BiologyBotany QuestionsAnatomy Of Flowering Plants Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Anatomy Of Flowering Plants Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Select the CORRECT pair out of the following.

Which of the following meristem is involved in regeneration of parts of grasses removed by the grazing animals.

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    Correctly identify the diagram given below :

    Parenchymatous structure with intercellular spaces are

    Choose the one that does not belong to epidermal tissue system

    Conjuctive tissue is

    The vascular bundles in a dicot stem are

    In endarch condition of xylem, metaxylem lies of protoxylem

    Which tissue is present in all groups of plant kingdom.

    Vascular bundles in monocotyledons are considered closed because

    The balloon-shaped structures called tyloses

    Guard cells of dicots are

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Identify the secondary meristem.

    Secondary xylem and phloem normally arises from

    Secondary growth is seen in

    Randomly distributed vascular bundles are seen in the internal structure of

    Based on the structure and A , there are B types of tissue systems in the plant body, A and B are

    Select the incorrectly matched pair.

    (i) Xylem and phloem are present in alternating separate radii.Such Vascular bundles are called A . (ii) Xylem and phloem are present on same radius.Such vascular bundles are called B , A and B are

    Read the following statements with respect to dicot stem and select the correct option (A) Epidermis is covered with in a layer of cuticle, may bear trichomes and few stomata. (B) Ring arrangement of conjoint, collateral, and open vascular bundles (C) Presence of semilunar patches of sclerenchyma above the phloem (D) Hypodermis of dicot stem is sclerenchymatous

    All the tissues exterior to the vascular cambium (a) Constitute the bark. (b) Bark that is formed early in the season is called hard bark.

    Identify the incorrect statement with respect to trichomes.

    Which of the following is not true for the internal structure of monocot stem?

    The meristem that occurs in the mature regions of roots and shoots of many plants, particularly those that produce woody axis and appear later than primary meristem, is called

    Which of the following is an example of lateral meristem? a. Fascicular cambium b. Interfascicular cambium c. Cork cambium

    The following features belong to I. Cells are thick at corner due to the deposition of cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin. II. Cells may contain chloroplast and show carbon assimilation. III. Intercellular spaces are absent. IV. Provide mechanical support to growing parts of the plant such as young stem and petiole of leaf of dicots.

    During the formation of the primary plant body, the specific regions of the apical meristem produces

    A thick-walled lignified simple mechanical tissue is

    On what basis we classify sclerenchyma into fibres or sclereids?

    Permanent tissues, which have many different types of cells are called

    Mesophyll is

    Choose from the following that never assimilate food materials by photosynthesis. A. Parenchyma B. Meristems C. Collenchyma D. Sclereids

    The deposition of which substance is not seen in the cell wall of simple, living mechanical tissue?

    In anatomy, roots of angiosperms have

    Which one given below is not a part of fundamental tissue system?

    Meristem that does not give rise vascular tissues is

    Which among the given below cells or structures neither belong to ground tissue system nor vascular tissue system? A. Motor cells B. Subsidiary or accessory cells C. Mesophyll D. Companion cells

    Identify the structure that regulates the process of transpiration and gaseous exchange.

    The waxy material deposited in the casparian strip of endodermis is:

    In plants towards the centre of the root, next to endodermis lies a few layers of thick-walled parenchymatous cells referred to as

    Fill in the blanks and choose the correct option. (A) Gymnosperms lack in their xylem. (B) Phloem parenchyma is absent in most of the . (C) In roots, the primary xylem is .

    Find the odd one w.r.t redifferentiated structures.

    Heartwood is durable and resistant to the attacks of microbes and insects due to

    Which of the following is not the function of simple tissue which forms main component within the organs?

    Anatomy of a plant organ was observed. It shows presence of protoxylem towards centre and metaxylem towards periphery of organ; cambium is present between xylem and phloem. The plant organ is

    Statement A: Mesophyll is undifferentiated in isobilateral leaf. Statement B: Stomata are present only on upper epidermis in isobilateral leaf.

    Axillary bud is formed from

    Choose the components of complex tissues that do not belong to simple tissues. A. Sieve cells B. Sieve tubes C. Vessels D. Tracheids

    Read the following and identify the tissue or component of tissue with these features. a. End walls of cells have perforations. b. At maturity cells have cytoplasm but not nucleus.

    Various patterns of secondary cell wall depositions over primary wall is seen in A. Fibers B. Vessel members C. Sclereids D. Tracheids

    Pericycle is a part of A. vascular tissue system of dicot stem B. ground tissue system of dicot stem C. ground tissue system of monocot stem D. ground tissue system of monocot root.

    Assertion: Stele of dicot stem is described as eustele. Reason: In the stele the vascular bundles are arranged in the form of a ring.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Assertion: Stele of dicot stem is described as atactostele. Reason: In the stele the vascular bundles are arranged in the form of a ring.

    Which type of wood is incorrectly matched with its given feature?

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the secondary tissue with intercellular spaces and involved in photosynthesis

    In (i) , protoxylem lies towards periphery and metaxylem lies towards centre. Such an arrangement of primary xylem is called as (ii) . Identify (i) and (ii) and select the correct option. i ii 1. stems endarch 2. stems exarch 3. roots endarch 4. roots exarch

    As compared to the dicot root, monocotyledonous root shows

    In a monocot leaf stomata are present

    Statement A: Leaves of dicots are dorsiventral leaves. Statement B: A dicot leaf has more number of stomata on the adaxial side than abaxial side.

    Bulliform cells are present in

    Endodermis of which of the following organ of angiosperms is named as starch sheath?

    Cotton is obtained from the following tissue system of cotton plant.

    Meristem is sandwiched between xylem and phloem of the vascular bundles of

    Arrange the following of vascular bundle of angiospermic leaf from adaxial side to abaxial side. A. Phloem B. Proto xylem C. Metaxylem

    Identify the type of vascular bundle represented in the following structure.

    Sclerenchymatous hypodermis is present in the internal structure of

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Select the correct statement.

    Fibrovascular bundles are present in

    You are given a fairly old piece of dicot stem and a dicot root. Which of the following anatomical structures will you use to distinguish between the two?

    Age of a tree can be estimated by

    Choose the meristem that does not form complex tissues.

    Stomata in grass leaf are

    Plants having little or no secondary growth are

    Casparian strips occur in

    Choose the correct statement

    Grass leaves curl inwards during very dry weather. Select the most appropriate reason from the following.

    Phloem in gymnosperms lacks

    In dicot stem complementary cells are produced by

    Regeneration of damaged growing grass following grazing is largely due to :-

    The chief function of vessels in the plant body is to :

    A is the meristem contributes for increase in length of a stem and B is the meristem that contributes for increase in girth of the stem. A and B are respectively

    Match the following with respect to types of vascular bundles that they have List – I List – II A) Collateral, closed with adaxial xylem and abaxial phloem. I) Maize stem B) Collateral, open, endarch II) Sunflower root C) Radial, separate, exarch III) Maize leaf D) Collateral, closed, endarch IV) Sunflower stem

    Annual rings are:

    Periderm includes:

    Primary xylem and phloem are produced from

    Autumn wood formed in dicot stem during secondary growth

    Which one is incorrect for vessels?

    During secondary growth, tyloses can be seen in

    Phelloderm is produced by

    Which lateral meristem is not secondary meristem?

    Casparian strips are suberised cell walls of

    Read the following statements carefully and select the correct option. A. Guard cells are living, having nucleus and chloroplast. B. The outer wall of guard cells is thick and elastic. C. The stomatal aperture, guard cells and subsidiary cells together called stomatal apparatus.

    In grasses, the guard cells of stomata are

    When conjoint,collateral,and closed vascular bundles are scattered in ground tissue,the stele is said to be

    The condition where first formed xylem element faces the pericycle is called A and it is seen in B , find the A and B

    The dorsiventral leaf of plant has (A) Conspicuous cuticle present on both epidernmises . (B) Palisade tissue towards abaxial and spongy parenchyma towards adaxial epidermis. (C) Bulliform cells in adaxial epidermis. (D) Vascular bundles surrounded by a layer of thick walled bundle sheath cells. Correct statements are

    Leaves of grasses roll and unroll due to

    Secondary growth (A) Helps in increase in girth of diameter of plant organs. (B) Occurs due to the activity of procambium. Select the correct option.

    Sapwood is synonymous with

    Given below are four statements (A-D) regarding secondary growth in dicot root. (A) The vascular cambium is completely secondary in origin. (B) The vascular cambium develops from the tissue located first below the phloem bundle and a portion of pericycle tissue. (C) Annual rings are clearly distinct. (D) Phellogen cuts phellem on the inner side and phelloderm towards outside. Which two statements are incorrect?

    Secondary growth in dicot roots is not characterised by

    Identify the given figure and select the incorrect option.

    The ground tissue system constitutes

    Fibers are usually absent in

    Identify the correct statement related to parenchyma.

    Find out the incorrect statement:

    Find the example of primary meristem.

    Permanent tissues, which have all cells similar in structure and function are called

    Which tissue is most abundantly present in plant body of tracheophytes?

    In which way collenchyma differs from sclerenchyma?

    Which tissue is absent in a complex tissue?

    Which of the following are simple tissues?

    Phloem parenchyma stores

    The earlier formed region of primary xylem is called and the later formed region of primary xylem is called .

    In roots, the xylem of vascular bundles shows

    Sieve tubes are better suited for translocation than sieve cells because they

    The chief function of sieve tubes is

    Radial vascular bundles are found in:

    Which is the correct order of formation of various meristems in a woody dicot plant during its growth and development?

    The meristem that does not give rise sclerenchyma is

    Part of apical meristem that gives rise xylem and phloem is

    Intercalary meristems are absent in

    Vessels are usually absent in A. Gymnosperms B. Pteridophytes C. Angiosperms

    In a plant organ, collenchyma is

    Photosynthetic function can be carried out by I. Parenchyma II. Collenchyma III. Sclerenchyma

    Plant linear growth is indefinite mainly because of

    Choose the incorrect statement

    Anucleated living cells of angiospermic phloem are

    Statement A: Protoxylem is less complex than metaxylem Statement B: Protoxylem has narrow tracheary elements and metaxylem has broad tracheary elements.

    Statement A: Primary xylem is formed centrifugally in stems of angiosperms Statement B: In stems of angiosperms the protoxylem is towards the centre and metaxylem is towards the periphery of axis.

    These components of phloem have sieve areas I. Sieve cells II. Companion cells III. Sieve tube elements IV. Phloem parenchyma

    The sieve tube elements and Companion cells are connected with each other through

    Meristems occurring in between mature tissues are called

    Jute is

    Which tissue system is usually single layered?

