GK QuestionsPython Quiz Questions and Answers

Python Quiz Questions and Answers

Welcome to the Python Quiz! Whether you are a beginner or someone looking to sharpen your skills, this quiz is designed for you. It features a variety of Python quiz questions that will test your knowledge of Python programming. You will find Python quiz questions and answers that cover basic concepts, syntax, and more advanced topics.

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    If you’re looking for a convenient way to practice, our Python online quiz allows you to take the quiz from anywhere. You can even explore Python quiz code and Gk Questions to see how different questions are structured. This quiz is perfect for Python quiz for beginners, helping you build confidence and improve your coding skills. Get ready to challenge yourself and see how much you know about Python!

    Python Quiz Questions and Answers

    Ques: What is the correct file extension for Python files?

    A) .py

    B) .python

    C) .pyt

    D) .pt

    Ans: A) .py

    Explanation: Python files use the .py extension.

    Ques: Which of the following is a valid variable name in Python?

    A) 1variable

    B) variable_name

    C) variable-name

    D) variable name

    Ans: B) variable_name

    Explanation: Variable names must start with a letter or underscore and cannot contain spaces or special characters (except underscores).

    Ques: Which function is used to read input from the user in Python?

    A) input()

    B) read()

    C) scan()

    D) getInput()

    Ans: A) input()

    Explanation: The input() function is used to take user input in Python.

    Ques: What will be the output of the following code? print(type(5))

    A) <class ‘int’>

    B) <class ‘float’>

    C) <class ‘str’>

    D) <class ‘list’>

    Ans: A) <class ‘int’>

    Explanation: The number 5 is an integer, so type(5) returns <class 'int'>.

    Ques: Which of the following data types is not supported in Python?

    A) List

    B) Tuple

    C) Set

    D) Array

    Ans: D) Array

    Explanation: Python does not have a built-in array data type; it uses lists instead.

    Ques: What is the output of print(2 ** 3)?

    A) 6

    B) 8

    C) 9

    D) 5

    Ans: B) 8

    Explanation: The expression 2 ** 3 means 2 raised to the power of 3, which equals 8.

    Ques: How do you start a comment in Python?

    A) //

    B) #

    C) <!–

    D) **

    Ans: B) #

    Explanation: In Python, comments start with the # symbol.

    Ques: What will be the output of print("Hello" + "World")?

    A) Hello World

    B) HelloWorld

    C) “HelloWorld”

    D) Hello+World

    Ans: B) HelloWorld

    Explanation: The + operator concatenates the two strings without any space.

    Ques: Which of the following is used to define a function in Python?

    A) function

    B) def

    C) define

    D) func

    Ans: B) def

    Explanation: Functions in Python are defined using the def keyword.

    Ques: What will be the output of print(bool(0))?

    A) True

    B) False

    C) 0

    D) None

    Ans: B) False

    Explanation: In Python, 0 is considered False when converted to a boolean.

    Ques: Which of the following is a mutable data type in Python?

    A) Tuple

    B) String

    C) List

    D) Integer

    Ans: C) List

    Explanation: Lists are mutable, meaning they can be changed after creation.

    Ques: What does the len() function do?

    A) Returns the length of a string

    B) Returns the number of items in a list

    C) Both A and B

    D) None of the above

    Ans: C) Both A and B

    Explanation: The len() function returns the length of strings and the number of items in lists.

    Ques: Which keyword is used to create a class in Python?

    A) class

    B) def

    C) create

    D) object

    Ans: A) class

    Explanation: The class keyword is used to define a class in Python.

    Ques: What will be the output of print(3 * 'A')?

    A) AAA

    B) 3A

    C) A3

    D) Error

    Ans: A) AAA

    Explanation: The * operator repeats the string 3 times.

    Ques: What is the correct way to create a list in Python?

    A) list = {}

    B) list = []

    C) list = ()

    D) list = //

    Ans: B) list = []

    Explanation: Lists are created using square brackets [].

    Ques: Which of the following is a built-in function in Python?

    A) add()

    B) append()

    C) print()

    D) insert()

    Ans: C) print()

    Explanation:print() is a built-in function used to display output.

    Ques: What will be the output of print("Python")?

    A) P

    B) python

    C) y

    D) Error

    Ans: A) P

    Explanation: Indexing in Python starts at 0, so print("Python") outputs the first character, which is P.

