HomeSocial ScienceBattle of Saraighat of 1671

Battle of Saraighat of 1671

Battle of Saraighat 1671: The Battle of Saraighat is a significant chapter in Indian history, showcasing the valor and strategic brilliance of the Ahom King Lachit Borphukan. This historic battle was a crucial moment in the struggle between the Ahom Kingdom and the Mughal Empire. In this blog, we will explore the background, causes, events, and aftermath of the Battle. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about this legendary battle.

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    Battle of Saraighat 1671

    The Battle of Saraighat

    The Mughals wanted the Ahoms to follow the Treaty of Asurar Ali from 1639, which set the boundary of the Ahom Kingdom at the Asurar Ali in the south and the Barnadi River in the north. The Ahoms refused this proposal. Atan Buragohain suspected that the Mughals would break their promise, and honoring the treaty meant giving Guwahati to the Mughals, which would provide them with strategic advantages. The Ahoms did not want to lose the western part of their kingdom or give the Mughals a position to launch attacks from Guwahati.

    When negotiations and offers of compensation failed, the Mughals launched a massive naval attack on the Ahoms. At that time, the Ahoms were demoralized due to a previous defeat, and their leader, Lachit Borphukan, was seriously ill. Some soldiers even began to retreat.

    Despite his illness, Lachit Borphukan ordered his troops to carry him to the boat. He sent a command through Katakis for all naval and land forces to attack as the Mughals were about to land at Andharubali. His action inspired the Ahoms, who quickly entered the river with many small boats and struck the large Mughal warships. The Mughals struggled to maneuver against this sudden assault.

    The Ahoms coordinated a combined front and rear attack by positioning men and boats in a triangle formed by Itakhuli, Aswakranta, and Kamakhya on the Brahmaputra River. During the battle, Mughal admiral Munnawar Khan was killed by a gunshot. This decisive action pushed the Mughals back to the Manas River, the western boundary of the Ahom Kingdom, marking the Ahoms’ victory over the Mughals.

    Background of the Battle of Saraighat

    The Battle of Saraighat took place in 1671 on the banks of the Brahmaputra River in Assam, India. At this time, the Ahom Kingdom, led by King Chakradhar Singha, was defending its territory against the expanding Mughal Empire. The Mughals, under the leadership of General Ram Singh I, sought to extend their influence into the northeastern regions of India.

    Causes of the Battle of Saraighat

    Several factors led to the Battle of Saraighat:

    • Mughal Expansionism: The Mughals aimed to expand their empire into Assam and the northeastern regions of India. This expansionist policy was part of their broader goal to consolidate power over the entire Indian subcontinent.
    • Strategic Importance: Assam’s location was strategically important due to its proximity to trade routes and its role as a barrier to further Mughal expansion into the northeast.
    • Previous Conflicts: The Ahom Kingdom had previously resisted Mughal advances, which led to a buildup of tensions and hostilities.

    Events of the Battle of Saraighat

    The battle was a dramatic and fierce confrontation between the Ahom forces and the Mughal army. Here are some key events:

    • Initial Assault: The Mughals launched a large-scale assault on the Ahom defenses at Saraighat. The Ahom forces, led by General Lachit Borphukan, faced overwhelming numbers but were determined to defend their homeland.
    • Strategic Defense: Lachit Borphukan used innovative tactics, including the use of riverine warfare and guerrilla tactics, to counter the Mughal forces. The Ahoms utilized the Brahmaputra River to their advantage, using it as a natural barrier and conducting surprise attacks.
    • Decisive Engagement: The battle reached its climax when Lachit Borphukan launched a counterattack that turned the tide against the Mughals. His leadership and strategic acumen were instrumental in the Ahom victory.

    Turning Point of the Battle of Saraighat

    The turning point in the Battle came when Lachit Borphukan’s forces successfully executed a brilliant tactical maneuver. By setting fire to their own boats and creating a blockade, they forced the Mughal forces to retreat. This bold move showcased Lachit’s strategic genius and commitment to his kingdom.

    Aftermath of the Battle of Saraighat

    The Battle of Saraighat had several significant outcomes:

    • Mughal Retreat: The defeat forced the Mughal forces to retreat from Assam, halting their expansionist ambitions in the region.
    • Ahom Victory: The victory strengthened the position of the Ahom Kingdom and solidified its control over Assam.
    • Legacy of Lachit Borphukan: Lachit Borphukan became a celebrated hero in Assamese history, remembered for his bravery and leadership. His legacy is commemorated annually on Lachit Divas, a day dedicated to honoring his contributions.

    Tactics and Outcome

    The Battle of Saraighat was marked by a series of brilliant military tactics:

    • Use of River Terrain: Lachit Borphukan utilized the Brahmaputra River for defensive purposes and to stage surprise attacks.
    • Guerrilla Warfare: The Ahom forces engaged in guerrilla tactics, harassing and outmaneuvering the larger Mughal army.
    • Psychological Warfare: Lachit Borphukan’s strategic moves and the sight of burning boats demoralized the Mughal troops, contributing to their defeat.

    Important Points to Remember

    • Aurangzeb, the Mughal Emperor during the Battle of Saraighat, ruled from 1658 to 1707.
    • Lachit Borphukan led the Ahom Kingdom in the Battle of Saraighat.
    • The Battle of Saraighat took place on the Brahmaputra River, which splits the Ahom Kingdom almost in half and then flows into present-day Bangladesh.
    • General Lachit Borphukan was the Ahom leader renowned for his strategic prowess and leadership in defending the kingdom.
    • Aurangzeb sought to extend Mughal dominion into the northeastern regions of India, with the Ahom Kingdom being a key target for expansion.
    • The Ahom forces, though outnumbered, achieved a decisive victory over the Mughal army, thwarting their invasion plans.
    • The victory at Saraighat was a major victory for the Ahom Kingdom and became a symbol of resistance against Mughal dominance.
    • Every year, Assam honors Lachit Borphukan’s bravery and military strategy through the celebrations of Lachit Day.
    • The battle demonstrated the effective use of naval tactics and guerrilla warfare by the Ahom forces to overcome the Mughal invaders.
    • The Battle of Saraighat is a significant historical event for Assam, representing the region’s heritage and enduring spirit of resistance.


    The Battle of Saraighat stands as a testament to the strategic brilliance and indomitable spirit of the Ahom forces under Lachit Borphukan. This historic battle not only defended Assam from Mughal expansion but also established a lasting legacy of bravery and tactical excellence. The strategies employed during the battle and the outcome of the conflict played a crucial role in shaping the history of the region.

    FAQs on the Battle of Saraighat

    Who won the Battle of Saraighat?

    The Ahom forces, led by Lachit Borphukan, won the Battle of Saraighat.

    When was the Battle of Saraighat fought?

    The Battle of Saraighat was fought on March 24, 1671.

    What was the Second Battle of Saraighat?

    The Second Battle of Saraighat, fought in 1682, was a later conflict between the Ahoms and the Mughals. Unlike the first battle, the Ahoms faced challenges, and the conflict ended with a treaty.

    Was the Battle of Saraighat the last battle between the Ahoms and Mughals?

    No, the Battle of Saraighat was not the last battle between the Ahoms and Mughals. There were subsequent conflicts, including the Second Battle of Saraighat.

    Who fought in the Battle of Saraighat?

    The battle was fought between the Ahom Kingdom, led by Lachit Borphukan, and the Mughal Empire, led by General Ram Singh I.

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