BiologyBotany QuestionsSexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants Questions for CBSE Class 12th

Sexual Reproduction In Flowering Plants Questions for CBSE Class 12th

Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. pollen grains.

Cheiropterophily is a type of pollination where the agent of pollination is

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    Pronuba moth is a specific pollinator of

    Which of the following perform microsporogenesis? a. Microspore mother cell b. Pollen mother cell c. Egg cell

    Dehiscence of anther in mesophytes is caused by

    Thalamus contributes in the fruit formation in a. apple b. strawberry c. cashew nut

    Flowers, which have single ovule in the ovary and are packed into inflorescence are usually pollinated by

    False fruit is a fruit in which

    Wind and water pollinated flowers

    Assertion (A) : In apomixis, the plants of new genetic sequence are produced. Reason (R) : In apomixis there is not fusion of gametes.

    Integuments encircle the nucellus except at the tip where a small opening is present called:

    The structure of anther wall or microsporangial wall which shows direct contact with microspore mother cells of microsporangium is

    A cell X floats in the cytoplasm of cell Y. The cell X is spindle shaped and the cell Y has a large irregularly shaped nucleus. Identify cell X and cell Y.

    Identify the structure that is located inside the ovarian cavity.

    Statement A: Self incompatibility is one of the devices or contrivances to prevent outbreeding. Statement B: Self incompatibility prevents cross fertilisation.

    Statement A : Embryo sac of angiosperms has 7 cells and 8 nuclei. Statement B : Embryo sac has 7 types of cells.

    Statement A: Viability of pollen varies from species to species. Statement B: Pollen viability can be prolonged by cryogenic technique.

    In angiosperms, the first cell from which the development of male gametophyte takes place is :

    The terminal structure of stamen is called

    Pollen grains can be stored for several years in liquid nitrogen having temperature of

    How many nuclei are found in female gametophyte?

    Chalazal pole is present

    Double fertilisation is

    Match the following columns. Column I (Agents of pollination) Column II (Technical term) A. Wind (i) Anemophily B. Water (ii) Hydrophily C. Insects (iii) Entomophily D. Birds (iv) Ornithophily Select the correct option A B C D 1. i ii iii iv 2. i iii ii iv 3. iv ii iii i 4. ii iii iv i

    Which is most crucial for seed storage?

    Advantage of cleistogamy is

    Which of the following are the important floral rewards to the animal pollinators ?

    Megasporangium is equivalent to

    Product of sexual reproduction generally generates

    Arrange the following four layers of microsporangium in correct centripetal sequence as seen in the transverse section. A. Middle layers B. Epidermis C. Tapetum D. Endothecium

    In water hyacinth and water lily, pollination takes place by:

    The plant parts which consist of two generations – one within the other : (a) Pollen grains inside the anther (b) Germinated pollen grain with two male gametes (c) Seed inside the fruit (d) Embryo sac inside the ovule

    The pollen grains loose viability within 30 minutes in:

    The embryo sac is produced from the functional megaspore after:

    Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Nucellar polyembryony results in

    The event unique to flowering plants is

    Lotus is a:

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Statement A: Synergid is the cell through which the pollen tube usually seeks entry into embryo sac. Statement B: Synergids are the cells that have filiform apparatus.

    Morphologically coconut water is

    Which among the following plants guarantee assured seed setting even in absence of pollinators?

    What would be the ploidy of the cells of the microspore tetrad?

    The functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops into

    Production of seeds and fruits without fertilization are respectively called

    A plant has long ribbon like pollen grains with mucilaginous covering. The agent of pollination in the plant is

    Which cell of the ovule undergoes meiosis to form megaspore and eventually the female gametophyte?

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Pollen viability of rice i. 10,000 years b. Pollen viability of some members of Solanaceae family ii. 2000 years c. Seed viability of Lupinus arcticus iii. 30 minutes d. Seed viability of Phoenix dactylifera iv. Few months

    Polygonum type of embryo sac is :

    A large white flower which blooms in the night having a scent of rotting fruit and producing a copious amount of nectar is most likely to be pollinated by

    Egg apparatus is

    The arrangements of the nuclei in a normal embryo sac in the dicot plants.

    In a mature 7-celled or 8-nucleate embryo sac, the ploidy level of the secondary nucleus is the same as that of the :

    Presence of mechanical barrier between stamen and carpel which prevents self pollination, is known as:

    Allogamy is very useful because it results in the

    In an anther, stomium occurs

    In a fertilised embryo sac, the haploid, diploid and triploid structures are

    Identify the families where the product of double fertilisation soon disintegrates and endosperm development is completely absent in.

    The lengthwise running groove on anther which separate theca is called

    Intine is made up of a. cellulose b. pectin c. lignin

    In angiosperms, microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis

    60% of the angiosperms shed their pollens at the

    Vegetative/Asexual reproduction and apomixis are common to each other in a. type of cell division b. clone nature of offspring c. only in dicot plant

    Embryo sac is also called

    Pollen grain of water pollinated plants are coated by which covering to prevent it from wetting

    A dioecious flowering plant prevents both

    Autogamy stands for

    Assertion (A) : Some fruits are seedless or contain non-viable seeds. Reason (R) : They are produced without fertilisation.

    Which of the following statement is correct?

    The total number of nuclei involved in triple fusion is/are

    Geitonogamy involves

    Pollenkitt is present in

    Assertion (A) : Non-albuminous seeds have no residual endosperm. Reason (R) : The endosperm is completely consumed during embryo development.

    Among the situations given below, choose the one that prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy.

    What type of pollination takes place in Vallisneria ?

    Characteristic of wind pollinated pollens is, they are a. non-sticky b. light c. produced in large number

    What is the fate of the male gametes discharged in the synergid?

    In which of the following, both autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented?

    In an embryo sac, the cells that degenerate after fertilisation are

    In a flower, if the megaspore mother cell forms megaspores without undergoing meiosis and if one of the megaspores develops into an embryo sac, its nuclei would be

    In a fertitised embryo sac, the haploid, diploid and triploid structures are

    Name the part of gynoecium that determines the compatible nature of Pollen grain.

    Starting from the innermost part, the correct sequence of parts in an ovule are

    Embryo Sac is to ovule as (X) is to an anther. X is

    Perisperm is

    Perisperm differs from endosperm in

    Male gametophyte in angiosperms produces

    What will be the ploidy of cells respectively of the nucellus, functional megaspore, Megaspore mother cell and female gametophyte present in a typical ovule?

    Which one of the following statements is not true?

    Double fertilisation is exhibited by

    Double fertilisation is

    Pollen grains can be stored for several years in liquid nitrogen having a temperature of

    What type of pollination takes place in Vallisneria ?

    Choose the correct sequence representing the ploidy of Nucellus; Megaspore mother cell; Megaspore; Egg cell; Zygote; A polar nucleus of embryo sac; Secondary nucleus and Primary endosperm nucleus.

    The hollow foliar structure in a wheat embryo that encloses the shoot apex and a few leaf primordia is called :

    Which one among the following has only one ovule in its ovary?

    Both cleistogamous and chasmogamous flowers are seen in one of the following plants

    This is a feature of wind pollinated plants

    Which of the following is not a floral reward for pollinators?

    The process of forming fruits without fertilization is called:

    The two male gametes of angiosperm male gametophyte arise from:

    Outer layer of pollen grains is made up of

    Syngamy in angiosperms means fusion of

    Which of the following statement is incorrect?

    Apomictic embryos in Citrus arise from

    Structure equivalent to megasporophyll in angiosperms is

    The outbreeding device that prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy is:

    The product of triple fusion or vegetative fertilisation in angiosperms helps in

    Considering 17 chromosomes are present in the gamete of apple plant. Find the number of chromosomes present in nucellus, synergids, antipodals, microspore mother cell and tube cell respectively.

    Germpore is the region of pollen grain where

    Ploidy of synergid is

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    The proximal part of filament of stamen is attached to

    The two parts of a typical stamen are

    Which of the following options is correct ?

    The main function of the innermost wall of the microsporangium is:

    A typical anther is :

    Which wall of the microsporangium is hygroscopic in nature?

    A group of compactly arranged homogenous cells occupying the centre of each microsporangium is called

    Which of the following is correct w.r.t tapetum? a. It is the innermost nutritive layer b. Cells of the tapetum possess dense cytoplasm and generally have more than one nucleus. c. The cells turn polyploid due to endomitosis. d. It helps in degeneration of pollen kitt

    Identify the labelled parts of the walls of the anther in the diagram given below:

    The enzyme used to dissolve the callose layer that attaches the microspore tetrad is synthesized from:

    The four microspores are attached to each other with the help of

    In which group of plants is isobilateral tetrad formed during microsporogenesis?

    Which plant produces five different types of microspore tetrads?

    The diameter of pollen grain is:

    Identify the plant that came to India as a contaminant with imported wheat and today is largely responsible for causing pollen allergy

    The process of formation of microspores from a pollen mother cell (PMC) through meiosis is called

    The place where sporopollenin is absent is called

    The most resistant organic substance known is:

    The mature pollen grain contains

    Tricolpate pollen grains are found mostly in:

    Development of pollen also takes place inside pollensac of anther. This type of development is called:

    As the anthers mature and dehydrate, the microspores dissociate from each other and develop into

    Which structure represents male gametophytes?

    Identify the correct statement w.r.t. Vegetative cell: a. It is the bigger cell of the pollen grain. b. Undergoes mitosis to produce the two male gametes. c. It has irregularly shaped nucleus

    The most common type of endosperm development is:

    The primary endosperm nucleus (PEN) typically is:

    Identify the correct option.

    The pollen grain viability is for months in

    The ploidy of the endosperm in gymnosperms and angiosperms respectively are

    Identify the correct statement.

    Pollen tablets are used as food supplements because

    Identify the correct statement

    The seeds of rice, wheat are: (a) Endospermic (b) Non-endospermic (c) Perispermic

    Which of the following is true for exine? a. It is the hard-outer layer of pollen grain b. Made up of sporopollenin which is the most easily degradable substance. c. It exhibits a fascinating array of patterns and designs.

    The place of attachment of funicle to the body of the ovule is called:

    Identify the incorrect statement w.r.t pollen grains

    How many meiosis are required for the formation of one embryo sac?

    The water content in the mature seed is:

    The mitotic divisions occurring during embryo sac formation are

    Three cells are grouped together at the micropylar end of the embryo sac and constitute

    At which part of the embryo sac the three antipodal cells are located?

