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Scandium Element – Physical Properties, Fun Facts and FAQ


Scandium is a chemical element with symbol Sc and atomic number 21. It is a soft, silvery-white, malleable and ductile metal that is easily oxidized in air. Scandium found in the Earth’s crust only in trace amounts, mostly in the form of scandium oxide minerals, such as euxenite. The most common oxidation state of scandium is +3, as in the scandate(III) anions. Scandium not found in nature as a free element.

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    Scandium Element - Physical Properties, Fun Facts and FAQ

    Scandium Element

    It is a chemical element with symbol Sc and atomic number 21. It is a soft, silvery-white, malleable, and ductile metal. Scandium found in the Earth’s crust only in trace amounts, always combined with other elements. It produced commercially by reducing the oxide with lanthanum or cerium.

    It has no known biological role, but is reportedly toxic to humans. Scandium is a poor conductor of electricity and heat. Scandium used in some alloys with other metals to make lightweight, durable materials. These alloys used in aerospace engineering, as well as in some sports equipment.

    Physical Properties of Scandium

    • The physical properties of Scandium are that it is a silver-white metal that is soft and malleable.
    • It also has a very low melting point and a high boiling point.
    • Scandium is also a good conductor of electricity.

    Scandium Properties

    • It is a soft, silvery-white metal.
    • found in the earth’s crust as a trace element.
    • It is not very common, but it is not rare either.
    • is not very strong, but it is not too weak either.
    • It is not very heat-resistant, but it is not too fragile either.
    • Scandium is a good conductor of electricity.
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