EnglishSpeechFarewell Speech By Students in English

Farewell Speech By Students in English

Farewell Speech By Students Leaving School

A farewell speech by students on a farewell party can be a way to say goodbye to classmates, teachers, and other people who have been important in their lives. It can also be a way to thank those people for their help and support. Farewell speeches by students on farewell parties are always very emotional. Some students may feel nostalgic about their time in school while others may feel excited about the new opportunities that await them. No matter what the students’ emotions are, a farewell speech by students on farewell party can be a very touching moment for everyone involved.

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    Farewell Speech By Students

    We are here sharing some samples of farewell speech by students that can be used at farewell parties in schools and colleges. The language used in our farewell speeches by students is very simple and engaging.

    You can form your own speech basis the idea shared in our sample speeches. The short farewell speech by students can impress your principal and teachers at school level while the long farewell speech by students can be used as a sample speech at college and institute level. By developing your own speech basis with the help of these samples, you can create a long lasting impression on your audience.

    Long and Short Farewell Speech by Students in School and College on Farewell Party

    Farewell Speech by Students in College (Speech-1)

    A very Good Afternoon to the respected Principal Sir, Vice President (VP) Sir, respected Teachers, other staff members and dear Students.

    As you all are aware that we have assembled today to celebrate a very special event, i.e. our farewell. I am extremely thankful to the management and my dear fellow friends for giving me this opportunity of delivering the farewell speech.

    While I am excited and enthusiastic to share that we are certified graduates today, I am also feeling sad that we will be leaving our college now. This place has been like the second home for us where we have spent most of our time. The teachers have been extremely kind and they always supported us throughout our learning phase.

    First and foremost, I would like to thank our Principal Sir, who has always portrayed the image of a highly disciplined personality yet so kind and humble. With his charisma and charm he has always influenced us and motivated us to achieve the impossible. Sir, I must acknowledge that we have learnt the most important lesson of life from you, i.e. to be disciplined and self-restrained. Also, the policies you launched in the college have earned great fame and recognition in the world of education. Your ‘no tolerance’ towards ragging was one of the most appreciated steps that earned huge accolades for our college.

    Sir, I am very sure that the lessons of life we have learnt from you would help us climb the ladders of success while being humble and modest at the same time.

    I would especially like to thank our sports Sir, Mr. A, for his constant support in mending me physically and mentally. When I had joined the college in 2014, I was undergoing some family problems due to which I was not able to concentrate on my studies. But Sir A, with his unvarying support and never ending trust in me, transformed me completely to a practical individual. In fact, all the teachers at this college are highly sensitive towards the students and they go to any extent in helping us.

    I would also like to thank our class teacher Ms. B who is very kindhearted and has been sympathetic towards each and every student. She used to give me extra time, support and always helped me with my projects and assignments during my days of anxiety and worry. I am sure she is going to display the same kindness and humility in years to come.

    In fact all the teachers and each and every staff and all the students, junior and senior had been very friendly, caring and co operative. The special relation and bonds we shared amongst each other are forever going to remain in our hearts and we will always miss the lovely days spent here. In fact, I don’t want to call it a farewell speech as we will always cherish each and every moment spent here.

    On this day of farewell, I would also like to take the opportunity of sharing the mischievous acts we did during our stay at the hostel. Sometimes, we would be late in reaching the hostel; dying with hunger, we would approach the Warden Sir who would scold us first and would treat us with the delicious noodles afterwards.

    While we know, we will not be able to live this life again; we are never going to forget the days spent here. In the end, I would like to thank everyone once again and I am promising that we will always display the ethics, skill and proficiency we have learnt here in every future act of ours.

    Thank you and all the best to everyone!

    Farewell Speech by Students to Teachers (Speech-2)

    Honorable Principal, Vice Principal Sir, Respected Professors and My Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to all of you!

    First of all, I would like to thank you all for gathering here for the celebration of the last day of our school. Most of us joined this school since we were around 3 to 4 years old, which makes approximately 15 to 16 years spent in this school. In these past 16 years we never thought that we will someday approach a day when we would stand like this and bid ‘goodbye’ to our beloved teachers, Principal and VP Sir.

