MathsMaths QuestionsMathematical Reasoning Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Mathematical Reasoning Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Which of the following is true?

Which of the following is the contrapositive of ‘If two triangles are identical, then these are similar’?

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    ~ ( p ∨ ( ~ q ) ) is equal to

    Which of the following is logically equivalent to ~ ( ~ p q ) ?

    If p is true and q is false, then which of the following statements is NOT true?

    The proposition p ∼ ( p ∧ ~ q ) is

    The contra positive of the statement, if x is a prime number and x divides ab, then x divides a or x divides b, can be symbolically represented using logical connectives on appropriately defined statements p, q, r and s as

    ( p ∧ ~ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ∧ q ) is

    Let p , q , r be three mathematical statements. The statement ( ~ p q ) r is equivalent to

    Statement − 1 : The statement ~ ( p ↔∼ q ) is equivalent to ( p ↔ q ) Statement − 2 : The statement ~ ( p ↔∼ q ) is a Tautology

    Let p and q be two statements. Negation of statement ( p ↔∼ q ) is

    Negation of ‘Paris is in France and London is in England’ is

    Which of the following is not a proposition?

    If the statements ( p ∧ ~ r ) ( q ∨ r ) , q and r are all false, then p

    ~ ( p ∨ ( ~ p ∨ q ) ) is equal to

    If each of the statements p ∼ q , ~ r q and p are true, then which of the following is NOT true?

    In the truth table for the statement ( p q ) ↔ ( ~ p ∨ q ) , the last column has the truth value in the following order

    The logical statement ( p ⇒ q ) ∧ ( q ⇒∼ p ) is equivalent to

    Which of the following is true?

    If p, q are true statements and r, s are false statements, then the truth value of ~ ( ( p ∧ ~ r ) ∨ ( ~ q ∨ s ) ) is

    Which of the following is always true?

    The negation of the compound statement ( p ∨ q ) ∧ r is

    Which of the following is wrong statement?

    Which of the following statement is a contradiction?

    Consider the following statements P : Suman is brilliant. Q : Suman is rich. R : Suman is honest. The negative of the statement. ‘Suman is brilliant and dishonest, if and only if Suman is rich.’ can be expressed as

    The only statement among the following that is a tautology is

    lf p and q are simple proposition, then ( ~ p ∧ q ) ∨ ( ~ q ∧ p ) is true when p and q are respectively

    Let p , q and r be the statements: p : city X is in U.P q : city X is in India r : p q Contrapositive of r is

    Logical equivalent of p ( p ∨ q ) is

    The conditional statement p ∧ q ⇒ p is

    Which of the following is false?

    The converse of the statement p ⇒ q is

    If each of the following statements is true, then p ⇒∼ q , ~ r ⇒ q , p

    If each of the following statements is true, then p ⇒∼ q , ~ r ⇒ q , p

    Consider the statement p: ‘New Delhi is a city’. Which of the following is not negation of p?

    If p, q and r are simple propositions such that ( p ∧ q ) ∧ ( q ∧ r ) is true, then

    The negation of q ∨ ~ ( p ∧ r ) is

    lf p ( q ∨ r ) is false, then the truth values of p, q and r are, respectively,

    Which of the following is logically equivalent to ~ ( ~ p q ) ?

    If p ( ~ p ∨ q ) is false, the truth values of p and q are, respectively,

    The conditional statement ( p ∧ q ) p is

    ( p ∧ ~ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ∨ q ) is

    ( p ∧ ~ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ∨ q ) is

    Which of the following is true?

    If ( p ∧ ~ r ) ( ~ p ∨ q ) is false, then truth values of p, q and r are, respectively,

    The contrapositive of inverse of p ∼ q is

    Consider the following statements: p : He is intelligent q : He is strong Then symbolic form of statement ‘It is wrong that he is intelligent or strong’ is

    The statement ( ~ p ∧ q ) ∨ ~ q is

    lf the Boolean expression ( p ⊕ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ⋅ q ) is equivalent to p ∧ q where ⊕ , ⋅ ∈ { ∧ , ∨ } , the n the ordered pair ( ⊕ , ⋅ ) is

    If p, q and r are simple propositions, then ( p ∧ q ) ∧ ( q ∧ r ) is true, then

    Statement ( p ∧ ~ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ∨ q ) is

    Statement ( p ∧ ~ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ∨ q ) is

    Which of the following statement is a contradiction?

