MathsObtuse Angle- Introduction

Obtuse Angle- Introduction

Obtuse Angle

Obtuse Angle- Introduction:

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    • An obtuse angle is an angle that is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. Obtuse angles are found in many real-world objects, including polygons, spheres, and cones.
    • One advantage of obtuse angles is that they can be used to create a variety of shapes. For example, obtuse angles can be used in polygons to create interesting designs. Additionally, obtuse angles can be used to create curved shapes, which can be aesthetically pleasing.
    • However, obtuse angles do have some disadvantages. For one, they can be difficult to measure. Additionally, obtuse angles can be difficult to draw and can be confusing for students. Finally, obtuse angles can be dangerous in some situations, such as when they are used in traffic signs.

    How to Draw Obtuse Angle?

    To draw an obtuse angle, first draw a line segment. Next, use a compass to draw a circle that intersects the line segment. Finally, draw an arc on the circle that is larger than the other two arcs. The resulting shape will be an obtuse angle.

    Obtuse Angle

    The Obtuse Angle Polygons

    • An obtuse angle is an angle greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.
    • There are only two types of obtuse angle polygons: the obtuse triangle and the obtuse quadrilateral.
    • In mathematics, an obtuse angle is an angle that is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees. Obtuse angle polygons are polygons that have at least one obtuse angle. The most common example is the triangle, which has three obtuse angles.

    An obtuse angle polygon can be divided into two types: those with all obtuse angles and those with at least one acute angle. The former type is more common, and the latter type is more difficult to construct. The sum of the angles in an obtuse angle polygon is always greater than 180 degrees. This is because the sum of the angles in a triangle is 180 degrees, and an obtuse angle polygon has at least one triangle.

    • The interior angles of an obtuse angle polygon are all less than 180 degrees. This is because an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees.
    • The exterior angles of an obtuse angle polygon are all greater than 180 degrees. This is because the sum of the angles in a polygon is 360 degrees, and an obtuse angle polygon has at least one exterior angle.

    An obtuse angle polygon is always convex. This is because an obtuse angle is greater than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees, which means that it is on the outside of a straight line.

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