    Statement A: Multiple epidermis is seen some species of xerophytes. Statement B: Multiple epidermis further minimizes water loss through aerial plant parts.

    Stomata are predominantly associated with the epidermis of

    Bean shaped guard cells are seen in A. Dicots B. Gymnosperms C. Some Monocots

    Tissues of plants are classified into how many main groups?

    Shape of guard cells of maize and sorghum is

    Pericarp of nuts has

    Seed coats of which of the following family members have sclereids?

    Intercalary meristems are predominantly seen in

    Companion cells are specialized

    Statement A: Grass leaves show hygroscopic movements. Statement B: Epidermis of grass leaves have bulliform cells.

    In terms of stomata, the xerophytic characters are A. Elevated stomata B. Sunken stomata C. Hypostomatous condition

    Silica cells and cork cells are seen in the epidermis of

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to stomata.

    Rhizodermis is

    These structures of epidermal tissue system minimize water loss due to their presence or action I. Bulliform cells II. Cuticle III. Trichomes

    Arrange the appearance of the following in correct sequence during secondary growth of dicot stem. A. Cork cambium B. Fascicular cambium C. Interfascicular cambium

    These do not belong to epidermis

    Inner most part of ground tissue system of root is

    Exodermis is a part of

    Hypodermis of stem is sclerenchymatous in

    Starch sheath is

    In the vascular bundles of leaf

    Match the following and identify the correct match List I List II A) Collateral open vascular bundle I) Roots B) Bicollateral vascular bundle II) Helianthus stem C) Collateral closed vascular bundle III) Monocot stem D) Radial vascular bundles IV) Solanum stem

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    These vascular bundles have peripheral or outer phloem and inner or central xylem I. Amphicribal vascular bundles II. Collateral vascular bundles of stem III. Radial vascular bundles

    In course of evolution the first formed vascular bundles are

    The following type of vascular bundles are seen in

    Vascular bundles of sugarcane stem are

    Wedge or top shaped vascular bundles are usually seen in

    Bundle cap of vascular bundle is

    A given dicot stem and dicot leaf have the vascular bundles respectively as

    This tissue is not present in the vascular bundles.

    Vascular bundles with xylem and phloem not in the same radius are seen in

    Choose the part of dicot root with barrel shaped cells.

    Which tissue is common for all tissue systems?

    The structures of dicot root that can dedifferentiate to form secondary tissues are I. Pericycle II. Epidermis III. Endodermis IV. Conjunctive tissue

    In a sunflower root xylem and phloem are arranged in a total of

    Choose the incorrect match with respect to root

    In Internal structure of an organ of angiospermic plant the following features are seen. A. More cortex than stele B. Pericycle is involved in vascular cambium formation. C. Some barrel shaped cells do not have casparian thickenings. The above features are seen in

    Statement A: Casparian strips are impermeable to water and mineral ions. Statement B: Casparian strips are made of cellulose.

    Statement A: In anatomy, monocot root is similar to dicot root in many respects. Statement B: Both dicot and monocot roots have exarch xylem

    This is not a feature of Monocot root

    In a root the conjunctive tissue is placed

    Pericycle is present in the form of semilunar patches of sclerenchyma over vascular bundles in

    Monocot root differs from dicot root

    Which among these vascular bundles can continue to generate xylem and phloem?

    Interfascicular region of primary dicot stem has

    Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct match. Column I Column II A Tissue with some cells having perforation plates i Meristem B Living tissue with excessively thickened cell wall at the corners of cells ii Phloem C Tissue with anucleated living cells iii Collenchyma D Tissue whose cells go on dividing continuously iv Xylem

    Which amongst the following is mostly absent in monocots? (a) Phloem parenchyma (b) Open vascular bundles (c ) Intercalary meristem (d) Venation in the leaves

    The vascular cambium is completely secondary in origin in:

    In a conjoint vascular bundle

    Which tissue is common for all tissue systems?

    Arrange the following tissues of dicot stem in secondary growth in a sequence of increased perimeter. A. Sap wood B. Secondary cortex C. Cork cambium D. Vascular cambium E. Secondary phloem

    Complimentary cells are

    Identify the structures of epidermal tissue system minimize water loss due to their presence or action: I. Bulliform cells II. Cuticle III. Trichomes

    Fibrovascular bundles are

    Which of the following is not a part of periderm?

    Which one among the following occupies the innermost region of old woody dicot stem?

    The layers below the epidermis in aerial parts of the dicotyledonous plants is made of cells that

    Choose the correct pair.

    Organised endodermis is absent in A. dicot stem B. monocot stem C. monocot root D. dicot leaf

    Pholem parenchyma is absent in :

    Which meristem has region known as protoderm?

    Bark includes: (a) All tissues external to vascular cambium. (b) The periderm and secondary phloem. (c) Only living cells.

    In a dicot root, vascular cambium is

    What is true about cuticle in plants?

    Collenchyma is hypodermal in position in

    Find out incorrect combination w.r.t. simple permanent tissue. Tissue Feature Cell wall Function 1 The tissue that forms main component within organs Cellulosic Storage 2 Found below the epidermis in dicotyledonous plants Cellulose, pectin and hemicellulose Mechanical support 3 Thick walled, dead elongated and pointed cells Lignified cell wall Mechanical support 4 Spherical, oval or cylindrical dead cells Thick cellulosic cell wall Flexibility

    Find the correct match w.r.t. annual rings. Feature Spring wood Autumn wood 1 Cambium More active Less active 2 Colour Dark Light 3 Xylary elements Large in number with narrow cavities Small in number with wide cavities 4 Density High Low

    Conjuctive tissue and starch sheath are present respectively in

    Choose incorrect statement w.r.t. fibres.

    How many of the given structures/tissues are completely secondary in origin? Earlywood, Leaves, Lenticels, Cork, Autumn wood, Late bark, Flowers

    Choose the feature of vascular cambium of dicot root

    Lens shaped opening in cork region

    In a mature dicot stem which has undergone secondary growth, the youngest layer of secondary xylem is situated

    What is true about a monocot leaf?

    Which of the following is correct with regard to monocot stem?

    Which of the following is incorrect?

    Select the incorrect match.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Vessels i. Cells are living, with thin cellulosic cell walls b. Tracheids ii. Cells possess highly thickened walls with narrow or obliterated central lumen c. Xylem fibres iii. Individual members are inter-connected through perforations in their common walls d. Xylem parenchyma iv. Elongated tube-like cells with thick, lignified walls and tapering ends a b c d 1. iv iii ii i 2. iii iv ii i 3. ii iv iii i 4. iv ii iii i

    Cells with non-lignified, unevenly thickened cell walls specialised for mechanical functions are present in

    Statement A: A mature sieve element possesses a peripheral cytoplasm and a large vacuole but lacks a nucleus. Statement B: The functions of sieve tubes are controlled by the nucleus of companion cells.

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Meristem that can give rise only primary tissues i Cork cambium B Primary meristem that can give rise only secondary tissues. ii Interfascicular cambium C Secondary meristem that forms only vascular tissues iii Fascicular cambium D Secondary meristem that forms only non-vascular tissues. iv Intercalary meristem Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iii iv ii i 3 iv iii i ii 4 ii i iv iii

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Choose the correct sequence of appearance of various meristems of a woody dicot during its life span. A. Fascicular cambium B. Apical meristem C. Cork cambium D. Interfascicular cambium

    Which tissue is absent in monocots?

    Phloem parenchyma is usually absent in

    Latex is usually stored in

    Who classified tissue systems into three types.

    Tissue system are classified into three types based on A. Structure B. Location C. Size of cells

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the incorrect pair with respect to monocot root

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Based on the following internal characters, identify the organ of angiosperms. A. Vascular bundles are radial sperate and exarch xylem. B. Usually two to four vascular bundles are present in the stele. C. Cortex is more extensive than stele D. Stele has little of no pith.

    Vascular bundles with two groups of phloem, two strips of cambium and a group of xylem are arranged in the same radius in the stems of plants of family

    Palisade is

    Stem with exarch vascular bundles is seen

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Statement A: Dicot stem has open and endarch vascular bundles. Statement B: Each vascular bundle of dicot stem has no cambium between xylem and phloem and protoxylem is towards the center and metaxylem towards the periphery.

    Statement A: Dicot stem has open and endarch vascular bundles. Statement B: Each vascular bundle of dicot stem has no cambium between xylem and phloem and protoxylem is towards the center and metaxylem towards the periphery.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Statement A: A mature sieve element possesses a peripheral cytoplasm and a large vacuole but lacks a nucleus. Statement B: The functions of sieve tubes are controlled by the nucleus of companion cells.

    The tissue with unevenly thickened cell walls is

    Bark refers to

    Statement A: Leaves of dicots are dorsiventral leaves. Statement B: A dicot leaf has more number of stomata on the adaxial side than abaxial side.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Assertion: Stele of dicot stem has collateral, open, endarch vascular bundles. Reason: Each vascular bundle of the stele has outer phloem and inner xylem with protoxylem towards the center are present in the same radius and cambium is present in between xylem and phloem.

    Assertion: Leaves of dicots are mostly dorsiventral leaves. Reason: Dorsal side of leaf is dark green and ventral side is light green.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to monocot (isobilateral) leaf.

    Assertion: Stele of monocot stem is described as atactostele. Reason: In the stele the vascular bundles are randomly arranged.

    Match Column I with Column II and find the correct match. Column I Column II a. Complementary cells i. Spring wood and Autumn wood. b. Heart wood ii. Associated with lenticels formation. c. Sap wood iii. Non-functional secondary xylem. d. Annual ring iv. Functional secondary xylem a b c d 1. ii iii iv i 2. i ii iii iv 3. iv iii ii i 4. iii ii iv i

    Based on the following internal characters, identify the organ of angiosperms. A. Vascular bundles are radial sperate and exarch xylem. B. More than six vascular bundles are present in the stele. C. Cortex is more extensive than stele D. Stele has extensive pith.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Transverse section through stem of a plant shows following features : (i) Presence of phloem parenchyma (ii) Absence of bundle sheath (iii) Wedge shaped vascular bundles (iv) Presence of medullary rays The stem belongs to (a) sunflower (b) Asparagus (c) Zea mays

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Help in rolling and unrolling of lamina i Trichomes B Help in movement of stomata ii Trichoblasts C Help in absorption of water iii Guard cells D Help in minimising transpiratory loss of water. iv Motor cells Choose the correct answer from the options given. A B C D 1 iii iv ii i 2 iv iii ii i 3 iv iii i ii 4 iii i ii iv

    Medulla is a part of ground tissue system of A. Dicot leaf B. Monocot leaf C. Dicot stem D. Monocot root

    Select the incorrect statement about Casparian strips.