    The statement ~ ( p ↔∼ q ) is

    Let p and q be two propositions given by p : The sky is blue, q : milk is white.Then, p ∧ q is

    The negation of A ( A ∨ ~ B ) is

    Which of the following is a statement ?

    The logical statement p ⇒ q ∧ q ⇒ ~ p is equivalent to:

    Let A,B,C and D be four non-empty sets. The contrapositive statement of “If A ⊆ B and B ⊆ D , then A ⊆ C ” is :

    Which one of the following is a tautology?

    Negation of the statement: ‘ 5 is an integer or 5 is an irrational’ is

    If p ⇒ ( q ∨ r ) is false, then the truth values of p , q , r respectively

    Which of the following is a contradiction?

    The Boolean Expression ( p ∧ ~ q ) ∨ q ∨ ( ~ p ∧ q ) is equivalent to

    T h e c o n t r a p o s i t i v e o f t h e s t a t e m e n t “ I f t w o t r i a n g l e s a r e c o n g r u e n t t h e n t h e y a r e s i m i l a r ” i s

    The negation of the statement “If I become a teacher, then I will open a school”, is :

    ~ r ⇒ ( ~ p ) ∧ ( ~ q ) is equivalent to

    Which of the following is not a statement?

    The inverse of the proposition ( p ∧ ~ q ) r is

    Which of the following is the inverse of the proposition ‘If a number is a prime then it is odd’?

    If p : Ashok works hard q : Ashok gets good grade The verbal form for ( ~ p q ) is

    If p ⇒ ( q ∨ r ) is false, then truth values of p , q , r a r e r e s p e c t i v e l y

    ~ [ p ∨ ( ~ q ) ] is equal to

    The conditional ( p ∧ q ) ⇒ p is

    If ( p ∧ ~ q ) ∧ ( ~ q ∧ q ) is

    The contrapositive of ( p ∧ q ) r is

    Which of the following is true?

    T h e t r u t h t a b l e o f ( p ∧ q ) ∼ P

    Consider the statement p: ‘New Delhi is a city’. which of the following is not negation of p?

    If p is any statement, then which of the following is a tautology?

    If both p and q are true, then

    Contrapositive of the statement p ⇒ q is

    Which of the following is logically equivalent to ~ ( ~ p ⇒ q ) ?

    Which of the following is true for any two statements p and q?

    If ( p ∧ ~ r ) ( ~ p ∨ q ) is false, then the truth values of p , q and r , respectively

    If p : 4 is an even prime number, Q is 6 is a divisor of 12 and r : the HCF of 4 and 6 is Z, then which one of true following is true?

    If p ⇒ ( q ∨ r ) is false, then the truth values of p , q , r are respectively

    The logically equivalent proposition of p ⇔ q is

    The contrapositive of the inverse of p ⇒∼ q is

    If p = He is intelligent, q = He is strong. Then, symbolic form of statement: ‘It is wrong that he is intelligent or strong’ is

    In the truth table for the statement ( p q ) ↔ ( ~ p ∨ q ) . , the last column has the truth value in the following order

    Let p : price increases q : demand falls The symbolic statement of ‘If demand does not fall then price does not increase’ is

    If p : It rains today, q = I go to the school, r = I shall meet my friends and s : I shall go for a movie, then which of the following is the proposition? If it does not rain or if I do not go to school, then I shall meet my friend and go for a movie.

    Which of the Venn diagrams represents the truth of the statement ‘No policeman is a thief’

    If p : Ram is tall q : Ram is intelligent then the symbolic statement ~ p ∨ q means

    Which of the following is logically equivalent to ~ ( ~ p ⇒ q ) ?

    The negation of the compound proposition p ∨ ( ~ p ∨ q ) i s

    If p and q are two statements, then ( p ⇒ q ) ⇔ ( ~ q ⇒∼ p ) i s a

    The proposition ( p ⇒∼ p ) ∧ ( p ⇒ p ) is a

    What is negation of the compound proposition? If the examination is difficult, then I shall pass if I study hard.

