Table of Contents
What is a Decimal?
A decimal is a number that has a fractional part and a whole number part. The fractional part is written as a decimal point followed by some digits. The whole number part is written as normal. For example, the decimal 3.14159265 is written as 3.14159265.
Types of Decimal Numbers
There are three types of decimal numbers: terminating, repeating, and non-repeating.
Terminating decimal numbers are those that have a finite number of digits that repeat after a certain point. For example, the number 5.6 has a terminating decimal representation, because the 6 repeats after the 5.
Repeating decimal numbers are those that have a finite number of digits that repeat in a specific pattern. For example, the number 5.142857 has a repeating decimal representation, because the 142857 repeats over and over.
Non-repeating decimal numbers are those that do not have a finite number of digits that repeat. For example, the number 5.12345 has a non-repeating decimal representation, because the digits do not repeat after 5.
What is the Importance of Decimal Worksheets?
Decimal worksheets are important because they help students learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide decimals. They also help students develop a better understanding of what decimals are and how they work.
Things to Keep In Mind
Some people who are gluten-free have to be very careful about what they eat, as even a small amount of gluten can make them sick. Others can eat gluten-containing foods as long as they don’t have celiac disease.
If you’re gluten-free, it’s important to read food labels carefully to make sure that the foods you eat are gluten-free.