    Tissue system are classified into three types based on A. Structure B. Location C. Size of cells

    Assertion: Vascular bundle of dicot stem is described as open. Reason: Dicot stem bundles have cambium between xylem and phloem.

    Having barrel shaped cells is a feature of

    Read the different components from (i) to (iv) in the list given below and tell the correct order of the components with reference to their arrangement from outer side to inner side in a woody dicot stem. (a) Secondary cortex (b) Secondary xylem (c) Secondary phloem (d) Phellem

    Refer to the T.S. of dicot root. Select the option which correctly labels A, B, C, D, and E. A B C D E 1. Protoxylem Metaxylem Phloem Pericycle Endodermis 2. Metaxylem Protoxylem Phloem Pericycle Endodermis 3. Protoxylem Metaxylem Phloem Endodermis Pericycle 4. Metaxylem Protoxylem Phloem Endodermis Pericycle

    Identify the pair of plants suitable for studying secondary growth.

    Duramen is

    The vascular bundles are closed in monocots because

    Choose the incorrect pair.

    A major characteristic of monocot root is the presence of

    Lenticels are involved in

    Interfascicular cambium develops from the cells of

    Which of the following statements is not true for stomatal apparatus?

    Tracheids differ from other tracheary elements in

    Read the different components from (i) to (iv) in the list given below and tell the correct order of the components with reference to their arrangement from outer side to inner side in a woody dicot stem. (i) Secondary cortex (ii) Wood (iii) Secondary phloem (iv) Phellem The correct order is

    Among the following choose the tissues whose cells have tapering ends. A. Phloem parenchyma B. Tracheids C. Apical meristems D. Fibers.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to secondary growth in woody dicots.

    Cortex is the region found between

    Specialised epidermal cells surrounding the guard cells are called

    The vascular cambium normally gives rise to

    Which of the following is made up of dead cells?

    Identify the wrong statement in context of heartwood.

    Secondary xylem and phloem in dicot stem are produced by

    Match the following of List I with List II with respect to conducting elements of tracheophytes List – I List – II A) Has sieve areas but not sieve plates i) Tracheids B) Has both sieve areas and sieve plates ii) Sieve cells C) Has perforation plate but not sieve areas and sieve plates iii) Vessel elements D) Has neither sieve areas nor perforation plates and sieve plates. iv) Sieve tube elements

    Choose the incorrect statement

    The part of ground tissue system with barrel shaped cells is

    Choose the meristem that does not form complex tissues.

    Neither cork cambium nor vascular cambium form

    Which of the statements given below is not true about formation of annual rings in trees?

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to simple tissues.

    Study the following figure and identify X.

    Choose the feature not shown by autumn wood.

    In a given complex tissue there are no albuminous cells, no sieve cells and no parenchyma but has conducting elements with sieve plates. The complex tissues is

    In a transverse section of a plant organ the following features are seen. A. Vascular bundles are surrounded by bundle sheath. B. More stomata in the lower epidermis than upper epidermis. C. The vascular bundle has adaxial xylem and abaxial phloem. D. Below the upper epidermis elongated green cells with several chloroplasts in each cell. Identify the plant and organ of the plant.

    The layer of dicot axis in secondary growth, is not ruptured due to the activity of cork cambium.

    Ground tissue that can form lateral roots is

    Bulliform cells are

    The cells of cork cambium have the following shape

    Bulliform cells are

    Cells of the following tissue have unevenly thickened primary walls due to deposition of more cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin at the corners.

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Choose the statement not true for stomatal apparatus

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    The transverse section of a plant shows following anatomical features : (a) Large number of scattered vascular bundles surrounded by bundle sheath. (b) Large conspicuous parenchymatous ground tissue. (c) Vascular bundles conjoint and closed. (d) Pholem parenchyma absent. Identify the category of plant and its part :

    Statement A: Xylem is complex tissue Statement B: It has parenchyma, Collenchyma and Sclerenchyma cells

    Large, empty colourless cells of the adaxial epidermis along the veins of grass leaves are

    Which of the following statements about cork cambium is incorrect?

    In the dicot root the vascular cambium originates from :-

    Which of the following statements is true for phloem in plants ?

    Choose the permanent tissue which carries out relatively very few functions.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to bark.

    Choose the wrong match.

    Choose the features shown by the following figure A. Has bordered pits B. Has lignified cell walls C. Predominantly present in pteridophytes D. Has perforation plates.

    Parts of grasses lost due to grazing by animals are regenerated by the activity of

    The components of xylem with various patterns of secondary wall thickenings are seen in I. Tracheids II. Vessels III. Xylem parenchyma IV. Xylem fibers

    The transverse section of a plant shows following anatomical features: (a) Xylem bundles are usually more than six (b) Pith is large and well developed. (c) Hypodermal region is parenchymatous Identify the category of plant and its part:

    Which of the following statement is not correct regarding guard cells?

    The balloon like protrusion into the tracheary elements that develop in heart wood and increases the durability of the wood is called:

    Phloem in monocotyledons lack:

    Identify correct statement in context of heartwood.

    Which of the following is living in nature?

    Identify the correct order of the components with reference to their arrangement from outer side to inner side in bark.

    Characteristic feature of endodermis is

    Dumb-bell shaped guard cells are seen in

    Choose the correct sequence of cells that appear from abaxial to adaxial side of a grass leaf. A. Companion cells B. Vessels C. Bulliform cells

    High deposition of cell wall materials at the corners of cell wall is seen in the following tissue in its primary wall.

    Match the following and choose the correct match List – I List – II A) Polyarch stele i) Sunflower stem B) Tetrarch stele ii) Maize stem C) Eustele iii) Sunflower root D) Atactostele iv) Maize root

    Select the incorrect statements with respect to meristem.

    Identify the lateral meristem that is not secondary in orgin.

    Which of the following features given below are exhibited by primary meristems (A) and secondary meristems (B)? (i) Develop at the later stage of life by de differentiation of permanent tissue. (ii) Appear early in the life of plant. (iii) Cells found in active state of division. (iv) Their activities results in increase in the diameter of plant organ.

    In some plants such as sugarcane, the length of the internode is variable due to the activity of

    Consider the following statements and select the option that correctly fills the blank. (i) The growth of the root and stem in length with the help of apical meristem is called “A” (ii) Both apical and Intercalary meristems are “B” meristems. (iii) “C” meristems occur in the nature region of root and shoot of plants that produce woody axis. (iv)Vascular cambium and cork cambium are examples of “D”meristems.

    A simple permanent tissue

    Select the correct feature(s) from (A) to (D) with respect to collenchyma tissue. (A) Living mechanical tissue. (B) Assimilate food when they contain chloroplasts. (C) Characterised by the presence of thick lignified cell wall (D) Present below the epidermis in the most of monocotyledonous plants.

    Select the correct difference between the given types of simple parenchyma tissue. Parenchyma Sclerenchyma (i) Possesses thin cellulosic cell wall Possesses thick lignified Cell wall (ii) Cell are usually living and isodiametric Cells are usually dead and without protoplast (iii) Provides mechanical strength to the plant Performs the function of Storage and secretion

    All the given functions can be usually performed by parenchyma, except .

    Consider the following statement and state true(T) or false (F). A. Aerenchyma is a type of parenchyma found in aquatic plants. B. Sclereids are found in tea leaves. C. The collenchyma occurs in layers below the epidermis in the monocotyledon stem.

    The gritty texture of fruits such as guava, pear, and sapota is due to the presence of

    Consider the following statements and select the option that correctly fills in the blank. (I) A are elongated or tube-like cells with thick lignified walls and tapering ends. (II) B have highly thickened wall and obliterated lumen. (III) The radial conduction of water takes place by the C (IV) In roots primary xylem is described D

    Read the following statements and choose the correct option. A. Vessel members are interconnected through perforations in their end walls. B. Presence of vessels is a characteristic feature of gymnosperms.

    Which of the following is not a phloem fiber?

    Phloem in gymnosperm is composed of

    The mature sieve tube element lacks a nucleus. So it’s function is controlled by the nucleus of the

    Find the incorrectly matched pair.

    Match Column I and Column II. Column I Column II A Tracheid i Perforations in end walls B Vessels ii Phloem fibers C Sieve tube iii Tapering end D Bast fibres iv Callose Choose the correct option from the following. A B C D 1 iii i iv ii 2 iii i ii iv 3 ii iv iii i 4 ii iii i iv

    Read the following statements carefully. A. The presence of vessels is a characteristic feature of angiosperms. B. Xylem fibres have highly thickened walls and obliterated central lumens. C. Xylem parenchyma cells are living and thin walled and their cell walls are made up of cellulose. D. Xylem parenchyma stores food material in the form of starch, fat and other substances such as tannins. How many statements are correct ?

    The epidermal tissue system is characterized by all of these, except.

    Match the following Column-I (Plant organs) Column-I (Vascular bundles) A. Monocot stem (i) Conjoint B. Dicot root (ii) Collateral (iii) Radial (iv) Open (v) Closed

    The stomatal apparatus includes

    Ground tissue includes

    Vascular bundles of leaf are similar to

    Collenchymatous hypodermis for mechanical strength is found in

    Y-shaped arrangement of xylem vessels is found in

    Suberin is found in the cell wall of

    Read the following statements (A) Epidermal cells are paranchymatous cells and have a small amount of cytoplasm and a large vacuole. (B) Waxy layer cuticle is absent in roots. (c ) In grasses,guard cells are dumbbell shaped. Find the correct option.

    The following anatomical features are related with (a) Presence of sclerenchymatous hypodermis. (b) Presence of water-containing cavities with in vascular bundles (c ) Presence of atactostele.

    Find incorrectly matched pair

    Dicot stem differs from monocot stem in lacking all, except

    What is correct for monocotyledons?

    A transverse section of a typical monocot root shows (A) Barrel-shaped endodermal cells with casparian strips. (B) Diarch to hexarch vascular bundles. (C) Protoxylem towards centre and metaxylem towards periphery. (D)Large well-developed parenchymatous path at the centre.

    Select the incorrect statements from the given below. (i) The parallel venation in monocot leaves is reflected in the nearly sizes of vascular bundles except in the main vein. (ii) Starch sheath is present in root endodermis with casparian strips on tangential and radial walls. (iii)Conjunctive tissue is parenchymatous cells,which lie between xylem and phloem in dicot root. (iv) In maize stem,vascular bundles are scattered in ground tissue with smaller towards center and larger towards periphery.

