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Heterogeneous Reaction – Different Phases and Homogeneous Reactions

Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Reaction

Homogeneous reactions involve only one phase, while heterogeneous reactions involve two or more phases. In a heterogeneous reaction, one phase is usually a solid and the other is a liquid or gas.

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    Some Examples of Heterogeneous Reactions are

    the combination of an acid and a base to form a salt and water, the combustion of methane in oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water, and the reaction of aluminum with hydrochloric acid to form aluminum chloride and hydrogen gas.

    Heterogeneous Chemical Reaction

    A heterogeneous chemical reaction is a type of reaction that takes place between two or more substances that are not in the same state. In a heterogeneous reaction, the reactants are not all in the same phase. This means that they are not all in the same physical state, and they are not all in contact with each other.

    A good example of a heterogeneous reaction is the reaction between baking soda and vinegar. In this reaction, the baking soda and vinegar are not in the same phase. The baking soda is a solid, while the vinegar is a liquid. The baking soda and vinegar are not in contact with each other, and they are not in the same state.

    Homogeneous Reactions

    A homogeneous reaction is a process that takes place in a single phase. This means that the reactants and the products are all in the same physical state. For example, a reaction between two gases will take place in a gas phase. A reaction between a solid and a gas will take place in the gas phase. A reaction between two liquids will take place in the liquid phase. A reaction between a solid and a liquid will take place in the liquid phase.

    Heterogeneous Catalytic Reaction

    A heterogeneous catalytic reaction is a chemical reaction that takes place on a surface that is different from the reactants and products. In a heterogeneous catalytic reaction, the surface of the catalyst is covered with tiny particles of a material that is different from the reactants and products. The catalyst speeds up the reaction by providing a surface on which the reactants can come together and react.

    One example of a heterogeneous catalytic reaction is the oxidation of carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide. In this reaction, the catalyst is a metal oxide, such as iron oxide. The metal oxide provides a surface on which the carbon monoxide and oxygen can react to form carbon dioxide.

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