GK QuestionsGK Quiz on Indian Mythology

GK Quiz on Indian Mythology

Indian mythology is a rich tapestry of stories, legends, and teachings that form an integral part of India’s cultural and religious heritage. Rooted in ancient scriptures like the Vedas, Puranas, and epics such as the Mahabharata and Ramayana, these myths provide profound insights into the moral and spiritual fabric of Indian society. They depict a complex world inhabited by gods, goddesses, demons, and legendary heroes, each symbolizing different aspects of life and cosmic principles.

Indian mythology not only offers captivating narratives but also imparts valuable lessons on dharma (righteousness), karma (action and consequence), and moksha (liberation), guiding individuals towards a balanced and ethical life. The timeless tales of deities like Vishnu, Shiva, and Devi, along with the heroic exploits of figures such as Rama and Krishna, continue to inspire and influence millions, reflecting the enduring power and relevance of these ancient stories.

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    General knowledge questions on Indian mythology provide a fascinating way to explore and understand the profound narratives and characters that have shaped Indian culture and spirituality. These questions span a wide range of topics, from the attributes and stories of various deities to the significant events and moral teachings found in epic tales.

    By delving into these questions, individuals can gain a deeper appreciation of the historical and cultural contexts of Hindu myths, enhancing their awareness of India’s rich mythological heritage. Whether for educational purposes, quizzes, or personal interest, these questions serve as a gateway to the timeless wisdom and captivating stories that form the backbone of Indian mythology.

    GK Quiz on Indian Mythology with Answers

    Ques 1. In the Mahabharata, who is the wise elder known for his righteous teachings?

    A) Krishna

    B) Yudhishthira

    C) Arjuna

    D) Bhishma

    Answer: B

    Ques 2. Which Hindu god carries a three-pronged spear known as “Trishula”?

    A) Brahma

    B) Vishnu

    C) Shiva

    D) Indra

    Answer: C

    Ques 3. The epic Ramayana tells the tale of Rama’s battle against which demon king?

    A) Ravana

    B) Duryodhana

    C) Hiranyakashipu

    D) Mahishasura

    Answer: A

    Ques 4. Which bird is the mount of Kartikeya?

    A) Swan

    B) Eagle

    C) Peacock

    D) Crow

    Answer: C

    Ques 5. What is the name of the celestial weapon wielded by Lord Vishnu?

    A) Trishula

    B) Sudarshana Chakra

    C) Vajra

    D) Pashupata

    Answer: B

    Ques 6. Who is known as the “Destroyer” among the Hindu Trinity of Gods?

    A) Ganesha

    B) Shiva

    C) Vishnu

    D) Kali

    Answer: B

    Ques 7. Which mighty bird serves as the vehicle of Lord Vishnu?

    A) Peacock

    B) Garuda

    C) Swan

    D) Owl

    Answer: B

    Ques 8. What is the name of the divine weapon held by Indra?

    A) Kaumodaki

    B) Sudarshan Chakra

    C) Ankusha

    D) Vajra

    Answer: D

    Ques 9. Which Hindu festival celebrates the victory of good over evil and the triumph of Lord Rama over Ravana?

    A) Diwali

    B) Holi

    C) Dussehra

    D) Ganesh Chaturthi

    Answer: C

    Ques 10. The sacred cow Kamadhenu is known for fulfilling what wish?

    A) Granting immortality

    B) Bringing wealth and prosperity

    C) Healing any illness

    D) Fulfilling every wish

    Answer: D

    Ques 11. Ramayana is composed in which language?

    A) Maithili

    B) Sanskrit

    C) Hindi

    D) English

    Answer: B

    Ques 12. Who is the king of gods in Hindu mythology?

    A) Vishnu

    B) Varun

    C) Surya

    D) Indra

    Answer: D

    Ques 13. In Hindu mythology, who is considered the first man?

    A) Prahlada

    B) Yayati

    C) Manu

    D) Dhruva

    Answer: C

    Ques 14. The powerful weapon Trishul is associated with which deity?

    A) Shiva

    B) Brahma

    C) Vishnu

    D) Ganesha

    Answer: A

    Ques 15. Which animal helps Rama in the quest to rescue Sita?

    A) Cat

    B) Monkey

    C) Dog

    D) Tiger

    Answer: B

    Ques 16. Which demon king was killed by the Naramsimha avatar of Vishnu?

