WorksheetComponents of Food Class 6 Worksheet with Answers

Components of Food Class 6 Worksheet with Answers

Understanding the components of food is essential for students in Class 6 as it lays the foundation for healthy eating habits and knowledge about nutrition. This Components of Food Class 6 Worksheet with Answers is designed to help students grasp the fundamental concepts of nutrition, the role of various nutrients, and the importance of a balanced diet. This Class 6 Components of Food Worksheet includes a variety of questions such as fill in the blanks, true or false, matching, and short answer questions. Each section aims to reinforce the learning objectives and ensure that students can identify the different components of food and their significance. By using this Components of Food Class 6 Worksheet, students will be able to effectively understand and retain the information needed for their studies.

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    Components of Food Class 6 Worksheet

    Fill in the Blanks

    Question 1: ___ and ___ mainly provide energy to our body.

    Answer: Carbohydrates, fats

    Question 2: A balanced diet can prevent ___ disease.

    Answer: deficiency

    Question 3: Too much fat in the diet may lead to ___.

    Answer: obesity

    Question 4: ___ helps our body to absorb nutrients from food.

    Answer: Water

    Question 5: Vitamin ___ gets easily destroyed by heat during cooking.

    Answer: C

    Question 6: Vitamin ___ helps in clotting of blood.

    Answer: K

    Question 7: Deficiency of Vitamin ___ causes rickets.

    Answer: D

    Question 8: Deficiency of Vitamin ___ causes scurvy.

    Answer: C

    Question 9: Water makes up about ___% of our body weight.

    Answer: 70

    Question 10: Cooking in too much water destroys ___ in food.

    Answer: nutrients

    Question 11: ___ or roughage is important for proper functioning of the digestive system.

    Answer: Fibre

    Question 12: ___ is rich in iron.

    Answer: Spinach

    Question 13: An oily patch on paper shows that the food item contains ___.

    Answer: fat

    Question 14: ___ are needed in our body in small amounts.

    Answer: Minerals

    Question 15: Dietary fibres are also known as ___.

    Answer: roughage

    Also Check: CBSE Class 6 Science Chapter 2 Components of Food MCQ

    True or False

    Question 1: Milk does not provide dietary fibre.

    Answer: True

    Question 2: Fats provide less energy as compared to the same amount of carbohydrates.

    Answer: False

    Question 3: Lack of nutrients in our diet over a long period is called deficiency diseases.

    Answer: True

    Question 4: Rice and potato are rich in protein.

    Answer: False

    Question 5: Egg is a rich source of protein, phosphorus, and vitamin D.

    Answer: True

    Question 6: Peas, gram, soybeans, and cottage cheese are good sources of proteins.

    Answer: True

    Question 7: A food item may contain more than one nutrient.

    Answer: True

    Match the Following

    Question 1: Match the items in Column I with those in Column II.


    Column I Column II
    Eating junk food Obesity
    Lack of iron in diet Anaemia
    Lack of iodine Goiter
    Excessive cooking of food Loss of vitamin C
    Absence of exposure to sunlight Rickets
    Lack of protein Kwashiorkor
    Lack of vitamin B1 Beriberi
    No fibre in diet Constipation
    Eating Vitamin C rich diet Healthy gums

    Short Answer Questions

    Question 1: Which vitamin is not present in milk?

    Answer: Vitamin C

    Question 2: Write the deficiency disease that causes bleeding gums.

    Answer: Scurvy

    Question 3: Write the deficiency disease that is caused by a deficiency of iron in the diet.

    Answer: Anaemia

    Question 4: What is the vitamin that represents a group of other vitamins?

    Answer: Vitamin B complex

    Question 5: What is obesity?

    Answer: Obesity is the condition of excess body weight due to accumulation of fat in the body.

    Question 6: Name two foods rich in fats.

    Answer: Oil and ghee

    Question 7: Name two foods rich in carbohydrates/starch.

    Answer: Bread and potato

    Question 8: Name two foods rich in proteins.

    Answer: Egg and pulses

    Question 9: Name two foods rich in Vitamin A.

    Answer: Papaya and carrot

    Question 10: Name two foods rich in Vitamin C.

    Answer: Orange and lemon

    Question 11: Name two foods rich in Vitamin B1.

