BiologyBotany QuestionsPlant Kingdom Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Plant Kingdom Questions for CBSE Class 11th

How many organisms show diplontic life cycle? Selaginella, Equisetum, Cycas, Cedrus, Ectocarpus, Fucus, Sequoia

How many among the given characteristics are true for the given organism? (I) Store food in the form of starch. (II) The cell wall is composed of cellulose and algin. (III) Major photosynthetic pigments are chlorophyll a, chlorophyll d and phycoerythrin. (IV) Biflagellate zoospores with two unequal laterally attached flagella. (V) Gametes are pyriform and bear two laterally attached flagella. (VI) They are usually grass green in colour (VII) These organisms range from simple branched filamentous forms to profusely branched forms as represented by kelps

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    Recognise the figure and find out the CORRECT matching :

    Carbohydrates are the most abundant biomolecule present on earth. They are formed by fixing CO 2 by

    Symbiotic association of algae with fungi form

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II (a) Chlorophyceae (i) Floridean starch (b) Rhodophyceae (ii) Laminarin (c) Phaeophyceae (iii) Glycogen (d) Animalia (iv) Proteins besides starch in pyrenoids

    Identify the plant lacking true roots, stem or leaves.

    Which green alga shows only oogamous type of sexual reproduction?

    Rhizoids of Funaria are

    Choose the mismatched pair.

    reproduce asexually by non motile spores and sexually by non-motile gametes. (a) Green algae (b) Brown algae (c) Red algae.

    Floridean starch has structure similar to :

    Select the mismatch

    Which of the following both the plants of a pair are homosporous?

    Which one of the following is wrongly matched?

    Which one of the following shows isogamy with flagellated gametes?

    Read the features given below and identify the plant A, B and C. A – Plants with protonemal stage in the life cycle B – Heterosporous vascular cryptogam C – exposed ovules and seeds

    How many of the following statements are wrong I. Ginkgo is having only one type of branches II. Ginkgo has simple leaves III. Ginkgo has coralloid roots IV. Ginkgo is the tallest gymnosperm

    Sporophyte is the dominant stage in the life cycle of I. Pteridophytes II. Gymnosperms III. Angiosperms IV. Fucus

    Kelps have haplodiplontic cycle because

    Choose the correct statements. A. The first cell of sporophyte is zygote B. The first cell of gametophyte is spore C. The last cell of sporophyte is Spore mother cell D. The last cell of gametophyte is gamete

    Plants playing an important role in plant succession on bare rocks/soil are:

    Choose the correct statements. A. Bryophytes and Pteridophytes do not show diplontic life cycle. B. Plants having vascular tissues and showing diplontic life cycle possess seeds. C. Gymnosperms are archegoniate spermatophytes. D. Monocotyledons have pentamerous flowers.

    The reserve food material in phaeophyceae and rhodophyceae is respectively

    Coralloid roots are seen in:

    Identify the plant that has dichotomously branched coralloid roots infested with blue green algae Nostoc and Anabaena .

    Colonial algae are seen in

    In classical taxonomy species are delimited on the basis of

    Gametes are pyriform and bear two laterally attached flagella in:

    An example of a vascular cryptogam is

    A plant collected from moist shady habitat has the following characters. A. Photosynthetic gametophyte. B. Multicellular sporophyte dependent on independent gametophyte. C. Multicellular branched rhizoids. D. Juvenile gametophyte is involved in vegetative reproduction but not in sexual reproduction. The plant is a

    All of the following green algae exhibit isogamy, except

    Which of the following is considered for natural system of classification? a. External features b. Ultrastructure c. Anatomy d. Embryology e. Phytochemistry f. Phylogeny

    Horsetails belong to the class

    Choose the feature not associated with angiosperms.

    Choose the feature unique to angiosperms.

    Match column I with column II. Column I Column II A. Tallest angiosperm i Pinus B. Smallest angiosperm ii Cycas C. Largest male gametes iii Eucalyptus D. Mycorrhizal roots iv Wolffia Choose the correct answer from the options given below. A B C D 1. iii iv ii i 2. iv iii ii i 3. iii iv i ii 4. iv i iii ii

    In the life cycle of one of the following groups of plants, the multicellular gametophyte may be independent and saprophytic.

    Both gametophyte and sporophytes are unicellular in

    Bryophytes can be demarcated from algae, because they

    A gymnosperm yielding anti-asthmatic drug is obtained from

    Read the following statements and select the correct ones with respect to angiosperms. (i) The seeds are enclosed by fruit. (ii) The anthers produce pollen grains by mitosis. (iii) Each embryo sac has a three celled egg apparatus. (iv) The synergids and antipodals remains active after fertilisation.

    Choose the alga whose vegetative body has a structure called holdfast.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to phaeophyceae of algae.

    Haplo-diplontic life cycle is found in all the following except

    Read the following statements a) Heterosporous condition. b) Female gametophyte in these plants are retained on parent sporophytes for variable periods. c) The development of the zygote into young embryo takes place within the female gametophytes. These events are related to

    Find the odd one out w.r.t. brown algae.

    Which of the following is based on all observable characteristics?

    Which of the following is peat or bog moss?

    Read the following statements a) Heterosporous condition. b) Female gametophyte in these plants are retained on parent sporophytes for variable periods. c) The development of the zygote into young embryo takes place within the female gametophytes. These events are related to

    Select the wrong statement.

    Isogamous condition with non-flagellated gametes is found in

    Which one of the following statement is wrong?

    Read the following five statements (A to E) and se lect the option with all correct statements. A. Mosses and lichens are the first organisms to colonise a bare rock. B. Selaginella is a homosporous pteridophyte. C. Coralloid roots in Cycas have VAM. D. Main plant body in bryophytes is gametophytic, whereas in pteridophytes it is sporophytic. E. In gymnosperms, male and female gametophytes are present within sporangia located on sporophyte.

    Syngamy can occur outside the body of the organism in

    Conifers are adapted to tolerate extreme environmental conditions because of

    Life cycles of Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively are

    Which of the following statements is correct?

    Which one is wrongly matched?

    Winged pollen grains are present in

    Sequoia and Selaginella are respectively

    Which one is wrongly matched?

    Identify the ones which are not diploid? (a) Main plant body of the bryophyte (b) Nucellus in ovule of angiosperms (c) Integumented megasporangium of Cycas (d) Primary endosperm nucleus in angiosperms

    All of the following are cormophytes (have diploid body differentiated into root stem and leaves) except:

    What is common amongst Marchantia , Fucus and Gracilaria?

    An example of unicellular alga is:

    Leaves of conifers are usually

    Which of the following statement is incorrect.

    Numerical taxonomy is the basis of

    Origin of seed habit or its foundation was laid down in some pteridophytes,but seed formation did not occur because of

    Select the incorrectly matched pair:

    The prothallus of pteridophytes is/has A. Small but multicellular B. Inconspicuous C. Free living and photosynthetic D. Thalloid and gametophytic E. Differentiated plant body F. Vascular tissue

    Gymnosperms are also called soft wood spermatophytes because they lack

    Read the following statement w.r.t leaves of gymnosperm: A. Simple leaf found in Cycas and compound leaf is found in Pinus . B. Sunken stomata and thick cuticle are found to reduce the rate of transpiration. C. Transfusion tissue is found at the place of veinlets. D. Needle-like leaves are found in Cycas. Select the incorrect statements.

    Pinus is classified as a gymnosperm because of the following features:

    Which statement is incorrect w.r.t given figure?

