BiographyWilliam Wordsworth: Biography, books, poems

William Wordsworth: Biography, books, poems

William Wordsworth, an English poet, was a key figure in the Romantic movement. He and another poet, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, wrote a book called “Lyrical Ballads” in 1798. This unintentionally marked the beginning of the Romanticism era in English literature.

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    William Wordsworth grew up in an English valley known for its peaceful lakes, mountains, and forests. These natural surroundings would later inspire his writing. Spending time in nature enriched him the most, shaping his mindset and work. Continue reading the ensuing article to learn further details about his life chronology.

    William Wordsworth Biography

    William Wordsworth Biography – Early Life

    The famous poet William Wordsworth was born in Cockermouth, Cumbria on April 7, 1770. His dear father also worked as a lawyer.

    At first, there was some good news in the restructuring. Different relatives took care of him and his siblings when he was 15 because both parents had passed away. From a young age, Wordsworth had a deep love for nature that inspired his work.

    In his study time at Cambridge University, he used a summer term break to move-about on foot through Switzerland and France. There he made his appreciation of the French Revolution’s ideals. He has shown a talent for poetry since school, but people did not recognize his works until 1793.

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    William Wordsworth Education

    Wordsworth’s mother, Ann Cookson, educated him at home and gave him his first lessons. He started school at eight in Hawkshead Grammar School, a grammar school in the English village of Hawkshead in Lake Land. They taught the essential education with literature, Latin, and Greek here.

    In 1787, what was then 17 years old, moved on to his most renowned university St. John’s College, Cambridge. The audience in Cambridge did not support him. He realized that the academic environment of the university was not a good fit for his artistic nature.

    Wordsworth spent most of his time observing nature by taking long walks in the countryside instead of being in the city. This had a significant influence on his poetry. This later influenced his poetry significantly.

    Wordsworth loved books and nature, finding them both to be sources of knowledge and inspiration. He wrote special songs about nature, drawing from his personal experiences and emotions, both happy and sad.

    Wordsworth and Coleridge, both famous Romantic poets, worked together and greatly influenced each other’s education and lives. Combined, they were able to publish an epic and famous collection of poems titled “Lyrical Ballads” in the 1798-year. The collection focused on current issues, used simple language, and expressed emotions. It showed a unique and significant change in English poetry.

    William Wordsworth Biography – Career

    William’s poetry talent emerged during his time at Hawkshead Grammar School, showcasing his natural ability from a young age. In 1787, he started his poetry career with his sonnet being the first to appear in the Magazine Europoric.

    His time at St John’s College, Cambridge, as well as his travels around Europe, greatly influenced his personal growth and worldview. His voyages helped him grow personally, change his interests, and expand his worldview. He saw the struggles of ordinary people and it inspired his poetry.

    In 1793, he gained recognition for his collection of poems. They called the collection ‘An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketch.’ This recognition helped advance his career.

    In 1795 he encountered a writer and poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge. In 1798, they collaborated on “Lyrical Ballads”, a book that helped make the English Romantic Movement famous.

    Maximum heights in his career he got in 1807 when he brought out the following books: ‘Poems, in Two Volumes. He had his first hit with ‘The Lyrical Ballads’ in 1798. After that, he wrote ‘Guide to the Lakes’ in 1810, ‘The Excursion’ in 1814, and ‘Laodamia’ in 1815.

    William Wordsworth Poem

    William Wordsworth, definitely the most renowned poem writer of his generation, had different milestones through his poetry career. Here are some of his notable achievements:Here are some of his notable achievements:

    • Lyrical Ballads (1798): Nelimyanuyu yakanelstvo t’ma mantsoqupuschetsi zi Samuel Taylor Coleridge, otorom on obtsenyvaet status vashlyutyerevskovykh lietensidei v angliskom yazyke. The theme of the book was different from the classical style, and authors such as Jane Austen got rid of the ancient themes and usage of complex words. As a major change the emotional content of the book is emphasised, it defies the routine and simple way of depicting lives of ordinary people.
    • The Prelude (1850): This poem, sonnet form that he wrote and that his wife Mary published after his death, is considered to be one the best words of the poet. It presents thus the poet’s biography, his growing into a writer, and his own philosophical thoughts about the nature and human race.
    • Poet Laureate (1843): Though a Poet Laureate was supposed to be critic and satirist, Wordsworth was appointed Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom in 1843 and he held the position until his death in 1850. Despite no official verses being composed by him while he was in position, his appointment was an indication of his influence and good deeds as a poet.
    • Influence on the Romantic Movement: The Romanticism was notably marked with Wordsworth’s focus on nature, feeling, and the sublime which played too vivid a part in the movement to be ignored. The impact of his works is vividly demonstrated by the fact that he was a model of emulation of numerous poets and writers of his time, having inspired English literature.
    • Famous Poems: Congratulations are due to Wordsworth who wrote memorable poems, e. g. , “Lined Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey,” “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” “Ode: On Intimations of Immortality,” “The Solitary Reaper,” and “The World Is Too Much with Us. “These poems are remembered for their lyrical, [and] aesthetic appeal and their subtle, yet, profound introspection on nature and humanity. “
    • Promotion of Ordinary Life in Poetry: Wordsworth’s poetry frequently inspired him to give a new outlook to the lives of the common people, marking them as the worthiest themes. It was a turning point, an essence of which was poetry becoming democratic, easily grasped by ordinary folks.

    William Wordsworth Death and Legacy

    William Wordsworth passed away from pleurisy on April 23, 1850, at Rydal Mount in Westmorland, England. They laid him to rest in St. Oswald’s Church in Grasmere. Shortly after his death, his wife Mary published “The Prelude,” also known as Poem to Coleridge. Wordsworth did not write any official poems during his time as poet laureate. He was the only one to do so. His term began in 1843.

    FAQs on William Wordsworth Biography

    Who is William Wordsworth?

    William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumbria. His father, a lawyer, passed away while Wordsworth was still young. Tragically, both of his parents had died by the time he was 15, leaving him and his four siblings to be cared for by various relatives. During his youth, Wordsworth developed a deep love for nature, a theme that would prominently feature in many of his poems.

    Why is Wordsworth so famous?

    Wordsworth is best known for Lyrical Ballads, which he co-wrote with Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and The Prelude, a Romantic epic poem that chronicles the growth of a poet's mind.

    How many poems did Wordsworth write?

    William Wordsworth wrote an 387 poems during his lifetime.

    Why is Wordsworth called a romantic poet?

    William Wordsworth is a pivotal figure in Romantic poetry, as his work and philosophy embody the core ideals of the Romantic Movement.

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