with a high speed data. The end user more often reaches out to the internet service provider in order to access the internet.

    This goes without saying that internet has made everything so easy for us and we can do various things at the same time while being at one place, i.e. right from paying bills to buying merchandizes to finding jobs, etc. It surely saves our lot of time and efforts and enables us to direct our energy in some other work.

    Having said that, I would also like to mention that whereas on one hand internet has various advantages to offer, it on the other hand has a major loophole too, i.e. it impacts our health quite a lot. As one continues to work on it every day and there is hardly any physical activity – your body starts breeding diseases thereby affecting your quality of life.

    I hope my speech will help you in strengthening your view points and widening your perspectives. Now, you as an audience are requested to put forth your opinion and initiate the discussion phase.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Internet –Sample 2

    Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, My Fellow Colleagues and Dear Students – Good Morning all!

    As morning assembly has come to a close, our managing committee has decided to select a topic every alternate day and deliver a speech on the same so that our students can become socially more aware and sound. So today the speech topic that has been chosen is Internet and I, your sociology teacher, is going to deliver a speech on the same. Hope you will find it useful and enlightening and you can even question or express your opinion too unhesitatingly in the end.

    To begin with, I would like say that internet has evolved as a large-scale system of interconnected network of computers, which utilizes the usual Internet protocol suite (also called as TCP/IP even though not every application makes use of TCP) in order to serve the needs of billions of people globally. It is a wide web of network that comprises millions of public, private, business, academic as well as government networks starting from local to a global platform being connected with a wide array of wireless, electronic and optical networking technologies. No doubt, on internet you can search for an extensive array of information resources as well as services, like the inter-connected hypertext pages on the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to maintain email accounts.

    As internet has become relatively economical and is of course fast – it is providing significant benefits to the organizations and the students across the world as having an internet connection is quite easy these days. The two most important uses of internet are information and communication. Information can be modified or updated at any point in time and as much as possible, which opens up the scope of better learning and understanding for the masses.

    However, unfortunately the today’s generation especially our students have become so addicted to this technology that they are diverting from their educational goals. Whole day chatting with friends, internet surfing, browsing occupies their time and in the end they hardly have any time left for their studies. Even worst, this habit makes them irregular with their studies and they lose their capacity to lead an organized life, due to which the falling grades of those students can be observed. After conducting the research and study about the way students consume internet data and use social networking sites, the experts have opined that the results are certainly not favorable.

    Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc have become the major roadblocks in the way of students’ educational goals. One of the serious drawbacks of this technology is that there is no method to curb it once a student has come to a university level of studies. But schools can still play a major role in guiding the students and helping them realize their value of time and time management skills.

    On the flip side, the internet is vast reservoir of information and thus can be used by the students for completing their projects and assignments. On internet, one can certainly find all the possible information or knowledge known to humanity. So easily browse through the internet for the required information and study them whenever the need arises.

    Towards the end, I want to say that technology becomes a boon, if used rightfully or else destroy the humanity if used the other way. So make the best use of it and reap the fruits of its benefits.

    Now, children you can raise your hands and share your thoughts with us one by one.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Internet – Sample 3

    Good Morning Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Students!

    Today, this meeting has been organized in our institution for the discussion upon the different aspects of the internet and I, as a manager of this institution, want to say a few words on internet describing its various aspects because it becomes very important these days to learn about the internet. Internet is one of the biggest needs of our today’s lifestyle. The internet is a system of sets of computer networks that communicates using internet protocol (IP) and that use Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to identify the best path to route those communication.

    The origins of internet can be traced back to research commissioned by the United States federal government in the 1960s to build strong and fault-tolerant communication via computer networks. The beginning of the transition to the modern Internet and generated rapid growth as institutional, personal, and mobile computers were connected to the network from the early 1990s. By the late 2000s, the services of the internet had been blended into almost every part of our life. The traditional communication networks and media such as newspapers, paper mail, television etc are getting redefined and replaced by new technologies such as email, digital newspapers, online music, etc.

    Print publishing are getting converted into blogging, web feeds and online news aggregators through the adaptation of website technology. There are many new forms of personal interactions by instant messaging, internet forums and social networking websites. The trend of online shopping has grown significantly due to widened range and convenience. Business and financial services on the internet helps in spreading chains among the entire industries around the world.

