EnglishSpeechSpeech on Adventure in simple and easy words

Speech on Adventure in simple and easy words

India is increasingly becoming a preferred destination for adventure sports in the world. Several people love to experience adventure sports as these sports are filled with excitement and fun. Several organizations run different types of competition and the winners get tour packages to adventure destination as an encouragement. You may become a part of such organization in near future or may be required to organize adventure trips followed by Adventure Speeches. We have shared here some examples of Speech on Adventure that will help you in any occasion. Our short speech on adventure can be used at school or college level and the long speech on adventure may be used as a sample at company level, etc. The language is easy to understand with simple description of adventures sports and the risk associated with various activities. You can draw reference from our adventures speeches and make your speech interesting for your audience.

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    Speech on Adventure

    Speech on Adventure

    Speech on Adventure – 1

    Dear Students,

    I have been called to give a motivational speech on healthy life and healthy mind. I always enjoy the company of school students as in my opinion they are more enthusiastic and full of life. I have given a lot of speeches upon ‘how to stay motivated during exams’, ‘how to tackle study pressure’, etc but today I am only going to talk about adventures and its benefits in one’s life.

    Adventure, I am sure you all know, refers to the unusual experience arising out of exciting activities. These experiences though are of risky nature, but there are several people who enjoy these experiences and in fact, that’s their way of living. Definition of adventure may vary from person to person. Ideally, it means risky activities with unknown outcomes; adventurer gets excitement out of exploits; result of such excitement may even be dangerous sometimes.

    Most of our elders tell us not to get involved in such dangerous activities due to the sheer risk involved as we may end up harming ourselves; however I suggest you all to must experience adventure sports as it would not only give you more exposure of life, but would also make you more active and keep you fit. There are various types of adventurous sports that you may get engaged with such as Ballooning, Speed Boating, Bungee Jumping, Car Racing, Trekking and many more. Each sport has different elements of fun and adventure along with different amount of risks involved with it.

    I would advise you to always take elders along, preferably your parents, if you want to go on an adventure trip or something. River rafting is another very popular adventure sport that attracts many people now-a-days.

    Adventurous sport or trip freshen up your mind and gives you new ideas and learning; even though some adventurous sports such as trekking, climbing, etc are not advisable for people who suffer from breathing problem. So it is also important that you carefully listen to the rules and regulation of the instructor before indulging into such sports. Activity such as Ballooning, though being highly expensive, has a lot of scope of adventure as well as risk involved due to the change of weather, etc. The experience of rising above without any engine or drone and the ability to control the direction excites people a lot; however change of weather may change the direction of balloon and may even prove fatal for your life. Thus, you should be very confident before considering such adventures.

    Some people also take up adventure as a profession. They travel different countries, especially rural areas, tribal places, islands, forests, etc. Live amongst dangerous animals, shoot videos, click photographs, make films, etc. For them, life is about living with fun and excitement.

    It is absolutely up to you how you define adventure, but be sure that you do a thorough study before you take up any adventure sport. You must also get your health checked and follow all the safety rules during the sport. There are special attires one must wear while indulging into adventurous sports. If you consider adventure for fun and excitement, then you must certainly plan a trip but do involve your parents in everything so that they can give you the best possible advice or suggestion and prevent any mishap from occurring.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Adventure – 2

    Good Morning Everyone!

    Today we have assembled here to discuss the adventure trip we are taking up next week. This meeting is organized in order to make you aware of some important dos and don’ts of this trip. Adventure, as you all know, involve such activities that can prove dangerous to one’s lives but also gives a lot of excitement to the person who is doing it. It can be an activity, a real life experience or a sport; anything that only creates a long-lasting memory on someone’s mind but also fills one’s life with thrill and unbounded exhilaration.

    Since our trip is planned for a week; it would be filled with some adventurous sports such as trekking, river rafting and bungee jumping. Besides, the trip includes partying and felicitation to some of the managers who have won the contest in the organization.