    Archegoniate spermatophytes have/show A.Transfer of pollen grains by wind B Two generations are seen C. Formation of endosperm before fertilization D. Heteromorphic alternation of generation

    Ploidy levels of endosperm and embroy in gymnosperms are,respectively

    All are characteristics of pteridophytes, except:

    Dioecious gametophytes and sporophytes are seen in

    Double fertilization occurs in the life cycle of

    Zygote behaves as meiocyte in

    Haplodiplontic life cycle is found in

    Which of the following features correctly belong to the concerned plant group ? A. Presence of fruit habit. B. Sporophyte is not independent, but it is attached to photosynthetic gametophyte. C. Endosperm is haploid and develops before fertilization.

    Haploid plant body produces gametes by

    Which of the following is a characteristic of conifers?

    All are homosporous except:

    Spermatium is

    Which one of the following plant is heterosporous pteridophyte?

    Choose the incorrect pair

    The endosperm of Pinus is

    Kelps are massive-

    Which amongst the following structures are present in gymnosperms?

    Choose the correct statements I. Artificial classification systems mostly use vegetative characters of angiosperms II. Equal weightage is given to both vegetative and floral characters in Natural systems of Classifications III. Phylogenetic classfication systems do not consider morphological characters. IV. Phytochemistry is considered in the classfication of angiosperms in Natural systems of classification.

    Linnaeus classification of angiosperms is an example for

    Fossil evidences are considered for classification of plants in which of the following systems of classifications?

    Confusions in phylogenetic system of classification can resolved by considering the following I.Morphological characters II. Chromosomal characters III. Anatomical characters IV. Chemical constituents of cells

    Bentham and Hooker's classification of flowering plants is an example for

    Bentham and Hooker’s classification of flowering plants is an example for which system of classification?

    This system of classification assumes that all organisms belonging to same rank has common ancestor

    Every character is given a code in

    External morphological characters are considered in I. Artificial system of classification II. Natural system of classification III. Phylogenetic system of classification IV. Numerical taxonomy

    External morphological characters are considered in I. Artificial system of classification II. Natural system of classification III. Phylogenetic system of classification IV. Numerical taxonomy

    Computers are used in the following to analyse the all observable characters for classification of organisms

    Algae are largely

    Plant body is always undifferentiated in

    Group of pteridophytes usually grown as ornamentals is

    In Pteridophytes, vascular tissues are seen in A. Roots B. Leaves C. Prothallus D. Stem

    Sporophyte with true root, stem and leaf differentiation is seen for the first time in-

    Complex tissues first appeared in

    Both microphylls and macrophylls are seen in the follwing group of plant kingdom

    Cones or Strobili are seen in A. Equisetum B. Selaginella C. Pteris D. Dryopteris

    The structures of Pteridophytes that divide meitotically are

    Number of Classes in Pteridophytes is

    Several branches arise at every node in

    Coralloid roots show

    Sequoia is a gymnosperm because it has-

    This is not a feature of Gymnosperms.

    Roots associated with fugal mycelia are seen in

    Stem is caudex in

    Modified roots of Cycas are:

    Leaves of Gymnosperms are adapted to extremes of A. temeperature B. Wind C. Humidity

    Chosse the pair of plants with branched stem

    Archegonia are present in A. Bryophytes B. Pteridophytes C. Gymnosperms

    Compound leaves are seen in one of the follwing of Gymnosperms.

    These are two in number in a given normal embryosac of an angiosperm: A. Synergids B. Polar nuclei C. Antipodals D. Female gametes

    In angiosperms, fruit is formed from:

    These plants with sporic meiosis show diplontic life cycle A. Fucus B. Angiosperms C. Gymnosperms

    The first seed plants are:

    In angiosperms, the developing embryo is nourished by:

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Brown algae like Fucus do not show

    How many species of marine algae are used as food?

    At least a half of the total carbon dioxide fixation on earth is carried out by:

    Organisms forming basis of the food cycles of all aquatic animals are:

    One of the following characters is not shown by an alga that shows diplontic life cycle with gametic meiosis.

    Which amongst the following structures is not borne on sporophytic plant body?

    Identify the plant group lacking true roots, stem and leaves.

    Choose the unicellular alga

    Find the incorrect statement:

    The male and the female gametophytes do not have an independent free-living existence in:

    Red algae

    The male thallus of a bryophyte is given in the diagram below. Select the option giving incorrect information regarding it.

    If the number of chromosome present in the egg of a gymnosperm plant is 10, then the number of chromosomes present in the endosperm of the same plant is

    Which of the following algae reproduce by non-motile spores and non-motile gametes?

    The first plant group which possess seeds is

    Salvinia differs from Polytrichum in having/being

    The gymnosperms are heterosporous. They produce

    Which one of the following algae shows diplontic life cycle?

    In moss, sporophyte is formed on

    The seed of Pinus is

    Which of the following is not heterosporous pteridophyte?

    Which of the following is true for the life cycle of bryophytes?

    How many chromosomes are present in gymnosperm endosperm if the leaf has 12 chromosomes?

    Find out the correct matching

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Choose the incorrect pair.

    Flagellated motile structures or cells are absent in a. green algae b. red algae c. angiosperms

    A liverwort with two rows leaf like appendage on stem like structure is

    Which amongst the following statements are correct ? a. Algae are chlorophyll-bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic organisms. b. They are largely aquatic. c. They occur in a variety of other habitats: moist stones, soils and wood.

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Read the following statements and identify for which type of taxonomy it holds true? a. Number and codes are assigned to all the characters. b. Each character is given equal importance. c. Hundreds of characters can be considered.

    Match column I with column II. Column I Column II A. Haplontic life cycle i Cycas B. Diplontic life cycle with gametic meiosis ii Adiantum C. Haplo-diplontic life cycle iii Fucus D. Diplontic life cycle with sporic meiosis iv Ulothrix Choose the correct answer from the options given below. A B C D 1 iii iv i ii 2 iv iii ii i 3 iii iv ii i 4 iv iii i ii

    Match column I with column II. Column I Column II A. Haplontic life cycle i Cycas B. Diplontic life cycle with gametic meiosis ii Adiantum C. Haplo-diplontic life cycle iii Fucus D. Diplontic life cycle with sporic meiosis iv Ulothrix Choose the correct answer from the options given below. A B C D 1 iii iv i ii 2 iv iii ii i 3 iii iv ii i 4 iv iii i ii

    Which of the following is a characteristic feature of kingdom Plantae? a. Cellulosic cell wall b. Eukaryotic cell type c. Autotrophic mode of nutrition

    Assertion : Peat obtained from Sphagnum is used as packing material for trans-shipment of living material. Reason : Peat of Sphagnum can hold more water to maintain moisture around the living material or specimens or seedlings.

    Highly differentiated and relatively more complex gametophytes are present in

    Horizontally growing underground modified stem meant for perennation and vegetative reproduction is seen in

    Which feature is not related to pteridophytes?

    Choose the feature not related to Cycas .

    Dimorphic branches are seen in A. Cycas B. Pinus C. Cedrus D. Ginkgo

    Haploid stage in the life cycle is limited to only gametes in

    Haplodiplontic life cycle with dominant sporophyte and reduced multicellular independent gametophytes are seen in

    Major pigments found in Phaeophyceae are

    Which one is wrongly matched?

    Which of the following statement is incorrect about bryophytes?

    Which of the following is true about bryophytes? a. Some of them are thalloid. b. They possess archegonia. c. They contain chloroplasts.

    The plant group that forms spores and embryo but lacks vascular tissues and seeds is

    Which one of the following is common to multicellular fungi, filamentous algae and protonema of mosses?