    Secondary growth usually does not occur in

    Vascular cambium forms xylem on inner side and phloem on outer side due to

    State true (T) or false (F) to the given statements and select the correct option. (A) All tissue layers exterior to vascular cambium constitute bark. (B) Phellogen,phellem,and phelloderm are collectively known as periderm. (C) The peripheral region of secondary xylem is lighter in colour and is known as duramen. (D) Lenticel is lens shaped opening for gaseous exchange and developed during primary growth of plant body.

    Which is not true about phellogen?

    Identify the mismatched pair.

    Which of the following is an incorrect difference between sapwood and heartwood?

    During secondary growth in dicot stem,at certain regions cork cambium cuts off parenchymatous cell on the outer side instead of .

    Cortex that develops during the secondary growth of dicot stem is

    Lenticel and its complementary cells are developed through the activity of

    Balloon-like structure formed by adjacent parenchyma cells into xylem vessels through pits are

    Read the following statements and mark them as true (T) or false (F). (A) Intrafascicular cambium develops in between secondary xylem and secondary phloem during the secondary growth of plant organ. (B) Intrafascicular cambium develops from cells of medullary rays by means of differentiation. (C) The Vascular Cambium ring cuts off secondary xylem away from the centre.

    Bark has

    Consider the following statements and select the option that correctly fills in the blank. (I) In spring season,cambium is A active and produces B wood. (II) In autumn season,cambium is C active and produces D wood.

    Annual rings are bands of

    How many of the given structures are redifferentiated structures developed during secondary growth? Interfascicular cambium,secondary xylem,secondary piloem,phellogen,cork,primary phloem,secondary cortex,complementary cells.

    Examine the figure given below and select the correct option that represents the correct labelling A,B,C and D.

    Examine the figure of root optical meristem given below. Select the correct option for the lables (A-D).

    The given figure represents the position of meristems in stem.Select the correct option to label A,B, and C in the given figure.

    Examine the figure given below and select the correct levels for A,B and C.

    Select the incorrect statement from the following.

    These types of vascular bundles (A,B and C) are present in

    Select the correctly matched option regarding stem anatomy:

    Complementary cells are produced by meristems A and Companion cells are formed by meristem B. A and B are respectively

    Match List I with List II and choose the correct match List – I List – II A) Palisade i) Vascular tissue system B) Stomata ii) Ground tissue system of Leaf C) Endodermis iii) Ground tissue system of Root D) Sieve tubes iv) Epidermal tissue system of leaf

    Sclereids are commonly found in

    An annual ring consists of two kinds of wood that appear as alternate concentric rings. The two types of wood are formed at A time and by the activity of B .

    An annual ring is formed by

    The cells that cut off from the phellogen on the outer side are:

    The dead mechanical tissue present below the epidermis in monocotyledonous stem:

    The heartwood occupies:

    Choose the correct sequence of formation of the following tissues in the life of woody dicot. A. Interfascicular cambium B. Collenchyma C. Secondary xylem D. Secondary cortex

    Match the following and choose the correct match. List – I List – II A) Homogenous mesophyll i) Dicot stem B) Heterogenous mesophyll ii) Dicot root C) Extensive cortex iii) Dorsiventral leaf leaf D) Extensive pith iv) Isobilateral leaf

    Identify the tissue involved in secondary growth that is couple of layers thick and is made of narrow, thin-walled and nearly rectangular cells.

    From the characters given below identify the plant and its organ. A. It has starch-rich endodermis. B. Vascular bundles are collateral with endarch xylem. C. It has an extensive medulla. D. Epidermis has multicellular hairs.

    Match the following and choose the correct match List – I List – II A) Wood meant for conduction i) Heartwood B) Totally deadwood ii) Sapwood C) Wood formed in a year in a plant in very cold conditions iii) Earlywood D) Wood formed in spring or summer of a year in a plant of temperate region iv) Latewood

    Root hairs are the

    The heartwood cannot conduct water because of-

    Vascular bundles surrounded by a sclerenchymatous and fibrous bundle sheath is a feature of-

    The meristem which is involved in secondary growth is

    Which of the following is correct about bivalent of meiosis

    The branch of biology deals with internal structure of plants is called

    Depending on whether the cells being formed are capable of dividing or not, the plant tissues are classifi ed into how many types?

    Apical meristem is present at

    A tissue is a group of cells having a

    Axillary bud is formed from

    The newly-formed cells from primary and secondary meristem, which becomes structurally and functionally specialized and living are called

    Sclereids are present in the pulp of

    Which tissue is characterized by the presence of pits?

    are spherical, oval, cylindrical, highly thickened dead cell with very narrow cavities.

    Sclereids are present in

    None of the cells of which tissue are living and have protoplasts?

    The collenchyma tissue is characterized by

    Which of the following tissues gives tensile strength against bending and swaying?

    What is the most common type of permanent tissue found in almost all plants?

    Hard lignified thick-walled long and pointed cells of a plant are

    Walls of sclerenchyma are

    Collenchyma differs from parenchyma in having

    A simple mechanical tissue devoid of lignin is

    The primary plant body is made up of a. meristematic tissues b. simple permanent tissues c. complex tissues

    Xylem parenchyma stores

    Select the incorrect statement.

    In the stem bundles of angiosperms

    Select the correct matching: Column I Column II A Tracheids i Elongated and tube like cells with thick and lignified wall and tapering ends. B Vessels ii Tube like structure made up of many cells, each cell with lignified wall and large central cavity. C Xylem fibre iii Highly thickened walls and obliterated central lumen. D Xylem parenchyma iv Living cell with thin cell wall made up of cellulose. A B C D 1 ii i iii iv 2 iii i ii iv 3 i ii iii iv 4 iii ii i iv

    How many types of cells are present in the phloem of angiosperm?

    Phloem transports

    Protoplast is absent in all except

    Phloem is composed of all, except

    Phloem of gymnosperms has

    Select the incorrect statement.

    The following are dead components of xylem except

    Following are the features of phloem fibres except

    A mature sieve tube differs from vessel in

    Select the incorrect matching:

    In gymnosperms, which cells are present in place of companion cells in their phloem?

    Both usually vessels and and always companion cells are absent in

    The only plant cells without nuclei among the following are

    Vessels differ from tracheids

    Companion cells are associated with

    Which are usually present in the vascular bundles of gymnosperms?

    The function of storage is performed by

    Lignified cell walls are present in

    Which is correct regarding tracheids?

    Choose the correct statements A. Different plants show structural similarities in their external characters. B. Different plants show some variations in their external features C. Different plants show structural similarities in their internal organisation

    Which is not studied in plant anatomy?

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Tissues of plants are classified into two main groups based on which of the following feature?

    In a typical flowering plant, meristems are present at the following regions. A. Tips of roots B. Tips of Shoot C. Base of Internodes

    Tissue present at the growing regions of plant is

    Statement A : Apical meristem of shoot is exactly at the apical region Statement B : Apical meristem of root is not exactly at the apex but sub-apical in position.

    Apical meristems do not produce

    Parts of grasses lost due to grazing by animals are regenerated by the activity of

    Arrange the following meristems in the correct order of their formation. A. Apical meristems B. Intercalary meristems C. Lateral meristems

    Statement A: Intercalary meristem is a primary meristem Statement B: It gives rise only primary tissues of the plant

    Quiescent centre is

    Cylindrical meristems are

    The Cylindrical meristems are I. Intercalary meristem. II. Cork cambium III. Fascicular cambium IV. Interfascicular cambium

    Which lateral meristem is obtained from procambium?

    Choose the correct statement

    The primary meristem that forms secondary permanent tissues but not primary tissues is

    Which is not a feature of meristem?

    Choose the correct statement.

    These are permanent tissue whose cells are similar in structure and function I. Parenchyma II. Collenchyma III. Sclerenchyma IV. Xylem

    The most abundantly present permanent tissue in the primary plant body is

    Tissue present in all groups of plants is

    Major tissue in various organs of plant is

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to parenchyma.

    Cells may be oval or spherical in A. Parenchyma B. Collenchyma C. Fibers D. Sclereids

    These simple tissues always provide mechanical support to plant organs I. Collenchyma II. Sclerenchyma III. Parenchyma

    These have pits in their cell walls I. parenchyma cells II. Collenchyma cells III. Fibers IV. Sclereids

    Arrange the following simple tissues in an order of increase in the types of functions that they execute in a plant. A. Sclerenchyma B. Parenchyma C. Collenchyma

    Choose incorrect statements with respect to collenchyma A. It has evenly thickened cell walls. B. It has lignin in its cell walls. C. It may possess chloroplasts. D. It’s cells are dead at maturity

    Intercellular spaces are always absent in I. Parenchyma II. Collenchyma III. Sclerenchyma

    Statement A: Xylem is complex tissue Statement B: It has parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells

    Leaves of the following plant have Sclereids (Astrosclereids).

    Complex tissues are different from simple tissues because they have

    Choose the incorrect statements I. Sclereids have only branched pits. II. Lumen is present in collenchyma cells. III. Sclereids always have pointed ends. IV. Some parenchyma cells have suberin in their cell walls.

    The functions of xylem are I. Conduction of water from roots to aerial parts II. Transport of minerals absorbed by roots to aerial parts. III. Providing mechanical support. IV. Storage of food materials mainly in the form of starch and fat.

    Choose the feature not shown by tracheids.

    The components of xylem with obliterated lumen are

    These components of xylem are not involved in radial conduction I. Xylem parenchyma II. Xylem fibers III. Vessels

    The components of xylem with various patterns of secondary wall thickenings are seen in I. Tracheids II. Vessels III. Xylem parenchyma IV. Xylem fibers

    In the primary xylem of leaf

    Phloem of dicots has A. Sieve cells B. Sieve tubes C. Companion cells D. Phloem fibers E. Phloem parenchyma F. Albuminous cells

    Sieve tube elements of phloem are associated with

    Sieve tube elements are different from sieve cells in

    Phloem parenchyma cells are

    This component of Phloem is absent in most of the Monocots

    The phloem parenchyma is different from other component cells of the phloem in A. storing Resin B. Storing latex C. storing mucilage D. storing food materials.

    These components of complex tissue have more commercial value

    If you are asked to notice the components of phloem of maize what components of phloem you can notice?

    Choose the set of cells of phloem between which plasmodesmatal connections are present A. Phloem parenchyma cell – Phloem parenchyma cell B. Sieve tube element – Companion cells C. Sieve tube element – Phloem fiber D. Phloem parenchyma cell – Phloem fiber

    Choose the correct statement.