    Now if I have to focus on the adventure part of the trip, I would say that you all are matured enough to understand the risk associated with the adventure sports; thus it was an optional choice and we received the list of only those people who are convinced enough to go on this trip. However, people who after visiting the spot decide not to participate in the sports are absolutely free to quit because we are going on a fun trip and trust me guys, I am not going to judge your potential on the basis of how actively you participate in the adventure sports. Jokes apart, adventurous trips are dangerous too and health matters above everything.

    River rafting is highly fun though, but people who fear landing in water or if you are an aqua phobic; you must avoid this activity. But if you participate, you must wear the life jacket, wear the safety belts and follow all the instructions as advised while in the rafting boat. No individual is allowed to go alone; we’ll be divided into groups for moral support and for having extra fun.

    Trekking is a big no for people who are suffering from any kind of heart or breathing problem such as Asthma, blood pressure, etc. Climbing mountain is highly energy taking and it becomes all the more difficult when the atmospheric pressure lowers down. Climbing is certainly fun, but weather has a great role to play for making it a fun-filled experience.

    Bungee Jumping is an activity involving jumping from a very high structure while attached to a large elastic string. The tall structure is basically a fixed object, such as a bridge, building or crane; or it may be a movable object too such as a helicopter or hot-air-balloon, etc. Free falling and the rebound in the bungee jumping create a lot of thrill and fun.

    We would like to reiterate that these activities are fun at one hand, these are risky too. Thus, you must plan your trip accordingly. Going on the adventure trip, however would raise your tolerance for uncertainty and help you in overcoming your fears and reservations. Life would unfold new experiences and excitement thereby feeding your dreams and building up your confidence.

    Since I have done adventures in the past; I would certainly encourage and advise everyone to be adventurous always as it always prepares you for the new challenges and makes you courageous.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Adventure – 3

    Good Evening Respected Seniors and Dear Fellow Colleagues!

    We all are assembled here for some good news. Yes, I can see your faces being lit up at the mere mention of “good news”. But let me tell you that you heard it right! The management has decided to declare four days off for its senior division, i.e. Statistics and Sales Analysis Department and organize some adventurous trip on account of its brilliant performance in the preceding six months.

    The management has realized how much hard work you all have put in this time to raise the sales graph and profitability of our company and so the management in return has planned this trip for you as a token of appreciation and regard. Since this trip is going to be an adventurous one, it has been considered wise to assemble all of us for a speech delivery ceremony on adventure and also to stimulate discussion amongst us where we all can put our thoughts across.

    I, as a senior working employee in the department, have been chosen to organize this trip and also to deliver a Speech on Adventure. Do you realize folks that we are so bound to our jobs and family responsibilities that we hardly get time to think for ourselves and live life, in a true sense of the term? So this adventure trip has been organized to break the monotony of your life and infuse some freshness into it. It could have been a normal trip, where you would have enjoyed sightseeing, palatable food and in the end would have come back. But this trip is going to be special, where you will experience extraordinary things – this is what adventure means, right!

    Needless to say, adventure introduces an extra dimension to our lives and helps us discover a different side of our characters, which is impossible to realize if we continue to live our routine life without any break. Adventures allow us to test the limits of our souls and realize what we are capable of doing. We get to experience life from a different spectrum altogether, which helps us evolve ourselves intellectually. I am sure after this trip, you will find that you have become mentally stronger and of course will get a chance to meet a lot of interesting folks during the trip.

    I truly believe that adventure is a way of discovering yourself, so make the most of this opportunity. There are many adventurous sports, such as water rafting, deep sea diving, bungee diving, sky diving, etc and the joy that one experiences is difficult to put in words. Besides, wildlife safari, trekking, paragliding, mountain biking, sport fishing and river surfing are other interesting examples of adventurous activities that are currently in vogue. Some of you may get little worried about the risk factors involved, but there is no point in living a passive life where there’s no fun element. And on the other hand, if you think at a deeper level, will you not find your life surrounded with multiple risk factors in a day to day life of performing in a job, handling various family responsibilities? So if you have the courage to brave the struggles of life there, then why not show courage in adventurous sports and experience the joy of life.

