GK QuestionsGK Quiz on NASA

GK Quiz on NASA

NASA Full form is National Aeronautics and Space Administration, has been a leader in space exploration, scientific research, and technological advancements for many years. From landing astronauts on the moon to sending probes to far-off planets, NASA’s missions have amazed people around the world and deepened our knowledge of the universe. Ready to test your knowledge about NASA and its remarkable achievements? Let’s take a journey through space and time with this NASA quiz!

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    An Overview of NASA

    NASA is an independent agency of the U.S. government, established in 1958. It replaced the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) and focuses on peaceful space science applications. NASA has led many key American space missions, including Project Mercury, Project Gemini, the Apollo Moon landings, Skylab, and the Space Shuttle program. Today, NASA supports the International Space Station, the Orion spacecraft, the Space Launch System, Commercial Crew missions, and the planned Lunar Gateway space station.

    GK Question and Answer on NASA

    Ques 1. What is the name of the recent NASA mission that successfully impacted an asteroid to test deflection techniques?

    a) DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test)

    b) Artemis 1

    c) Perseverance rover

    d) Hubble Space Telescope

    Answer: a)

    Ques 2. Who was the first American woman to fly in space as part of a NASA mission?

    a) Sally Ride

    b) Mae Jemison

    c) Eileen Collins

    d) Christa McAuliffe

    Answer: a)

    Ques 3. When was NASA formed?

    a) July 20, 1969

    b) July 29, 1958

    c) June 18, 1976

    d) August 5, 1965

    Answer: b)

    Ques 4. Name the first satellite which was launched specifically for the purpose of X-ray astronomy?

    a) Uhuru

    b) Hinode

    c) Clementine

    d) WMAP

    Answer: a)

    Ques 5. What is the name of NASA’s current flagship mission to Mars?

    a) Curiosity

    b) Perseverance

    c) Spirit

    d) Opportunity

    Answer: b)

    Ques 6. How many human spaceflights (crewed flights) are launched by NASA so far?

    a) 166

    b) 167

    c) 168

    d) 266

    Answer: a)

    Ques 7. Which NASA mission sent astronauts to the moon for the first time in 1969?

    a) Apollo 8

    b) Apollo 10

    c) Apollo 11

    d) Apollo 13

    Answer: c)

    Ques 8. Which research aircraft was used by NASA for testing high-speed, high-altitude aeronautical research?

    a) SR-68

    b) SR-69

    c) SR-70

    d) SR-71

    Answer: d)

    Ques 9. NASA was established in 1958, but its roots lie in an earlier government agency that conducted research in aeronautics and rocketry during the 1940s and 1950s. Which agency was this?

    a) National Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NIAA)

    b) National Air and Space Administration (NASA)

    c) National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA)

    d) Department of Space Exploration (DSE)

    Answer: c)

    Ques 10. What was the name of the first mission to send a human-made object to reach interstellar space?

    a) Voyager 1

    b) Voyager 2

    c) Ulysses

    d) None of the above

    Answer: a)

    Ques 11. What does NASA stand for?

    a) National Aerospace Space Agency

    b) National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    c) North American Space Agency

    d) None of the above

    Answer: b)

    Ques 12. Name the NASA’s first exploration mission beyond earth?

    a) Pioneer 2

    b) Pioneer 3

    c) Pioneer 4

    d) Pioneer P-1

    Answer: c)

    Ques 13. Which space agency is responsible for the Artemis program?

    a) NASA

    b) NASA (in collaboration with international partners)

    c) ISRO

    d) None of the above

    Answer: b)

    Ques 14. What is the name of the first mission of NASA in which a spacecraft was reused?

    a) Apollo-Soyuz

    b) Space Shuttle

    c) Skylab

    d) None of the above

    Answer: b)

    Ques 15. Which was the first successful Mars rover mission launched by NASA in 1996?

    a) Mars Locater

    b) Mars Pathfinder

    c) Sojourner

    d) Spirit

    Answer: b)

    Ques 16. What does NASA stand for?

    a) National Aeronautics and Space Administration

    b) National Aeronautics and Space Academy

    c) National Aeronautics and Science Administration

    d) National Aeronautics and Science Academy

    Answer: a)

    Ques 17. Which was the first U.S. space station launched and operated by NASA?

    a) Voyager 1

    b) Voyager 2

    c) Ulysses

    d) Skylab

    Answer: d)

    Ques 18. What was the first manned mission of NASA?

    a) PQS-5

    b) Apollo-Soyuz

    c) STS-1

    d) Bell X-1

    Answer: c)

    Ques 19. Which of the following events led to the Apollo 13 mission being aborted?

    a) Engine failure of the lunar module

    b) Loss of communication with Earth

    c) Explosion of an oxygen tank in the service module

    d) Collision with an asteroid

    Answer: c)

    Ques 20. What is the goal of the Surveyor Program of NASA?

    a) To demonstrate the proper landing on the Mars.

    b) To demonstrate the soft landings on the Moon.

    c) To check other missions of Apollo.

    d) To determine the radiations in Space.

    Answer: b)

    Ques 21. When NASA had launched its first mission to Sun?

    a) 2016

    b) 2017

    c) 2018

    d) None of the above

    Answer: c)

    Ques 22. What was the name of the first mission of NASA in which a spacecraft was reused?

    a) Apollo-Soyuz

    b) Mars Pathfinder

    c) Space Shuttle

    d) Skylab

    Answer: c)

    Ques 23. Which of the following unmanned spacecraft performed the first successful flyby of Mars?

    a) Mariner 3

    b) Viking 1

    c) Mariner 6

    d) Mariner 4

    Answer: d)

    Ques 24. Who was the first human to set foot on the moon as part of NASA’s Apollo program?

    a) Neil Armstrong

    b) Buzz Aldrin

    c) Michael Collins

    d) Alan Shepard

    Answer: a)

    Ques 25. Name NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Mission?

    a) Opportunity Rover

    b) Spirit Rover

    c) Sojourner Rover

    d) Curiosity Rover

    Answer: b)

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