    The micropylar cell of the suspensor swells up and is known as:

    During the formation of embryo sac

    The most common type of embryo sac in embryo sac is

    Perispermic seeds are found in

    Find the correct statements: (a) The viability of seed can be tested out by T.T.C. (2, 3, 5, triphenyl tetrazolium chloride). (b) The seeds being products of sexual reproduction, they generate new genetic combinations leading to variations. (c) Entomophilous flowers are unattractive and without nectar.

    Identify the correct statement.

    The oldest viable seed is that of:

    80% of angiosperms have

    Wind pollination is quite common in:

    (a) Pollen grains are light and non-sticky. (b) Possess well-exposed stamens These are the characteristics of flowers pollinated by

    Pollen grains are long, ribbon like in

    Monoecious plants

    In which one of the options all the parts A, B, C, D, E, F and G are correct?

    Consider the following statements. (A) The innermost layer of an anther is tapetum. (B) Tapetum is nutritive which provides nourishment to the megaspores. Select the correct option.

    The phenomenon observed in some plants where in parts of the sexual apparatus is used for forming embryos without fertilisation is called

    Which amongst these possess non-endospermic or exalbuminous (N) seed and endospermic or albuminous (E) seeds ? N E 1. Pea, Groundnut, Bean Castor, Coconut 2. Pea, Castor Bean, Coconut, Groundnut 3. Groundnut, Bean Pea, Coconut , Castor 4. Pea, Coconut Groundnut, Bean, Castor

    Perisperm is found in seeds of

    Perisperm is a

    One of the most resistant known biological material is.

    Cryopreservation is done at temperature

    Cleistogamous flowers are not seen in:

    Asymmetric spindle formation is observed during:

    Assume that a diploid plant has 24 chromosomes. This plant undergoes autogamy. Calculate the number of chromosomes present in the nucellus and the endosperm.

    In angiosperms, endosperm development

    After entering one of the synergids, the pollen tube releases the two male gametes into the

    The pollen grain of an angiosperm has 26 chromosomes. Calculate the number of chromosomes present in the zygote and endosperm of the plant.

    Unopened flowers are found in

    Epiblast is

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Persistent nucellus in seed i. Free nuclear endosperm b. Coconut water ii. Integumented megasporangium c. Ovule iii. Perisperm d. Double fertilization iv. Angiosperms

    Match column-I with column-II and select the most appropriate option as the answer. Column I Column II a. Syngamy (i) Central cell after triple fusion b. Primary endosperm cell (PEC) (ii) Cotyledon in the grass family c. True fruit (iii) Develops only from ovary d. Scutellum (iv) Formation of diploid cell, the zygote a b c d 1 iv i iii ii 2 ii iii i iv 3 i ii iii iv 4 iii iv i ii

    A typical angiospermic embryo sac, at maturity is

    How the tapetal cells, which form the innermost wall layer of microsporongium, could become binucleate?

    Find the incorrect statement w.r.t. sporopollenin from the following options.

    Why is vivipary an undesirable character for annual crop plants?

    A tetraploid female flowering plant and a hexaploidy male flowering plant are crossed, endosperm will be

    Cross – pollinating plants (i) Produce offsprings having variation among themselves. (ii) Reduces inbreeding depression. (iii) Results in the production of pure line homozygous offsprings. (iv) Having bisexual flowers or have monoecious conditions.

    How many statements are incorrect? (i) The function of germ pore is the initiation of the pollen tube. (ii) The coconut water and edible part of coconut are equivalent to endosperm and endocarp, respectively. (iii) When pollen is shed at the three-celled state, syngamy occurs more quickly than the pollen when sheds at two called stage. (iv) Intine is made up of cellulose and pectin. (v) Pollen grains in some plants remain viable for months.

    How many of the following statement (s) is /are correct about pollination? I: In Vallisneria and Zostera, the flowers emerge above the level of water and are pollinated by insects or wind. II : In most of the water pollinated species, pollen grains are protected from wetting by a mucilaginous covering. III : Pollination by water is quite rare in flowering plants and is limited to about 30 genera, mostly dicotyledons.

    The cell is bigger, has abundant food reserve and a large irregularly shaped nucleus. The is small and has a spindle-shaped nucleus with dense cytoplasm.

    If the chromosome number in the root cell of Zea mays is 20, then what would be the chromosome number in the cell of (i) radicle, (ii) hypocotyls, (iii) epiblast, (iv) aleurone layer and (iv) scutellum, respectively? (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (1) 20 30 20 30 20 (2) 20 20 20 30 20 (3) 20 30 30 30 20 (4) 20 20 20 20 20

    Apomixis is

    In which of the following plant are invariably autogamous?

    When a diploid female plant is crossed with a tetraploid male, the ploidy of endosperm cells in the resulting seed is

    An orthotropous ovule is one, in which micropyle and chalaza are

    Egg apparatus consists of

    Given diagram shows the vertical section of strawberry. Identify the part labelled as’?’

    In microsporangium, microspores of tetrad are separated due to dissolving of

    When the body of the ovule lies at right angles to the funicle and the micropyle lies close to the later, it is termed as

    Middle layers of the microsporangial wall

    From the situations given below, choose the one that prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy.

    Assertion : The cells of endothecium develop fibrous thickenings of cellulose. Reason : The endothecium is hygroscopic in nature.

    Assertion – If pollen mother cell has 42 chromosomes then pollens have only 21 chromosomes. Reason – Meiosis takes place in pollen mother cells.

    Assertion : Synergids occur at the micropylar pole. Reason : Synergids help in chemotropic movement of pollen tube.

    Match column I with column II, and choose the correct combination from the options given below. Column I Column II A. Multicarpellary syncarpous pistil (i) Orchids B. Multicarpellary apocarpous pistil (ii) Michelia C. One ovule in an ovary (iii) Paddy D. Many ovules in an ovary (iv) Papaver A B C D 1. ii iii iv i 2. iv ii i iii 3. iv ii iii i 4. ii iv iii i

    Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops into

    Find odd one out.

    Number of microsporangia in an angiospermic anther is

    Assertion (A) : Removal of anthers is a step in artificial hybridisation. Reason (R) : It prevents contamination of anthers of the same flower.

    The innermost layer of microsporangium is

    Seed formation without fertilisation in flowering plants involves the process of

    Microsporangium develops into

    Development of embryo sac from a single megaspore is described as

    Nucellar polyembryony is reported in

    In chasmogamy pollination takes place in

    A cell with two nuclei of embryo sac is

    Assertion (A) : Cleistogamous flowers produce assured seed set in the absence of pollinators. Reason (R) : Cleistogamous flowers are bisexual and do not open at all.

    An ovule is a

    Mass of cells enclosed by integuments is called

    Exine of pollen is made up of

    The world’s oldest viable seed, excavated from Arctic Tundra is of

    Megaspore mother cell is found near the region of

    Which of the following has proved helpful in preserving pollen as fossils?

    Assertion (A) : Megaspore mother cell undergoes meiosis to produce four megaspores. Reason (R) : Megaspore mother cell and megaspore both are haploid.

    Filiform apparatus is

    Megasporogenesis is a. formation of fruits b. formation of seeds c. formation of megaspores

    The germ pore is the place of

    To achieve 3-celled stage in angiosperms, which cell of the pollen grain divides to form two male gametes ?

    The ovule of an angiosperm is technically equivalent to

    Match the following columns with respect to pistil parts and post and their post fertilised transformations. Column I Column II A. Outer integuments (i) Testa B. Inner integuments (ii) Tegmen C. Ovary (iii) Fruit D. Ovules (iv) Seed Select the correct option A B C D 1. i iii ii iv 2. iii iv i ii 3. i ii iii iv 4. iv iii ii i

    Assertion (A) : In apomixis, plants of new genetic variations are not produced. Reason (R) : In apomixis, reductional division takes place.

    Choose the incorrect statement from the following.

    In an angiosperm, male plant is diploid and female plant is tetraploid then endosperm will be

    If endosperm has 36 number of chromosomes then find out the chromosome number of male and female gamete.

    Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of another flower of different plant of same species is called

    Which is the most common type of embryo sac in angiosperms?

    Continued self-pollination results in

    Which one of the following statement is correct ?

    How many cells are found in female gametophyte?

    Egg apparatus consists of

    Assertion (A) : Pollen grain of angiosperm is considered as the male gametophyte. Reason (R) : Pollen grain contains stigma, style and ovary.

    Assertion (A) : Flowers are the structures related to sexual reproduction in flowering plants. Reason (R) : Various embryological processes of plants occur in a flower.

    Even in the absence of pollinating agents seed-setting is assured in

    The feathery long stigma is found in

    Coconut water from a tender coconut is

    The process of removal of anther from the flower bud before it dehisces is called as

    Attractants and rewards are required for

    PEC (Primary Endosperm cell) is formed

    In angiosperm, pollen tube liberates their male gametes into the

    In majority of angiosperms,

    Pollination in water hyacinth and water lily is brought about by the agency of

    The morphological nature of the edible part of coconut is

    Pollens have two prominent walls which are A and B Here A and B refers to A B 1 intine protein coat 2 exine intine 3 sporopollenin intine 4 sporopollenin exine

    Function of filiform apparatus is to

    Viability of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) seed is

    Assertion (A) : Geitonogamy is genetically similar to autogamy. Reason (R) : In geitonogamy, pollen grains come from the same plant are involved in pollination.

    Assertion (A) : Gynoecium consists of pistil. Reason (R) : It represents the male reproductive part in flowering Plants.

    Seeds contain many embryos in a. Citrus b. apple c. mango

    Advantage of cleistogamy is

    A particular species of plant produces light, non-sticky pollen in large numbers and its stigmas are long and feathery. These modifications facilitate pollination by

    Device to discourage self-pollination or increase cross-pollination is a. pollen release and stigma receptivity are not synchronised b. anther and stigma placed at different position c. same height of stamen and stigma

    Endosperm is consumed by developing embryo in the seed of

    If stem has 2n = 10 number of chromosomes then find out A – number of chromosome in endosperm. B – number of chromosome in egg cell. C – number of chromosome in each polar nucleus respectively.

    Which one of the following statement is incorrect about pollination?

    The outermost wall layer of microsporangium in anther is

    Centre of each microsporangium is occupied by

    The portion of embryonal axis above the level of cotyledons is

    Filiform apparatus is characteristic feature of

    Which one of the following may require pollinators, but is genetically similar to autogamy?

    Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Transmission tissue is characteristic feature of

    Animal vectors are required for pollination in

    The viability of seeds is tested by

    Albuminous seeds store their reserve food mainly in

    Megaspores are produced from the megaspore mother cells after

    Geitonogamy involves

    Pollen tablets are available in the market for

    Function of filiform apparatus is to

    Non-albuminous seed is produced in

    Which of the following statements is correct?

    In angiosperms, microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis

    Coconut water from a tender coconut is

    Choose the incorrect pair among the following

    One of the following plants shows longest seed viability.

    The coconut water from tender coconut represents

    Seed formation without fertilisation in flowering plants involves the process of

    In majority of angiosperms

    Pollination in water hyacinth and water lily is brought about by the agency of

    The ovule of an angiosperm is technically equivalent to

    Which of the following statements is not correct?

    Cotyledon of maize grain is called

    Proximal end of the filament of stamen is attached to the

    Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops into an

    Attractants and rewards are required for

    Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary and are packed into inflorescence are usually pollinated by

    Which of the following has proved helpful in preserving pollen as fossils?

    A dioecious flowering plant prevents both

    The morphological nature of the edible part of coconut is

    Which one of the following plants shows a very close relationship with a species of moth, where none of the two can complete its life cycle without the other?

    Floriculture refers to

    Persistent nucellus in the seed is known as

    Choose the incorrect statement among the following

    Arrange the following events that occur in the embryo sac of angiosperms in a sequence at the time and after double fertilization. A. Syngamy B. Embryo development C. Triple fusion D. Endosperm formation

    What is the fate of the male gametes discharged in the synergid?

    Which one of the following statements regarding post­ fertilisation development in flowering plants is incorrect?

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    The cell of the embryo sac that guides the pollen tube into the embryo sac is

    One of the following plants shows longest seed viability.

    Developing pollen grains of an anther are nourished by

    During female gametophyte or embryosac formation from megaspore, which type of divisions occur?

    Among the following which are the floral rewards offered by plants pollinated by insects to its pollinators. A. Nectar B. Pollen grains C. Providing safe places for laying eggs. D. Fragrance

    Match the following : List-I Lit-II A) Cleistogmy i) Inter-plant pollination B) Chasmogamy ii) Intra-plant but inter-flower pollination C) Geitonogamy iii) Pollination in opened flowers D) Xenogamy iv) Pollination in closed flowers

    Arrange the following stages of embryogeny of dicots in correct progressive sequence. A. Proembryo B. Heart shaped embryo C. Globular embryo D. Mature embryo

    Arrange the following four layers of microsporangium in correct centripetal sequence as seen in the transverse section. A. Middle layers B. Epidermis C. Tapetum D. Endothecium

    Pollination by bats is called

    Among the following statements choose the statements related to double fertilization in angiosperms. A. It shows the involvement of two male gametes and one female gamete. B. It shows the involvement of four cells. C. It shows the involvement of 5 nuclei D. It shows the formation of diploid and triploid cells.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to microspores or pollen grains of flowering plants.

    Match the List I with List II and choose the correct match. List – I List – II A) Part of the ovule attached to the placenta. I) Integument B) Junction between the ovule body and stalk of the ovule II) Funicle C) Structure that encircles the nutritive tissue of ovule. III) Micropyle D) Opening of the ovule IV) Hilum

    Choose the pair of insects that pollinate the flowers which emit foul odours.

    Match the following List – I List – II A) Scutellum I) The flap like undeveloped cotyledon like structure of grass embryo. B) Tigellum II) Part of embryo that becomes primary root. C) Epiblast III) The shield like cotyledon of grass embryo D) Radicle IV) Embryonal axis

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Choose the cells of embryo sac whose ploidy is changed after double fertilization. A. Synergids B. Egg cell C. Central cell D. Antipodals.

    Identify the feature not shown by wind pollinated plants.

    Th chemical composition of intine of pollen grains is similar to cell wall composition of the following organisms

    The pollen grains of a bisexual chasmogamous flower can be involved in

    The body of the ovule is fused within the funicle at :

    Match the following List – I List – II A) Dry fruits I) Banana B) Fleshy fruits II) Mustard C) False fruit III) Orange D) Parthenocarpic fruit IV) Straw berry

    Among the following choose the incorrect ones. I. Pistil of Papaver has style, stigma and ovary. II. Apocarpous pistil is seen in Hibiscus . III. Pistil of Rose and Lotus is apocarpous. IV. Syncarpous pistil is seen in Michelia .

    Which is the incorrect statement among the following?

    Endosperm in both free nuclear form (liquid form) and cellular form (solid form) is seen in the mature seeds of

    In some plants thalamus contributes to fruit formation. Such fruits are termed as:

    Which of the following is incorrect for wind pollinated plants?

    Which is the most common type of embryo sac in angiosperms ?

    In which one of the following, both autogamy and geitonogamy are prevented?

    Pollen grains can be stored for years in liquid nitrogen, maintained at temperature:

    Continued self-pollination results in :

    What is not true for an angiospermic embryo sac ?

    Which of the following statements is incorrect?

    In one of the following pair of plants, endosperm not only nourishes the embryo but also the seedling to form plantlet during seed germination.

    Match the contents in List I with List II and choose the correct match. List – I List – II A) Coleorhiza I) Region of embryonal axis present below the cotyledons B) Coleoptile II) Membranous covering present around the radicle C) Epicotyl III) Hollow foliar sheath around the plumule D) Hypocotyl IV) Region of embryonal axis above the cotyledons

    Match the List I with List II and choose the correct match. List – I List – II A) Theca I) Sporopollenin B) Locule II) Part where funicle and ovule body fuse C) Hilum III) Each lobe of anther D) Exine IV) Ovarian cavity

    Which one of the following statements is not true?

    Vegetative cell of male gametophyte of angiosperms is different from generative cell in the following aspects. A. Size of cells B. Shape of nucleus C. Capacity to divide

    Match the following List – I List – II A) Apomixis I) Mango B) Polyembryony II) Apple C) False fruit III) Black pepper D) Perispermic seed IV) Asteraceae

    If the anther and stigma are placed at different positions in a bisexual flower to encourage cross-pollination, the contrivance is called

    Which one of the following statements is correct?

    Three sequential mitotic divisions in which of the following cell will ultimately form an embryo sac?

    False fruit is present in

    Number of cells participating during double fertilization are

    Which of the following is not a characteristic of wind pollinated flowers?

    Which of the following conditions will ensure autogamy?

    Exine is made up of:

    Choose the plant showing symbiotic association for pollination

    Embryo sac formation in Polygonum and most common type of endosperm development

    Epicotyl has a shoot apex and a few leaf primordia enclosed in a hollow foliar structure called:

    Insect specific pollination is found in

    Pollen grains found in some members of poaceae like rice loose viability within how many minutes of their release?

    The typical female gametophyte in angiosperms is

    The pollen tube enter the embryo sac through

    The proximal end of the filament of stamen is attached to

    Select the incorrectly matched pair.

    The given figure shown a typical stamen. Select the incorrectly matched pair.

    The outer three layers of anther wall broadly perform the function of

    All are features related to tapetal cells, except

    Total number of microspore tetrad formed in a dithecous anther if each microsporangia has 25 microspore mother cells would be

    In the fully developed male gametophyte, the number of nuclei is

    A potential pollen represent

    Select the correct option with respect to labeled structure A, B, C, D, and E in the transverse section of microsporangia.

    What is the size of pollen grain in angiosperms plants?

    Pollen grain loses its viability within half an hour of its release in

    Viability of pollen grain depends on

    Which of the following plants causes pollen allegy?

    Choose the correct features of A and B cells. A B 1. Cell with irregularly shaped nucleus Spindle shaped cell with dense cytoplasm 2. Cell with irregularly shaped nucleus Cell with abundant food reserve 3. Cell with spindle – shaped nucleus Cell with vacuolated cytoplasm 4. Cell with dense cytoplasm and nucleus Cell with irregularly shaped nucleus

    Pollen banks A : Store pollen grain in liquid nitrogen B : Are centers for storage of pollen grains for various artificial plants breeding programs.

    In a majority of flowering plants, pollen grains are liberated at

    An anther having four microspore mother cells produces the following number of male gametes:

    Select the incorrectly matched pair:

    In a majority of angiosperm for the development of female gametophyte, the functional megaspore undergoes how many meiotic and mitotic divisions?

    Hilum represents the junction between

    Which one of the following is the most primitive type of ovule?

    Filiform apparatus

    Examine the given figures, and identify A, B, and C.

    How many megaspore mother cells are required to produce 100 eggs during meiosis?

    How many meiotic and mitotic divisions are required to form 7–celled and 8 – nucleated embryo sac from megaspore mother cell?

    How many megaspore mother cells are required to produce 100 Polygonum type embryo sacs?

    Both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers are produced by

    Identify A, B, C, D and E marked in the given diagram of a polygonum–type of embryo sac. A B C D E 1 Antipodals Polar nuclei Central cell Synergids Filiform apparatus 2 Antipodals Central cell Polar nuclei Synergids Filiform apparatus 3 Egg apparatus Central cell Polar nuclei Antipodals Synergids 4 Helper cells Antipodals Secondary nucleus Central cell Endothecium

    Identify the following statement as true (T) or false(F), and choose the correct option. A. Bees are the most common insect pollinating agents. B. The flower pollinated by files and beetles secrets foul odors. C. Plants provide no advantage to insect in terms of rewards. D. Yucca and Pronuba moth cannot complete their life cycle without each other. A B C D 1. T T F T 2. T F F T 3. T F T T 4. F T T F

    The plants in which their flowers are pollinated by water are

    Match the following columns, and select the correct option. Column I Column II a. Anemophily (i) Zostera b. Epihydrophily (ii) Amorphophallus c. Hypohydrophily (iii) Wheat d. Entomophily (iv) Vallisneria

    Identify the statements that are true for anemophilous flowers. (a) Pollen grains are light and sticky. (b) They possess large feathery stigma. (c) They are not very colourful and do not produce nectar. (d) They have many ovules in each ovary.

