MathsVolume of Cone

Volume of Cone

What is cone?

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    A cone is a three-dimensional geometric figure with a circular base and a pointy top. It is created by rotating a line around a fixed point, called the center of rotation. The line is called the base of the cone and the pointy end is called the apex.

    Volume of a Cone

    The volume of a cone defines the space or the capacity of the cone. A cone is a three-dimensional geometric shape having a circular base that tapers from a flat base to a point called apex or vertex. A cone is formed by a set of line segments, half-lines or lines connecting a common point, the apex, to all the points on a base that is in a plane that does not contain the apex.A cone can be seen as a set of non-congruent circular disks that are stacked on one another such that the ratio of the radius of adjacent disks remains constant.

    Volume of a Cone Formula

    In general, a cone is a pyramid with a circular cross-section. A right cone is a cone with its vertex above the center of the base. It is also called right circular cone. You can easily find out the volume of a cone if you have the measurements of its height and radius and put it into a formula.

    Therefore, the volume of a cone formula is given as

    The volume of a cone = (1/3) πr2h cubic units


    • ‘r’ is the base radius of the cone
    • ‘l’ is the slant height of a cone
    • ‘h’ is the height of the cone

    As we can see from the above cone formula, the capacity of a cone is one-third of the capacity of the cylinder. That means if we take 1/3rd of the vol. of cone, we get the formula for cone volume.

    Volume of Cone

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