    However, we also remember the lesson taught by our dear teachers who always said that this is just a chapter of our life; which gets closed and the new chapter of life begins. Though true, we are not going to forget the lessons we have learnt in the school and the bonding we share with our teachers. The teachers at this school are extremely kind and supportive who have always showed their selfless love, care and attention to each one of us. Now when I am grown up, I imagine, how difficult would it have been for our teachers to teach us to adapt when we were small children. Along with teaching us to adapt, we have also learnt to be good and well-behaved people. We have studied and grown at this school and are standing here today all set to enter the new phase of our life.

    “Thank You” is a very small word; the kindness and gesture our Principal Sir, VP and the teachers have shown to us is incomparable and we promise that we will land in the new world with positive approach and attitude. We will forever represent ourselves as the good ambassadors and messengers of this lovely school so that all our teachers can feel proud of us.

    While all of us have passed the 12th examination and are certified today; we have also learnt a lot of different activities such as sports, art & crafts, music and dance and various other skills. This could have been possible because our teachers trusted us and they have done a lot of hard work in transforming us in all-rounder who can encounter any kind of challenge, life throws at them.

    While I am sharing the good memories; I can’t resist sharing the mischievous acts we have done in the school. Those temporary fighting and the patch-up, silly jokes cracked on the new joiners, celebration of best friend day, sharing and stealing the lunch box, and a lot more sill activities, we were indulged in during our school days. All of us are certainly going to miss those all. I now feel, our teachers, the VP sir and above all, the Principal Sir have been so patient and enduring and they never took harsh steps to men our ways. The teachers, especially our class teacher, Ms. Y ma’m had been very strict yet she has been very compassionate. She would scold us at once and the very next moment, she would explain the reason behind her anger and fury.

    All thank to our teachers, Principal Sir and the entire staff and their blessings and teachings, because of which we are leaving the school with the practical knowledge and skills needed in the real world. It’s hard to say goodbye to our beloved ones though, we are here with taking along cherished memories which we can treasure forever in our hearts.

    Once again, a special thanks to each one of you for guiding me through the right path and teaching me the discipline, humility, good manners along with studies.

    Thank You!

    Farewell Speech by Students to Principal (Speech-3)

    Respected Principal Sir, Vice Principal (VP) Sir, Respected Teachers and My Dear Students – Warm Greetings to all of you!

    Today is a very special day for all the final year students including me and I thank you all from the core of my heart for making it to the event. While I had been very excited and anxious about this day, I am equally happy and satisfied that all my fellow friends and I have passed our final year exams, and we all are certified Graduates now.

    In the midst of all these excitements and enthusiasm, I have been bestowed with this responsibility of delivering the farewell speech today. Before I begin my speech, I would like to Welcome you all to the event today and kindly ignore my mistakes as I am really excited.

    I am sure that all the final year students may be feeling in the same manner as I am right now. While on the one hand, we are hugely satisfied and happy that we have passed one of the biggest exams of our life and have become graduates, we are sad on the other hand, since we know that we are not going to see all these faces again at least not of our dear Principal Sir, VP Sir and superb faculty members.

    I still remember when I joined this college in July 2015, I was absolutely raw. I had come from a small town and I was highly nervous as I felt I would not be able to make at par to the students of this grand college. Getting admission to this college was one of my most adored dreams like many students across India. I recall my first meeting with our beloved Principal Sir, Mr. X. I cannot express in words, how supportive and compassionate he was then and still he is. I was lacking in various skills such as my vocabulary was not good when I joined this college first; our Principal Sir, in the first meeting sensed my nervousness and he said that I was in this college to learn skills not to display my skills at that time. Ever since, he would guide me and show path towards improving all the skills that could transform me in a capable individual. And imagine today, I am standing in front of you all and delivering speech in English (smile); all thanks to our Principal Sir.

    Apart from that off course, our Principal Sir has been highly supportive and he has always motivated the students to participate in sports and all other extracurricular activities such as Quiz, debates, Indoor games, etc. He has also promoted art and craft in our college; in fact he has been the first principal who promoted dance and music in our college.

    Sir, I would like to express a heartfelt thanks to you on behalf of the entire college since we have also got our college Idol in music and dancing superstar and all this has been possible due to your constant support and unvarying trust in us. Jokes apart, today our college has earned a great admiration and fame in the entire city and it has become one of the foremost choices of most of the aspiring students to get admission in.

    On this special day, while we are feeling nostalgic about the old days spent in the college, we also feel anxiety as the new life is waiting ahead of us. We are nevertheless, forever going to remember the life’s lesson we have learnt from our respected Principal Sir, VP Sir and all the teachers.

