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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History – Our Past Chapter 3 – From Gathering to Growing Food, solved by experienced teachers as per NCERT Book guidelines and CBSE syllabus, is available as a free PDF download on INFINITY All practice questions come with answers to help you review the entire curriculum and get better grades in your exams.
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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food PDF Download
This pdf includes history class 6 chapter 3 question answer from NCERT textbook
Class 6 History Chapter 3 From Gathering To Growing Food Questions Answers
Here are all NCERT class 6 history chapter 3 questions and answers from NCERT History textbook for Class 6
Class 6 History Chapter 3 From Gathering To Growing Food Textbook Questions and Answers
1. Complete the sentences:
- Hunter-gatherers chose to live in caves and rock shelters because ————————.
- Grasslands developed around Years ago. ————————
- they provided them protection from the rain, heat, and wind
- around 12,000 years ago
2. Why do people who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time?
People who grow crops have to stay in the same place for a long time so that they could protect their crops from animals and birds.
3. Why do archaeologists think that many people who lived in Mehrgarh were hunters to start with and that herding became more important later?
- Archaeologists think that many people who lived in Mehrgarh were hunters to start with and herding became an important occupation later because, at the earlier levels of the excavation, bones of wild animals such as deer and pig were found while at the later levels more bones of sheep, goats, and cattle were found.
- So, the archaeologists think that the people of Mehrgarh were hunters to start with and that herding became more important later.
4. Why did the hunter-gatherers travel from place to place? In what ways are these similar to / different from the reasons for which we travel today?
- Hunter-gatherers moved from place to place in search of food. Once food resources at a place were exhausted, they needed to go to a new place. They did not live a settled life.
- In these days, a civilized person moves or shifts from one place to another in search of a good livelihood. He lives a settled life.
- People move from one place to another due to the shortage of land, sources of energy, raw material.
- This is the only difference between a hunter-gatherer and a person of the present age.
5. List three ways in which hunter-gatherers used fi re (see page 16). Would you use fi re for any of these purposes today?
- Hunter-gatherers used fi re to cook the food.
- They used fi re to keep them warm.
- They used fi re as a source of light in their caves.
- They used fire forwarding off wild animals

Yes, we use fire even today for different purposes like-to cooking food and keeping us warm.
6. List three ways in which the lives of farmers and herders would have been different from that of hunter-gatherers.
- Farmers and herders would stay in one location; whereas hunter-gatherers would have to move from place to place, following the movement of animals.
- Farmers and herders would stay in huts or houses, whereas hunter-gatherers would stay in caves.
- For farmers and herders, the food source would be crops and domesticated animals like sheep, goats; whereas hunters would rely on wild animals as a source of food.
7. List two tasks that are performed by both men and women at present. List another two that are performed only by women, and two that are performed only by men. Compare your list with that of any two of your classmates. Do you notice any similarities/differences in your lists?
A. Two tasks that are performed by both men and women:
- Teaching
- Office jobs
Two tasks that are performed by only men:
- Mining
- Working in a shipyard
Two tasks that are performed by only women:
- Nursing
- Looking after home and health
8. List the cereals that you eat. Do you grow the cereals you eat? If yes, draw a chart to show the stages in growing them. If not, draw a chart to show how these cereals reach you from the farmers who grow them.
Some cereals eaten by us are listed below:
- Wheat
- Rice
- barely
- Black gram
- White gram
- Maize
- Lentil
- Peas
- Chapter 1 What, Where, How, and When?