    Protonema is the juvenile filamentous gametophytic stage seen in the life cycle of

    Prothallus of pteridophytes is

    Match column I with column II and select the correct option. Column I Column II a. Psilopsida i. Psilotum b. Lycopsida ii. Equisetum c. Sphenopsida iii. Selaginella d. Pteropsida iv. Dryopteris a b c d 1. i ii iii iv 2. i iv iii ii 3. i iii ii iv 4. i iii iv ii

    Which of the following shows haploid phase in gymnosperm?

    Which of the given statements regarding haplontic life cycle is incorrect ?

    Among the following, which do not have leaf like photosynthetic part known as frond in their body. A. Polysiphonia B. Ectocarpus C. Porphyra D. Dictyota E. Laminaria

    Which is incorrect regarding algae ?

    Choose incorrect statement.

    Match the following Column-I Column-II a Red algae i Floridean starch b Brown algae ii Mannitol, laminarin c Green algae iii Starch iv Paramylum bodies a b c 1 ii iii i 2 i ii iii 3 iii ii i 4 ii i iii

    Match the following Column-I Column-II a Pteris i Lycopsida b Selaginella ii Sphenopsida c Equisetum iii Psilopsida d Psilotum iv Ferns a b c d 1. iv i ii iii 2. ii i iii iv 3. i iv ii iii 4. iii ii i iv

    Which of the following are partially heterotrophic plants: (a) Bladderwort (b) Venus fly trap (c) Nepenthes

    Gametes are flagellated and similar in size in

    In pteridophytes, sporophyte is

    reproduce asexually by non motile spores and sexually by non-motile gametes. (a) Green algae (b) Brown algae (c) Red algae.

    Which type of pollination is found in gymnosperms?

    Match the following Column-I Column-II a Red algae i Floridean starch b Brown algae ii Mannitol, laminarin c Green algae iii Starch iv Paramylum bodies a b c 1 ii iii i 2 i ii iii 3 iii ii i 4 ii i iii

    Study the diagram given below and identify the life cycle pattern.

    Match the following Column-I Column-II a Pteris i Lycopsida b Selaginella ii Sphenopsida c Equisetum iii Psilopsida d Psilotum iv Ferns a b c d 1. iv i ii iii 2. ii i iii iv 3. i iv ii iii 4. iii ii i iv

    Which of the following are partially heterotrophic plants: (a) Bladderwort (b) Venus fly trap (c) Nepenthes

    Which of the following is peat or bog moss?

    Identify the plants given below. a b c d 1. Salvinia Equisetum Fern Selaginella 2. Equisetum Selaginella Fern Salvinia 3. Selaginella Equisetum Fern Salvinia 4. Fern Equisetum Selaginella Salvinia

    Which of the following is based on all observable characteristics?

    Which one of the following shows isogamy with non­ flagellated gametes?

    Besides paddy fields, cyanobacteria are also found inside vegetative part of

    Read the following statements (A – E) and answer the question which follows them. (A) In liverworts, mosses, and ferns gametophytes are free­ living . (B) Gymnosperms and some ferns are heterosporous. (C) Sexual reproduction in Fucus , Volvox and Albugo is oogamous. (D) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than that in mosses. (E) Both Pinus and Marchantia are dioecious. How many of the above statements are correct?

    Which of the following is responsible for peat formation?

    The plant body is thalloid in

    In which of the following, gametophyte is not independent free living?

    Which one of the following is wrongly matched?

    Male gametes are flagellated in

    What is common in all the three, Funaria, Dryopteris and Ginkgo ?

    Male gametophyte with least number of cells is present in

    An alga which can be employed as food for human being is

    Which of the following statements is correct?

    Which one of the following is wrong statement?

    Which one of the following statements is wrong?

    Select the correct statement.

    An example of colonial alga is

    Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of

    Select the mismatch.

    From evolutionary point of view, retention of the female gametophyte with developing young embryo on the parent sporophyte for some time, is first observed in

    Which one of the following is wrong statement?

    Which one is wrongly matched?

    Choose the wrong statement among the following.

    Choose the feature not shown by Pteridophytes.

    Choose the wrong statement among the following.

    Which one of the following shows diplontic life cycle?

    Among the following pairs choose the ones in which archegonia are present.

    Haplo-diplontic life cycle with dominant vascular sporophyte and multicellular, independent and short living gametophyte is seen in

    Mannitol is one of the reserve food materials in

    Which of the following statement is wrong?

    Strobili or cones are found in :

    Red algae appear red in color due to the presence of the following pigment

    Male and female gametophytes do not have an independent free living existence in:

    Phycoerythrin is the major pigment in

    Which of the following statements is incorrect about gymnosperms?

    Identify and select the wrong statement out of the following:

    Which one of the following statements is wrong?

    In some plants male and female gametes do not show independent free living existance. The male and female gametophytes are few celled. They have integumented megasporangia. Life cycle in such plants is described as

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Choose the common feature among Bryophytes, Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms.

    Match the following List – I List – II A) Flagellated, motile isogametes I) Selaginella B) Non-flagellated isogametes II) Cladophora C) Flagellated anisogametes III) Spirogyra D) Flagellated male gamete and non-flagellated female gamete. IV) Eudorina

    Male gametes are flagellated in

    An organism of kingdom plantae grows in marine waters. It is having laminarin as reserve food materials and its zoospores have two unequal flagella on the lateral side. Its frond is dichotomously branched and shows oogamy during sexual reproduction. The organism is identified as

    Match the following List – I List – II A) Moss plant I) Equisetum B) Fern II) Sphagnum C) Liverwort III) Salvinia D) Horse tail IV) Marchantia

    Conifers are pollinated by:

    Cell wall of algae is made up of:

    The first archegoniate and first tracheophytes are:

    Find the incorrect match w.r.t post fertilization events:

    Select the mismatch.

    Identify the life cycle patterns in bryophytes and pteridophytes

    Zygotic meiosis is seen in

    The plant body in phaeophyceae is usually attached to the substratum by a

    Which one is wrongly matched?

    Artificial system of classification:

    Classification of plants based on cytological information like chromosome, number structure and behaviour is

    Read the following statements carefully I. Based on all observable characteristics. II. Number and codes are assigned to all the characters. III. Given equal importance to each character and at the same time hundreds of characters are considered. The branch of taxonomy described by above given statements is

    The thallus organization of Volvox is

    Which of the following features are correct for algae ? A. Unicellular and non jacketed sex organs B. Well developed and differentiated sporophyte C. Presence of embryo D. Presence of motile male gametes

    Zoospores are absent in which of the following algae ?

    How many of the following are associated with members of red algae ? Laminarin and mannitol, non-motile spores, oogamous reproduction, phycocolloids in cell wall, complex post fertilization development.

    Classical taxonomy includes

    Match the following (Column I with Column II) Column I Column II A. Non-flagellated isogametes (i) Laminaria B. Source of algin (ii) Ectocarpus C. Complex post-fertilization developmental changes. (iii) Spirogyra D. Simple branched filamentous brown alga (iv) Porphyra A B C D 1. iii i iv ii 2. iii i ii iv 3. iv ii i iii 4. iv i iii ii

    Consider the following statements A. They vary in colour from olive green to various shades of brown depending upon the amount of xanthophyll present. B. Present at the great depths in the oceans where relatively little light penetrates. C. The sexual reproduction shows considerable variation in the type and formation of sex cells. These statements are correct for which class of algae ? A B C 1. Phaeophyceae Chlorophyceae Rhodophyceae 2. Phaeophyceae Rhodophyceae Chlorophyceae 3. Chlorophyceae Rhodophyceae Phaeophyceae 4. Rhodophyceae Chlorophyceae Phaeophyceae

    The mentioned features in the given box are related with which amongst the following organism? Plant body has holdfast, stipe and frond. Pyriform zoospores with two laterally inserted unequal flagella.

    Which amongst the following statement is true for the figure of algae given below?