    In the end, I would like to once again thank everyone including the faculty, administration and my fellow friends for the unwavering support and kindness and I would like to wish good luck to everyone for the future.

    Thank you!

    Farewell Speech by Students on Farewell Party (Speech-4)

    So finally here we are!

    A very warm Good Evening to the honorable Principal Sir, Vice Principal Sir, respected Teachers and my dear Friends!

    Today is our farewell day and I would like to thank you all of you for gathering here and a special thanks to the junior students and the organizers for organizing such a grand party.

    I would also like to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to deliver the speech today. I am standing here today with a mixture of different feelings and emotions. While we all are highly excited about today’s event, we are equally feeling emotional as this is the officially the last day of our college life.

    While our journey to college life comes to an end, we will be entering the new life which will be quite strange and we will not have anyone to hold hands and guide us like we had our Principal, VP Sir and all the teachers.

    Throughout our college life, we made lots of mistakes but the faculty had been great supporter who showed trust in us throughout. I made lots of friends here who I am going to maintain close relationship with forever, if god permits. I will also maintain closeness with the Principal Sir, VP Sir and all the teachers here for their guidance since I know, life outside will not be equally kind and whenever I will feel upset, disturbed or confused, I will come here; hope my teachers will not get disturbed (speaker smiles).

    I would also like to acknowledge; the seniors during our days in college were very helpful and supported us in assignments and project work. The juniors now are pretty enthusiast and full of vigor. I hope they continue with the same vigor and bring good name and fame to our college.

    Their enthusiasm and liveliness can very well be imagined seeing the preparation for today’s farewell party. Therefore, on behalf of the entire college and our batch, I would like to thank the juniors and all those who have helped them in organizing today’s event.

    As we are all set to step out from the college to the new world, we would like to show our gratitude to all those who shared their wisdom, skills and experience with us and prepared us for the new world. Our college for us has been like our home because along with knowledge and learning we also got scoldings like kids get from their parents. We know dear teachers and especially the Principal Sir were strict at times as they wanted us to become disciplined and learn good manners which will help us in the new life.

    In the end, I would only appeal to all my friends especially from my batch to party hard tonight and enjoy well as we have to make the most out of this day.

    Wishing all a very successful life ahead and once again thank you all!

    Best of Luck!

    Farewell Speech by Students Leaving College (Speech-5)

    Honorable Chief Guest, Respected Principal Sir, VP Sir, Respected Teachers, Dear Juniors and My Dear Fellow Mates – Warm Greetings to all of you!

    First of all, I would like to thank each one of you for gathering here to celebrate our farewell evening. This grand evening has been organized by our juniors who I must say are quite talented and dedicated. I am really surprised and feel honored at the same for the fact that I have been given this opportunity to deliver the speech as well as we have got such grand farewell by them, Thank You!

    I am standing here with mixed emotions and I am sure all my fellow students might be feeling the same way. While I am excited about entering the new world, I also have a lot of apprehension as I am not aware what has the future in store for us.

    Having said that, I also remember, our class teacher, Ms. D always used to say that we should not think about our future; we should in fact, only be prepared for the future and do well in the present to secure our future. Ma’am, we would always remember this precious lesson of yours.

    To my juniors, I would like to say that you all have joined a very prestigious college as it is one of the most renowned colleges in the town and many students only dream of joining this.

    Here I have not only acquired a lot of academic and book knowledge, I have also learnt practical lessons of life. One of the best things about our college has been the charity works that students are inspired to do and other acts to preserve the environment such as planting, gardening, ban plastics, etc. are some of the activities, our batch did in the last year.

    I must say, through these acts, we learnt such important lessons of life in such fun and pleasurable way. We also promise, we would always live by the spirit of the precious knowledge we have acquired here and would inspire everyone to follow these basic rules of life. To my juniors, I would like to say ‘participate in each and every activity, the teachers and the school authority plan, as you would not only learn many things practically, you would also become good human beings.

    I certainly become one; as I was a short tempered person earlier and ever since I started participating in the charity activities, I became practical and sensible.

    In the end, I would like to thank each and every staff at this college, the teachers, Principal and the VP Sir, juniors and fellow students for everyone has been great throughout my days at the college.

    I would end my speech with the promise that I would keep in touch with most of you, especially with the teachers through social media.

    I would wish all the luck to the students; in the end I would say that always believe in yourself and don’t lose heart even if you fail.

    Thank you and all the very best to everyone!