    How many of the following characterisitics of flowers favour pollination by insect? Brightly colored, scented flowers, presence of nectaries, sticky pollens, feathery stigma, foul odor, winged pollen, mucilaginous covering around pollen grains

    Outbreeding device which prevents both autogamy and geitonogamy is

    Read the following points: a. Dicliny b. Dichogamy c. Self – incompatibility d. Heterostyly The above contrivances prevent

    Both autogamy and geitonogamy can be prevented in

    Identify the incorrect match. Pollinating Agent Term for Pollination 1. Insects Entomophily 2. Birds Ornithophily 3. Snakes Malacophily 4. Bats Chiropterophily

    Even in the absence of pollinating agents, seed setting is assured in

    Flowers of Amorphophallus offer its pollinators

    Which of the following is a marine hydrophilous flower?

    Angiosperms differ from other plants of plant kingdom in having

    Which of the following is required for pollen germination?

    Yucca is pollinated by

    Emasculation in artificial hybridization is done by removal of

    Identify the following statement as true (T) or false (F) and select correct option. A. Pistil has the ability to recognize the pollen with respect to its compatibility. B. Pollen tube discharged their male gametes on degenerating synergids. C. Emasculation is required when female parent produces unisexual flowers. D. Bagging prevents contamination on stigma with unwanted pollen. A B C D 1. T F F T 2. T T F T 3. F F T F 4. F F T T

    Pollen tube after reaching the ovary generally enters the ovule through the

    Pollen–pistil interaction includes all the events from pollen deposition on stigma until

    What will be the ploidy of endosperm, if the male and female parents are tetraploid and hexaploid, respectively?

    Seed of dicots have no residual endosperm as

    Remnants of nucellus are found in

    Development of endosperm precedes the development of embryo because

    The oldest viable seeds of A that germinated and flowered after an estimated record of B years.

    False (pseudocarpic) fruits are present in all except

    Fill in the blanks, and choose the correct option. i. A is the most common type of endosperm. ii. The epicotyl in embryonal axis terminates into B . iii. In grass family, the remains of second cotyledon is called C . A B C 1. Cellular radicle scutellum 2. Cellular radicle epiblast 3. Free nuclear plumule epiblast 4. Free nuclear plumule scutellum

    Read the following statements with respect to parthenocarpic fruits and identify the correct statement(s). A. They develop without fertilization. B. They are seedless fruits. C. They can be produced through the application of growth hormones.

    How many meiotic divisions are required in a typical flowering plant for the formation of 200 seeds?

    Aleurone layer has same ploidy as that of

    Examine the figure given, and select the correct option giving all the four parts A, B, C and D. A B C D 1. Pericarp Scutellum Endosperm Coleorhiza 2. Pericarp Endosperm Perisperm Coleorhiza 3. Seed coat Scutellum Perisperm Coleoptile 4. Seed coat Perisperm Scutellum Coleoptile

    What is the possible advantage if hybrids are made into apomicts? a. Segregation of characters in the hybrid progeny b. Absence of segregation of characters in hybrid progeny c. Farmers can keep on using the hybrid seeds to raise new crops for many years

    Which of these can lead to polyembryony? a. Proliferation of nuclear cells in embryo b. Fertilization of helper cells by sperms carried by another pollen tube in embryo sac c. Cleavage in pro embryo during embryo development

    In majority of angiosperms

    In which of the following plants water is used as a pollinating agent?

    The main function of the innermost wall layer of anther is:

    Consider the following statements about embryosac. a. Polygonum type of embryo sac is bisporic and is 7-celled and 8-nulceated structure. b. Six of eight nuclei are surrounded by their own cell wall in the embryo sac. c. Polar nuclei are not surrounded by their own wall but surrounded by megaspore wall

    Geitonogamy is

    Growth of pollen tube is

    A parasitic plant with large number of seeds in its fruits is

    Typical anther of an angiosperm is

    Statement A: Asymmetric spindle is formed during the development of male gametophyte in angiosperms. Statement B: An asymmetric spindle has converged and diverged poles.

    In some plants of angiosperms, the pollen grains are long and ribbon like and covered by a mucilaginous covering. Such plants show pollination by the agency of

    Match List I with List II and choose the correct match List – I List – II A) Perisperm i) Axis of embryo above the cotyledons B) Emasculation ii) Cotyledon of Maize C) Scutellum iii) Nucellus present in a seed D) Epicotyl iv) Bisexuality to pistillate nature

    Which of the following layer of microsporangium provides nourishment to developing pollen grains?

    Transfer of pollens from anther to stigma of another flower on the same plant is called as

    Flowers are considered as objects of

    Biologists consider flowers to be objects of

    When does plant decides to flower?

    Flowers convey important human feelings such as

    Identify A, B, C and D in this figure?

    Whorl of stamens in flower represents

    Stamens consists of which of the following parts?

    Whorl of petals in flower representsc

    Whorl of carpels in flower represents

    Whorl of sepals in flower represents

    The number and length of stamens in flowers are

    Typical angiosperm anther is

    The anther in transverse section appears to be

    How many microsporangia are there in each lobe of a typical anther?

    Tetragonal anther consists of

    Pollen sacs develop from

    Typical microsporangium appear in transverse section.

    Which of the following layer of microsporangium provides nourishment to the developing anther?

    Which one amongst the given perform the function of protection in typical microsporangium? (A) Epidermis (B) Endothecium (C) Tapetum (D) Middle layer

    Function performed by the outer three layers of microsporangium?

    In young anther the tissue occupying the centre of each microsporangium is called

    Identify A to E in this figure?

    Arrange the following layers of microsporangium according to their presence from inside to outside. (A) Endothecium (B) Middle layer (C) Tapetum (D) Epidermis

    The microsporangium cells which posses dense cytoplasm and have more than one nucleus is the characteristic of

    Sporogenous tissue of microsporangia is

    Which type of cell division occurs in the cell of sporogenous tissue to form microspore?

    Each cell of microspore tetrad is

    Formation of pollen from pollen mother cell is referred to as

    Male gametophyte in angiosperm is represented by

    Pollen grains are

    Diameter of pollen grain is

    How many of the following statements are correct about exine? (A) It is the hard outer layer of pollen grain. (B) It is made up of sporopollenin which is the most resistant organic matter known. (C) It can withstand high temperature, strong acids and alkali. (D) Exine cannot be degraded by any known enzyme.

    Sporopollenin is

    Which part of pollen exhibit a fascination array of pattern and design?

    Intine of pollen grain is

    Pollen grains can be preserved as fossils because

    What ‘C’ is showing in the given figure?

    Identify the part ‘D’.

    Thin and continuous layer of pollen made up of cellulose and pectin

    Pollen grains are shed in 2 celled stage in

    What is ‘G’ in the given figure?

    Pollen grains are mature when

    Generative cell floats in the cytoplasm of

    The spindle-shaped cell with dense cytoplasm and nucleus in pollen grain is called

    The bigger cell of male gametophyte of angiosperms that receives abundant food and has irregularly shaped nucleus is called

    Match the following. Column – I Column – II A. Vegetative cell 1. Sporopollenin B. Generative cell 2. Spindle-shaped cell C. Exine 3. Large sized and has abundant food reserve D. Intine 4. Cellulose and pectin A B C D 1. 1 2 3 4 2. 4 3 2 1 3. 3 2 1 4 4. 2 1 4 3

    Male gametes in angiosperms are formed by

    The plant which came to India as a contaminant with imported wheat is?

    Viability of pollen grains depend upon

    Syncarpous condition is referred to as

    Which one of the following statement is incorrect ? (A) Parthenium or carrot grasses causes pollen allergy. (B) Vegetative cell of pollen has abundant food reserve. (C) All pollen cause severe allergies and bronchial afflictions. (D) Sporopollenin is the most resistant organic matter known.

    Bulged basal part of pistil is

    Elongated slender part of pistil is

    More than one ovule is found in the ovary of

    Landing platform for pollen grains in angiosperms is

    Plants having single ovule in ovary are

    The stalk attaching ovule to placenta is

    The junction between ovule and funiculus is

    End opposite to micropyles end is called

    The mass of cell present inside the integuments of megasporangium having abundant food reserve is

    The tips on the ovule where integument are absent are called

    Embryo sac is formed from

    Monosporic development is referred to as

    What is the ploidy level of nucellus, MMC, functional megaspore and female gametophyte?

    Female gametophyte of angiosperm is referred to as

    Typical female gametophyte is

    The cells located at chalazal ends are called as

    The cells in embryo sac located at the micropyles end are: (a) egg apparatus (b) synergids only (c) antipodal cells (d) central cell

    Egg apparatus consists of

    The male and female gametes of angiosperm are respectively

    Pollination in plants is referred to as

    Autogamy refers to

    Which type of flowers are found in autogamous plant? (a) Bisexual flowers exhibiting homogamy. (b) Cleistogamous flowers (c) Unisexual flowers

    proportion of plants uses abiotic agents for pollination.

    Most of the common abiotic pollinating agent for plant is

    What are the parts A, B, C, D and E in the below figure? A B C D E 1. Tapetum Middle layers Microspore mother cells Endothecium Epidermis 2. Middle layers Endothecium Tapetum Epidermis Microspore mother cells 3. Middle layers Epidermis Tapetum Endothecium Microspore mother cells 4. Epidermis Endothecium Middle layers Microspore mother cells Tapetum

    Wind pollination is commonly found in

    Pollination by water is

    What indicates ‘A’ in the below figure?

    Amongst the pollinating agent which one is the most dominant?

    Which one of the following is correct for aquatic plants?

    Which of the following is correct for the relationship existence between moth and Yucca plant? a. Moth and the plant cannot complete their life cycle without each other. b. Moth deposits egg in the locule of the ovary and the flower in turn gets pollinated by the moth. c. Larva of the moth comes out of the eggs as the seeds starts developing.

    Seed is

    Amorphophallus provide floral rewards in the form of

    All are examples of albuminous seeds except

    Persistent nucellus known as perisperm is found in

    What is the ploidy of perisperm?

    Select the total number of plants with albuminous seeds from the following. Pea, Groundnut, Wheat, Maize, Barely, Castor, Sunflower

    Identify A to G in this figure. A B C D E F G 1 Plumule Endosperm Pericarp Radicle Coleorhiza Scutellum Coleoptile 2 Coleorhiza Radicle Endosperm Pericarp Plumule Coleoptile Scutellum 3 Pericarp Scutellum Endosperm Coleoptile Plumule Coleorhiza Radicle 4 Pericarp Endosperm Scutellum Coleoptile Plumule Radicle Coleorhiza

    Pollen viability is influenced by the following environmental factors. A. Oxygen B. Light C. Temperature D. Humidity

    Statement A: An ovule usually has a single embryo sac. Statement B: In each ovule only one megaspore is usually formed due to reduction division in megaspore mother cell.