    The contra positive of the statement “If it does not rain, then I go to school” is:

    The statement ( ~ ( p ∨ q ) ) ∨ ( ~ p ∧ q ) is logically equivalent to

    The negation of the statement “ If I become a teacher then I will open a school” is

    Which of the following is not a statement?

    Consider the following statements: p : It rains today q : I go to school r : I shall meet any friends s : I shall go for a movie Then which of the following propositions represents ‘If it does not rain or if I do not go to school, then I shall meet my friend and go for a movie.’?

    If p : ‘Ram is tall’ and q : ‘Ram is intelligent’, then the statement ~ p ∧ q is

    Which of the following is the inverse of the proposition ‘If a number is a prime then it is odd’?

    ~ ( ( ~ ( ~ p ) ) ∧ q ) is equal to

    lf p, q and r are simple propositions with truth values T, F and T, respectively, then the truth value of ( ~ p ∨ q ) ∧ ~ r p is

    ( ~ ( p ∨ q ) ) ∨ ( ~ p ∧ q is logically equivalent to

    The inverse of the proposition ( p ∧ ~ q ) r is

    The contrapositive of ( p ∨ q ) r is

    ( p ∧ ~ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ∧ q ) is

    The proposition ( p ∼ p ) ∧ ( ~ p p ) is a

    Statement ( p q ) ↔ ( ~ q ∼ p )

    Negation of p q is

    Let p and q be two statements, then ~ p q ∧ ( ~ q ) is equivalent to

    Let p, q and r be three statements, then ( p q ) r is equivalent to

    If p ( p ∧ ~ q ) is false, then the truth values of p and q are respective

    Given the following two statements: ( S 1 ) : ( q ∨ p ) ( p ↔∼ q ) is a tautology. S 2 :∼ q ∧ ( ~ p ↔ q ) s a fallacy. Then

    The statement ( p ( q p ) ) ( p ( p ∨ q ) ) is

    The conditional statement of ‘You will get a sweet dish after the dinner’ is

    Which of the following is not logically equivalent to the following proposition? A real number is either rational or irrational’

    The negation of the statement, ‘if a quadrilateral is a square, then it is a rhombus’ is

    In the truth table for the statement ( ~ p ⇒∼ q ) ∧ ( ~ q ⇒∼ p ) , the last column has the truth value in the following order

    If p,q and r are simple propositions with truth value true, false and true respectively, then the truth value of ( ( ~ p ∨ q ) ∧ ~ r ) ⇒ p

    The converse of the statement ‘If sun is not shining, then sky is filled with clouds’ is

    Suppose p: A natural number z is odd and q: natural number n is not divisible by 2, then the biconditional statement p ⇔ q is

    Let p be the proposition Mathematics is interesting and let q be the proposition that Mathematics is difficult, then the symbol p ∧ q means

    If p: A man is happy. q: A man is rich. Then, the statement, ‘If a man is not happy, then he is not rich’ is written as

    Which of the following is the inverse of the proposition ‘If a number is a prime, then it is odd.’

    If p and q are two statements such that p : the questions paper is easy g : we shall pass, then the symbolic statement ~ p ∼ q means

    For the following three statements p:2 is an even number q:2 is a prime number. r : Sum of two prime numbers is always even, then the symbolic statement ( p ∧ q ) ∼ r means

    For two statements p and q p : A quadrilateral is a parallelogram, q : The opposite sides are parallel. Then, the compound proposition, A quadrilateral is a parallelogram if and only if the opposite sides are parallel’ is represented by

    If p ⇒ ( q ∨ r ) is false, then truth values of p,q,r are respectively

    Which of the following is true for the statements p and q ?

    Let truth values of p be F and q be T. Then, the value of ~ ( ~ p ∨ q ) is

    If statements p and r are false and q is true, then truth value of ~ p ⇒ ( q ∧ r ) ∨ r is

    If p ⇒ ( q ∨ r ) is false, then the truth values of p, q, r are respectively,

    If p ⇒ ( q ∨ r ) is false, then the truth values of p, q and r are respectively.