    Farewell Speech by Students of Class 10 (Speech-6)

    Good morning to respected teachers, juniors and my dear batch mates!

    I am _________ of class 10 and I am standing here before you for the last time as it is our last day at school today. I speak on behalf of everyone who will be leaving the school and going to another school for senior secondary classes. We all wish that this school should have been a senior secondary school so that we would not have to leave, but moving on is the norm of life.

    So, first of all, I would like to thank our brilliant teachers who have taught us all these years and have helped us become better human beings. Whatever we are today, it is the product of their sheer hard work and untiring efforts. They have been with us {and for us} as a mentors and friends. They have not only taught us academics, but have inculcated moral values in us which will remain with us in our life forever and ever. The life lessons learned here will help us deal with our problems in future. It is a fact that our teachers have scolded us, punished us but above everything, they have loved us the most.

    We have spent many years in this school and it was the first school for a lot of us. We have some beautiful memories associated to this place. We miss organizing the cultural and sports events in this school. The after-school rehearsals for annual functions were the best as they brought students of different classes together. Going to a new school feels a little sad because we are very attached to this school. Having said this, I wish all the students good luck for the journey that will begin in their new school. I am sure it will be hard but you will adjust to a new environment and this is what our teachers also expect from us. No matter where ever we go in life, this school will remain the favorite most chapters of our lives, because it was the building block of our personality.

    Before ending this speech, I would like to thank once again to our teachers for helping us and being our mentors. We have troubled them many times but now we will not be their students anymore, we all will miss them. We will miss our batch mates as we were each other’s first friends and have shared the most carefree days of our lives together. I would want to thank the helping staff of the school as they never failed in finding the uncountable pens and pencils that we lost in classrooms every day. They were humble and helpful. Thank you for giving us this farewell and making our last day memorable. In the end I would just like to say that you all were dearly loved and will be missed. This is the best school for me and I am glad to have studied here. We will come as alumina after today.

    Thank you all for this wonderful farewell and memories to cherish for the rest of our lives!

    Farewell Speech by Students of Class 12 (Speech-7)

    Respected Principal Sir, Vice Principal (VP) Sir, Respected Teachers, Dear Students and My Dear Friends – First of all, thank you everyone for gathering here in order to celebrate our farewell day so nicely!

    While today is the day of joy and celebration, it is also filled with lot of emotion and sentiments because we will be leaving the school today and enter the new world i.e. college life.

    I am sincerely honored for having been given this opportunity to deliver the farewell speech, for I never thought I would stand like this in front of the entire school and would deliver the farewell speech. While I do so, I would like to give the entire credit to my school and would especially like to thank our Class teacher, Ms. A ma’am, who filled me with so much of confidence and self-assurance.

    School for me has been the first place which taught me discipline and way of conduct along with, off course giving me top class education. I still remember my first day at this school; I was filled with so much of nervousness and fear as I had joined in between the sessions. Also, I had come from a small town, oblivious and unmindful of the way of city life. I would not talk to many people and would always busy with my drawing. But after joining this school, I started gaining confidence; made new friends and opened up with teachers and staff at the school.

    This school is one of the most recognized and famous schools in the city and my parents were very keen to have my admission here and now realize why they were so willing. Along with spending good days at the school and having received appreciation and accolades from the teachers and the Principal Sir at the school, I also remember the days of mischievous and the playful acts we did at the school.

    Actually, most of the students in our class were interested in experiments and we would do all sorts of naughty acts in order to clear our doubts and learn new things. I would like to apologize today on behalf of the entire students of my class as we never realized during those days that our act of experiments could have harmed others; for it did once harm me. I burnt my hand in one of the experiments that involved use of fire.

    Nonetheless, we are now stepping into the new world, i.e. college life and we promise that we will represent ourselves as good brand ambassador of this school and would always keep the name of our school in high spirits.

    In the end, I would like to thank everyone for all the support and kindness they have showed to us throughout our life at the school. We would leave the school with the hope that we can approach any of the teachers, Principal and the VP sir, whenever needed,

    Once again thank you everyone for this heart-warming party and I want to wish all the very best to everyone present here.

    Farewell Speech by Students Leaving School (Speech-8)

    Respected Principal, Respected Teachers and my Dear Students – First of all, I would like to thank you everyone for gathering here to celebrate our farewell! I am highly honored for having been given the opportunity of delivering the farewell speech today.