    Ques: What is the purpose of the self keyword in Python?

    A) To refer to the class itself

    B) To refer to the instance of the class

    C) To define a variable

    D) None of the above

    Ans: B) To refer to the instance of the class

    Explanation:self is used in instance methods to refer to the object itself.

    Ques: Which of the following statements is true about tuples?

    A) Tuples are mutable

    B) Tuples can contain duplicate values

    C) Tuples are defined using []

    D) Tuples cannot contain mixed data types

    Ans: B) Tuples can contain duplicate values

    Explanation: Tuples are immutable but can contain duplicate values and mixed data types.

    Ques: What is the output of print(5 // 2)?

    A) 2.5

    B) 2

    C) 3

    D) 2.0

    Ans: B) 2

    Explanation: The // operator performs floor division, returning the largest integer less than or equal to the division result.

    Ques: Which of the following is not a valid way to create a dictionary?

    A) dict = {}

    B) dict = []

    C) dict = dict()

    D) dict = {‘key’: ‘value’}

    Ans: B) dict = []

    Explanation: Dictionaries are created using curly braces {} or the dict() function, not square brackets.

    Ques: What will be the output of print("Hello, World!".split())?

    A) [‘Hello,’, ‘World!’]

    B) [‘Hello’, ‘World!’]

    C) ‘Hello, World!’

    D) Error

    Ans: B) [‘Hello’, ‘World!’]

    Explanation: The split() method splits a string into a list of words.

    Ques: Which operator is used to check if a value exists in a list?

    A) in

    B) exists

    C) has

    D) contains

    Ans: A) in

    Explanation: The in operator checks if a value is present in a list.

    Ques: What is the output of print(type([]))?

    A) <class ‘list’>

    B) <class ‘dict’>

    C) <class ‘tuple’>

    D) <class ‘set’>

    Ans: A) <class ‘list’>

    Explanation: An empty list is still of type list.

    Ques: Which of the following statements is used to handle exceptions in Python?

    A) try…catch

    B) try…except

    C) handle…except

    D) catch…finally

    Ans: B) try…except

    Explanation: The try...except block is used to handle exceptions in Python.

    Ques: What will be the output of print(10 % 3)?

    A) 1

    B) 3

    C) 0

    D) 10

    Ans: A) 1

    Explanation: The modulus operator % returns the remainder of the division, which is 1.

    Ques: How do you create a function in Python that takes two parameters?

    A) def function(param1, param2):

    B) function(param1, param2):

    C) create function(param1, param2):

    D) function: param1, param2

    Ans: A) def function(param1, param2):

    Explanation: Functions are defined using the def keyword followed by the function name and parameters in parentheses.

    Ques: What will be the output of print("Python"[-1])?

    A) n

    B) P

    C) Error

    D) o

    Ans: A) n

    Explanation: Negative indexing accesses elements from the end of the string, so -1 refers to the last character.

    Ques: Which of the following is a correct way to import a module in Python?

    A) import module_name

    B) include module_name

    C) require module_name

    D) load module_name

    Ans: A) import module_name

    Explanation: The import statement is used to include modules in Python.

    Ques: What is the output of print("abc" * 3)?

    A) abcabcabc

    B) abc abc abc

    C) Error

    D) 3abc

    Ans: A) abcabcabc

    Explanation: The * operator repeats the string three times.

    Ques: Which method is used to add an element to a list in Python?

    A) add()

    B) append()

    C) insert()

    D) push()

    Ans: B) append()

    Explanation: The append() method adds an element to the end of a list.

    Ques: What is the output of print("Hello"[1:4])?

    A) Hel

    B) ell

    C) Hel

    D) Hello

    Ans: B) ell

    Explanation: Slicing returns the substring from index 1 to 3 (4 is not included).

    Ques: Which of the following is used to convert a string to an integer in Python?

    A) int()

    B) str()

    C) float()

    D) convert()

    Ans: A) int()

    Explanation: The int() function converts a string or number to an integer.

    Ques: What will be the output of print(1 == True)?

    A) True

    B) False

    C) 1

    D) Error

    Ans: A) True

    Explanation: In Python, True is equivalent to 1 and False is equivalent to 0.

    Ques: Which of the following is a Python built-in data type?

    A) Array

    B) List

    C) Hash

    D) Matrix

    Ans: B) List

    Explanation: Lists are one of the built-in data types in Python.

