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International Friendship Day Slogans (4 August)
Slogans on Friendship: Friendship is a trusted relationship between two or more people who love and care to each other. A true friend is a person who always gives in the friendship relation and never demands and expects from his/her friends. He/she never wants to disturb and always ready to help friends in any situation. He/she always remains same in both situations, good and difficult.
International Friendship Day is a special occasion dedicated to celebrating the bonds of friendship that enrich our lives. Observed on July 30, this day encourages individuals to appreciate and honor their friends, recognizing the invaluable support and joy they bring.
A friend knows well about his/her friend’s habits and behavior and thus, behaves accordingly. It is tough to get the company of a true friend in the life. Being involved in the true friendship gives wonderful feelings. It is quite easy to make friends but maintaining the relationship is tough as it is based on belief and patience.
Friendship Slogan in English
We have provided below some effective and catchy Slogans on Friendship in English which you can use to encourage people towards this kind of which is one of the best relationships in the world.
These Friendship Slogans will help you to make a impact and win hearts of your friends and make new friends on friendship day.
Following friendship slogans can be used during friendship day celebration or other events related to friends. You can choose any friendship slogan given below:
Unique and Catchy Slogans on Friendship
- In your sorrow and sadness, a good friend makes you smile with his madness.
- When life keeps giving you hurdle, he will share your pain with cuddle.
- Friendship has no rule, the best friends are usually found in school.
- When happiness and hope come to an end, then who supports you is a true friend.
- Any difference doesn’t matter, that day when friendship clatter.
- You can have a good friend only when you are also a good friend.
- Happiness rests in your hands, if you have good friends.
- A friend who is there is your need, and is a good friend indeed.
- He may be close to you or far apart, but a best friend will always live in your heart.
- A best friend is a treasure, who brings moments of pleasure.
Friendship Slogan in English
- True friends are best supporter in difficult times.
- Make friendship to double your joy and happiness.
- Having a true friendship is like living in heaven.
- Cut your sorrow and sadness by having true friends.
- True friends share and support in all the problems!
- Making friendship is easy but maintaining it is too tough.
- True friends have capability to turn life positively.
- There are various relationships but the best one is friendship.
- A true friend never walks away from your problems.
- Friendship is a best ship which can lead you on world tour.

Top 10 Friendship Day Slogans
Here are ten catchy slogans for Friendship Day that celebrate the essence of friendship:
- “Real friends tell the truth, no matter what.”
- “Count your age with friends, not with years.”
- “A good friend is hard to find and lucky to have.”
- “Friendship is not about maintaining but sustaining.”
- “We get family by chance, but friends by choice.”
- “Friendship is the solution to every problem.”
- “Life is dull without a friend to share your happy moments.”
- “True friends are those who stand by you in difficult times.”
- “Among all types of ships, friendship is the best ship.”
- “A road to a friend’s house is never long.”
Short Friendship Slogans
- A friend is always fair who care.
- Have a friend forever to be happy.
- A good friend is always there for us.
- Having a true friend is proud to us!
- A friend forever ignores you never.
- No one is true helper like a friend!
- True friends are rare like a full moon.
- True friends are good leaders for us.
- Good friends always try to make us good.
- Friends are special gift by God on the earth.
Friendship Slogans One Line
- Friendship is a best ship which no one can buy with money.
- True friendship is a best ship on which you can travel whole life without any problem.
- Only a true friend can walk with us side by side.
- A true friend never left his/her friend back in darkness.
- No one is lucky than a person who gets a faithful friend.
- No one is rich than a person who has a true friend.
- A true friend never walks out by leaving you in difficulties.
- One is the richest person on earth who has true friendship.
- A friend is a person who believes on us blindly.
- A true friend makes friendship to a beautiful heart not a beautiful face.
True Friendship Slogan
- Two friends may have different culture, behaviour and thoughts but live in one friendship.
- A true friend always promotes and encourages to make us confident and successful.
- A true friend is an important part of happy life.
- A true friend is essential in everyone’s life.
- Having a true friend is the matter of proud.
- True friends are sent by God to help us on the earth.
- True friends love and care their friends heartily.
- A true friendship is more than any other relationship on the earth.
- A friend is always there to over our loneliness.
- A good friend is the form of God to take us out of difficulties.
Best Friend Slogan in English
- “Friends Forever, Never Apart, Maybe in Distance, But Never at Heart.”
- “Side by Side or Miles Apart, Best Friends Stay Close to the Heart.”
- “True Friendship: A Journey Without an End.”