    In Primary phloem of root

    Flax is

    The phloem fiber of Cannabis sativa is commercially called as

    Albuminous cells are present in

    Strasburger cells are

    Choose the correct statement

    Statement A: Cells of parenchyma of cortex are different from the cells of pericycle parenchyma. Statement B: Cells of cortical parenchyma are relatively larger with prominent intercellular spaces and pericycle parenchyma cells are smaller and without intercellular spaces.

    Tissue systems are classified into three types based on A. Location B. Structure C. Function

    The first formed tissue system in the plant body is

    Cells of Epidermis are I. Tangentially elongated II. Compactly arranged III. Without intercellular spaces IV. Have dense cytoplasm

    Choose the correct statement.

    Cuticle is absent in

    Stomatal complex has

    The smallest cells of epidermis of aerial plant parts are

    Guard cells are different from other epidermal cells in A. Size B. Shape C. Thickness of cell wall

    Radially arranged cellulose microfibrils are present in the cell wall of

    Choose the correct statement with respect to terrestrial dicots.

    The usual number of cells in typical stomate or stomatal complex is

    In a terrestrial light loving flowering plant, the chloroplast containing cells of epidermis are

    Leaves of maize are best described as

    Bulliform cells are present

    Bulliform cells are also known as A. Cork cells B. Expansion cells C. Motor cells D. Silica cells

    Which structure does not belong to epidermal tissue system?

    Trichoblasts are

    Choose the incorrect match

    These are most commonly unicellular

    Which structures of epidermis can carry out secretory function?

    Statement A: Epidermis of root is not involved in transpiration. Statement B: Root epidermis is not having stomata.

    Choose the incorrect statement

    Epiblem is the term given to

    Which part of plant body belongs to neither epidermal tissue system nor vascular tissue system?

    The plant organ in which complete ground tissue system is interpolated between epidermal tissue system and vascular tissue system is A. Root B. Stem C. Leaf

    Arrange the following parts of ground tissue system of dicot stem in correct centripetal sequence A. Endodermis B. Hypodermis C. Pericycle D. Medulla

    Bundle sheath belongs to

    Choose the incorrect pair

    Collenchymatous part of Ground tissue system of dicot stem is

    Conjunctive tissue of a root is not present

    The outermost region of stelar ground tissue system and inner most region of cortical ground tissue system is respectively A. Hypodermis B. Endodermis C. Medulla D. Pericycle

    Apical meristem of lateral roots originates from

    This one does not belong to ground tissue system A. Passage cells B. Bundle caps C. Companion cells D. Albuminous cells

    The correct sequence centrifugal of distribution of tissues in an open vascular bundle of typical dicot stem is A. Xylem B. Cambium C. Phloem

    Vascular bundle that have the ability to form secondary xylem and secondary phloem are seen in

    Xylem and phloem are arranged on separate radii in the vascular bundles of

    Xylem is always in direct contact with phloem in the vascular bundles of I. Dicot stem II. Gymnosperm stem III. Dicot leaf IV. Monocot stem

    Bicollateral vascular bundles are seen in the stems of certain families of

    Vascular bundles with exarch xylem are usually the bundles of

    In a Bicollateral vascular bundle there are A. two groups of phloem B. two groups of xylems C. two strips of cambia

    Fibrovascular bundles are

    Number of phloem groups are double the number of xylem groups in

    Stem nodal bundles of Yucca are described as

    The conjoint vascular bundles with only inner phloem and outer xylem are

    The ground tissue present between xylem and phloem of root vascular bundles is called

    Cucurbita stem has

    Xylem and phloem are arranged in alternate radii in I. Dicot leaf II. Monocot leaf III. Dicot root IV. Monocot root

    Conjoint vascular bundles are seen in I. Dicot stem II. Dicot leaf III. Monocot stem IV. Monocot leaf

    These are exclusively present in the vascular bundles but not in other parts of plant A. Sieve cells B. Tracheids C. Parenchyma D. Fibers

    Casparian strips are chemically made of

    In internal organization dicot root is different from its stem in

    Innermost layer of cortex and outermost region of stele are respectively named as

    Arrange the following parts of root in correct centrifugal sequence. A. Endodermis B. Epidermis C. Pericycle D. Xylem

    Conjunctive tissue of root can show direct contact with A. Endodermis B. Pericycle C. Xylem D. Phloem E. Medulla F. Cortex

    Stele of an angiospermic plant is present

    Choose the correct one with respect to sunflower root.

    Casparian strips are found in the cells of

    In sunflower root, each xylem bundle has the following number of radial rows of tracheary elements.

    Statement A: Monocot root does not show normal secondary growth. Statement B: Monocot roots do not have conjunctive tissue.

    Monocot roots are different from dicot roots in having

    In a root endodermis, passage cells are present

    The xylem condition in monocot root is described as

    Choose the incorrect statement

    Structures of dicot root that can dedifferentiate are A. Pericycle B. Conjunctive tissue C. Endodermis D. Cortex

    Cortex of dicot stem is demarcated into

    Vascular bundles are arranged in the form of a ring in the stele of

    Choose the correct statement with respect to Dicot stem.

    Statement A: Pericycle of dicot stem provides mechanical support. Statement B: Pericycle of dicot stem is single layered.

    Vascular bundles of dicot stem are

    Vascular bundles of dicot stem are I. Radial II. Collateral III. Open IV. Endarch

    Medullary rays are a part of

    The parts of dicot stem that can show dedifferentiation to form secondary meristems. I. Pericycle II. General cortex III. Medullary rays IV. Medulla

    Statement A: Medullary rays are a part of stele. Statement B: They belong to vascular tissue system.

    Tyloses are commonly seen in

    Choose from the following that never assimilate food materials by photosynthesis. A. Parenchyma B. Meristems C. Collenchyma D. Sclereids

    If a vascular bundle has meristem between xylem and phloem in the same radius, the vascular bundle is best described as

    If a vascular bundle has meristem between xylem and phloem in the same radius, the vascular bundle is best described as

    Mesophyll is

    Identify the incorrect statement

    In which type of vascular bundles the xylem and phloem are jointly situated along the same radius?

    Pits are usually present in the cell wall of

    Choose the one that does not belong to ground tissue system

    Epiblema is

    Statement A: Vascular cambium cuts secondary xylem towards the cortex of stem. Statement B: Cork cambium forms more cork than secondary cortex.

    The cells that regulate the opening and closing of the stomata

    Casparian strips are the deposition of:

    Secondary growth is usually found in :

    Anatomically dicot roots differ from monocot roots in having

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Choose the correct order of formation of various meristems in a woody dicot plant during its growth and development.

    Stomatal complex has

    The first formed tissue system in the plant body is

    Choose the incorrect match

    Vascular bundles with exarch xylem are usually the bundles of

    A given dicot stem and dicot leaf respectively have the vascular bundles as

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    These are exclusively present in the vascular bundles but not in other parts of plant A. Sieve cells B. Tracheids C. Parenchyma D. Fibers

    Which is not a part of vascular tissue system?

    Vascular cambium is

    Statement A: Secondary medullary rays may be formed from cells of primary medullary rays of dicot stem upon dedifferentiation and later redifferentiation. Statement B: Cells of primary medullary rays present between fascicular cambia of adjacent vascular bundles of dicot stem regain meristematic activity and form interfascicular cambium which give rise ray parenchyma of secondary xylem and secondary phloem that together form vascular rays or secondary medullary rays.

    An annual ring has

    Duramen is

    Which one of the following secondary tissues is resistant to the attacks of microbes and insects?

    Statement A: Heartwood provides mechanical support to the plant Statement B: Heartwood is involved in conduction.

    Which one of the following is green secondary tissue?

    Bark is

    Choose the correct statement with respect to secondary growth of dicot root.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to secondary growth in dicot root

    Choose the incorrect pair

    Statement A: Cork is impermeable to water. Statement B: Cell walls of cork are highly lignified

    Bark has

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Dicot stem i. Long pointed sclerenchyma cells b. Monocots roots ii. Vascular bundles arranged in the form of ring c. Sclereids iii. Polyarch and exarch vascular bundles d. Fibres iv. Pulp of a fruit

    Cells may be oval or spherical in A. Parenchyma B. Collenchyma C. Fibers D. Sclereids

    The most abundant permanent tissue in the primary plant body is

    Choose the incorrect statements I. Sclereids have only branched pits II. Lumen is present in collenchyma cells III. Sclereids always have pointed ends. IV. Some parenchyma cells have suberin in their cell walls

    Statement A: Xylem is complex tissue Statement B: It has parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma cells

    Choose the incorrect statement

    In the primary xylem of leaf

    Phloem of dicots has A. Sieve cells B. Sieve tubes C. Companion cells D. Phloem fibers E. Phloem parenchyma F. Albuminous cells

    What is the shape of guard cells of maize and sorghum?

    Xylem is always in direct contact with phloem in the vascular bundles of I. Dicot stem II. Gymnosperm stem III. Dicot leaf IV. Monocot stem

    Choose the correct statement with respect to Vascular cambium of dicot stem.

    Spring wood is different from autumn wood in

    Secondary medullary rays are seen in A. Primary phloem B. Secondary cortex C. Secondary phloem D. Secondary xylem

    Cork cambium has

    Choose the correct statements. A. Cork has both living and dead cells B. Periderm has both permanent and meristematic tissues C. Bark has both permanent and meristematic tissues.

    Cork cambium forms the following tissue of plant during secondary growth.

    During secondary growth, at some places, the cambium forms a narrow band of parenchyma, which passes through the secondary xylem and the secondary phloem in the radial directions in stems and roots. This narrow band is called:

    Which of the following is the correct statement w.r.t. the cells that are much thickened at the corners due to the deposition of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin?

    Which of the following is not the characteristic feature of monocot roots?

    Subsidiary cells are

    Secondary cortex is formed from

    Choose the meristem that does not appear early in the life of a primary dicot.

    Choose the incorrect statements. I. Tracheids are interconnected through perforations in their common walls II. Xylem fibers may be septate or aseptate with obliterated lumen III. Sieve tube elements are living anucleated cells with sieve-like perforations in their end walls. IV. Phloem fibers are common in primary phloem and seldom seen in secondary phloem.

    The meristem that occurs in grasses and regenerates parts removed by the grazing herbivores is:

    Identify the incorrect statement w.r.t. ground tissue system.