    In the end, I want to say that risk some moments of your life for a thrilling and enriching experience.

    Thank You!

    Speech on Adventure – 4

    Respected Principal, Respected Fellow Teachers and Dear Students!

    Today is the closing day of the annual sports month and I welcome you all to this occasion. From tomorrow onwards, your summer holiday will start and you can do various activities to enjoy your holiday. Many of you may even indulge in adventure sports, but be very careful while doing so.

    I’ve been given this opportunity to deliver a speech on ‘Adventure’ and I am highly honored to get this opportunity.

    Adventure means unusual experience or exciting activity. Though the experiences of adventures may be daring and risky in nature, there are several people whose life is full of adventurous experiences.

    Meaning and perception of adventure may vary from person to person. The dictionary meaning of adventure is ‘a risky undertaking without knowing the outcome’; this clearly indicates that an adventurer enjoys thrill out of activities resulting into fun, excitement and at the same time the result can get dangerous too.

    Adventurous sports come in varieties along with rules and disciplines. If the disciplines are being religiously followed, the adventure can actually be fun. For e.g Ballooning is an adventurous sport which comes with a lot of fun and excitement; even though it’s a costly affair, but it has a lot of scope for adventure. The risk element is high due to the change in weather and helium filled balloon is exposed to lightning and leakages too; but you can imagine the thrill of flying high in the sky without any engine and being able to manage the direction.

    Car Racing, Speed Boating, Bungee Jumping, etc are all highly adventurous sports, enjoyed by several enthusiasts across the world.

    Some people love to undertake adventure trips at unexplored and rare places, indulge into mountain climbing, trekking, etc. The fun of climbing the steepest mountain seems to be adventurous in all respect. In the quench of inventing more and more adventurous activities, some people even experiment jumping from the top of the Niagara Falls and many jumpers have even lost their lives unfortunately.

    In summers, most of the people visit Water Park; I am sure, many of you might already have reserved your tickets for the same. It is indeed, exciting if all the guidelines and instructions are religiously followed. I, therefore, request you to always be with your elders while in the rides and slides at the park. Listen to the instructions and follow the same. Wear your safety guards and don’t experiment while in the water, as it may turn out to be risky. The same rules must be followed, if you visit Rishikesh for river rafting.

    Adventure is necessary in life to make it interesting and exciting, but too much of ignorance may be fatal sometimes.

    Many youths now-a-days pose for selfies to capture themselves with interesting or adventurous background such as Flood, tides, train on the rack, etc. These are again dangerous as you are never aware of the unseen outcomes.

    Adventures are interesting only when precautionary measures are taken, hence be cautious and safe!

    Thank You!

    Speech on Adventure – 5

    Dear Friends!

    I welcome all of you to the adventure trip organised by ABC group. The purpose of organising this trip is to give an opportunity to all those people who are highly busy with office work and seldom get time to indulge in creative activities. This introductory speech is highly important as you all must know certain points which are extremely important for your adventure trip. This doesn’t require any mention, but still I would like to say that adventurous activities are interesting and at the same time full of risks. So, one must be highly cautious while indulging into any such activity.

    There are different forms of adventurous activities we will be including in this trip, such as trekking and mountaineering, river rafting, paragliding, water sports, motorcycle touring, hot air ballooning and mountain biking.

    Trekking and mountaineering basically require climbing the mountain. This time we have selected two different mountains with varying heights so that you can select the mountain keeping in mind your stamina and health condition. River rafting and water sports involve fun activities done in the waves of river. Motorcycle touring is one of the most preferred adventure activities these days. It involves touring arrangement that involves motorcycle. These motorcycles are specially made for mountains; thus need special techniques and training for riding. This will be a one-day tour; each one of you will be provided with a motorcycle and five instructors would ride together with us along with the first aid box and other necessary items. The trip would start tomorrow morning and you will be guided on the route planning to unknown areas, packing necessary equipment, making overnight stops, finding food and fuel in isolated areas and physical care of your body, etc. Riding a bike in the peaceful natural surroundings gives a special kind of pleasure to adventure lovers.