    The thought that this is our last day at the school makes me emotional as well as nervous. We have spent some of the best moments at this school and have learnt a lot of things here along with off course acquiring bookish knowledge.

    While we are really sad that we will be leaving the school post this day, we are also happy; in fact the entire school is happy that each student of our class has passed with good marks. Our school has good reputation and image in the world of academics and I am glad that we have lived up to that image. While off course, we did a lot of hard work to achieve such grades and marks, our teachers had been very supportive and motivating. They helped each one of us with the projects, assignments and other coursework whenever needed.

    I would also like to thank our Principal Sir who always believed in us. He would provide us with extra study material and allow us to stay in the library even after working hours for studying and completing the course.

    He is the true example of a disciplined yet kind personality. Along with motivating students for achieving high grades in the exams, he has also promoted various extracurricular activities such as dance, music, sports, painting, art & craft and many. Though our school did conduct sports week every year but because of our Principal Sir, our school could participate at the state and national level too. Thank you Sir, you really taught us that career can be made in other fields too as well as you taught that by making sports an integral part of our life, we can stay fit and agile.

    Under the guidance of our respected Principal Sir, our school also made visits to several charity organizations such as orphanage, old-age homes, etc. This has been favorite activity as serving the needy made me feel that I am serving the humanity.

    Sir, you may not imagine and I cannot even express in words my gratitude towards you. Learning such acts of humanity at the school level is certainly going to make us good human beings in the future and we promise that we will live by all the lessons we have learnt here.

    In the end, I would like to thank everyone for supporting me in all manners, especially the teachers for standing by me in my odd days. Though, none of us know, where will our life take us, but wherever we go, we will forever preserve in our hearts, the respect for our school and each and every staff of our school.

    Thank you everyone and I wish good luck to each one of you for your future!

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    How do you say goodbye in a farewell speech?

    All thank to our teachers, Principal Sir and the entire staff and their blessings and teachings, because of which we are leaving the school with the practical knowledge and skills needed in the real world. It’s hard to say goodbye to our beloved ones though, we are here with taking along cherished memories which we can treasure forever in our hearts.

    How do you say thank you in farewell?

    I would like to thank each and every staff at this college, the teachers, Principal and the VP Sir, juniors and fellow students for everyone has been great throughout my days at the college.

    What is the best farewell message?

    The best farewell message might include expressing gratitude for the time spent together, wishing the best for the future, and/or sharing contact information in case the two people want to stay in touch.

    What should I say in a farewell speech?

    In your farewell speech to colleagues, it's essential to express gratitude for the experiences shared, mention some memorable moments, acknowledge the contributions of teammates, and wish everyone well for their future endeavors. If it's a farewell speech for school, you could reminisce about the years spent learning and growing, mentioning specific incidents, teachers, and friends that made a difference.

    How do you start a farewell speech?

    Starting a farewell speech for employee leaving or any other farewell speech can begin with a personal anecdote or a memorable experience you shared with the audience. For a farewell speech for school, beginning with your first day or a significant turning point can be impactful. I still remember the day I walked into this office/school, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement...

    What is an example of leaving speech?

    An example of a farewell speech for friends might be, We've laughed together, faced challenges, and created countless memories. As I stand here, ready to embark on a new journey, I carry with me lessons and love from each one of you. For a short farewell speech to colleagues in office, you could say, While our time together was brief, the impact was profound. Thank you for the camaraderie and wisdom.

    What is a farewell statement?

    A farewell statement is a concise expression of your feelings and gratitude as you depart from a place or position. One of the farewell speech examples for this could be, As I bid adieu, my heart is filled with gratitude for the opportunities I've been given and the wonderful people I've met

    Which is the most polite farewell?

    In a professional setting, like during a farewell speech to colleagues, the most polite farewell could be, It's been an honor working alongside such dedicated professionals. I wish each of you success in all your future endeavors.

    How do you say few words for farewell?

    Whether it's a best farewell speech or a brief one, the essence remains gratitude and good wishes. Thank you for the memories, the lessons, and the laughter. Until we meet again. For those seeking a farewell speech in Hindi, you might say, आप सभी का धन्यवाद करता हूँ, हमारे साथ बिताए गए समय के लिए. फिर मिलेंगे। which translates to Thank you all for the time spent with us. We'll meet again. For a farewell speech for teacher, expressing respect and acknowledging their role in shaping your life can be the essence, Thank you for guiding us, teaching us, and making us who we are today.

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