    The algal form that is profusely branched and which may reach the height of 100 metres. A. May vary in colour from olive green to various shades of brown. B. Usually attached to substratum by a holdfast. C. Protoplast contain in addition to plastids, a centrally located vacuole and nucleus. D. Has biflagellated zoospores attached apically. Select correct option.

    In which of the following alga all types of sexual reproduction, i.e. isogamous ,anisogamous and oogamous reproduction is found?

    The main plant body of bryophytes is A. More differentiated than algae B. Lacked true roots, stem or leaves C. Gametophytic that usually occurs in damp, humid and shaded localities. D. Prostrate or erect and attached to substratum by unicellular or multicellular rhizoids.

    Read the following statements w.r.t bryophytes and select the correct option : A. Haploid phase in the life cycle is more differentiated than that of algae. B. Zygote divides by meiosis immediately C.The sporophyte is not free living and dependent on gametophyte

    The adult gametophytic plant body in moss is

    Rhizoids of mosses are-

    Bryophytes are called amphibians of the plant kingdom because

    Identify the parts labeled as A,B,C and D : A B C D 1. Capsule Seta Leaves Multicellular rhizoids 2. Capsule Seta Leaves Unicellular rhizoids 3. Strobilus Foot Sporophyll Adventitious roots 4. Cone Stem Sporophyll Roots

    Members of liverworts A. Grow usually in moist, shady habitats. B. Have free living sporophyte. C. Reproduce asexually by fragmentation of protonema. D. Have sporophyte differentiated into foot, seta and capsule.

    Fill in the blanks correctly w.r.t life cycle of moss : A moss sporophyte A Spore mother cell B Spore C Leafy gametophyte

    Select the incorrect statements w.r.t bryophytes :

    In a moss, the sporophyte

    Bryophytes resemble algae in which one of the following aspects?

    Which if the following is a dioecious bryophyte ?

    Which plant group is known for following features ? a. Used as a packaging material for tans-shipment of living material. b. They decompose rocks making the substrate suitable for growth of higher plants.

    Which of these may not be an ecological importance of bryophytes ?

    Which of the following is not related to importance of pteridophytes?

    Pteris,Selaginella and Equisetum resemble in Possessing

    The spread of living pteridophytes is limited and restricted to narrow geographical region because of

    Which of the following is not a member of class pteridosida?

    Heterosporous pteridophytes A. Have events which is precursor to the seed habit. B. Shows female gametophyte retained on the parent sporophyte for variable periods. C. Are exemplified by Selaginella and Salvinia. D. Produce monoecious gametophyte.

    Recognize the figure and identify incorrect labelling:

    Read the following statements w.r.t gymnosperms and state true(T) or false(F): A. Include medium size to tall trees and shrubs of perennial habit. B. Ovules remain exposed, both before and after fertilization. C. All the members posses tap root system in association with fungal filament. D. It is the smallest group of plant kingdom.

    Select incorrect statement w.r.t naked seeded plants.

    Read the following statements carefully w.r.t gymnosperms: A. Thick cuticle and sunken stomata present in the leaves of gymnosperms help to reduce water loss. B. All gymnosperms are heterosporous. C. Sequoia is one of the tallest gymnosperms. D. In Pinus , the male and female gametophyte have free-living existence. How many above given statement are correct ?

    The integumented indehiscent megasporangium present in Pinus is called

    Identify the statement as true (T) or false (F) w.r.t gymnosperms: A. The main plant body is always diploid. B. The microspores develop into male gametophyte which is highly reduced and confined to only a limited number of cells. C. Pollination is direct and occurs through anemophily. D. Male and female gametophyte do not show free-living existence.

    Consider the following statements and select the correct option w.r.t Cycas : A.Unbranched stem B.Dioecious plant C.Leaves are simple,needle like D.Presence of coralloid roots E.Pollen grains are carried by air and insects

    Both male and female gametophytes do not show free-living existence in

    Sulphur shower is the phenomenon related to

    The wing in the Pinus seed develops from

    if the endosperm cell of Pinus contains 12 chromosomes,then that will be the chromosome number in its megasporophyll,pollen,embryo,root respectively?

    Identify the organism that has flagellated zoospores, pyrenoids in chloroplast and dominance of pigments chlorophyll a and b.

    Which of the following structures degenerate after fertilization in angiosperms?

    Double fertilization is unique to angiosperms in which one male gamete fuse with A to from B and the other male gamete fuse with C to from D . Choose the correct option for A,B,C and D : A B C D 1. Egg cell Zygote Polar nuclei Secondary nucleus 2. Egg cell Zygote Secondary nucleus Primary endosperm nucleus 3. Egg cell Embryo Antipodals Perisperm 4. Synergids Embryo Central Cell Endosperm

    Read the following statements : A.Seeds are enclosed by fruits B. The embryo sac formation is preceded by meiosis C. Endosperm provides nourishment to the developing embryo D.Pollen grains after dispersal from anther are carried by wind or various other agencies. E.Embryo development is holoblastic How many above statements are correct for angiosperms?

    How many structures are diploid among synergids, antipodals, pollen grain, secondary nucleus, embryo, nucellus and integuments ?

    The most common type of life cycle in algae is

    Consider the following statements about the sporophytic generation in Pteridophytes A. Generation that produces the spores B.The generation that possesses vascular tissue C.The diploid generation Correct statements are

    Endosperm of gymnosperm is equivalent to of angiosperms.

    How many of the following organisms show haplodiplontic life cycle ? Volvox,Fucus, Kelp ,Ectocarpus,Polysiphonia,Funaria,Dryopteris, Lily , Sunflower ,Cycas,Ephedra,Pinus,Eucalyptus,Selaginella,Azolla

    All statements are true for the given life cycle pattern, except

    Choose the correct pair

    Study the following features. a. A plant is used as packing material for transhipment of living specimens. b. It also plays a key role in decomposing the rock making the substance suitable for growth of higher plants. The features are shown by a plant belong to

    Which one is correctly matched?

    Which among the following are heterosporous plants? A. Selaginella B. Pinus C. Maize D. Funaria

    The common character between Gracilaria , Laminaria , Spirogyra and Nostoc is:

    Identify the organism that has diplontic life cycle:

    Thallus organization of Volvox is

    Coralloid roots have symbiotic association with

    Peat is formed by

    Find the incorrect statement with respect to angiosperms.

    Read the following characters and identify the plant to which they are referring to: (a) They usually occur in damp, humid and shaded localities. (b) First embryophytes (c) First archegoniate (d) The sporophyte is not free-living but attached to the photosynthetic gametophyte

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II (a) Algin (i) Taxus , a gymnosperm (b) Agar (ii) Laminaria , a brown alga (c) Peat formation (iii) Gellidium , a red alga (d) Drug taxol (iv) Sphagnum , a bryophyte

    Choose the feature shown by only Gymnosperms

    Who suggested the five kingdom of classifications ?