    Your instructor would give you all the details about the activities such as safety tips, jumping techniques, balancing, etc. This time, there is a special arrangement of memorandum kit which will include DVD, photographs, T-shirt, table calendar, coffee mugs, etc printed with pictures of your various activities. You may apply for the same and by paying a nominal fee you will get it.

    Adventurous activities mainly energise people; lots of people now-a-days prefer to come from the shell of fear and want to explore new ways of enjoying life. Adventurous sports not only energise people, but also increase their resistance capacity.

    I am sure you all are excited about this adventure trip. Our company in association with ABC Company organises these types of trip quite often in batches with an objective to give opportunities to all our employees to refresh themselves and start a new life at work. Life is very challenging now-a-days; we have to struggle with several uncontrollable factors such as traffic, price rise, natural calamities, political unrest, communal riots, etc. All these incidents cause disturbance in our lives and the mind and body get stagnant.

    Thus, adventure trip gives new energy and stimulates our senses to do something new and different at workplace. It helps in balancing our body and mind. But be very careful while you indulge into adventurous sports here or otherwise.

    Thank You!

    Related Information:

    Speech on Adventure – 6

    Dear Students!

    Welcome to Ranthambore; it’s an exclusive travel destination supporting one of the most notable National Parks of India i.e. Ranthambore National Park. The place also represents the mesmerizing Ranthambore Fort. The entire place is primarily surrounded with excellent flora and fauna. We will start with the wildlife tour first and on the return journey; we will see more of Ranthambore.

    Adventure trips in India have special appreciation since ages. In olden days too, the kings and their Ministers would go on hunting. They would travel in groups and carry food and other necessary items along with. The trip used to last for days, weeks and sometimes months. Hunting was one of the most prevalent adventure trips in those days.

    Though wildlife in India is still very prominent, but the face has changed today. People still prefer going on wildlife tour also called Jungle Safari, but hunting or killing animals is completely banned now. It’s a step towards safety of innocent animals that shouldn’t be killed for man’s entertainment, joy, greed or any need for that matter.

    Adventure sports and activities are very important because it not only refreshes one’s mind, but also increases the creative aspect of an individual. Adventurous activity at one hand is the source of entertainment and fun; it is equally dangerous and risky on the other. One must always use the instructions shared by the trained instructors while performing any activity that involves adventure.

    Adventure today has become the style of living of people today. Everyone especially the youth mixes adventure in almost every activity they perform such as dance, music, etc. Dancers perform various types of risky stunts and steps which can otherwise be highly dangerous for a lay man, if tried without the help of trained instructors.

    Many people are crazy about ‘Selfie’ (Self clicked photographs) now-a-days. They love to click their own pictures and share on social media platforms to impress their friends and relatives. It’s the latest method of keeping in touch with each other, but many people click ‘Selfies’ while performing dangerous stunts at the picnic spots, flooded areas, sea-waves, railway tracks, etc. They click selfies with the intention to impress people and show their daring courage, but such activities are highly dangerous and many people have lost their lives while clicking selfies at risky places.

    Adventure always entices people since it comes with lots of surprises and fun and most often it has uncertain outcomes. Adventurous activities thrill people and demand a lot of courage for being performed. But the most important part is that one must be completely fit to undertake adventurous activity, especially while climbing mountains, trekking, hiking, etc.

    In this trip at Ranthambore, we have organised all the safety measures and request all of you to follow the guided steps. We expect you to be co-operative and supportive as more often you may feel that the instructor is intruding in your privacy; which is not the intention.

    Most of you are new to this place; hence we are responsible towards your safety and protection. We carry the first-aid box and a doctor always travels with us throughout the trip for meeting emergencies, etc. If you have any question about the trip or anything, feel free to ask.

    Thank You and All the Best!

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