    Choose the incorrect statement

    Thalamus takes part in fruit formation in

    Select the incorrect statement.

    Fruit developed without fertilization is known as

    Which oldest seed is excavated from Arctic Tundra?

    Apomixis is usually seen in

    Autogamy and Geitonogamy do not occur in

    Polyembryony is

    Dioecy is the mechanism for some plants to promote

    The acceptance and rejection by continuous dialogue between pollen grain and pistil mediated by chemical components of pollen and pistil result in

    Autogamy and geitonogamy is absent in

    The pore from which the pollen tube germinates is called

    During pollination in plants which shed pollens in 2-celled stage, the cells are called as

    Hypocotyl terminates into

    Triple fusion is a result of: (A) fusion of three haploid nuclei (B) fusion of two polar nuclei with male gamete (C) fusion of egg cell with male gamete.

    The portion of embryo above the cotyledon is called A and below the cotyledon is called as B . A B 1. epicotyl hypocotyl 2. hypocotyl epicotyl 3. plumule radical 4. radical plumule

    Coconut water is part of endosperm

    Triple fusion results in while syngamy results in .

    All causes inbreeding depression except:

    Statement A: In more than 60% of angiosperms, pollen grains are shed at 2-celled stage. Statement B: In less than 40% of angiosperms, the generative cell divides mitotically to give rise to the two male gametes before pollen grains are shed

    Statement A: Ribbon shaped pollen grains are present in Zostera or Seagrass Statement B: All aquatic angiosperms are pollinated by water.

    The contents of pollen tube are discharged into the following cell of embryo sac.

    Multicarpellary apocarpous gynoecium with pistil on the thalamus above the other floral parts is seen in

    Apomictic embryos are

    Polyembryony refers to:

    The part of the ovule where the funiculus, nucellus and integuments inseparably merge is named as

    Statement A: The pollen grains are recognized by either stigma or style of a flower. Statement B: Stigma hydrates the compatible pollen and style promotes the bursting of pollen tube of incompatible pollen.

    Asexual seed production in certain flowering plants is named as

    Which of the following is a reproductive structure in angiosperms?

    Identify structures A, B, C and phenomena P 1 , P 2 , P 3 . A B C P 1 P 2 P 3 1. Zygote Polar nuclei PEN Syngamy Triple fusion Double fertilization 2. Zygote Polar nuclei PEN Triple fusion Syngamy Double fertilization 3. Zygote Synergids PEN Syngamy Triple fusion Double fertilization 4. Zygote Polar nuclei PEN Syngamy Apogamy Double fertilization

    Identify A, B, C, D and E from the given diagram. A B C D E 1 Antipodal cells Polar nuclei Stigma Style Chalaza 2 Antipodal cells Secondary nucleus Style Stigma Chalaza 3 Antipodal cells Secondary nuclei Stigma Chalaza Style 4 Antipodal cells Secondary nuclei Chalaza Stigma Style

    For artificial hybridisation experiment in a plant with bisexual flowers, which of the sequences is correct ?

    Seed dormancy allows the plants to

    The purpose of bagging an emasculated flower in artificial hybridisation programme is

    Diagram given below shows stages in embryogenesis in a typical dicot (Capsella). Identify structures A to D respectively. A B C D 1. Suspensor Radicle Plumule Cotyledons 2. Hypophysis Radicle Plumule Cotyledons 3. Suspensor Plumule Radicle Cotyledons 4. Suspensor Radicle Plumule Hypocotyl

    The whorls of androecium consist of:

    The male and female reproductive structures in a flower are respectively represented by

    Identify the correct statement.

    Identify the part labelled as A, B, C and D

    Arrange the walls of the microsporangium from periphery towards center:

    The anther in Capsella is:

    The walls of microsporangium which are responsible for protection are:

    The microsporangia develop further and become

    Identify the labelled parts in the diagram given below

    Each cell of sporogenous tissue in anther is

    The endothecium contains fibrous bands and callose bands. At some places callose bands and fibrous thickenings are absent. These places are called

    The most common type of tetrad is:

    The thick, rigid and ornamented layer of the pollen grain is called?

    Which of the following statements are correct about pollen grains? a. A detail study of pollen grains is called Palynology. b. In the Orchidaceae family the pollen grains join together to form bag like “Pollinium”. c. Largest pollen grain is found in Myosotis d. The exine exhibits a fascinating array of pattern and designs.

    Germ pore is

    Pollen grains are well preserved as fossils because of the presence of:

    Identify the layer of the pollen grain based on the information given below: a. It is a thin and continuous layer. b. It is made up of cellulose and pectin. c. It is the inner wall of the pollen grain.

    Pollen kitt synthesized by the tapetum

    The generative cell a. Is spindle shaped b. Has dense cytoplasm. c. Floats in cytoplasm of vegetative cell Identify the correct statements.

    Identify the incorrect statement:

    Identify the angiosperms in which endosperm is absent.

    The endosperm of Oenothera is:

    How many mitosis and meiosis are required to produce 2 male gametes?

    In free-nuclear endosperm

    The pollen grains are shed in two celled stage in:

    Identify the type of endsperm in coconut water and surrounding white kernel from tender coconut.

    Endosperm persist in the mature seed in:

    Starchy endosperm is found in:

    Identify the correct statement

    In angiosperms the generative cell undergoes A and forms B male gametes

    Which of the sequences is correct for embryogenesis in dicots?

    At which location in the embryo sac is the zygote generally formed?

    How many meiosis and mitosis is/ are required for the formation of mature pollen grain from microspore mother cell?

    In angiosperms the male gametophyte is A and completely depends on B A B 1. Elaborate Female gametophyte 2. Highly reduced Female gametophyte 3. Elaborate Sporophyte 4. Highly reduced Sporophyte

    The portion of embryonal axis above the level of cotyledons is:

    The structure that serves as landing plant form for pollen grains is

    The basal swollen [bulged] part of the carpel is

    In the grass family the cotyledon is called

    The ovule can also be referred to as

    The main function of suspensor is to:

    The main region of the ovule is composed of mass of parenchymatous cells called

    Each ovule is attached to the placenta by means of a thin stalk called

    A type of third integument called aril is found in

    Unitegmic ovule is found in:

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Go through the above figure showing a dissected flower of Hibiscus showing pistil. Identify A, B, C and D respectively

    Identify the correct statements: (a) A typical dicot embryo consists of an embryonal axis and two cotyledons. (b) Axis present between plumule and radicle is called embryonal axis or tigellum. (c) The most common type of embryo development in Dicots is Crucifer type or Onagrad type. (d) Coleoptile is an undifferentiated sheath enclosing root apex.

    Epiblast is:

    Figure A and B show female reproductive organs of:

    Mark the correct sequence of events that takes place during formation of embryo sac.

    Anatropous ovule is also called

    Match the following: Column I Column II a. Orthotropous i Lemna b. Campylotropous ii Capsella c. Amphitropous iii Opuntia d. Circinotropous iv Polygonum a b c d 1. i ii iii iv 2. iv iii ii i 3. iv ii i iii 4. ii iv i iii

    Identify the correct statement w.r.t the image given below:

    Identify A, B, C and D from the figure given below:

    Find the odd one out w.r.t ploidy

    From which region of nucellus does the megaspore mother cell differentiates?

    Integuments encircle the nucellus except at the tip where there is a small opening called

    The embryo sac is

    If there are 10 megaspores mother cell. How many functional megaspores will be formed?

    The tissue which has abundant food reserve in the ovule:

    Megagametogenesis in angiosperms occurs by the process of:

    A typical angiospermic embryo sac, at maturity is:

    The arrangement of nuclei in a typical embryo sac is

    The synergids have special cellular thickenings at the micropylar tip called

    Identify the labelled parts from the diagram:

    The main role of the filiform apparatus is that it:

    The largest cell of the embryo sac is:

    For the formation of embryo sac, the megaspore mother cell undergoes

    The secondary nucleus is formed by

    The ploidy of the pollen grain and female gametophyte is:

    Egg apparatus contains

    In most flowering plants what is the position of the functional megaspore ?

    The final product of sexual reproduction in angiosperms is

    For the formation of 20 microspores and 20 functional megaspores how many meiosis are required?

    Identify the labelled part in the diagram given below a b c 1. Synergids Antipodals Egg cell 2. Antipodals Synergids Egg cell 3. Egg cell Synergids Antipodals 4. Antipodals Egg cell Synergids

    Identify the labelled parts in the diagram given below a b c 1. Synergids Central cell Antipodals 2. Antipodals Polar nuclei Synergids 3. Antipodals Polar nuclei Egg cell 4. Synergids Central cell Egg cell

    The seeds in which remnants of nucellus are persistent are called

    Identify the correctly matched pre-fertilization structure and its post fertilization changes:

    The micropyle which remains as a small pore in the seed coat helps

    Which of the following is a dry fruit?

    Identify the correct statement

    When thalamus is also involved in fruit formation it is called

    Identify the correct statement w.r.t true fruit (a) They develop only from the ovary (b) Thalamus also contributes to fruit formation (c) Found in mango and coconut

    Identify the incorrect statement:

    Which of the following statement is true for seeds? (a) Seeds have better adaptive strategies for dispersal to new habitats and help the species to colonise in other areas. (b) Have sufficient food reserves, young seedlings are nourished until they are capable of photosynthesis on their own. (c) The hard seed coat provides protection to the young embryo.

    Identify the fruit that will loose its commercial importance if produced through parthenocarpy.

    Statement A: Seed is the basis of our agriculture. Statement B: Dehydration and dormancy of mature seeds promotes the usage of seeds in agriculture.

    A seed of Phoenix dactylifera discovered during the archeological excavation at King Herod’s palace near the Dead Sea had a viability of:

    Identify the correct statement:

    Male gametes of angiosperms are

    When pollination is achieved within the same flower it is called

    Which of the following is crucial for storage of seeds to be used as food throughout the year and to raise crops in the next season?