    The earliest classification used only

    characters are easily affected by environment

    Chemotaxonomy is based on

    The characters used to classify organism when no fossil evidence is supportive is

    Volvox is a

    In terms of reproduction algae do not show

    Chlorophyll bearing, simple thalloid, autotropic and mainly aquatic organisms are

    Vegetative reproduction in algae is by

    Marine alga used as food is

    Alga showing both isogamy and anisogamy is

    Spore formation in algae occur during

    Hydrocolloids are secreted by

    Isogamy is seen in

    Carrageen is secreted by

    Male gamete is small and motile and female gamete is large and non-motile in

    Green algae are kept in

    Agar is commercially obtained from:

    Algin is secreted by

    Microbes are cultured on the product secreted by

    The organism which contain chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’, cup-shaped chloroplast and is unicellular is

    Dominance of chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’, pyrenoids and starch as stored food are found in

    Cell wall of green algae is made up of:

    The alga rich in proteins and used as food by space travelers is

    Pyrenoids store

    Chlorophyceae are grass green due to the dominance of pigment

    Zoospores are formed during asexual reproduction of algae and formed in

    Sexual reproduction is of isogamous, anisogamous and oogamous in

    Filamentous brown alga is

    Algae which are primarily marine is

    Green alga that exclusively shows oogamy is

    Kelps represent the group of

    Kelps may reach a height up to-

    The algae which possess chlorophyll a, c, and fucoxanthin belong to

    Brown algae vary in colour from A to various shades of B depending on the amount of C pigment and D present in them. A B C D 1. fucoxanthin xanthophyll blue brown 2. blue brown fucoxanthin xanthophyll 3. yellow brown fucoxanthin xanthophyll 4. olive green brown fucoxanthin xanthophyll

    Laminaria and mannitol are stored food of

    The plant body of algae is divided in holdfast, stipe and fronds in

    The plant body attached to substratum in brown algae is through

    The photosynthetic leaf like organs found in some of the algae are called

    Zoospores of brown algae are

    The biflagellate pear-shaped zoospores are characteristics of

    Sexual reproduction shown by members of brown algae is (a) isogamous (b) anisogamous (c) oogamous.

    Pyriform gametes means

    The arrangement of flagella in brown algae is

    Dictyota belongs to

    Red algae are red due to the presence of pigment

    Red algae are found in

    Floridean starch is stored food found in

    Floridean starch is structurally similar to

    Algae found in the areas where little light penetrates are

    Algae found in areas with abundant light as well as areas of great depths with no light is

    Sexual reproduction of oogamous type is found in

    Red algae are

    The spores and gametes of red algae are resoectively

    Air bladders are present in

    Fronds are found in which of the following algae? I. Laminaria II. Fucus III. Dictyota IV. Porphyra

    How many of the following algae belong to the category of red algae? Polysiphonia, Gelidium, Laminaria, Spirogyra, Porphyra, Fucus, Chlamydomonas

    type of sexual reproduction is shown by the members of Rhodophyceae.

    Members of phaeophyceae are

    Polysulphate esters are present in the cell walls of

    Pear-shaped gametes are found in

    Organisms that play an important role in plant succession on bare rocks are

    Bryophytes are found in

    Bryophytes requires for fertilization

    The complex post-fertilization events are seen in

    Which of the following statement is incorrect with respect to bryophytes?

    Sporophyte of bryophytes is I. Multicellular body II. Parasite on gametophyte III. Shows the formation of spores as a result of meiosis IV. Derives the water from gametophytes

    forms gametophyte of bryophytes.

    The sporophyte of bryophytes develops after

    The gametophyte possessing leaf like, root like and stem like structure is

    The organism having more differentiated gametophytic plant body than algae is

    The male gamete of bryophyte is called

    Female sex organ of bryophytes is

    The main plant body of bryophyte is

    The sex organs in bryophytes are

    Archegonium contains egg cells in bryophytes

    Female sex organ of bryophyte is called

    Division in zygote results in the formation of in bryophytes

    Gametophyte of bryophyte is

    Organisms which colonizes the bare rocks after lichens are

    Peat used in transshipment is a product obtained from

    Mosses are ecologically important because I. The first organism to colonize bare rocks. II. It decomposes rocks making them suitable for the growth of higher plant. III. It forms dense mats on soil. IV. It reduces the impact of falling rain and soil erosion.

    Peat which is long used as fuel is a product obtained from-

    Organisms participating as one of the pioneers in ecological succession on rock belong to

    Liverworts are found in

    Asexual reproduction in liverworts takes place by

    The thallus of liverworts is

    Marchantia is

    Sexual reproduction in liverworts takes place by

    The sporophyte of mosses

    Spores in bryophytes are formed

    Gemmae in liverworts are formed during-

    In the capsule of sporophyte of bryophytes

    Zygote of bryophyte

    Which one is correct about protonema?

    Protonema is found in

    The dominant stage in the life cycle of mosses has

    Leafy stage in mosses develops from

    Sex organs in mosses develop on

    Sporophyte of mosses is more elaborated and complex than

    Vegetative reproduction in mosses takes place by-

    Spores in bryophytes are formed by

    Elaborate mechanism of spore dispersal is found in

    The plants frequently grown as ornamentals and are used for medicinal purpose belong to

    Sphagnum belongs to

    The first terrestrial plants to posses vascular tissues are

    The main plant body of pteridophytes is

    The main plant body of pteridophytes is

    Pteridophytes have

    Which one is false about pteridophyte?

    Which one is false about pteridophyte?

    Prothallus is the gametophyte of

    The gametophyte of pteridophyte grows in damp, moist and shady places because

    Macrophylls leaves are characteristics of

    Vascular plants which do not bear seeds are

    The production of spores by the spore mother cells is the result of

    Pteridophyte having microphylls is

    The leaves bearing sporangia are called

    Which of the following are correct about pteridophytes? I. The sporophytes bear sporangia that are formed on the sporophylls. II. They are frequently grown as ornamentals. III. They are the first terrestrial plants to forms seeds. IV. Vascular tissues are absent in pteridophytes. V. some species flourish well in sandy soil conditions.

    Cones in pteridophytes are formed in

    Spores in pteridophytes give rise to

    The male and female sex organs of pteridophyte are called

    Sex organs in pteridophytes are formed on the

    Zygote of pteridophytes

    Heterosporous pteridophytes are:

    Majority of the pteridophytes are I. Homosporous and produce only one kind of spores. II. Aquatic in nature. III. Heterosporus and produce small and large spores. IV. Restricted to narrow geographical zone because of specific requirement of water.

    Heterosporous plants are

    Megaspore germinate into

    Development of seed habit is initiated in

    The female gametophytes are retained on the parent sporophyte in

    In heterosporous pteridophyte

    Vascular plants, with seeds but no fruits are

    Naked seed plants are

    Ovules are not enclosed by the ovaries in

    The tallest gymnosperm among the following is


    Coralloid roots having association with N 2 fixing bacteria are found in

    Which of the following are correct for gymnosperms? I. They are heterosporous. II. They are the first vascular plants. III. Posses fruits IV. Requires water for fertilization.

    In gymnosperms, the mycorrhizal association is found in

    Which of the following are correct for gymnosperms? I. Have mainly adventitious root system. II. The leaves in gymnosperms can withstand extreme temperature, humidity and wind. III. Microspores are produced in microsporangia. IV. They include medium or tall sized trees and shrubs.

    Which of the following statements are correct for conifers? I. Needle like leaves to reduce transpiration II. Thick cuticle on leaves. III. Sunken stomata to reduce water loss. IV. The main plant body is gametophyte.

    Male and female cones are formed on the same tree of

    Male gametophyte which is highly reduced and confined to only limited numbers of cells is called

    Which of the following sequence is correct?

    In Cycas

    In gymnosperms

    The female gametophyte of gymnosperms

    Choose the incorrect one with respect to megaspore mother cell of angiosperms.

    In gymnosperms, the male and female gametophyte. I. Do not have independent free living existence. II. Remain within the sporangia retained on parent sporophyte. III. May be born on same or different tree. IV. Perform meiosis to produce gametes.

    Pollination in gymnosperms takes place by

    Microscopic angiosperm is

    Angiosperms include

    Angiosperms include

    Male sex organ in angiosperm is

    The height of Eucalyptus tree is approximately 100 meters.

