MathsRoot Mean Square – RMSE

Root Mean Square – RMSE

The Root Mean Square (RMS) formula provides a method to calculate the square root of the average of the squares of a set of values. Often abbreviated as RMS, this value is also known as the quadratic mean. In simple terms, RMS is a statistical measure that gives an idea of the magnitude of a set of numbers, regardless of their direction (positive or negative).

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    Root Mean Square (RMS) Definition

    In statistics, the Root Mean Square (RMS) is a measure that calculates the square root of the average of the squares of a set of values. RMS is also referred to as the quadratic mean. RMS is a specific case of the generalized mean, with the exponent set to 2.

    This concept can also be extended to functions that vary over time, where the RMS value is obtained by integrating the squares of instantaneous values within a cycle.

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    Root Mean Square (RMS) Uses

    The RMS value can be applied not only to discrete data points but also to functions that vary continuously over time. When dealing with a continuously varying function, RMS is determined by integrating the square of the function’s instantaneous values over a cycle and then taking the square root of the result. This makes the RMS value particularly useful in fields such as Electrical Engineering and Signal Processing. RMS helps to describe the effective value of a varying waveform.

    Root Mean Square (RMS) Formula

    Below are the formulas used for Root Mean Square (RMS) calculations:

    Formula 1: Discrete Values

    For a set of n values, x1, x2, x3, . . ., xn, the Root Mean Square (RMS) formula is expressed as:

    Xrms = √[(x12 + x22 + x32 + . . . + xn2)/n]

    Here, Xrms represents the RMS value of the given n observations.

    Formula 2: Continuous Function

    For a continuous function f(t) defined over the interval T1 ≤ t ≤ T2, the RMS formula is given by:

    frms = √[(1/(T2 – T1)) * ∫T1T2 [f(t)]2 dt]

    In this case, frms denotes the RMS value of the function f(t) over the specified interval.

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    Calculating the Root Mean Square

    To calculate the Root Mean Square (RMS) for a given set of values, follow these steps:

    1. Square each of the values in the set.
    2. Find the average (mean) of the squared values.
    3. Take the square root of the average to get the RMS value.

    For an easy and accurate calculation, you can also use a Root Mean Square Calculator.

    Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)

    The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is a widely used metric to measure the differences between values predicted by a model or estimator and the actual observed values. RMSE reflects the sample standard deviation of these differences. These are also known as residuals when calculated within the sample used for estimation, and as prediction errors when calculated outside of the sample. By combining the magnitudes of the prediction errors into a single metric, RMSE provides a comprehensive measure of a model’s predictive accuracy.

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    Root Mean Square Error Formula

    The RMSE of a model with respect to the estimated variable xmodel is defined as the square root of the mean squared error:

    RMSE = √[(1/n) * Σi=1n (Xobs,i – Xmodel,i)2]


    • Xobs,i represents the observed values at time i.
    • Xmodel,i represents the model’s predicted values at time i.
    • n is the total number of observations.

    Root Mean Square Error Solved Example

    A meteorologist is using a model to predict daily temperatures for a week. The actual temperatures (in degrees Celsius) for the seven days are 20, 22, 19, 21, 23, 24, and 22. The model predicts 21, 21, 20, 20, 24, 23, and 21 for the same days. Calculate the RMSE.

    To calculate the RMSE we use the following formula:

    RMSE = √[(1/n) * Σi=1n (Xobs,i – Xmodel,i)2]


    • Xobs,i represents the observed values at the time i.
    • Xmodel,i represents the model’s predicted values at the time i.
    • n is the total number of observations.

    Now, according to the question:

    Observed Values: 20, 22, 19, 21, 23, 24, 22

    Predicted Values: 21, 21, 20, 20, 24, 23, 21

    So, we will first find: (Xobs,i – Xmodel,i)2


    • (20 – 21)2 = 1
    • (22 – 21)2 = 1
    • (19 – 20)2 = 1
    • (21 – 20)2 = 1
    • (23 – 24)2 = 1
    • (24 – 23)2 = 1
    • (22 – 21)2 = 1


    RMSE = √[(7/7)] = 1

    RMSE = 1

    Hence, the RMSE is 1°C, indicating the model’s temperature predictions are, on average, 1°C off from the actual temperatures.

    Root Mean Square Practice Questions

    1. A company predicts monthly sales (in units) for five months. The actual sales were 200, 220, 250, 240, and 230 units. The predicted sales were 210, 215, 255, 235, and 225 units. Calculate the RMSE for the sales predictions.
    2. An analyst predicts the closing prices of a stock over a week. The actual closing prices (in dollars) are 150, 155, 160, 165, and 170. The predicted prices are 152, 153, 158, 167, and 172. Find the RMSE for the predicted stock prices.
    3. A teacher predicts the test scores of students based on their previous performance. The actual scores are 85, 78, 92, 88, and 80. The predicted scores are 83, 80, 90, 87, and 82. Determine the RMSE for the predicted exam scores.
    4. A researcher models the daily energy consumption (in kilowatt-hours) of a household over six days. The actual consumption is 30, 28, 35, 32, 29, and 31 kWh. The predicted consumption is 31, 29, 34, 33, 28, and 30 kWh. Calculate the RMSE for the energy consumption predictions.

    Root Mean Square FAQs

    What does RMSE measure?

    RMSE measures the average magnitude of errors between predicted values and actual values. It calculates the square root of the mean of the squared differences (errors) and provides an indication of how well a model's predictions match the actual data. A lower RMSE value signifies better model accuracy.

    How is RMS calculated?

    RMS is calculated by following these steps: Square each of the values in the set. Find the average (mean) of the squared values. Take the square root of the average to get the RMS value.

    Why is RMSE important?

    RMSE is important because it provides a single measure of how well a model's predictions align with actual outcomes. It helps in evaluating the performance of predictive models and comparing different models, as a lower RMSE indicates a better fit between the model's predictions and real data.

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