    Choose the incorrect statements with respect to secondary growth of dicots. A. Vascular cambium forms more secondary xylem than secondary phloem B. Cork cambium forms more secondary cortex towards the centre than cork towards periphery C. Pericycle of root gives rise only vascular cambium at the time of secondary growth D. Conjunctive tissue of dicot root forms much of the vascular cambium

    A parenchyma cell shows all function, except :

    Match the following. Column I Column II A Has medullary rays i Dorsiventral leaf B Has scattered vascular bundles of variable sizes ii Dicot stem C Has conjuctive tissue iii Monocot stem D Has elongated, green, vertical and parallelly arranged cells iv Monocot root

    Choose the primary organ of the plant not formed by primary meristems.

    The anatomical differences between dicot root and monocot root is/are A. Dicot root has more pith and it is little in monocot root B. Dicot root usually shows diarch to tetrarch and exarch condition in stele and monocot root shows polyarch and exarch condition. C. Dicot root forms cork cambium from pericycle but monocot root usually does not form cork cambium.

    Statement A: Lenticels have complementary cells. Statement B: Complementary cells are formed from cork cambium

    All are true about permanent tissues, except:

    Vascular bundles are conjoint and open in

    Select the incorrect statement w.r.t. monocot root.

    Select the odd one w.r.t. ground tissue system.

    Parenchyma is living tissue. Select the incorrect one about it.

    Roots do not show the differentiation of

    Starch sheath is found in endodermis of

    Exarch and polyarchy condition is found in

    Intercalary meristems

    A mature sieve tube differs from a vessel in

    Read the following statements with respect to dicot stem and select the right choice. (i) The epidermis is covered with a thick layer of cuticle. (ii) The cells of endodermis are rich in starch grains. (iii) The pericycle is present on the inner side of endodermis and above the phloem in the form of semilunar patches of sclerenchyama. (iv) The vascular bundles are arranged in a ring.

    Secondary growth brought about by vascular cambium in dicots is a type of

    The vascular cambium of dicot root originates from

    Identify the living plant tissues, whose main function is to provide buoyancy to the plant.

    Identify the correct statements with respect to secondary growth in dicot roots.

    In the stem of a typical dicot plant, pericycle exists in the form of patches. These patches are formed by

    Stomata open and close due to

    (i) Cork cambium is an example of lateral meristem. (ii) In the young dicot stem, cambium is present in patches as a single layer between xylem and phloem.. (iii) Interfasciucular cambium and intrafacicular cambium combinedly form cambial ring Among the above statements, which are correct?

    The vascular cambium is generally more active on the ……. A ……. and produce more …… B……. What is A and B, respectively?

    What happens during vascularization in plants?

    Typically, gymnosperms lack

    Given type of plant cells are found in all of the following, except

    A typical monocotyledonous root is characterized by

    Which of the following tissue systems constitute bulk of the plant body?

    How many of the given statements are correct w.r.t meristmatic tissues? A. The meristems which occur at the tips of roots and shoots are primary meristems. B. Some cells ‘left behind’ from the shoot apical meristem constitutes the accessory bud. C. Cork cambium is responsible for producing secondary tissues. D. The process of formation of structurally and functionally specialised cells is known as dedifferentiation. E. The intercalary meristem occurs in grasses and regenerates parts removed by grazing herbivore. F. Interfascicular cambium and fascicular vascular cambium are absent in woody plant axis.

    All are the tissue systems of plant, based on their structure and location, except

    The tissue that will be present in the maximum amount in the stem of a many years old woody tree is

    If a tree of temperate region shows 20 rings of light colour secondary xylem alternating with 20 rings of dark colour secondary xyelm then the age of tree is

    The region of ground tissue system present just below epidermis can be

    Guard cells a. enclose stomatal pore b. are dumb-bell shaped in dicots c. possess chloroplast and RuBisCo in onion. d. regulates opening and closing of stomata

    The type of vascular bundle in which xylem and phloem are situated at same radius, is present in (i) root (ii) stem (iii) leaf

    Bulliform cells are

    Which among the structure has an elongated, unbranched, pointed, and needle-like apices?

    The elongated or tube-like cells, with thick, lignified walls and tapering ends are

    Water containing cavities and cambium are present within the vascular bundles of (respectively)

    In young dicot stem, vascular cambium is

    The peripheral region of secondary xylem is in colour and is known as .

    The non-technical term that refers to all tissues exterior to vascular cambium

    Identify the statements as true (T) or false (F) w.r.t secondary growth in root and choose the correct option. I. Vascular cambium is partially secondary in origin. II. Vascular cambium is formed as continuous and complete but wavy ring. III. Cork cambium arises from cortical cells. I II III 1 T F F 2 F T T 3 T T F 4 F T F

    Read the following statements carefully : (A) Present below epidermis in dicot stem. (B) Cells are much thickened at the corners due to deposition of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin. (C) Provide mechanical support to the growing parts. These all are the features of

    Trichomes of shoot system can be all, except

    In grass, regeneration of parts removed by grazing herbivore, is done by

    Thick lignified walls are not present in

    Find the correctly matched pair. A. Companion cells – Maintain pressure gradient in the sieve tubes. B. Collenchyma – As patches below epidermis in monocot stem. C. Fibers – Longest cells of plant which generally occurs in group. D. Phloem parenchyma- Is absent in most monocots. E. Sieve tube elements – Peripheral cytoplasm with large central vacuole and prominent nucleus.

    I. The specialised cells present in vicinity of guard cells are known as A . II. Ground tissue of leaves is called B . III. Cuticle is absent in C . IV. D help in preventing water loss due to transpiration.

    Choose the correct statement.

    Starch sheath is starch rich

    Choose the incorrect statement w.r.t internal structure of dicot leaf.

    Find the odd one out w.r.t. secondary meristem arising in later stages of plant life.

    Vascular cambium cuts towards inner side.

    Spring wood is different from autumn wood in

    Cork-cambium in a dicot root is formed by

    Which tissue is not correctly related to its fate during the secondary growth?

    Read the following statements and select the CORRECT ones (i) Phloem parenchyma is absent in most monocots. (ii) Gymnosperms lack tracheids and vessels. (iii) Gymnosperms lack companion cells.

    The cork cambium, cork and secondary cortex are collectively called

    Select the MISMATCHED pair out of the following.

    Identify the feature that holds true for both root hair and trichomes

    Cells with uneven thickness of primary wall are seen in

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Help in rolling and unrolling of lamina i Trichomes B Help in movement of stomata ii Trichoblasts C Help in absorption of water iii Guard cells D Help in minimising transpiratory loss of water. iv Motor cells Choose the correct answer from the options given. A B C D 1 iii iv ii i 2 iv iii ii i 3 iv iii i ii 4 iii i ii iv

    Which amongst the following meristems are primary in origin but are involved in secondary growth?

    Which of the following meristems are lateral meristems?

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Vessels i. Cells are living, with thin cellulosic cell walls b. Tracheids ii. Cells possess highly thickened walls with narrow or obliterated central lumen c. Xylem fibres iii. Individual members are inter-connected through perforations in their common walls d. Xylem parenchyma iv. Elongated tube-like cells with thick, lignified walls and tapering ends a b c d 1. iv iii ii i 2. iii iv ii i 3. ii iv iii i 4. iv ii iii i

    Assertion: Collenchyma is known as living mechanical tissue Reason: They provide support to the growing parts of dicot plant such as young stem, branches and petioles of leaf.

    Sclereids are present in (a) leaves of tea (b) grit of guava and pear (c) seed coats of legumes

    Statement A : Tracheids are dead and are without protoplasm. Statement B: The presence of tracheids but not vessels is a characteristic feature of angiosperms.

    Study of internal organisation of plants is called

    Assertion: Sclerenchyma is a permanent tissue. Reason: When suitable conditions are provided, the cells of sclerenchyma can divide and form secondary meristem.

    Statement A: Parenchyma is the most common type of tissue present in primary plant body Statement B: All organs of flowering plant possess parenchyma.

    The tissue with unevenly thickened cell walls is

    The main function of collenchyma is

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Present only in gymnosperms i Tracheids B Present only in angiosperms ii Sieve cells C Present in both pteridophytes and gymnosperms but not in angiosperms iii Sieve tubes D Present in all tracheophytes iv Albuminous cells Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iii iv i ii 3 iv i ii iii 4 iii iv ii i

    Choose the cells or cells of tissue that have pits in their cell wall. A. Parenchyma B. Sclereids C. Collenchyma D. Fibers

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Present only in gymnosperms i Tracheids B Present only in angiosperms ii Sieve cells C Present in both pteridophytes and gymnosperms but not in angiosperms iii Sieve tubes D Present in all tracheophytes iv Albuminous cells Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iii iv i ii 3 iv i ii iii 4 iii iv ii i

    All the three types of tissue systems of primary plant body are formed by

    Arrange the following types of tissues of in a sequence of gradual increase in number of types of cells in them. A. Primary phloem of monocots B. Parenchyma C. Xylem of dicots

    Statement A: Epidermis consists only one type of tissue. Statement B: Stem epidermis has more than one type of cells.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Guard cells of dicot are

    All types of stomata have A. Stoma or the pore B. Subsidiary cells C. Guard cells

    Guard cell of grasses are

    Epiblema is

    Statement A: Stomatal apparatus does not consists of trichoblasts. Statement B: Trichoblasts do not belong to epidermal tissue system.

    Assertion: Guard cells regulate the opening and closing of stomata. Reason: Guard cells show variation is turgor pressure.

    Assertion: Guard cells perform photosynthesis. Reason: Every epidermal cell of leaf has chloroplasts.

    Trichomes are

    Arrange the following in correct sequence of increase in the number of types of cells in its structure. A. Upper epidermis of maize leaf B. Root epidermis in elongation region. C. Lower epidermis of maize leaf D. Maturation region of root.

    Choose the correct statement.

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Conjoint, collateral and closed vascular bundles i Solanaceae stems B Conjoint, collateral and open vascular bundles ii Roots C Radial separate vascular bundles iii Fabaceae stems D Conjoint, bicollateral and open vascular bundles. iv Liliaceae stems Choose the correct answer from the options given. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iv iii i ii 3 iii iv ii i 4 iv i iii ii

    Choose the incorrect statements. I. Trichomes are always multicellular II. Trichomes are always unicellular. III. Trichomes are always unbranched. IV. Trichomes are always branched.

    In the epidermis, radially oriented cellulose fibrils in the cell wall is seen in

    Periderm is a part of

    Choose the correct pair

    All the three types of simple tissues can be present in

    Extrastelar ground tissue system of root has

    Ground tissue system of monocot stem has

    Choose the one that neither belongs to vascular tissue system nor epidermal tissue system.