    Male sex organ in flower is

    The pistil in flower encloses

    The female sex organ of flower is called

    Embryo sacs in angiosperms is

    Embryo sac of angiosperms posses

    The cells of embryo sac are

    Egg apparatus of angiosperms contains

    The pistil in angiosperm is made up of

    Diploid secondary nucleus in embryo sac of angiosperm is the product of

    Ovary is present in

    Fruit formation in angiosperm takes place

    Synergids and antipodals

    In double fertilization

    Double fertilization is the unique characterisitic feature of

    Zygote after multiplication in angiosperm develops into

    Meiosis in plants can take place in

    The haploid plant body produces and is referred to as

    In plants with haplontic life cycle, the sporophytic generation is represented by

    Haploid spore divides by to form haploid plant body

    Volvox , S pirogyra, Chlamydomonas show

    In haplontic life cycle, the zygote divides by

    Sporophyte is dominant, photosynthetic and independent phase but gametophytes are parasitic on sporophyte and have limited number of cells show the following type of life cycle

    The food is stored in the form of laminarin in:

    The plant in which sporophylls together associate and form distinct compact structures called strobili is:

    All are the features of Cycas except:

    Diplontic life cycle is seen in

    Most of the green algae show

    When both the phases of life cycle are multicellular, i.e., haploid and diploid phases are more than one celled

    In bryophytes

    Algae showing haplodiplontic life cycle are

    How many organisms show haplodiplontic life cycle? Sphagnum, Volvox, Ulothrix, Marchantia, Polytrichum, Selaginella, Pinus, Cedrus, Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia

    How many of the following plants show diplontic life cycle? Selaginella, Equisetum, Cycas, Cedrus, Ectocarpus, Fucus, Sequoia

    Which alga shows diplontic life cycle?

    Which of the following organisms show haplontic life cycle?

    Gametogenesis in organism showing haplontic life cycle takes place in

    Choose the correct pair

    Identify a, b, c in diagram:

    Identify the A, B, C and D shown in this figure?

    Identify a, b, c in diagram:

    Identify the A, B and C shown in this figure?

    Identify A and B:

    What indicates A to E in the below figure?

    Identify the A, B and C shown in this figure?

    Identify the A, B and C.

    Among the following choose the one that has diplontic life cycle.

    What indicates A, B and C in this figure.

    In diplontic life cycle gametogenesis takes place by

    Laminarin is the stored food in

    Which of the following possess vascular tissues but lacks seeds?

    Which of the following systems of classification involves the usage of one or few morphological characters for grouping the organisms?

    Eucalyptus is different from Cedrus because of the presence of

    Which group of plants have archegonia, vascular tissues, embryos and always heterosporous

    The significance of heterospory is :

    Statement A: Our understanding of Plant Kingdom has changed over time. Statement B: Whittaker’s Plant kingdom does not include Blue green algae.

    Plant Kingdom of Whittaker includes:

    Both vegetative and floral characters are given equal importance in

    Classification of plants based on chromosome number is referred as

    Confusions in phylogenetic system of classification can resolved by considering the following I.Morphological characters II. Chromosomal characters III. Anatomical characters IV. Chemical constituents of cells

    Confusions in phylogenetic system of classification can resolved by considering the following I.Morphological characters II. Chromosomal characters III. Anatomical characters IV. Chemical constituents of cells

    Bentham and Hooker's classification of flowering plants is an example for

    Only morphological characters are given importance in the following system of classification

    External morphological characters are considered in I. Artificial system of classification II. Natural system of classification III. Phylogenetic system of classification IV. Numerical taxonomy

    This is multicelluar but not filamentous alga

    A plant that is present on sloth bear as epizoic organism is a

    A plant that is present on sloth bear as epizoic organism is a

    Horsetails belong to

    The Pteridophytes with medicinal value are A. Psilopsids B. Lycopsids C. Ferns D. Sphenopsids

    Pteridophytes are frequently grown as:

    Cones or Strobili are aggregation of

    Choose the incorrect statements. I. Pteridophytes flourish in cool, damp and shady places II. Pteridophytes do not occur in sandy soils III. Pteriodophytes are phanerogams IV. Pteridophytes have the dominant sporophytic stage

    Distribution of pteridophytes is limited to narrow geographical regions on this planet because-

    Prothallus is the term given to

    Statement A: Dimorphic gametophytes are seen in Selaginella. Statement B: Selaginella is heterosporous.

    This is precursor to seed habit

    Rhizome is seen in

    Heterophylly is shown by

    Identify Ferns among the following A. Dryopteris B. Adiantum C. Equisetum D. Lycopodium

    This event shown by pteridophytes is an important step in evolution-

    Naked seeded plants are:

    In gymnosperms, the plants are not usually:

    Linnaeus system of classification is considered as system.

    What is common among Ginkgo , Adiantum and Sphagnum ?

    Choose the correct match

    Phylogenetic system of classification emphasizes on

    In Gymnsoperms

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Choose the correct statement

    Gymnosperms are not:

    Statement A : Pinus is dioecious Statement B: It has both male and female cones on the same plant

    Each female gametophyte of Gymnsperm has the following number of Archegonia

    Choose the correct statement

    This is few celled in Gymnosperms

    Dimorphic branches are seen in

    Non-photosynthetic gametophytes are present in

    Statement A: Pollination in Gymnosperms is direct Statement B: In Gymnosperms pollen grains are deposited on ovule

    In Gymnosperms

    Largest ovules in the plant kingdom are seen in

    Identify the features common in between Adiantum and Cedrus: A. Photosynthetic sporophyte B. Archegonia as female sex organs C. Presence of complex tissues D. Absence of fruits

    Which statement is correct for gymnosperms.

    Pollen chamber of gymnosperms is present in the

    Statement A: Fertilization in Gymnosperms is described as Siphonogamous Statemetn B: Pollen tubes carry the male gametes to the site of archegonia

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to Gymnosperms.

    Independent sporophytes are seen in A. Bryophytes B. Pteridophytes C. Gymnosperms

    Gymnosperms are different from Bryophytes in showing A. Heterospory B. Siphonogamy C. the presence of Archegonia D. no need of water for fertilisation

    Statement A: Seeds of Gymnosperms usually have more than one embryo in their seeds. Statement B: The female gametophyte retained in the ovule has more than one archegonia.

    Identify the pair of feaures common to both Gymnosperms and Bryophytes

    The common features between Cycas and Pteris are A. Photosynthetic sporophytes B. Presence of xylem and phloem C. Presence of Pinnate compound leaves

    Ginkgo has

    Angiosperms are unique because they possess-

    This is the main feature of angiosperms-

    The smallest angiosperm is

    Choose the features shown by Dicots A. Tap root system B. Embryo with two cotyledons C. Tetramerous flowers D. Secondary growth

    This feature is shown by none of the monocots.

    True flowers are present in A. Gymnosperms B. Dicots C. Monocots

    The tallest angiosperm is

    Pistil of angiosperms is:

    Male sex organ of angiosperms is-

    How many megaspore mothrer cells are usually present in a ovule?

    In Angiosperms pollination is mainly carried out by

    This cell of embryo sac shows the transformation into diploid cell from haploid cell prior to fertilisation.

    Statement A: Primary Endosperm Nucleus is triploid Statement B: It is formed by the fusion of male gamete with synergids

    The unique feature of angiosperms is

    The common feature among Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms is

    Choose the incorrect ones among the following I. Plants with diplontic life cycle do not have multicellular gametophyte. II. Plants with haplontic life cycle may have either unicellular or multicellular gametophyte. III. Plants with haplodiplontic life cycle have multicellular gametophyte and unicellular sporophyte.

