EnglishparagraphParagraph on Zoo – Long and Short Paragraphs

Paragraph on Zoo – Long and Short Paragraphs

A zoo, or zoological garden or park, is a property where a large number of wildlife species are housed. The animals are not in the wild, but are instead kept in captivity in areas that replicate their natural habitats. There are mammals, birds, reptiles, fishes and amphibians that are kept in zoos. The animals are looked after by trained caretakers, and feed and provided water to drink. The animals and their surroundings are maintained clean and hygienic. The animals are given medical attention when required. People, especially children, like to visit zoos to take a look at the wild animals.

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    You will find here below a number of short paragraphs on the topic Zoo of varying word lengths. We hope these paragraphs on Zoo will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Zoo according to their particular requirement.

    Long and Short Paragraph on Zoo

    Paragraph on Zoo 100 Words

    A zoo is a place where a number of wildlife species are housed in separate enclosures. Habitats similar to the natural habitats of the animals are re-created for them to live in. The animals are fed and are given water to drink. They are kept in hygienic surroundings. An animal that falls ill or develops a disease is given medical attention by trained veterinarians and nursed back to health.

    Mammals, birds and reptiles as also aquatic animals are kept in zoos. People are allowed to visit zoos and take a look at the animals. Children love to visit the zoo.

    Paragraph on Zoo 150 Words

    There are zoos in many cities around the world. People can go and visit zoos as they are open for public viewing. Many different wildlife species are kept in a zoo. A wide variety of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fishes and birds are kept and cared for in a zoo.

    In a zoo you can see large carnivorous mammals like tigers, lions and leopards. There are smaller carnivores too like the fox, jackal and hyena. There are also large and small herbivorous mammals like the elephant, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, and many varieties of deer. You can see the red deer, spotted deer and blackbuck.

    The varied birds that can be seen in the zoo let you see many different colours of plumage. The birds can be heard calling and singing. Fishes, reptiles and amphibians too are kept in the zoo.

    The animals in a zoo also breed and raise their young ones.

    Paragraph on Zoo 200 Words

    A zoo is a property that houses wildlife species from around the world. The mammals, birds, amphibians, fishes and reptiles that are kept in a zoo are found naturally in the wild in different kind of habitats. The habitats include forests of varied flora and vegetation, mountainous areas of varying altitudes, deserts of different kinds, and many varied water bodies. In order to keep a great variety of wildlife in a zoo, the different habitats where the animals are naturally found are re-created in a zoo.

    The wild animals are kept in separate enclosures in a zoo. Visitors are allowed to go around and take a look at the wild animals. Children enjoy going on an excursion to a zoo. While it may be difficult to see the animals in their natural habitats, in a zoo one can easily see them in their enclosures.

    There are caretakers who are trained to take care of the animals. The animals are fed and provided water to drink in the zoo. Veterinarians also provide medical attention to the animals. The wildlife in a zoo is protected by law. Visitors are not allowed to harm, injure or tease the animals, nor even feed them.

    Paragraph on Zoo 250 Words

    There are many different wild animals that can be seen in a zoo. There are mammals, amphibians, birds, fishes as also reptiles that are housed in a zoo. There are large and small carnivorous and herbivorous mammals. It includes tigers, lions, elephants, deer, monkeys, rhinoceroses, pandas and leopards. There are also a great variety of birds that may be resident, endemic, exotic and migratory ones that can be seen in a zoo. Snakes such as the cobra and the python are also kept in a zoo. Aquatic species of wildlife can be seen in the water bodies created in a zoo.

    The animals you see in a zoo are found in different habitats around the world. There are animals that are found naturally in forests, deserts, mountains, seas, rivers and other water bodies. In the zoo the animals are kept in separate enclosures, and their natural habitats are re-created. It is not possible, however, to house all wild animals from around the world in a zoo.

    The animals that are kept in a zoo are fed and provided water to drink. The animals are also kept clean, and are maintained in clean surroundings. There are trained caretakers who take care of the animals. If an animal falls sick or develops a disease, veterinarians help to treat and cure them.

    Visitors are permitted to go around and see the animals in a zoo. The animals should not be disturbed or teased by the visitors. The animals should also not be fed.

    Paragraph on Zoo 300 Words

    People like to go and visit a zoo to take a look at the large number of varied wildlife housed therein. Taking a look at these wild animals in the wild in their natural habitats would require going into different types of forests or different water bodies or other wildlife habitats. But in a zoo many different wildlife species that live in many varied habitats can be seen in a single property. Animals that inhabit different habitats are brought in from around the world and kept in separate enclosures in a zoo.

    The zoo houses animals from around the world

    There are mammals, reptiles, fishes, amphibians and birds that are kept in zoos. These animals may be found in far off places that may be difficult to go to. For instance, going to Africa from India to see the giraffe and the zebra that inhabit the forests would constitute a long journey. But these can be seen in a zoo in India itself. Similarly, zoos have animals that may be elusive and difficult to spot in their natural habitats in the wild. The snow leopard and the red panda are such elusive creatures in difficult terrain. In a zoo, however, these can be easily seen.

    The zoo allows for captive breeding of endangered animals

    Zoos also have endangered creatures. The animals in zoos also breed and raise young ones. Captive breeding also helps in increasing populations of wild animals that are endangered and threatened in the wild.