    Ques: What is the output of print("abc".capitalize())?

    A) Abc

    B) ABC

    C) aBc

    D) Abc.

    Ans: A) Abc

    Explanation: The capitalize() method converts the first character to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.

    Ques: Which of the following is not a valid way to create a set in Python?

    A) set = {}

    B) set = set()

    C) set = {1, 2, 3}

    D) set = set([1, 2, 3])

    Ans: A) set = {}

    Explanation: An empty set is created using set(), while {} creates an empty dictionary.

    Ques: What will be the output of print(3 == 3.0)?

    A) True

    B) False

    C) 1

    D) Error

    Ans: A) True

    Explanation: Python considers 3 and 3.0 equal.

    Ques: Which of the following is used to create a while loop in Python?

    A) while (condition):

    B) while condition:

    C) loop while condition:

    D) while: condition

    Ans: B) while condition:

    Explanation: The correct syntax for a while loop in Python uses the while keyword followed by the condition.

    Ques: What is the output of print("Python"[1:])?

    A) Python

    B) ython

    C) P

    D) Error

    Ans: B) ython

    Explanation: Slicing from index 1 to the end returns ython.

    Ques: Which of the following statements is used to exit a loop in Python?

    A) exit

    B) break

    C) stop

    D) return

    Ans: B) break

    Explanation: The break statement is used to exit a loop prematurely.

    Ques: What will be the output of print("abc".find("b"))?

    A) 1

    B) 2

    C) -1

    D) Error

    Ans: A) 1

    Explanation: The find() method returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring, which is 1 for "b".

    Ques: Which of the following is not a valid way to define a class in Python?

    A) class MyClass:

    B) class MyClass()

    C) class MyClass(object):

    D) class MyClass:

    Ans: B) class MyClass()

    Explanation: Classes are defined using class ClassName: without parentheses.

    Ques: What is the output of print([1, 2, 3] + [4, 5])?

    A) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    B) [1, 2, 3, [4, 5]]

    C) Error

    D) [4, 5, 1, 2, 3]

    Ans: A) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

    Explanation: The + operator concatenates two lists.

    Ques: What will be the output of print("Hello"[1:3])?

    A) He

    B) el

    C) llo

    D) Hello

    Ans: B) el

    Explanation: Slicing from index 1 to 2 returns the substring "el".

    Ques: Which of the following is used to handle multiple exceptions in Python?

    A) except Exception1, Exception2:

    B) except (Exception1, Exception2):

    C) except: Exception1, Exception2

    D) except: (Exception1, Exception2)

    Ans: B) except (Exception1, Exception2):

    Explanation: You can handle multiple exceptions by enclosing them in parentheses.

    Ques: What is the output of print(2 * (3 + 4))?

    A) 14

    B) 7

    C) 10

    D) 21

    Ans: A) 14

    Explanation: The expression evaluates to 2 * 7, which equals 14.

    Ques: Which of the following methods can be used to remove an item from a list?

    A) delete()

    B) remove()

    C) pop()

    D) Both B and C

    Ans: D) Both B and C

    Explanation: Both remove() and pop() methods can be used to remove items from a list.

    Ques: What will be the output of print("Hello".upper())?

    A) hello

    B) HELLO

    C) Hello

    D) Error

    Ans: B) HELLO

    Explanation: The upper() method converts all characters in the string to uppercase.

    Ques: Which of the following is a correct way to create a set?

    A) set1 = {1, 2, 3}

    B) set1 = (1, 2, 3)

    C) set1 = [1, 2, 3]

    D) set1 = {1: ‘one’, 2: ‘two’}

    Ans: A) set

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    The Python Quiz is designed to test your knowledge and understanding of Python programming concepts, syntax, and best practices. It helps learners assess their skills and identify areas for improvement.

    Who can take the Python Quiz?

    Anyone interested in learning or improving their Python skills can take the quiz. It is suitable for beginners, intermediate learners, and even experienced programmers looking to refresh their knowledge.

    How many questions are included in the Python Quiz?

    The Python Quiz contains over 50 questions covering a wide range of topics related to Python programming, including data types, functions, control structures, and libraries.

    Is there a time limit for completing the quiz?

    Typically, there is no strict time limit for completing the Python Quiz. However, some versions may have a recommended time frame to encourage efficient completion.

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