    Plant with haplodiplontic life cycle and dominant gametophyte are:

    haploid spores are not formed due to meiosis in the life cycle of the following organisms with haplointic life cycle A. Volvox B. Spirogyra C. Chlamydomonas

    Statement A: Male gametophytes of Angiosperms are 3 celled and female gametophyte is 7celled. Statement B: Plants with few celled or single celled gametophytes have diplontic life cycle

    Single celled sporophyte is seen in the life cycle of A. Chlamydomonas B. Spirogyra C. Volvox

    Life cycle is Fucus is described as-

    This group of plants show all types of life cycles-

    The life cycle in plants having independent sporophyte and gametophyte is-

    Alga with isogamy and haplodiplontic life cycle is

    Parasitic gametophytes are seen in

    Gymnosperms bear seeds but lack fruits because they lack

    Choose the correct pair

    The unique feature of angiosperms is

    The substance that is used to grow microbes and is also used in preparations of ice-creams and jellies is commercially obtained from:

    Read the following statement and identify the system of classification a. A classification system that considers not only the external features, but also internal features, like ultrastructure, anatomy, embryology and phytochemistry. b. This system of classification was followed by George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker.

    Among the following choose the plants that have archegonia A. Funaria B. Selaginella C. Ginkgo D. Wolffia

    Choose the correct statement

    A substance which is used to grow microbes and in preparations of ice-creams and jellies is obtained from:

    Identify the alga rich in proteins is used as food supplement even by space travelers.

    Main plant body is haploid in:

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Prothallus is seen in:

    A is the feature of pteridophytes shows similarity with bryophytes and B is the feature of pteridophyte showing similarity with gymnosperms. A and B are respectively

    Statement A: Fusing gametes are dissimilar in size in Eudorina. Statement B: Eudorina reproduces sexually by oogamy.

    The artificial system of classification given by Linnaeus is mainly based on

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Isogamy with flagellated gametes i. Spirogyra b. Isogamy with non-flagellated gametes ii. Ulothrix c. Anisogamy iii. Volvox d. Oogamy iv. Eudorina

    Which amongst the following has thalloid plant body?

    Read the following characteristics and identify the plant. (a) Has vascular tissues (b) Main plant body is a sporophyte (c) Homosporous (d) Seeds are absent

    Identify an alga showing diplontic life cycle pattern.

    Ectocarpus shows which of the following type of life cycle pattern?

    Which of the following is an example of heterosporous pteridophyte?

    Vascular tissues for the first time appeared in which of the following plant group?

    Identify the gymnosperm plant possessing unbranched stems.

    Which of the following plant possess naked seeds?

    All seed bearing plants show which of the following type of life cycle pattern?

    The nucellus in gymnosperm is protected by covering and the composite structure is called

    The giant redwood tree Sequoia is a:

    What is common amongst the members of Chlorophyceae, Rhodophyceae and Phaeophyceae?

    Identify the alga storing food in the form of laminarin.

    Gametic meiosis is observed in

    Smallest angiosperm is

    Match algae with its form and select the correct answer choice. Column I Column II a. Volvox i. Filamentous b. Ulothrix ii. Massive plant bodies c. Kelps iii. Colonial

    Find the incorrect match w.r.t. shapes of chloroplast in algae

    Identify the haploid structures found in Funaria

    Identify the cryptogam that is tracheophytic, archegoniate, embryophyte and produces cones:

    Which one is wrongly matched?

    Which one of the following features is not related to red algae?

    Identify the system of classification that gave equal weightage to vegetative and sexual characteristics and used only gross superficial morphological characters such as habit, colour, number and shape of leaves as the basis for classification.

    Choose the alga whose vegetative body has a structure called holdfast.

    Which among the following has protonemal stage in its life cycle?

    Gametophytes do not show independent free-living existence in

    Which of the following is wrongly matched?

    Match column I with column II and choose the correct match. Column I Column II A Homosporous, atracheate, embryophyte i Cycas B Heterosporous, tracheate, archegoniate ii Dryopteris C Homosporous, tracheate embryophyte iii Salvinia D Heterosporous, tracheate, spermatophyte iv Sphagnum

    Dichotomously branched midrib is seen in the fronds of

    Which one of the following is homosporous?

    The dominant phase in the life cycle of pteridophyte is nutritionally equivalent to the :

    Find the incorrect match.

    The system of classification which assumes that all organisms of a taxa have common ancestor is

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Male gametophytic generation which is highly reduced and is confined to only a limited number of cells in:

    Volvox is

    First plants with vascular tissues are

    Double fertilisation is an unique event to which of the given plant groups?

    Embryogenesis is absent in which of the given plant groups?

    Algae are/have

    Select the incorrect match from the following:

    The labellings ‘a’ and ‘b’ for the Liverworts are:

    Which of the following is an isogamous plant, producing non-flagellated gametes?

    In fern, sporangia are borne on the

    Plants lacking seed and vascular tissue but forming spores and embryo are

    Microsporangia of Cycas is formed

    The development of Funaria gametophyte always initiated from

    Comparable to angiosperms which of the following algae exhibits diplontic life cycle?

    The common feature that is shared by Funaria , Dryopteris and Ginkgo is

    Which of the following represents a diploid structure?

    Only zygote represents the sporophytic generation in

    Algae and fungi are characterized by the possession of

    A newly discovered plant was found to be a gymnosperm because it.

    Lichens are ecologically important as

    The tallest tree species of the gymnosperms is

    In Dryopteris , meiosis occurs at the time of

    In Funaria , which of the following represents the juvenile state?

    Filamentous alga is

    Which classification system accepts that organisms belonging to the same taxa have a common ancestor?

    Main plant body of bryophytes is gametophyte. This body

    Select the mismatched pair.

    Select the feature of mosses which makes them different from ferns.

    Asexual reproduction in liverworts takes place by formation of specialised structures called gemmae. All of the following are true about gemmae, except

    Select the pteridophyte that belongs to the class Psilopsida .

    The plant body of liverwort is thalloid as in

    Prothallus is

    Consider the following statements regarding gymnosperms and choose the correct option. I. In gymnosperms, the male and female gametophytes have an independent existence. II. In gymnosperms, the multicellular female gametophyte is retained within the megasporangium. III. All gymnosperms are heterosporous. Of these statements

    Identify the correct statements. I The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than in mosses. II Salvinia is heterosporous III The life cycle in all seed-bearing plants is diplontic. IV In Pinus, male and female cones are borne on different trees.

    What of the following is / are correct about Cycas ?

    Which of the following are included as tracheophytes?

    Gymnosperms are named so because of the presence of

    The (i) vary in colour from olive green to various shades of brown depending upon the amount of (ii)

    Which of the following is an incorrect statement?

    In which of the following male and female gametophyte have an independent free living existence?

    Select the incorrect match

    Recognize the figure and find out the CORRECT match.

    Ulothrix and Spirogyra are :

    Which of the following are correct for numerical taxonomy? i Based on all observable characteristics. ii Uses chemical constituents of the plant to resolved confusion. iii Based on cytological information like chromosome number, structure and behavior. iv Numbers and codes assigned to a few characters. v At the same time, hundreds of characters can be considered. vi Carried out using computers.

    Which of the following are the characteristics of phaeophyceae? i Posses chlorophyll a, c, carotenoids and xanthophylls. ii Food stored is in the form of laminarin and mannitol iii Asexual reproduction by biflagellate zoozpores that have two equal apically attached flagella. iv Cell wall has cellulose and algin. v Sexual reproduction is ooqamous vi Gametes have two laterally attached flagella.

    Identify the incorrect statement w.r.t. mosses.