    In the zoo you can take a look at large carnivorous mammals like the royal Bengal tiger, lion and leopard, and smaller ones like the hyena, fox and jackal. Herbivores like the elephant, rhinoceros and hippopotamus are also kept in the zoo.

    A variety of birds with colourful plumage and trademark calls and songs can be spotted in a zoo. Many kinds of reptiles are also kept in the zoo.

    Paragraph on Zoo 350 Words

    Our planet, Earth, has a variety of bio-geographic zones, and therefore has a large biodiversity. Diverse kinds of flora and fauna make up the biodiversity. There are many kinds of wild animals that live in the wilderness world over. There are terrestrial as also aquatic species of wildlife. While terrestrial animals live on land, aquatic ones live in water bodies.

    Zoos re-create varied natural habitats for the animals

    Wildlife species live in the wild in their natural habitats. In a zoo the animals live in separate enclosures, and the natural habitats of the animals are also re-created. The animals are not free, but are in captivity. The animals are fed and provided water to drink. Water bodies are also created in zoos. There are caretakers who take care of the animals giving them food and maintaining their hygiene. If animals fall sick, or develop a disease, veterinarians give them medical attention and help in curing them.

    The animals in a zoo may be from any part of the world. There could be animals that are found in geographical areas close to the zoo, animals that are found within the country, as also animals that live far away, in other countries of the world.

    A zoo keeps a great variety of wildlife in separate enclosures

    Mammals, birds, fishes and reptiles are kept in a zoo. There are large mammals like the tiger, lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and hippopotamus that are housed in zoos. The animals are fed the food they eat in the wild. While carnivores are fed meat, herbivores feed on grass and other vegetation. Carnivores do not prey for their food, but are provided their food in their enclosures.

    You can also see animals in a zoo that are extinct in the wild in the particular country. For instance, in India, the cheetah is extinct. But the African species can be seen in the zoo in the country.

    There are also a large number of varied birds that can be seen in a zoo. Reptiles like snakes are also kept in zoos. Captive animals in zoos are protected by law, and injuring them is not allowed. People, who visit zoos should not tease, hurt or feed the animals.

    Paragraph on Zoo 400 Words

    Zoo is the shortened version of the term zoological garden. The zoo is an area where many different wildlife species are housed. The wildlife species are kept in separate enclosures. Zoos also re-create the various wild animals’ natural habitats.

    Animals from all over the world can be seen in a zoo

    There are mammals, reptiles and birds that can be seen in a zoo. A zoo may have animals that are not found naturally in the place where the zoo is located. So a zoo in a place would have animals seen elsewhere in the country and from other countries too. A zoo in Delhi, for example, would have wildlife seen in the wild areas in and around Delhi, as also in other parts of India, and also from other countries. However, a zoo may not have all the wildlife species that are found all around the world. It would not be possible as this would require a very large zoo and it would not be able to re-create the natural habitats for wildlife species sourced from around the globe.

    People, especially children, like to go to the zoo

    People like to visit the zoo. Going to a zoo gives visitors an opportunity to see many different wild animals in a single property that they cannot see in their own country or for seeing which they have to go into the deep forest. Children enjoy going to the zoo and seeing different wildlife species in their enclosures. Visitors must not disturb the animals in the zoo. They should neither tease the animals, nor feed them anything. Visitors should also maintain a safe distance from the enclosures of the animals.

    Wild animals are kept and protected in the zoo

    Many different mammals can be seen in a zoo. This includes the large carnivores like the lion, tiger, leopard and cheetah. The majestic elephant, the mammoth rhinoceros and the large hippopotamus, all of which are herbivores, can also be seen in a zoo. Animals like the white tiger, and the elusive red panda are also housed in zoos. Monkeys and various deer species can also be seen in the green space enclosures. A large number of varied birds, including migratory ones, can also be seen in zoos. Snakes like the cobra and python too are kept in zoos.

    There are persons who are trained to take care of zoos and look after the animals that are kept in them. The animals are given food and water to drink. If any animal falls sick, it is looked after and treated for getting well.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Zoo

    How many zoos are in India?

    India has over 160 zoos, regulated and funded by the Central Zoo Authority.

    What's the most visited zoo?

    The San Diego Zoo in the USA is one of the most visited zoos globally. In India, the Delhi Zoo attracts many visitors annually.

    Who invented zoo in India?

    Zoos have ancient origins, but in India, modern zoological parks were established during British rule and later expanded by independent Indias efforts.

    Why is the zoo popular?

    Zoos are popular because they offer people a chance to see and learn about animals from all over the world in one place, promoting conservation and education.

    Who owned the first zoo?

    The first recognized zoo, the Menagerie du Jardin des Plantes, was established in Paris in 1793. Emperor Shennong of China also had a collection much earlier.

    Why is it called a zoo?

    Zoo is short for zoological garden or zoological park, focusing on the study and display of animal species.

    What is the entry fee of Delhi Zoo?

    The entry fee for Delhi Zoo varies for Indian and foreign visitors and age groups. As of my last update, adults might pay around 40 rupees, but rates change, so its best to check the official site.

    What is the full meaning of zoo?

    The full meaning of zoo is zoological garden or zoological park, referring to a place where animals are kept for public display and study.

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