    World-Wide-Web (WWW) is its biggest services. It is used by billions of people all around the world. The software of WWW (World Wide Web) such as Microsoft’s internet explorer/ edge, Mozilla fire fox, opera, apple’s safari and Google chrome provides users the facility to navigate from one web page to another via hyperlinks embedded in the documents. The WWW (World Wide Web) has decentralized the information on an enormous level.

    With many advantages, internet has some of its disadvantages also. The internet can be dangerous in some aspects. Sometimes, people use it to spread rumors or other people’s secrets or dangerously bad advice. Sometimes, other strange people can also read your information if it is send through the internet. For instance, Facebook has some problems with its privacy settings. A person can post anything on a website, but this could be a bad idea unless the person is very sure of what he is doing. There is a way to check for a secure website is to make sure that the URL starts with https:// instead of https://. This means that it is secured and other people cannot read the information while it is being sent. In the end it is in our hands whether to use internet in a positive manner or in a negative manner.

    At this end, I would like to conclude my speech and I hope that it will help you to understand the different aspects of the internet.

    Thank you and I wish you all a great day ahead!

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    Speech on Internet – Sample 4

    Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and My Dear Friends!

    I am Nandani of XII standard and I am here today in front of you to deliver a speech on Internet as this assembly is organized for the purpose of spreading awareness among young generation about internet. Internet has become an important part of our today’s life and especially for the young generation. The biggest world-wide communication network today is the internet. The internet is the global system of the set of computer networks that communicate using the internet protocol (IP).

    The internet was developed by the “United States Department of Defence Advance Research Projects Agency” (DARPA) which is in the United States. The first ever connection was known as the ARPANET and it was connected on October 1969. The most popular service of the internet is the World Wide Web (WWW) and it was created at CERN in Switzerland in 1990 by a British (UK) man named Tim Berners-Lee. The World Wide Web is the most used service on the internet and it is also known as the “Web”. It contains websites that includes blogs and wikis in it. Everybody can read these web pages and it can be seen by anyone on the internet unless it requires a password.

    The internet has no centralized government itself for the technological implementation or for the access and usage. Each and every authorized network has to set its own policy.

    In today’s world, internet is used for many purposes such as for sending electronic mails, online chat through many applications, to transfer file from one device to another and we can find infinite information on infinite topics. The most biggest and important use of internet is to send and receive e-mails. E-mail is secure and private and it goes from one user to another. Instant messaging applications or websites such as AIM or ICQ allows more than two people for chat to each other and it is much faster.

    Many governments around the world have a bad thinking for internet and thus, block all or a part of it. For instance, the government of the China thinks that Wikipedia is not good and thus many times in this country people cannot read or add something to it. Sometimes, parents block some parts of the internet which are not good for their children to see. Many devices or mostly devices contain a parental control system in it. Many countries have blocked the whole internet usage such as in North Korea and Myanmar.

    Some websites are designed to fool people for downloading device damaging viruses or may contain the system through which someone could spy. E-mail can also be dangerous as someone could send harmful viruses etc through an attachment. Many stalkers use internet chat rooms to prey on others. On the internet many websites contains some contents that are might be offensive for many users. Sometimes, on the internet, people got tricked by many fraud people to send them money or personal data.

    It just need awareness and a little knowledge to surf safely on internet and we should use it wisely.

    On this note, I would like to conclude my speech and hope that it will provide you a clear vision about internet.

    Thank you and have a nice day!

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    Speech on Internet FAQ’s

    What is the internet speech?

    Internet speech typically refers to the way people communicate and express themselves online through text, images, videos, and other digital media. It can include various forms of online content, such as articles, blog posts, social media updates, and more.

    How do you write a speech on the internet?

    To write a speech for the internet, you should start by selecting a topic that interests your audience and is relevant to online platforms. Organize your thoughts, use clear and concise language, and consider incorporating multimedia elements to engage your audience effectively. Make sure your speech is easily shareable and accessible on the web.

    What is the use of Internet speech in English?

    Internet speech in English serves various purposes, including information sharing, entertainment, education, marketing, and advocacy. It allows individuals and organizations to connect with a global audience, express opinions, and disseminate content in the English language.

    Why is the Internet a good topic to write on?

    The Internet is a popular topic for writing because it is a vast and ever-evolving platform that influences our daily lives. Writing about the Internet can help you explore its impact on society, technology, business, culture, and more, making it a versatile and engaging subject.

    Who invented the Internet?

    The Internet was not invented by a single individual; it evolved over time through the contributions of many innovators. However, key figures in its development include Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn, who developed the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Internet Protocol (IP), laying the foundation for the modern Internet.

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