    Identify the incorrect statement w.r.t Autogamy

    Cleistogamous flowers are always:

    The term pollination means

    Chasmogamy is pollination in

    Identify of the flowering plants that produce(s) both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers? Viola , Oxalis , Commelina , Rose, Lotus

    Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of another flower of the same plant is referred to as:

    Identify the parts labelled in the diagram: A B C D E F 1. Pericarp Cotyledon Shoot apical meristem Hypocotyl root axis Root tip Endosperm 2. Seed coat Cotyledon Shoot apical meristem Hypocotyl root axis Coleorhiza Endosperm 3. Seed coat Endosperm Shoot apical meristem Hypocotyl root axis Coleorhiza Cotyledon 4. Seed coat Cotyledon Shoot apical meristem Hypocotyl root axis Root tip Endosperm

    Identify the labelled part in the diagram:

    Bud pollination is found in:

    Although seeds, in general are the products of fertilisation, a few flowering plants have evolved a special mechanism, to produce seeds without fertilisation. This is called

    Identify the correct statement(s): (a) Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of a different plant is called xenogamy. (b) Geitonogamy is functionally cross-pollination but genetically it is like autogamy. (c) Cleistogamous flowers produce assured seed-set even in the absence of pollinators.

    Continued self-pollination result in

    When embryos arise from those of the nucellus or the integument. It is called:

    The only type of pollination during which genetically different types of pollen grains deposit on the stigma is:

    Synchrony in pollen release and stigma receptivity is called

    Identify the contrivances for Autogamy Chasmogamy, Homogamy, Dicliny, Monocliny, Cleistogamy, Self-incompatibility, Bud pollination, Herkogamy, Dichogamy

    Identify the correct statement: (a) In many Citrus and Mango varieties some of the nucellar cells surrounding the embryo sac start dividing, protrude into the embryo sac and develop into the embryos. (b) Occurrence of more than one embryo in a seed is referred to as polyembryony. (c) Asteraceae and grasses, have evolved a special mechanism, to produce seeds without fertilisation, called apomixis.

    Majority of plants use A for pollination and only a small proportion of plants use B

    Pollen grains coming in contact with the stigma is a chance factor. To compensate for this uncertainty and associated loss of pollen grains, the flowers produce:

    More common abiotic pollinator is:

    Identify A, B and C from the diagram given below:

    Hybrid seeds have to be produced every year beacuse:

    Apomixis term was coined by:

    Which of the following is the characteristic of wind pollinated plants?

    In wind pollinated flowers large often-feathery stigma help:

    Pollination by snakes is referred to as:

    When the anthers of a flower mature earlier than carpels, then it is called

    What is common for wind and water pollinated flowers?

    Identify the correct statement(s) w.r.t. self-Incompatibility (a) It is a genetic mechanism. (b) It prevents self-pollen (from the same flower or other flower of the same plant) from fertilizing the ovules by inhibiting pollen germination or pollen tube growth in the pistil. (c) It can also be called as Self sterility (d) It is only found in cleistogamous flowers

    Opening or blooming of the floral bud in the form of a flower is called

    Identify the labelled parts in the diagram given below:

    Among the animals the dominant biotic pollinating agents are

    The flowers that secrete foul odour to attract pollinators are pollinated by:

    Suppose in a flower of mustard, each microsporangium possess 30 pollen mother cell then, the total number of male gametes formed by this flower will be?

    To form five fully developed Polygonum type of embryo sacs in angiosperms total number of meiosis and mitosis divisions generations required are

    Identify the example of water pollinated plant.

    Which type of pollination is quite rare in flowering plants?

    Water is a regular mode of transport for the male gametes in which plants?

    Identify the incorrect statement:

    When hydrophily takes place on the surface of water it is referred to as

    The marine water plant that is pollinated by water is:

    Identify the incorrect statement w.r.t hydrophily

    Identify the incorrect statement:

    Identify the correct statement w.r.t floral rewards.

    Match the following: Options Pollination type Example 1. (a) Ornithophily (i) Lemna 2. (b) Chiropterophily (ii) Bombax 3. (c) Malacophily (iii) Santalum 4. (d) Ophiophily (iv) Adansonia

    Dioecy is observed in:

    What happens if the wrong type of pollen grain lands on the stigma?

    In maize:

    Identify the incorrect statement:

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Pollen tube can enter in the ovule through : (a) Micropyle (b) Chalaza (c) Integuments

    During in-vitro germination of the pollen grain we must take a glass slide containing:

    Identify A and B

    If pollen tube enters the ovule directly through the micropyle it is called

    The pollen tube releases all contents including both male gametes inside the cytoplasm of :

    Pollen tube generally enters the ovule through

    In plants which shed pollen in the two-celled condition:

    Study the diagram given above showing entry of pollen tube into embryo sac. Identify A to E.

    Identify the incorrect statement regarding emasculation.

    Identify A, B, C, D and E in the diagram given below

    Which process is not required during artificial hybridization in unisexual flower?

    Syngamy was discovered by:

    During fertilization both polar nuclei of the central cell fused together to form a:

    Identify the correct statement(s): (a) One male gamete moves towards the egg cell and fertilize the egg cell to form a diploid zygote. This fusion is known as syngamy. (b) Syngamy leads to formation of a specialised cell called zygote (2n). (c) Zygote later develops into the endosperm (d) Endosperm is diploid in most angiosperms.

    After triple fusion central cell changes into

    Female plant is octaploid and male plant is tetraploid. Then identify the correct statement.

    The number of chromosomes in the leaf is 16. Calculate the number of chromosomes in the antipodal cells, Nucellus, Pollen grain

    The female plant contains 36 chromosomes and the male plant contains 20 chromosomes. Calculate the number of chromosomes found in the zygote and endosperm.

    Double fertilization was discovered by:

    Identify the components labelled A, B, C and D in the diagram.

    Which of the following is correct ?

    Which of the following is correct ?

    A typical angiospermic anther is where each lobe contain microsporangia.

    Which of the following is true for the transverse section of a typical microsporangium of angiosperms? a. It is generally surrounded by four wall layers – epidermis, endothecium, middle layers and tapetum b. The outer three wall layers perform the function of protection and help in dehiscence of anther to release the pollen c. Tapetum is the outermost layer

    Read the following statements : (i) Microspore tetrads possess tetraploid nucleus (ii) Sporogenous tissue occupies the centre of each microsporangium (iii) Cells of sporogenous tissue undergo meiosis (iv) Each cell of the sporogenous tissue is a potential microspore mother cell or pollen mother cell (v) The process of formation of male gamete in angiosperms is called microsporogenesis Which of the above statements are correct ?

    Which of the following layers of an anther provides nourishment to the pollens ?

    Pollen grains are generally measuring about μm in diameter :

    Which of the following is wrong ? a. Germ pore of pollen lack sporopollenin b. Pollen grains are well preserved as fossils because of the presence of sporopollenin c. The exine of pollen grains of different species exhibit a fascinating array of same type of patterns and designs

    The inner wall of the pollen grain is

    The vegetative cell (tube cell) and generative cell are of unequal sizes. This is because

    Which of the following is correct ?

    The growth of pollen-tube towards embryo sac is.

    Read the following statements : (i) Stigma serves as a landing platform for pollen grains. (ii) Placenta is located inside the ovarian cavity. (iii) Megasporangium is represented by the ovary in angiosperms. (iv) Cells of nucellus possess scanty food matter. (v) Embryo sac is located in the nucellus. Which of the above statements are correct ?

    The filiform apparatus of synergids

    How many pollen mother cells should undergo reduction division to produce 80 pollen grains ?

    Multicarpellary, syncarpous pistil is found in (a) Michelia (b) Papaver (c) China rose

    Which of the following is true for angiosperms ?

    Choose the wrong statement.

    The number of mitotic generations required to produce a mature embryo sac in most of the angiosperms is

    The male and female inflorescence in maize is respectively called

    The flowers pollinated by flies and beetles

    Match the column I with Column II Column I Column II A. Hydrophily (i) Zostera B. Entomophily (ii) Jasminum C. Ornithophily (iii) Triticum D. Anemophily (iv) Bombax A B C D 1. iv ii i iii 2. iv iii i ii 3. i ii iii iv 4. i ii iv iii

    The total number of nuclei involved in double fertilization is

    Pollen grains can be stored in liquid nitrogen at .

    The point at which funiculus touches the ovule is

    Which of the given statements are true ? (i) During the development of a dicot embryo heart shaped embryo is followed by globular enlarge. (ii) The part of the embryonal axis above the level of cotyledons is epicotyl while the part below the level of cotyledons is hypocotyl. (iii) Monocot seeds possess a single cotyledon represented by scutellum.

    Match the biotic agent of cross pollination given in column- I with their feature given in column-II. Column-I Column-II A. Zoophily I. Pollination by birds B. Ornithophily II. Pollination by insects C. Entomophily III. Pollination by bats D. Chiropterophily IV. Pollination by animals Select the correct option from the following. A B C D 1 III II I IV 2 I II III IV 3 IV I II III 4 IV II I III

    Match the parts of gynoceium given in column I with their definition given in column II. Choose the correct combination from the options given below. Column-I Column-II A. Funicle I. Mass of cells within ovule with more food B. Integument II. Basal part of ovule C. Chalaza III. One or two protective layers of ovule D. Nucellus IV. Stalk of ovule A B C D 1. I II III IV 2. IV III II I 3. IV II I III 4. I III II IV

    Match the items given in column-I with their examples given in column-II and choose the correct option given below. Column-I (Items) Column-II (Examples) A. Ovary I. Groundnut, mustard B. Ovule II. Guava, orange, mango C. Wall of ovary III. Pericarp D. Fleshy fruits IV. Seed E. Dry fruits V. Fruit A B C D E 1 V IV III II I 2 I II III IV V 3 I III II IV V 4 V IV I II III

    Match the items given in column-I with those given in column-II Column-I Column-II A. Parthenocarpy I. Inactive state B. Polyembryony II. Meiosis and syngamy are absent C. Apomixis III. Occurrence of more than one embryo D. Dormancy IV. Seedless fruit Select the correct option from the following. A B C D 1 I II III IV 2 IV III II I 3 IV I II III 4 III II I IV

    Match the items given in column-I with those given in column-II and chose the correct option given below. Column-I Column-II A. Tapetum I. Irregular in shape with abundant food reserve B. Pollen kit II. Acts as nutritive layer C. Vegetative cell III. Involve in the formation of microspores D. Sporogenous tissue IV. Oily and sticky layer, help in pollination. A B C D 1. II IV I III 2. I III II IV 3. II III I IV 4. II I IV III

    Match the items given in column-I with their examples given in column-II and identify the correct option. Column-I Column-II A. Coleorhiza I. Grapes B. Food storing tissue II. Mango C. Parthenocarpic fruit III. Radicle D. Single seeded fruit developing from monocarpellary superior ovary IV. Endosperm A B C D 1. III I IV II 2. IV II I III 3. I III IV II 4. III IV I II

    Which of the following is a mismatched pair? 1 Storage of pollen grains -196 0 C 2 Pollen allergy Carrot grass 3 Chasmogamous flowers Exposed anthers and stigmas 4 Xenogamy Self pollination

    Which of the following is a mismatched pair? 1 Microsporangium Pollen sac 2 Megasporangium Ovule 3 Microsporophyll Stamen 4 Megasporophyll Filament

    The largest cell in a embryo sac is

    Double fertilisation is found in

    Synergids are

    The egg apparatus, of angiosperm comprises

    The type of pollination involving transfer of pollen grains from anther of the stigma of the same flower is known as

    The ovule in which the funicle, chalaza and micropyle lie in one vertical plane, is called

    Ovule integument gets transformed into

    The endosperm cells in angiosperms are

    The fleshy edible part of an apple is

    Anemophily type of pollination is found in

    Advantage of cleistogamy is

    Function of filiform apparatus is to

    Double fertilization is exhibited by

    Double fertilization is

    Which one of the following plants shows a very close relationship with a species of moth, where none of the two can complete its life cycle without the other?