- Chapter 2 On The Trail of the Earliest People
- Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food
- Chapter 4 In the Earliest Cities
- Chapter 5 What Books and Burials Tell Us
- Chapter 6 Kingdoms, Kings and the Early Republic
- Chapter 7 New Questions and Ideas
- Chapter 8 Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Up War
- Chapter 9 Vital Villages, Thriving Towns
- Chapter 10 Traders, Kings, and Pilgrims
- Chapter 11 New Empires and Kingdoms
- Chapter 12 Buildings, Paintings, and Books
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History (Our Past) Chapter 3 Overview
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History – Our Past Chapter 3 are available in a free PDF format and contain 100 percent accurate solutions to all of the textbook activities. In order to achieve the maximum possible grade in the topic, you must have a firm grasp of the textbook knowledge. Chapter 3 of Class 6 Social Science History – Our Past is critical in laying a strong foundation for all CBSE board students.
If you want to improve your knowledge of the textbook questions, you may get NCERT Solutions for From Gathering to Growing Food Class 6 for free right now. Aside from that, you’ll learn about question patterns, mark weighting, and how to create a response for a specific question type. As previously said, there are various advantages to using NCERT Solutions. Practice the questions and answers from NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History – Our Past From Gathering to Growing Food Chapter 3 to improve your confidence.
To clarify why the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science History – Our Past chapter 3 are so unique when it comes to exam preparation, they are written by our in-house subject matter specialists with years of expertise in the field. These solutions strictly follow the CBSE’s most recent norms and curriculum. The solutions are presented in a clear, step-by-step way. The stepwise answer is crucial to a good exam score since it enables pupils to understand how to write an answer from an exam perspective. As a result, it will be easy for every type of student to get a firm grasp on every concept in the subject.
There’s no need to be concerned about exam preparation any longer! Class 6 Social Science History – Our Past Chapter 3 can be downloaded at any time from our website or mobile app. You can also print the study materials because they are accessible in PDF format. These NCERT Solutions PDFs may be obtained simply both online and offline with INFINITY LEARN, making studying at home a breeze.
Apart from the From Gathering to Growing Food Class 6 NCERT Solutions, INFINITY LEARN also has solutions for all other topics, which you can easily download and use to revise the full syllabus and improve your final exam scores.
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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 3 From Gathering to Growing Food
What are the themes covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History, Chapter 3?
The story of Harappa and the lives of the people who lived there during those ancient times are among the themes covered in Chapter 3 of the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History book. This chapter delves into the Harappan people's craft, food, city life, seals, and other facets of their lives. The mystery behind their abrupt demise is also examined.
Is Chapter 3 of Social Studies History for Class 6 simple?
Although it depends on the student's ability, most students thought this topic was easier than the others. This is mostly a theoretical issue, and if one grasps the reasoning behind each concept, he will be able to easily obtain excellent scores and retain the information. Aside from that, practice is necessary for every topic and for good exam results.
Apart from Chapter 3, how many chapters are there in NCERT Class 6 Social Studies History?
The NCERT Class 6 Social Studies History textbook has a total of 12 chapters. Each chapter gives a detailed description of a number of significant historical events and is written in strict accordance with the CBSE's syllabus for students in Class 6. To improve your chances of getting good grades and learning about different events, read each chapter attentively and thoroughly. If you want to improve your results and gain a better grasp of the concepts, go to INFINITY LEARN's website (INFINITY and look through their practice modules and solutions to obtain a better comprehension of the topics.
What is NCERT Class 6 Social Studies History Chapter 3 about?
From gathering to raising food is the topic of Chapter 3 of NCERT Class 6 History. This chapter examines the evolution of human civilization's characteristics in terms of foraging. How they transitioned from hunting and gathering food to cultivating and growing it on their own. For the pupils to grasp the principles, all of the events are detailed in detail and in easy-to-understand language. Students can also use the INFINITY LEARN app and website for reference.
Do I need to practice all of the questions in Chapter 3 of the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History?
Practicing all of the questions will guarantee that you have fully comprehended all of the topics and have a thorough understanding of all of the events. This will ensure that you do well on your tests and will also assist you in identifying areas where you need to practice harder or review again. As a result, please complete all of the exercises for your own benefit. You'll also learn about the many types of questions that can be asked, as well as the exam paper's format. Students can obtain solutions for free by downloading the NCERT Solutions PDF.