    Match List I with List II. List I List II A Amphibians of the plant kingdom I Angiosperms B Vascular cryoptogams II Gymnosperms C Archegoniate seed plants III Pteridophytes D Non-archegoniate seed plants IV Bryophytes Choose the correct answer from the options given below. A B C D 1 III IV I II 2 IV III I II 3 IV II I III 4 IV III II I

    Assertion : Linnaeus classification of plants is an artificial system. Reason : Linnaeus considered vegetative characters for classification of plants.

    Linnaeus considered which amongst the following character for the classification of plants?

    If plants are classified on the basis of number and shape of leaves, it is described as

    Which among the following are incorrect statements? A. Phytochemistry evidences are considered in natural system of classification. B. Bentham and Hooker classified both flowering and non-flowering plants. C. Phylogenetic system of classification is not based on fossil evidences.

    Cytotaxonomy is not based on one of the following.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to algae.

    Which among the following algae, asexually reproduces by daughter colony formation?

    Match List I with List II. List I List II A Non-flagellated isogametes i Fucus B Flagellated anisogametes ii Eudorina C Flagellated isogametes iii Ulothrix D Stationary female gamete and flagellated male gamete iv Spirogyra Choose the correct answer from the following options. A B C D 1 iv ii iii i 2 iv iii ii i 3 iv ii i iii 4 ii iv i iii

    Among the following choose the algae that are not used as food. A. Porpyra B. Spirogyra C. Ulothrix D. Volvox

    The following algal product is used in the preparation of ice-creams and jellies.

    Which one among the following algae is used as food supplement by space travellers?

    Choose the feature not shown by green algae.

    Which one among the given is green alga?

    Which among the following are absent in pyrenoids? A. Polysaccharides B. Pigments C. Proteins D. Lipids

    Assertion : Members of chlorophyceae are also known as green algae. Reason : Green algae have same type of chlorophyllous pigments as seen in euglenoids and higher plants.

    Assertion : Ectocarpus is a brown alga. Reason : Ectocarpus has a pigment fucoxanthin in higher amounts, reserve food as laminarin and mannitol and chlorophylls a and c.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to phaeophyceae of algae.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to red algae.

    Carpogonium is the female sex organ of

    Match Column I with Column II and select the correct match. Column I Column II a. Numerical Taxonomy i. Based on chromosome number, structure, behaviour. b. Cytotaxonomy ii. Based on chemical constituents of the plant. c. Chemotaxonomy iii. Carried out by using computers and is based on all observable characteristics. a b c 1. iii ii i 2. iii i ii 3. i ii iii 4. ii i iii

    Algal cell walls are made up of

    Identify the alga that exhibits anisogamy.

    Among the following, which have leaf like photosynthetic part known as frond in their body. A. Polysiphonia B. Ectocarpus C. Porphyra D. Dictyota E. Laminaria

    Kelps are

    Rhizoids are absent in

    Match column I with column II and select the correct match. Column I Column II a. Chlorophyceae i. Floridean starch b. Phaeophyceae ii. Mannitol c. Rhodophyceae iii. Starch a b c 1. iii ii i 2. iii i ii 3. ii i iii 4. i ii iii

    Gemmae are

    All the given organisms are filamentous, except

    Which amongst the following organisms have flagellated isogametes?

    The artificial system of classification is given by A and is based on B . A B 1. Linnaeus ultrastructure and anatomy 2. George Bentham and Joseph Dalton Hooker vegetative characters 3. Linnaeus androecium structure 4. Engler and Prantl evolutionary relationship

    Identify the correct statement w.r.t. the artificial system of classification.

    Read the following statements and select the incorrect one(s). (a) Phylogenetic system of classification is based on possible evolution of different traits. (b) All members of bryophytes have non-jacketed and unicellular sex organs. (c) Natural system of classification often results in placing of unrelated organism in a group.

    Identify the incorrect match.

    Which of the following algae can be used as food? (a) Porphyra (b) Laminaria (c) Sargassum

    Which among the following play a role in succession by decomposing the rocks and making the substrate suitable for the growth of higher plants?

    Prothallus is

    Which among the following features are correct for Salvinia ? I. It is heterophyllous II. It is free floating hydrophyte III. It is heterosporous IV. It has macrophylls

    One of the following events is precursor to seed habit and considered as important step in evolution.

    Statement A : All pteridophytes have macrophylls. Statement B : All pteridophytes have monoecious gametophytes.

    Ginkgo is a

    Roots modified for nitrogen nutrition are present in

    In the life cycle of which of the following the diploid cells do not undergo mitosis but undergo meiosis. A. Volvox B. Spirogyra C. Ectocarpus

    Choose the incorrect statements. A. In plants with haplontic life cycle, the sporophyte is always single celled. B. In plants with diplontic life cycle the gametophytes are always single celled. C. In plants with haplodiplontic life cycle the gametophytes and sporophytes are always multicellular and independent.

    Ulothrix , a green alga, is placed in chlorophyceae because of a. aquatic habitat b. presence of chlorophyll a and b c. cellulosic cell wall and mannitol as food reserve

    Isomorphic alternation of generations is seen in

    Statement A : Asexual reproduction in Chlamydomonas is mainly by aplanospores produced in sporangia. Statement B : In class Chlorophyceae the sexual reproduction takes place by isogamy, anisogamy and oogamy.

    Identify the given figures of algae and select the correct option. A B 1. Fucus Polysiphonia 2. Dictyota Polysiphonia 3. Dictyota Porphyra 4. Porphyra Polysiphonia

    Bryophytes occur in moist places, because

    Marchantia is considered as a heterothallic plant because it is

    Statement A :  Sphagnum is slowly carbonised, compressed and fossilised over thousands of years to produce a dark spongy mass called peat. Statement B : Peat helps to keep soil porous and it also improves water holding capacity of the soil.

    Assertion : Mosses are of great ecological importance. Reason : Mosses along with lichens are the first organisms to colonise rocks to form soil.

    Pteridophytes differ from mosses/bryophytes in possessing

    Which of the following are heterosporous pteridophytes? I. Pteris II. Selaginella III. Equisetum IV. Marsilea

    Sporophyte became more dominant than gametophyte for the first time in which of the following group of plants?

    Selaginella and Salvinia are considered to represent a significant step towards evolution of seed habit because

    Club moss is grouped under

    X is the seed plant in which the seeds remain exposed over the surface of the megasporophylls because the latter are not folded to form pistils. Which of the following is not a regular feature of the given plant X?

    Consider the following statements regarding gymnosperms and choose the correct option. I. In gymnosperms, the male and female gametophytes have an independent existence. II. In gymnosperms, the multicellular female gametophyte is retained within the megasporangium. III. The gymnosperms are heterosporous.

    Choose the incorrect pair

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to phaeophyceae of algae.

    Dichotomously branched frond is seen in

    Choose the incorrect pair

    In pteridophytes, sporophyte is

    Syngamy and triple fusion are unique features of

    Gametophytes have independent free living existence in

    Which type of pollination is found in gymnosperms?

    Study the diagram given below and identify the life cycle pattern.

    Identify the plants given below. a b c d 1. Salvinia Equisetum Fern Selaginella 2. Equisetum Selaginella Fern Salvinia 3. Selaginella Equisetum Fern Salvinia 4. Fern Equisetum Selaginella Salvinia

    Read the following statements Assertion (A): Cell wall of red algae contain cellulose, pectin and polysulphate esters. Reason (B): Cell wall of red algae lack water holding substances.

    Haplo-diplontic life cycle is found in all the following except

    Syngamy and triple fusion are unique features of

    Gametophytes have independent free living existence in

    Choose incorrect statement.

    Read the following statements Assertion (A): Cell wall of red algae contain cellulose, pectin and polysulphate esters. Reason (B): Cell wall of red algae lack water holding substances.

    Find the odd one out w.r.t. brown algae.

    Gametes are flagellated and similar in size in

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