    In plants with self-incompatibility

    Binucleate structures of microsporangium of angiosperms are

    Statement A: In angiosperms, the megaspore shows the stages of uninucleate, binucleate, quadrinucleate and octanucleate stages during the formation of female gametophyte. Statement B: The functional megaspore of angiosperms shows three successive generations of free nuclear divisions to form embryo sac.

    Multicellular uniseriate structure of angiosperm embryo is

    Match the contents of List I with List II and choose the correct match List – I List – II A) Anemophily i) Yucca B) Hypohydrophily ii) Maize C) Entomophily iii) Vallisneria D) Epihydrophily iv) Zostera

    Find the incorrect match.

    Identify the advantages of cross pollination.

    Read the following statements regarding double fertilization and identify the correct statements. a. After entering into one of the synergids, the pollen tube releases the two male gametes into the cytoplasm of the central cell. b. One of the male gametes moves towards the egg cell and fuses with its nucleus thus completing the syngamy. c. Triple fusion involves the fusion of three haploid nuclei.

    Many insects may consume pollen or the nectar without bringing about pollination. Such floral visitors are referred to as pollen/nectar robbers. Which amongst the following is an example of nectar robber?

    Identify the correct sequence of events for artificial hybridization experiment in a bisexual flower.

    Typically the egg apparatus of embryo sac

    Which of the following characteristics is observed in wind pollinated flowers?

    The cylindrical portion of embryonal axis below the level of cotyledons is called

    The layer of pollen grain that exhibits a fascinating array of patterns and designs is

    Identify the similarity between wind and water pollinated flowers.

    Why does endosperm development precedes embryo development?

    Find the incorrect match.

    Which among the following choices has haploid number of chromosomes? (a) Cells of nucellus (b) Pollen grain (c) Antipodal cell (d) Tapetal cell

    Find the incorrect match.

    The pollen tube enters the ovule though ‘A’ and it enters into embryo sac through ‘B’

    If zygote of an angiospermic plant has 60 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are present in the cells of nucellus of its ovule.

    Identify the structures A, P,Q and R. ‘A’ is a structure that is typically 7 celled and 8 nucleate. Within ‘A’ three cells are grouped together at the micropylar end and constitute ‘P’, ‘A’ also contains three cells towards the chalazal end called ‘Q’ and largest cell of ‘A’ which is termed as ‘R’ has two polar nuclei.

    Choose the plant which possess multiple ovules in its ovary.

    Arrange the following in the correct developmental sequence. Pollen grains, Sporogenous tissue, male gametes, microspore tetrad, microspore mother cell

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Porogamy i. The process of entry of pollen tube in to the ovule through integuments or funiculus. b. Chalazogamy ii. The process of entry of pollen tube into the ovule through micropyle. c. Mesogamy iii. The process of entry of pollen tube into the ovule through chalaza.

    Identify the incorrect match w.r.t. transformation of parts of flower before and after fertilization.

    The crucial properties of mature seeds that help in its storage are: (a) Dormancy of mature seed (b) Surface roughness of mature seed (c) Porosity of mature seed (d) Dehydration of mature seed.

    What is the fate of the zygote and the ovules of an angiosperm after fertilization?

    For pollination, all require attractants and rewards except

    Flowers are larger, brightly colored, produce nectar, emit sweet fragrance and pollen with pollen kit are pollinated by

    Choose the plant in which both Geitonogamy and Xenogamy can be carried out but not autogamy

    Which structure of anther has cells with usually more than one nucleus?

    Epiblast is

    Find out the correct statement.

    Parthenium or carrot grass came into India as a contaminant with imported

    Match Column I with Colum II and choose the correct match. Column I Column II A Apomixis i Mustard B Polyembryony ii Asteraceae C Longest seed viability iii Citrus D Dry fruit iv Lupinus

    Read the following statements and find the incorrect one.

    Which cells of embryo sac have special cellular thickenings at the micropylar tip?

    Choose the correct one.

    After entering the embryo sac, the pollen tube releases the two male gametes into the

    Find the correct match:

    Pollen grains are shed at 2-celled stage in :

    Which of the following is genetically self-pollinating but functionally cross-pollinating ?

    Match Column I with Column II with respect nature of embryo sac before as well as after fertilisation. Column I Column II A Remains haploid prior as well as after double fertilisation. i Central cell B Becomes diploid prior to fertilisation ii Primary endosperm nucleus C Triploid structure seen after fertilisation iii Egg cell D Becomes diploid after fertilisation iv Synergid

    Find the correct statement.

    Select the incorrect match.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Which is the nutritive tissue of ovule or integumented megasporangium?

    Male gametophyte of angiosperms is represented by

    The largest cell of embryo sac is

    All of the given are true w.r.t. innermost wall layer of anther, except

    Egg apparatus of embryo sac has

    Cleistogamy ensures seed set formation. This is an advantage but still there are disadvantages too. One of the disadvantage is

    When pollen grain is mature it contain:

    The cylindrical portion below the level of cotyledons is A that terminates to B and tip is covered by C A,B and C refer to :

    Select the correct statements. (a) Intine of pollen grains is composed of pectocellulosic in nature (b) Pollen grains develop from the haploid microspore mother cells in pollen sacs of anther. (c) Pollen grain is diploid, unicellular, multinucleate and oval shaped structure.. (d) Pollen grains are generally spherical measuring about 25-50 mm in diameter.

    Through which cell of the embryo sac, does the pollen tube enter the embryo sac?

    Persistent nucellus in seed :

    Which of the following is the result of triple fusion?

    Which one of the following is resistant to enzyme action?

    Observe the diagram of T.S of young anther given here and find the incorrect match.

    Which of the following presents the characteristics of the entomophilous flower?

    Filiform apparatus is characteristic features of :

    Occurrence of more than one embryo in a seed is referred as :

    Type of flower and pollination that is observed in the given plant is Flower 1 Flower 2 1. Chasmogamous and undergoes self-pollination Cleistogamous and undergoes cross-pollination 2. Cleistogamous and undergoes cross pollination Chasmogamous and undergoes self-pollination 3. Chasmogamous and undergoes self-pollination Chasmogamous and undergoes cross-pollination 4. Chasmogamous and undergoes cross pollination Cleistogamous and undergoes self-pollination

    One of the following plants show relatively less pollen viability

    Which of these processes are necessary for the complete development of male gametophyte from pollen mother cell?

    Endothecium layer of anther lobes is present

    Stalk with which ovules remain attached to the placenta is called

    Albuminous seeds store their reserve food mainly in :

    Megaspores are produced from the megaspore mother cells after :

    Which of the following statements is correct?

    Pollination in water hyacinth is through

    Wind pollinated flowers are

    Which of the following statement is correct ?

    Unisexuality of flowers prevents

    The floral rewards enhance the chances of pollination, which of the following is provided by floral rewards Amorphophallus to pollinating agent?

    When transfer of pollen grains occurs over the surface of water, it is called

    Apomixis in which the nucellar tissue cells form embryos is shown by –

    How many nuclei are involved in the process of double fertilization in the flowering plants?

    When transfer of pollen grains occurs below the surface of water, it is called

    Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to stigma of another flower of different plant is called:

    Apomixis is found in

    Mesogamy is

    After the stage, cell walls are laid down leading to the organisation of the typical female gametophyte or embryo sac.

    Which type of endosperm is observed in the white kernel of coconut?

    Fertilized embryo sac is shown in the diagram. P and Q are results of …………. and ……….. respectively.

    Identify A to F in the diagram: A B C D E F 1. Egg Filiform apparatus Synergids Antipodal Cells Polar nuclei Central Cell 2. Egg Synergids Filiform apparatus Antipodal cells Central cell Polar nuclei 3. Central Cell Egg Synergids Antipodal cells Filiform apparatus Polar nuclei 4. Filiform apparatus Synergids Egg Central cell Polar nuclei Antipodal cells

    Which one of the following is an example of cleistogamy?

    Which of the following layers of anther wall helps in protection as well as in the dehiscence of anther for the release of pollen grains?

    How many megaspores take part in the development of a monosporic female gametophyte?

    The diagram given below represents the sectional view of

    Based on the diagram given below, what is the ploidy of the structure labelled D?

    Device for self-pollination is :

    Coconut water from a tender coconut is:

    Function of filiform apparatus is to :

    In a ovary with 100 ovules ready for fertilisation, how may megaspores fail to form embryo sacs?

    In flowering plants, arrange the following steps in their correct sequence. A. Endosperm formation B. Megasporogenesis C. Embryo formation D. Development of embryo sac

    Which of the following statements are correct regarding the development of embryo sac? (i) The type of nuclear division is free, in which there is no formation of the cell wall. (ii) Out of the eight nuclei, six are surrounded by a cell wall (iii) Central cell situated below the egg apparatus.

    I. Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of the same flower is termed as P II. Transfer of pollen grains from anther to the stigma of another flower of same plant is termed as Q III. Transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma of a different plant is termed as R Fill in the blanks P, Q and R with given terms.

    Select the correct match

    Select the correct match

    Statement A : Typical angiosperm embryo develops near to the micropylar end of the embryo sac. Statement B : Coleorrhiza encloses radical and the root cap.

    At the time of fertilization, the egg apparatus of a female gametophyte of a typical dicot plants is –

    A in sporogenous mass undergo B to form a tetrad that on separation gives rise to C functional microspores/s.