- “Best Friends: The Family We Choose for Ourselves.”
- “Together in Laughter, United in Love.”
- “Through Thick and Thin, Our Friendship Wins.”
- “Best Friends: A World of Laughter, A Lifetime of Memories.”
- “Friends are the Stars that Light Up Your Life.”
- “Cherishing Memories, Creating Joy, Friends Forever, Girl or Boy.”
- “Friendship is a Treasure, Cherish it with Pleasure.”
Friendship Day Slogan in Hindi
- “दोस्ती का साथ, खुशियों का हंसी बराबरी का रिश्ता।
- “दोस्ती में बढ़ता है जीवन का सफर, सबकुछ है यहाँ दोस्ती के इशारे में।
- “दोस्ती की राहों में मिले खुशियाँ हजारों, सच्चे दोस्त हैं हम, इसी मिट्टी के बने दोस्त!
- “दोस्ती से ही रौशन होता है हर दिन, हर पल, साथी दोस्त हैं हम, बनाएं इसे अपना खास!
- “दोस्ती की डोर से बंधा है ये दिल, मिलकर मनाएं हम दोस्ती का त्योहार!
- “जीवन की सफलता का राज है दोस्ती का साथ, हम हैं यहाँ, सबके साथ, सबकी बनाएं दोस्ती!
- “दोस्ती का रंग, सच्चाई से भरा, मिलकर बनाएं एक नया जहाँ, दोस्ती का सफर!
- “दोस्ती की मिठास, जीवन को रौंगत देती है, हमारी दोस्ती, हमारा गर्व, यही है हमारी शान!
- “दोस्ती का संग, खुशियों का मेला है, हमारी दोस्ती, हमारी शक्ति, यही है हमारा जीवन!
- “दोस्ती की मिसाल, सच्चाई की कहानी, हम हैं यहाँ, बनाएं एक नया इतिहास दोस्ती की
Friendship Slogan in Marathi
- “मैत्रीची दुनिया, हरपलं हरवलं!” – “The world of friendship, lost and found every moment!”
- “मैत्रीच्या मोहरांत बसलेलं, जीवन सुखाच्या अंगणात!” – “Imprinted with the seal of friendship, residing in the courtyard of joy!”
- “मित्रांची सुरक्षा, जीवनाची सुरक्षा!” – “Security of friends is the security of life!”
Friendship Slogan in Gujarati
- “મિત્રતાનો રંગ, જીવનનો સંગ!” Translation: “The color of friendship, the melody of life!”
- “મિત્રોનો સંબંધ, સુખનો સંબંધ!” Translation: “The bond of friends, the bond of happiness!”
- “જીવનમાં મિત્રતાનો આભાસ, જન્નતા નો એક અમૂલ્ય રત્ન!” Translation: “The essence of friendship in life, a priceless gem of heaven!”
Friendship Slogan in Tamil
- “நண்பர்களின் நிறைவு, வாழ்க்கையின் அழகு!” – “The diversity of friends, the beauty of life!”
- “செய்வது மிகவும் அருமை, நண்பர்களுடன் இருவரும் அழகாக!” – “The best thing to do is to be beautiful with friends!”
- “நண்பர்கள் உங்களை நல்லவர்களாக மாற்றுகின்றனர், அவர்களுடன் வாழ்க்கை அழகாகிறது!” – “Friends turn you into better people, and life with them becomes beautiful!”
Friendship Slogan in Kannada
- “ಸ್ನೇಹದ ಬಣ್ಣ, ಜೀವನದ ರಂಗ!” – “The color of friendship, the canvas of life!”
- “ಸ್ನೇಹದ ಬಂಧನ, ಸುಖದ ಬಂಧನ!” – “The bond of friendship, the bond of happiness!”
- “ಸ್ನೇಹದ ಅನುಭವ, ಜೀವನದ ಅಮೂಲ್ಯ ರತ್ನ!” – “The experience of friendship, the priceless gem of life!”
FAQs on Friendship Slogan
What are 2 lines on best friend?
A best friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
What is a good friendship?
A good friendship is a bond where mutual respect, trust, and support exist, enriching each other's lives through shared experiences and understanding.
What defines friendship?
Friendship is defined by a deep connection between people, marked by trust, loyalty, and a genuine care for each other's happiness and well-being.
What is a catchy quote for friendship?
Friends are the family we choose for ourselves. This quote captures the essence of how important and cherished friendships are in our lives.
What is the best slogan for friendship?
Together through thick and thin. This slogan highlights the enduring and supportive nature of true friendship, no matter the circumstances.