    A) Ravan

    B) Hiranyakashipu

    C) Bali

    D) Duryodhana

    Answer: B

    Ques 17. Which city did Lord Rama rule as a King?

    A) Ayodhya

    B) Sri Lanka

    C) Allahabad

    D) Varanasi

    Answer: A

    Ques 18. Varaha is the avatar of which god?

    A) Agni

    B) Vishnu

    C) Shiva

    D) Brahma

    Answer: B

    Ques 19. Can you name the four Vedas, the ancient sacred texts of Hinduism?

    A) Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Upanishad

    B) Rigveda, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavad Gita

    C) Rigveda, Samaveda, Yajurveda, Atharvaveda

    D) Puranas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads

    Answer: C

    Ques 20. Who is the consort of Lord Shiva?

    A) Goddess Saraswati

    B) Goddess Parvati

    C) Goddess Lakshmi

    D) Goddess Durga

    Answer: B

    Ques 21. Who is the monkey god known for his devotion to Lord Rama?

    A) Garuda

    B) Hanuman

    C) Ganesha

    D) Kartikeya

    Answer: B

    Ques 22. In the Mahabharata, who is known as the greatest archer?

    A) Bhima

    B) Karna

    C) Arjuna

    D) Yudhishthira

    Answer: C

    Ques 23. What is the name of the battle in the Mahabharata where the Kauravas and Pandavas fought?

    A) Kurukshetra

    B) Lanka

    C) Hastinapur

    D) Dwaraka

    Answer: A

    Ques 24. Which goddess is considered the embodiment of power and strength?

    A) Saraswati

    B) Lakshmi

    C) Parvati

    D) Durga

    Answer: D

    Ques 25. Which deity is known as the remover of obstacles?

    A) Brahma

    B) Vishnu

    C) Shiva

    D) Ganesha

    Answer: D

    Ques 26. What is the name of the kingdom ruled by the Pandavas?

    A) Lanka

    B) Mathura

    C) Hastinapur

    D) Ayodhya

    Answer: C

    Ques 27. Which sacred text contains the teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna?

    A) Ramayana

    B) Bhagavad Gita

    C) Upanishads

    D) Vedas

    Answer: B

    Ques 28. Who is the goddess of learning and wisdom?

    A) Lakshmi

    B) Saraswati

    C) Parvati

    D) Durga

    Answer: B

    Ques 29. In Hindu mythology, who is the god of death and justice?

    A) Brahma

    B) Vishnu

    C) Yama

    D) Indra

    Answer: C

    Ques 30. Which river is personified as a goddess in Hinduism?

    A) Yamuna

    B) Narmada

    C) Saraswati

    D) Ganga

    Answer: D

    Ques 31. Who is the demon king defeated by Lord Krishna in his youth?

    A) Kamsa

    B) Ravana

    C) Hiranyakashipu

    D) Bali

    Answer: A

    Ques 32. What is the name of the mountain considered to be the abode of Lord Shiva?

    A) Meru

    B) Kailash

    C) Himalaya

    D) Vindhya

    Answer: B

    Ques 33. Which festival is celebrated to honor the birth of Lord Krishna?

    A) Diwali

    B) Holi

    C) Janmashtami

    D) Navratri

    Answer: C

    Ques 34. What is the name of the goddess who is the consort of Lord Vishnu?

    A) Saraswati

    B) Parvati

    C) Lakshmi

    D) Durga

    Answer: C

    Ques 35. Who wrote the Mahabharata?

    A) Valmiki

    B) Vyas

    C) Kalidasa

    D) Tulsidas

    Answer: B

    Ques 36. Who is the river goddess and mother of Bhishma in the Mahabharata?

    A) Ganga

    B) Yamuna

    C) Saraswati

    D) Narmada

    Answer: A

    Ques 37. In the Ramayana, who is the loyal brother of Lord Rama?

    A) Lakshmana

    B) Bharata

    C) Shatrughna

    D) Hanuman

    Answer: A

    Ques 38. Who is the warrior goddess born from the collective energies of all the gods?

    A) Saraswati

    B) Lakshmi

    C) Parvati

    D) Durga

    Answer: D

    Ques 39. What is the divine bird that serves as the vehicle of Lord Vishnu?

    A) Garuda

    B) Jatayu

    C) Nandi

    D) Kamadhenu

    Answer: A

    Ques 40. Which god is known for having a third eye?

    A) Vishnu

    B) Brahma

    C) Shiva

    D) Indra

    Answer: C

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