    In citrus and mango varieties, some nucellar cells surrounding the embryo sac divide and protrude into embryo sac and develop into embryos, so that in such species each ovule contains many embryos. This phenomenon is referred to as

    If hybrid varieties of food and vegetable crops are made into apomicts, how can it benefit the farmers?

    A recent record of 2000 years old viable seed discovered during the archeological excavation at King Herod’s palace near the dead sea, belongs to the species

    Parthenocarpy can be induced through

    In which of the following plants the seeds have no residual endosperm as it is completely consumed during embryo development?

    Select the incorrect statement from the following.

    During artificial hybridisation experiments, if the female parent produces unisexual flowers then

    Majority of insect pollinated flowers

    Among the animals, the dominant biotic pollinating agents are the:

    In which of the following group of plants, female flowers remain submerged in water and pollen grains are released inside the water, to facilitate pollination?

    Which of the following strategies is the only type of pollination that can bring genetically different types of pollen grains on the stigma?

    Which of the following type of flowers produce assured seed-set even in the absence of pollinators?

    The ovule is a small structure attached to the placenta by means of a stalk called the

    The number of ovules in an ovary may be many in which of the following pair of plants?

    When the anther is young, a group of compactly arranged homogenous cells, which occupies the centre of each microsporangium is called

    The generative cell divides mitotically to give rise to the two non-motile male gametes, before the pollen grains are shed at 3-celled stage in

    Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. pollen grains.

    Seeds offer several advantages to angiosperms. One of them is that seed formation is more dependable. This is because

    Which of the following is the correct pairing of characteristics about anther wall?

    Archesporium refers to :

    In a maize cob, the silky hairs represent:

    Consider the following features seen in a plant: I : Male and female reproductive organs are generally found in separate flowers. II : The male flowers having a number of long filaments terminating in exposed stamens. III: The female flowers having long feather-like stigmas The flowers of this plant would most likely be pollinated by:

    Most common type of angiospermic ovule is

    Which of the following is correct regarding microsporogenesis involves anther?

    Consider the following statements about cleistogamy : (i) Reported in Viola , Oxalis , Commelina . (ii) Flowers are invariably autogamous. (iii) Pollinators are required for seed set. (iv) Anthesis is absent. How many statements are incorrect ?

    In coconut, liquid nuclear endosperm is surrounded by white kernel which is

    Choose the incorrect statement in reference to the male reproductive organ of angiosperms.

    The pollen grain viability is highly variable. Select the least viable pollen grain from the following list of choices.

    A typical angiosperm embryo sac contains 8 nucleus and 7 cells. These 8 nucleus are formed by

    In the fully organized Polygonum type of embryo sac, what is the ratio of haploid, diploid and triploid nuclei?

    Flowering plants have developed many devices to discourage self-pollination and to encourage cross-pollination except.

    What is direction of micropyle in an anatropous ovule?

    After penetrating stigmatic and stylar tissue the pollen tube usually grows down towards the egg cell because :

    In a fertilized embryo sac, the haploid, diploid and triploid structures are :

    If male plant is hexaploidy and female plant is tetraploid, the endosperm will be :

    Choose the option with the correct labels for the diagram given below:

    The polar nuclei are present in

    As each cell of the sporogenous tissue is capable of giving rise to ……….

    Seedless fruits are produced from

    Number of microsporangia in a dithecous anther is

    Nucellar embryo or the embryo formed by the cells of nucellus is

    Find out the correct option for the ploidy of ovary, anther, egg, pollen, male gamete and zygote.

    The presence of a physical barrier between stigma and stamen prevents autogamy. This phenomenon is called as

    This graphical representation specifies

    When the pollen of a flower is transferred to the stigma of another flower of a different plant, the pollination is referred to as

    Choose the incorrect match.

    If the pollen grain nucleus of an angiosperm has 16 chromosomes, what shall be the chromosome number of the zygote and endosperm cell formed on the same plant.

    Which of the following includes the formation of fruits without fertilisation?

    Flower with a feathery and sticky stigma, numerous light pollen, reduced petals is characteristically

    Wall of a pollen sac consists of

    The most exceptional feature of zoophilous flowers is

    In an embryo sac, the cells that degenerate after fertilisation are

    Tetrasporic embryo sac is one, in which four

    A dicotyledonous plant bears flowers, but never produces fruits and seeds. The most probable cause for the above situation is

    Choose the correct statements regarding endosperm. I. It provides nutrition to the developing embryo. II. It has the potentiality to form a complete plant. III. It contains reserve food material such as fats, carbohydrates, oil, proteins, etc. in mature seeds. IV. It continues to divide transversely and produces a thread of cells called the suspensor.

    Match column I with column II. Column I Column II A. Place where pollen grains land i. Apomixis B. The site where the seeds develop ii. Stigma C. Process of formation of seeds without fertilization iii. Microspore mother cells D. Meiotically dividing cells in the male reproductive tissues that make four microspores iv. Ovary A B C D 1 i ii iii iv 2 ii iv i iii 3 iii iv i ii 4 iv iii ii i

    Assertion: Pollen kit sticks to the body of insects during pollination. Reason: Pollen kits are more common in anemophilous flowers.

    Assertion : Pollen grains are well-preserved during fossilisation. Reason : The exine of pollen grain contains sporopollenin.

    Assertion : Megaspore Mother Cell (MMC) divides mitotically and forms four megaspores. Reason : Megaspore mother cells are diploid and megaspores are haploid.

    Match the Options. Structure Shape A. Anther (i) Spindle shaped B. Microsporangium (ii) Spherical shaped C. Pollen grain (iii) Tetragonal (four sided) D. Generative cell (iv) Near circular in outline A B C D 1. iv iii i ii 2. iii iv ii i 3. i ii iii iv 4. ii i iv iii

    Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given. Column I Column II A. Male gametophyte (i) Ovule B. Female gametophyte (ii) Locule C. Megasporangium (iii) Pollen grain D. Ovarian cavity (iv) Embryo sac A B C D 1. iii iv i ii 2. iv iii ii i 3. iii iv ii i 4. iv iii i ii

    Match the columns I and II, and choose the correct combination from the options given. Column I Column II A. Male gametophyte (i) Ovule B. Female gametophyte (ii) Locule C. Megasporangium (iii) Pollen grain D. Ovarian cavity (iv) Embryo sac A B C D 1. iii iv i ii 2. iv iii ii i 3. iii iv ii i 4. iv iii i ii

    Match the following columns and choose the correct combination. Column I Column II A. Funicle (i) Small opening of ovule B. Integuments (ii) Stalk of ovule C. Chalaza (iii) Protective envelopes D. Hilum (iv) Junction part of ovule and stalk E. Micropyle (v) Basal part of ovule A B C D E 1. ii iii v iv i 2. i iii ii iv v 3. ii iii i iv iii 4. iii iv v i ii

    Match the Column I with Column II and select the correct option using the codes given below. Column I Column II A. Pistils fused together (i) Gametogenesis B. Formation of gametes (ii) Pistillate C. Hyphae of higher Ascomycetes (iii) Syncarpous D. Unisexual female flower (iv) Dikaryotic A B C D 1. i ii iv iii 2. iii i iv ii 3. iv iii i ii 4. ii i iv iii

    Match column I with column II, and choose the correct combination from the options given below. Column I Column II A. Multicarpellary syncarpous pistil (i) Orchids B. Multicarpellary apocarpous pistil (ii) Michelia C. One ovule in an ovary (iii) Paddy D. Many ovules in an ovary (iv) Papaver A B C D 1. ii iii iv i 2. iv ii i iii 3. iv ii iii i 4. ii iv iii i

    Match column I with column II, and choose the correct combination from the options given below. Column I Column II A. Multicarpellary syncarpous pistil (i) Orchids B. Multicarpellary apocarpous pistil (ii) Michelia C. One ovule in an ovary (iii) Paddy D. Many ovules in an ovary (iv) Papaver A B C D 1. ii iii iv i 2. iv ii i iii 3. iv ii iii i 4. ii iv iii i

    Match column I with column II, and choose the correct combination from the options given below. Column I Column II A. Multicarpellary syncarpous pistil (i) Orchids B. Multicarpellary apocarpous pistil (ii) Michelia C. One ovule in an ovary (iii) Paddy D. Many ovules in an ovary (iv) Papaver A B C D 1. ii iii iv i 2. iv ii i iii 3. iv ii iii i 4. ii iv iii i

    Apomictic embryos in citrus arise from

    Assertion (A) : Endosperm development preceeds embryo development. Reason (R) : It assures nutrition to the developing embryo.

    In the embryos of a typical dicot and a grass, true homologous structures are

    A dicotyledonous plant bears flowers, but never produces fruits and seeds. The most probable cause for the above situation is

    In a typical complete, bisexual and hypogynous flower the arrangement of floral whorls on the thalamus from the outermost to the innermost is

    Match the following columns. Column I (Other modes of reproduction) Column II (Examples) A. Parthenocarpy (i) Grasses B. Apomixis (ii) Citrus C. Polyembryony (iii) Banana Select the correct option A B C 1. i ii iii 2. ii i iii 3. iii ii i 4. iii i ii

    During microsporogenesis, meiosis occurs in

    From among the sets of terms given below, identify those that are associated with the gynoecium.

    Choose the correct statement from the following.

    Autogamy can occur in a chasmogamous flower if

    The outermost and innermost wall layers of microsporangium in an anther are respectively.

    The phenomenon wherein, the ovary develops into a fruit without fertilisation is called

    Among the terms listed below, those that are not technically correct names for a floral whorl are I. androecium II. carpel III. corolla IV. sepal

    Match the following columns. Column I Column II A. Antipodal (i) 3n B. Central cell (ii) 2n C. MMC (iii) (n+n) D. Endosperm (iv) n A B C D 1. iv iii i ii 2. iii ii i iv 3. iv iii ii i 4. iii iv i ii

    While planning for an artificial hybridisation programme involving dioecious plants, which of the following steps would not be relevant?

    Strategies to prevent self-pollination are a. dioecy b. self incompatibility c. autogamy

    Hardest substance in plant kingdom is

    Cleistogamous flowers are strictly autogamous because they always remain

    Pollen tablets are available in the market for

    What is the correct sequence of development of microsporogenesis and male gametophyte development?

    The stalk which joins ovule and placenta is called

    Formation of seeds without fertilisation is called as

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