    Conjunctive tissue is a part of

    Medullary rays are a part of ground tissue system of

    Medulla is a part of ground tissue system of A. Dicot leaf B. Monocot leaf C. Dicot stem D. Monocot root

    Stele of a plant axis has

    Assertion: Vascular bundle of dicot stem is described as open. Reason: Dicot stem bundles have cambium between xylem and phloem.

    Radial vascular bundles are present in

    The vascular bundles of leaves of angiosperms are described as

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    The most primitive type of vascular bundles are

    Vascular bundles with mesarch xylem is seen in

    The vascular bundles of stems of Yucca and Dracaena of liliaceae are described as

    Identify the type of vascular bundle represented in the following structure.

    Vascular bundles of most of the fern stems are described as

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Conjoint, collateral and closed vascular bundles i Solanaceae stems B Conjoint, collateral and open vascular bundles ii Roots C Radial separate vascular bundles iii Fabaceae stems D Conjoint, bicollateral and open vascular bundles. iv Liliaceae stems Choose the correct answer from the options given. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iv iii i ii 3 iii iv ii i 4 iv i iii ii

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Number of xylary strands in the stele of dicot root is

    Identify the type of vascular bundles present in the following structure

    Identify the type of vascular bundles present in the following structure

    Conjunctive tissue is

    Assertion: Roots have centripetal xylem Reason: In the root the xylem is differentiated from periphery towards the center.

    Number of xylem patches seen in the stele of sunflower root is

    Casparian strips are chemically made of

    It is always single layered structure in dicot root. A. Epidermis B. Endodermis C. Pericycle D. Exodermis

    The structures of dicot root that can show dedifferentiation during secondary growth are A. Pericycle B. Endodermis C. Pith D. Conjunctive tissue

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    In dicot roots without pith or medulla, the central region of the root is occupied by

    Arrange the following parts of dicot root in correct centripetal sequence. A. Endodermis B. Metaxylem C. Epiblema D. Pericycle

    In a dicot root with tetrarch condition, the conjunctive tissue can establish direct contact with A. Pericycle B. Pith C. Metaxylem D. Protoxylem E. Phloem

    One of the following structures is seen only in root internal structure but not in stems.

    Which one of the following is not a part of stele of dicot root?

    A monocot root differs from dicot root in having

    A monocot root differs from dicot root in having

    A monocot root differs from dicot root in having

    A monocot root differs from dicot root in having

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Forms cork cambium i Epiblema B Forms bulk of vascular cambium ii Endodermis C Has passage cells iii Conjunctive tissue D Has trichoblasts. iv Pericycle Choose the correct answer from the options given. A B C D 1 iv i iii ii 2 iii iv ii i 3 iv iii ii i 4 ii iii i iv

    Exodermis of a root is

    A monocot root differs from dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Monocot root shows similarity with dicot root in

    Choose the incorrect pair.

    Choose the incorrect pair with respect to dicot root.

    Choose the incorrect pair with respect to monocot root

    Based on the following internal characters, identify the organ of angiosperms. A. Vascular bundles are radial sperate and exarch xylem. B. Usually two to four vascular bundles are present in the stele. C. Cortex is more extensive than stele D. Stele has little of no pith.

    Based on the following internal characters, identify the organ of angiosperms. A. Vascular bundles are radial sperate and exarch xylem. B. Usually two to four vascular bundles are present in the stele. C. Cortex is more extensive than stele D. Stele has little of no pith.

    Based on the following internal characters, identify the organ of angiosperms. A. Vascular bundles are radial sperate and exarch xylem. B. More than six vascular bundles are present in the stele. C. Cortex is more extensive than stele D. Stele has extensive pith.

    Choose the incorrect pair.

    Endodermis of which of the following organ of angiosperms is named as starch sheath?

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Assertion: Stele of dicot stem is described as eustele. Reason: In the stele the vascular bundles are arranged in the form of a ring.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to dicot stem.

    Statement A: Dicot stem has open and endarch vascular bundles. Statement B: Each vascular bundle of dicot stem has cambium between xylem and phloem and protoxylem is towards the center and metaxylem towards the periphery.

    Assertion: Stele of dicot stem is described as atactostele. Reason: In the stele the vascular bundles are arranged in the form of a ring.

    Statement A: Dicot stem has open and endarch vascular bundles. Statement B: Each vascular bundle of dicot stem has no cambium between xylem and phloem and protoxylem is towards the center and metaxylem towards the periphery.

    Statement A: Dicot stem has closed and endarch vascular bundles. Statement B: Each vascular bundle of dicot stem has cambium between xylem and phloem and protoxylem is towards the center and metaxylem towards the periphery.

    Assertion: Stele of dicot stem is described as eustele. Reason: In the stele conjoint collateral vascular bundles are present.

    Statement A: Monocot stem has open and endarch vascular bundles. Statement B: Each vascular bundle of monocot stem has cambium between xylem and phloem with peripheral xylem and central phloem.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Dicot stem i Conjunctive tissue with extensive pith B Monocot stem ii Conjunctive tissue without pith C Dicot root iii Medullary rays with extensive pith D Monocot root iv Have neither conjunctive tissue nor medullary rays. Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iii i iv ii 2 iii iv ii i 3 iv iii ii i 4 i iv ii iii

    Endodermis is not organised in the internal organisation of

    Epidermis has cuticle, stomata with dumbbell shaped guard cells but usually trichomes are absent in the internal organisation of

    Vascular bundles with 3 or 4 vessels arranged in the form of V or Y are present in

    Sclerenchymatous hypodermis is present in the internal structure of

    Pericycle is not organised in the internal organisation of

    Medulla is not organised in the internal organisation of

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Dicot stem i Closed endarch vascular bundles B Monocot stem ii Polyarch and exarch xylem in the stele C Dicot root iii Open endarch vascular bundles. D Monocot root iv Tetrarch and exarch vascular bundles in the stele Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iii i iv ii 2 iii iv i ii 3 iv iii i ii 4 i iv ii iii

    Atactostele is present in

    All the vascular bundles are not present in the same perimeter in

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Dicot stem i Closed endarch vascular bundles B Monocot stem ii Polyarch and exarch xylem in the stele C Dicot root iii Open endarch vascular bundles. D Monocot root iv Tetrarch and exarch vascular bundles in the stele Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iii i iv ii 2 iii iv i ii 3 iv iii i ii 4 i iv ii iii

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Fibrovascular bundles are present in

    Medullary rays are not organised in the internal organisation of

    Vascular bundles with lysigenous cavity are present in

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Peripheral vascular bundles having contact with hypodermis are seen in

    Monocot stem lacks

    Identify the pair of plants suitable for studying secondary growth.

    Read the given table of differences between two secondary tissues X and Y. X Y 1. It is composed of dead cells. It is composed of living cells. 2. It is protective in function. It takes part in storage of food. 3. Cell walls are impermeable. Cell walls are permeable. 4. The cells are compactly arranged. The cells enclose small intercellular spaces. Select the correct option regarding X and Y. X Y 1. Phloem fibre Companion cell. 2. Sieve tube Vessel 3. Epidermis Cortex 4. Phellem Phelloderm

    During secondary growth in dicot root, phellogen forms towards outer side.

    Match Column I with Column II and find the correct match. Column I Column II a. Complementary cells i. Spring wood and Autumn wood. b. Heart wood ii. Associated with lenticels formation. c. Sap wood iii. Non-functional secondary xylem. d. Annual ring iv. Functional secondary xylem a b c d 1. ii iii iv i 2. i ii iii iv 3. iv iii ii i 4. iii ii iv i

    The cross section of a trunk of tree shows 50 annual rings, the age of tree is

    Vascular bundles with water containing cavities are present in

    Vascular bundles of leaf are

    Choose the structures that is absent in the internal organisation of leaf. A. Pericycle B. Medulla C. Medullary rays or conjunctive tissue D. Cortex

    Assertion: Upper epidermis of dorsiventral leaf is different from lower epidermis. Reason: Upper epidermis of bifacial leaf has more number of stomata than lower epidermis.

    Assertion: Upper epidermis of dorsiventral leaf is different from lower epidermis. Reason: Upper epidermis of bifacial leaf has more number of stomata than lower epidermis.

    Assertion: Upper epidermis of dorsiventral leaf is different from lower epidermis. Reason: Upper epidermis of bifacial leaf has more number of stomata than lower epidermis.

    Assertion: Upper epidermis of dorsiventral leaf is not different from lower epidermis. Reason: Upper epidermis of bifacial leaf has more number of stomata than lower epidermis.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Which amongst the following meristems are primary in origin but are involved in secondary growth?

    Assertion: Upper epidermis of dorsiventral leaf is different from lower epidermis. Reason: Upper epidermis of bifacial leaf has more number of stomata than lower epidermis.

    Select the incorrect match.

    Sclereids are present in (a) leaves of tea (b) grit of guava and pear (c) seed coats of legumes

    Assertion: Upper epidermis of dorsiventral leaf is different from lower epidermis. Reason: Upper epidermis of bifacial leaf has less or no guard cells and lower epidermis has more guard cells.

    Statement A : Tracheids are dead and are without protoplasm. Statement B: The presence of tracheids but not vessels is a characteristic feature of angiosperms.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Which of the following meristems are lateral meristems?

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Vessels i. Cells are living, with thin cellulosic cell walls b. Tracheids ii. Cells possess highly thickened walls with narrow or obliterated central lumen c. Xylem fibres iii. Individual members are inter-connected through perforations in their common walls d. Xylem parenchyma iv. Elongated tube-like cells with thick, lignified walls and tapering ends a b c d 1. iv iii ii i 2. iii iv ii i 3. ii iv iii i 4. iv ii iii i

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Vessels i. Cells are living, with thin cellulosic cell walls b. Tracheids ii. Cells possess highly thickened walls with narrow or obliterated central lumen c. Xylem fibres iii. Individual members are inter-connected through perforations in their common walls d. Xylem parenchyma iv. Elongated tube-like cells with thick, lignified walls and tapering ends a b c d 1. iv iii ii i 2. iii iv ii i 3. ii iv iii i 4. iv ii iii i

    Choose the correct statement.

    Choose the correct statement.

    Assertion: Collenchyma is known as living mechanical tissue Reason: They provide support to the growing parts of dicot plant such as young stem, branches and petioles of leaf.

    Choose the correct statement.

    Choose the correct statement.

    Assertion: Leaves of dicots are mostly bifacial leaves. Reason: Dorsal side and ventral sides of leaves may have stomata.

    Assertion: Leaves of dicots are mostly dorsiventral leaves. Reason: Dorsal side of leaf is dark green and ventral side is light green.

    Cells with non-lignified, unevenly thickened cell walls specialised for mechanical functions are present in

    Choose the correct pair with respect to dorsiventral leaf.

