MathsConstruction of Triangles

Construction of Triangles

Concept of Triangles

A triangle is a three-sided polygon. It is one of the basic shapes in geometry. The three sides of a triangle are called its vertices, and the three points where the sides meet are its corners or angles.

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    A triangle has three angles: a right angle, an acute angle, and a obtuse angle. The right angle is a 90-degree angle, the acute angle is a less than 90-degree angle, and the obtuse angle is a more than 90-degree angle.

    The length of the longest side of a triangle is called the hypotenuse. The other two sides are called the base and the height.

    A triangle is isosceles if its two shorter sides are the same length. It is scalene if its three sides have different lengths.

    Draw Different Type of Triangles –

    There are different types of triangles that can be drawn, depending on the angles and sides involved. Some of the most common types of triangles are right triangles, acute triangles, and obtuse triangles.

    A right triangle is a triangle with one angle measuring 90 degrees. The other two angles are both less than 90 degrees. A right triangle has one 90-degree angle, one 45-degree angle, and one angle that is less than 45 degrees. Right triangles are often used in math and physics problems.

    An acute triangle is a triangle with all angles measuring less than 90 degrees. These triangles are very common, and are often used to calculate angles and distances.

    An obtuse triangle is a triangle with one angle measuring more than 90 degrees. These triangles are not as common as right and acute triangles, but can still be found in many real-world situations.

    Construction of a Congruent Triangle :-

    Given three points in a plane, we can construct a triangle congruent to the triangle formed by those points. We will use the three points as the vertices of a triangle, and then construct the triangle using three compass constructions.

    First, we will draw a line segment connecting the first two points. We will then draw a perpendicular line segment from the third point to the first two points. This perpendicular line segment will intersect the first line segment at the midpoint. We will then connect the midpoint to the third point to form the triangle.

    SSS Construction of Triangles

    A triangle can be constructed by drawing three lines, each of which intersects the other two.

    Construction of an isosceles triangle

    To construct an isosceles triangle, first draw a line segment AB. Then, find the midpoint of AB and draw a line segment CD perpendicular to AB. Finally, connect the points A, B, and C to form the triangle.

    Case where AB > AC or AC > AB

    If AB > AC, then AC is the greater of the two numbers.

    If AC > AB, then AB is the greater of the two numbers.

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