    Answer: Beef and liver

    Question 12: Name two foods rich in Vitamin D.

    Answer: Salmon fish and egg yolks

    Question 13: Name two foods rich in calcium.

    Answer: Milk and yogurt

    Question 14: Name two foods rich in iodine.

    Answer: Seafood and iodized salt

    Also Check: Components of Food Class 6 Extra Questions Science Chapter 2

    Classification of Food Items

    Question 1: Classify the following food items into carbohydrates, fats, and proteins: sweet potato, ground nuts, tuar dal, potato, sugarcane, nuts, gram, milk, moong, butter, ghee, cream, soya bean, wheat, paneer, rice, bajra.


    Carbohydrates Fats Proteins
    Sweet potato Ground nuts Tuar dal
    Potato Nuts Gram
    Sugarcane Milk Moong
    Wheat Butter Soya bean
    Rice Ghee Paneer
    Bajra Cream

    General Questions

    Question 1: What are nutrients?

    Answer: Nutrients are the components of food that are necessary for the growth and development of our body.

    Question 2: Which are the nutrients essential for our body?

    Answer: Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, roughage, and water are the essential nutrients for our body.

    Question 3: What is nutrition?

    Answer: Nutrition is the process of taking nutrients from our food for the growth and development of the body and to obtain energy.

    Question 4: Write the functions of food.

    Answer: The functions of food are:

    • Provides nutrients for proper growth and functioning of the body.
    • Gives protection against diseases.
    • Provides energy to carry out physical activities.

    Question 5: Why does our body need nutritious food?

    Answer: Nutritious food is needed for the growth of our body, provides energy for work and play, and gives resistance against diseases.

    Question 6: Name the different food groups.

    Answer: The different food groups are:

    • Energy-giving food: Carbohydrates and fats.
    • Body-building food: Proteins.
    • Protective food: Vitamins and minerals.

    Question 7: How will you test for starch in a food sample?

    Answer: Add 2-3 drops of iodine solution to a small quantity of food sample. A blue-black color indicates the presence of starch.

    Question 8: How will you test for protein in a food sample?

    Answer: Add 10 drops of water to a small quantity of food sample in a test tube, then add two drops of copper sulfate solution and ten drops of caustic soda. A violet color indicates the presence of protein.

    Question 9: How will you test for fat in a food sample?

    Answer: Place the food sample on a piece of paper and crush it. If the spot becomes translucent and greasy, the sample contains fat.

    Question 10: What are the main carbohydrates found in our food?

    Answer: The main carbohydrates found in our food are starch and sugars.

    Question 11: Name two energy-producing nutrients.

    Answer: Carbohydrates and fats.

    Question 12: Name two nutrients which protect the body from diseases.

    Answer: Vitamins and minerals.

    Question 13: Name two food items which provide fats.

    Answer: Oil and ghee.

    Role of Nutrients

    Question 1: Name the food rich in dietary fiber.

    Answer: Spinach, cabbage, and ladyfinger.

    Question 2: Name the food rich in sugar.

    Answer: Milk, banana, and sugarcane.

    Question 3: Name the food rich in protein.

    Answer: Milk, meat, fish, and egg.

    Question 4: Name the food rich in starch.

    Answer: Rice, wheat, and bajra.

    Question 5: Name the food rich in fat and oil.

    Answer: Butter, ghee, cheese, and groundnut.

    Question 6: Name the food needed for strong bones and teeth.

    Answer: Milk, buttermilk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, and ragi.

    Question 7: Name the food needed to prevent scurvy.

    Answer: Citrus fruits, green and red peppers.

    Question 8: Name the food needed to avoid constipation.

    Answer: Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

    Question 9: Name the food needed for warmth.

    Answer: Ghee, butter, meat, fish.

    Question 10: Name the food needed for growth.

    Answer: Milk and green leafy vegetables.

    Question 11: What are the roles of carbohydrates?

    Answer: Carbohydrates provide energy.

    Question 12: What are the roles of fats?

    Answer: Fats provide energy.

    Question 13: What are the roles of vitamins?


    • Necessary for various physiological activities.
    • Keep us healthy and protect us from many diseases.
    • Required for the proper functioning of body parts.

    Question 14: What are the roles of minerals?


    • Help to make our bones and teeth strong.
    • Prepare blood.
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