    Choose the correct pair with respect to dorsiventral leaf.

    Assertion: Leaves of dicots show lot of variation in the size of vascular bundles. Reason: Dicots usually have reticulate venation.

    In a dicot leaf, the tissue with large intercellular spaces is

    In one of the following plants both palisade and spongy tissues of mesophyll are almost equally distributed in the adaxial as well as abaxial sides.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to monocot (isobilateral) leaf.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to monocot (isobilateral) leaf.

    Bulliform cells are present in

    Choose the correct statement with respect to monocot (isobilateral) leaf.

    Bulliform cells of grasses are arranged in the form of

    Study of internal organisation of plants is called

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Cells of a tissue present in the seed coats of pea i Fibers B Tissue present in the hypodermal region of pea stem ii Parenchyma C The most abundant tissue in primary plant body of pea iii Sclereids D Cells of tissue with lignified walls and pointed ends iv Collenchyma Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iii iv i ii 3 iv i ii iii 4 iii iv ii i

    Assertion: Sclerenchyma is a permanent tissue. Reason: When suitable conditions are provided, the cells of sclerenchyma can divide and form secondary meristem.

    Choose the components of complex tissues that do not belong to simple tissues. A. Sieve cells B. Sieve tubes C. Vessels D. Tracheids

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Various patterns of secondary cell wall depositions over primary wall is seen in A. Fibers B. Vessel members C. Sclereids D. Tracheids

    Choose the meristems not involved in secondary growth. A. Apical meristems B. Intercalary meristems C. All primary meristems. D. Cylindrical meristems.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Cells of a tissue present in the seed coats of pea i Fibers B Tissue present in the hypodermal region of pea stem ii Parenchyma C The most abundant tissue in primary plant body of pea iii Sclereids D Cells of tissue with lignified walls and pointed ends iv Collenchyma Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iii iv i ii 3 iv i ii iii 4 iii iv ii i

    Normal secondary growth is not shown by

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Statement A: Parenchyma is the most common type of tissue present in primary plant body Statement B: All organs of flowering plant possess parenchyma.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to vascular cambium of dicot stem.

    Which tissue is absent in monocots?

    In woody dicot, secondary growth is not shown by

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    The main function of collenchyma is

    Statement A: Primary medullary rays belong to ground tissue system Statement B: Secondary medullary rays belong to vascular tissue system.

    Assertion: Pea plant does not show secondary growth. Reason: It lacks lateral meristems.

    Axillary bud is formed from

    Choose the correct statement.

    Meristem with dimorphic vacuolated cells is

    Choose the cells or cells of tissue that have pits in their cell wall. A. Parenchyma B. Sclereids C. Collenchyma D. Fibers

    Latex is usually stored in

    Read the following and identify the tissue or component of tissue with these features. a. End walls of cells have perforations. b. At maturity cells have cytoplasm but not nucleus.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Statement A: Growth in plants by the activity of vascular cambium is an example for arithmetic growth. Statement B: During secondary growth by lateral meristems, out of the two daughter cells formed due to division in vascular cambial cell, one cell retains the ability to divide and the other one permanently loose the ability to divide.

    Which of the following tissue is not formed during secondary growth?

    Phloem parenchyma is usually absent in

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Present only in gymnosperms i Tracheids B Present only in angiosperms ii Sieve cells C Present in both pteridophytes and gymnosperms but not in angiosperms iii Sieve tubes D Present in all tracheophytes iv Albuminous cells Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iii iv i ii 3 iv i ii iii 4 iii iv ii i

    Arrange the following types of tissues of in a sequence of gradual increase in number of types of cells in them. A. Primary phloem of monocots B. Parenchyma C. Xylem of dicots

    Duramen is

    Arrange the following of vascular bundle of angiospermic leaf from adaxial side to abaxial side. A. Phloem B. Proto xylem C. Metaxylem

    The vascular cambial ring of a dicot stem is

    Read the different components from (i) to (iv) in the list given below and tell the correct order of the components with reference to their arrangement from outer side to inner side in a woody dicot stem. (a) Secondary cortex (b) Secondary xylem (c) Secondary phloem (d) Phellem

    In (i) , protoxylem lies towards periphery and metaxylem lies towards centre. Such an arrangement of primary xylem is called as (ii) . Identify (i) and (ii) and select the correct option. i ii 1. stems endarch 2. stems exarch 3. roots endarch 4. roots exarch

    The tissue present below the epidermis of sunflower stem is

    Schizolysigenous protoxylem cavity is present in (a) maize stem (b) sunflower root (c) Nymphaea root

    Cotton is obtained from the following tissue system of cotton plant.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Cork cambium gives rise to which of the following tissues? (a) Cork and secondary cortex (b) Vascular cambium (c) Xylem and phloem

    Cork cambium of dicot stem is formed from

    The annual rings in dicot stems are formed due to difference in

    Various patterns of secondary cell wall thickenings are shown by

    As compared to the dicot root, monocotyledonous root shows

    Select the correct statement.

    Transverse section through stem of a plant shows following features : (i) Presence of phloem parenchyma (ii) Absence of bundle sheath (iii) Wedge shaped vascular bundles (iv) Presence of medullary rays The stem belongs to (a) sunflower (b) Asparagus (c) Zea mays

    The vascular bundles are closed in monocots because

    Having barrel shaped cells is a feature of

    In a monocot leaf stomata are present

    Meristem is sandwiched between xylem and phloem of the vascular bundles of

    Refer to the T.S. of dicot root. Select the option which correctly labels A, B, C, D, and E. A B C D E 1. Protoxylem Metaxylem Phloem Pericycle Endodermis 2. Metaxylem Protoxylem Phloem Pericycle Endodermis 3. Protoxylem Metaxylem Phloem Endodermis Pericycle 4. Metaxylem Protoxylem Phloem Endodermis Pericycle

    Select the incorrect statement about Casparian strips.

    Find out the incorrect statement about dorsiventral leaf.

    Anatomically fairly old dicotyledonous root is distinguished from the dicotyledonous stem by

    Refer to the given diagram showing a cross section of leaf. Which of the following statements are not correct regarding this? (i) It is an isobilateral leaf. (ii) The leaf shows reticulate venation. (iii) The leaf may exhibit kranz anatomy. (iv) Such type of leaf may be present in plants undergoing C 4 pathway. (v) Mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma. (vi) Such type of leaf is found in hydrophytes. (vii) Such type of leaf is found in members of Family Poaceae.

    Which of the following statements is not true for stomatal apparatus?

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Lignification is not shown by

    Ground tissue system includes

    In ground tissue system, parenchymatous cells are usually present in: (a) cortex (b) pericycle (c) pith (d) medullary rays

    Choose the primary permanent tissues of woody dicot involved in the formation of secondary meristems during secondary growth. A. Medullary rays B. Conjunctive tissue C. Pericycle of stem D. Pericycle of root

    Given below is the diagram of a stomatal apparatus. In which of the following all the four parts labelled as A, B, C and D are correctly identified? A B C D 1. Subsidiary cell Normal epidermal cell Guard cell Stomatal aperture 2. Guard cell Stomatal aperture Subsidiary cell Normal epidermal cell 3. Normal epidermal cell Guard cell Stomatal aperture Subsidiary cell 4. Normal epidermal cell Subsidiary cell Stomatal aperture Guard cell

    The cross section of a trunk of tree shows 50 annual rings, the age of tree is

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    The annual rings in dicot stems are formed due to difference in

    Which of the following statements is not true for stomatal apparatus?

    Given below is the diagram of a stomatal apparatus. In which of the following all the four parts labelled as A, B, C and D are correctly identified? A B C D 1. Subsidiary cell Normal epidermal cell Guard cell Stomatal aperture 2. Guard cell Stomatal aperture Subsidiary cell Normal epidermal cell 3. Normal epidermal cell Guard cell Stomatal aperture Subsidiary cell 4. Normal epidermal cell Subsidiary cell Stomatal aperture Guard cell

    Anatomically fairly old dicotyledonous root is distinguished from the dicotyledonous stem by

    Choose the correct sequence of appearance of various meristems of a woody dicot during its life span. A. Fascicular cambium B. Apical meristem C. Cork cambium D. Interfascicular cambium

    Schizolysigenous protoxylem cavity is present in (a) maize stem (b) sunflower root (c) Nymphaea root

    Statement A: Primary medullary rays belong to ground tissue system Statement B: Secondary medullary rays belong to vascular tissue system.

    The tissue present below the epidermis of sunflower stem is

    A monocot root differs from dicot root in

    Choose the secondary tissue with intercellular spaces and involved in photosynthesis

    The vascular cambial ring of a dicot stem is

    Which type of wood is incorrectly matched with its given feature?

    Statement A: Epidermis consists only one type of tissue. Statement B: Stem epidermis has more than one type of cells.

    Lignification is not shown by

    Cork cambium gives rise to which of the following tissues? (a) Cork and secondary cortex (b) Vascular cambium (c) Xylem and phloem

    Various patterns of secondary cell wall thickenings are shown by

    Cork cambium of dicot stem is formed from

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    In ground tissue system, parenchymatous cells are usually present in: (a) cortex (b) pericycle (c) pith (d) medullary rays

    Refer to the given diagram showing a cross section of leaf. Which of the following statements are not correct regarding this? (i) It is an isobilateral leaf. (ii) The leaf shows reticulate venation. (iii) The leaf may exhibit kranz anatomy. (iv) Such type of leaf may be present in plants undergoing C 4 pathway. (v) Mesophyll is differentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma. (vi) Such type of leaf is found in hydrophytes. (vii) Such type of leaf is found in members of Family Poaceae.

    Bark refers to

    During secondary growth in dicot root, phellogen forms towards outer side.

    Read the given table of differences between two secondary tissues X and Y. X Y 1. It is composed of dead cells. It is composed of living cells. 2. It is protective in function. It takes part in storage of food. 3. Cell walls are impermeable. Cell walls are permeable. 4. The cells are compactly arranged. The cells enclose small intercellular spaces. Select the correct option regarding X and Y. X Y 1. Phloem fibre Companion cell. 2. Sieve tube Vessel 3. Epidermis Cortex 4. Phellem Phelloderm

    Ground tissue system includes

    Find out the incorrect statement about dorsiventral leaf.

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Conjoint, collateral and closed vascular bundles i Solanaceae stems B Conjoint, collateral and open vascular bundles ii Roots C Radial separate vascular bundles iii Fabaceae stems D Conjoint, bicollateral and open vascular bundles. iv Liliaceae stems Choose the correct answer from the options given. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iv iii i ii 3 iii iv ii i 4 iv i iii ii

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