MathsTrigonometry Table – Trigonometric Functions Table

Trigonometry Table – Trigonometric Functions Table

Trigonometry Table: Trigonometry is a mathematics branch that studies length, angles, and their relationships in a triangle. Trigonometric ratios are applicable only for right-angle triangles, with one of the angles equal to 90o.

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    Trigonometry Table

    The trig table comprises the following trigonometric ratios that are interrelated to each other – sin, cos, tan, cos, sec, cot.

    • sin (reciprocal of cosecant) = opposite over hypotenuse
    • cos (reciprocal of secant) = adjacent over hypotenuse
    • tan (reciprocal of cotangent) = opposite over adjacent
    • cot (reciprocal of tangent) = adjacent over the opposite
    • cosec (reciprocal of sine) = hypotenuse over the opposite
    • sec (reciprocal of cosine) = hypotenuse over adjacent

    The calculations can easily be figured out by memorizing a table of functions commonly known as the Trigonometric Table. This finds use in several areas. Some include navigation video games, aviation, science, geography, engineering, geometry, etc. The trigonometric table helped in many developments and the field of Mechanical Engineering for the first innovation.

    The Trig ratios table gives us the values of standard trigonometric angles such as 0°, 30°, 45°, 60°, and 90°. These values hold higher precedence than others as the most important problems employ these ratios. It is, therefore, very important to know and remember the ratios of these standard angles.

    Tricks to Remember Trigonometry Table

    Trigonometric TableTrigonometric Table

    Remembering the trigonometry table will be useful as it finds many applications and many methods to remember the table. Knowing the Trigonometry formulas, ratios, and identities automatically will lead to figuring out the table and the values. The Trigonometric ratio table depends upon the trigonometry formulas in the same way all the trigonometry functions are interlinked.

    Trigonometry Functions of Angles

    Before attempting to begin, it is better to try and remember these values and know the following trigonometric ratios of complementary angles.

    • sin x = cos (90∘−x)
    • cos x = sin (90∘−x)
    • tan x = cot (90∘−x)
    • cot x = tan (90∘−x)
    • sec x = cot (90∘−x)
    • cot x = sec (90∘−x)

    Reciprocal relations of Trigonometric Ratios

    • 1 / sin x = cosec x
    • 1 / cos x= sec x
    • 1 / sec x= cos x
    • 1 / tan x= cot x
    • 1 / cot x= tan x
    • 1/ cosec x = sin x
    Steps to Create Trigonometric Table:

    Step 1: Draw a tabular column with the required angles such as 0, 30o, 45o, 60o, 90o, 180o, 270o, and 360o in the top row and all 6 trigonometric functions such as sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant, and cotangent in the first column.

    Step 2:
    Trigonometry Table 1

    Step 3:
    Trigonometry Table 2

    Step 4:
    Trigonometric Table 1

    Step 5:
    Trigonometric Table 2

    Step 6:
    Trig Table 1

    Step 7:
    Trig Table 2

    Trigonometry Table

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