    The logically equivalent proposition of p ⇔ q is

    The statement p ⇒ ( q ⇒ p ) is equivalent to

    If p and q are simple propositions, then p ⇒∼ q is true when

    Which of the following is logically equivalent to ~ ( ~ p ⇒ q ) ?

    ~ ( p ∨ q ) ∨ ( ~ p ∧ q ) is logically equivalent to

    Which of the following is equivalent to ( p ∧ q ) ?

    If the compound statement p ( ~ p ∨ q ) is false, then the truth value of p and q are respectively

    The statement ( p ⇒ q ) ⇔ ( ~ p ∧ q ) is a

    The proposition ~ ( p ⇒ q ) ⇒ ( ~ p ∨ ~ q ) is

    The negation of the compound proposition is p ∨ ( ~ p ∨ q )

    lf p and q are two statements, then ~ ( p ∧ q ) ∨ ~ ( q ⇔ p ) is

    The proposition ( p ⇒∼ p ) ∧ ( ~ p ⇒ p ) is

    If p and q are two statements, then ( p ⇒ q ) ⇔ ( ~ q ⇒∼ p ) is

    Let p and q be two statements. Then, ( ~ p ∨ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ∧ ~ q ) is

    The false statement in the following is

    The proposition S : ( p ⇒ q ) ⇔ ( ~ p ∨ q ) is

    ( p ∧ ~ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ∧ q ) is

    The propositions ( p ⇒∼ p ) ∧ ( ~ p ⇒ p ) is

    The false statement in the following is

    If p, q, r and s are four simple statements, such as p: The school bus will come q: I go to school r: I shall meet my friends s : I shall go out for a movie, then the compound statement, ‘If the school bus does not come or I l will not go to school, then I shall meet my friend and go out for a movie. is “represented by

    Negation of the statement p ( q ∧ r ) is

    Negation of the statement ( p ∧ r ) ( r ∨ q ) is

    The negation of ( ~ p ∧ q ) ∨ ( p ∧ ~ q ) is

    The negation of ( p ∨ q ) ∧ ( p ∨ ~ r ) is

    Which of the following is wrong?

    If ( q ∧ − r ) ⇒ ( q ∨ r ) is false, then p is

    If p,g and r are simple proposition, then ( ~ p ∨ q ) ⇒ r is true, when p, e and r ate, respectively

    : If truth value of p is T, q is F, then truth values of p q and q p ∨ ~ p is are respectively

    Which of the following is not a statement?

    If p , q are two statements, then ~ ( ~ p ∧ q ) ∧ ( p ∧ q ) is logically equivalent to

    If p is any logical statement, then:

    The statement ( p ∧ q ) ∨ ( ~ p ∨ ( p ∧ ( ~ q ) ) ) is logically equivalent to

    Let p and q be two statements. If truth value of p ( ~ p ∨ q ) is F, then truth values of p, q are respectively;

    The statement ~ ( p ∧ q ) ∨ q :

    The statement [ p ∧ ( p q ) ] q , is

    Statement-I: ~ ( A ⇔∼ B ) is equivalent to A ⇔ B Statement-2: A ∨ ( ~ ( A ∧ ~ B ) ) is a tautology.

    The negation of the statement “If I become teacher, then I will open a school.”

    If p is any logical statement, then

    Converse of the statement: If a number n is even, then n 2 is even, is

    Let p and q be two statements, then q ↔ ( ~ p ∨ ~ q ) is logically equivalent to

    Which of the following statement is not equivalent to p ↔ q ?

    Negation of p q is

    The contrapositive of p q is

    If p , q are two propositions, then p ∨ p q is

    Which of the following is equivalent to p ↔ q ?

    Negation of q ∨ ~ ( p ∧ r ) is

    The statement ~ ( p ∧ q ) ∨ q :

    If p pis any statement, then which of the following is a contradiction?

    The statement ( p ∨ ~ q ) ∧ ( ~ p ∨ ~ q ) is logically equivalent to

    : Let p and q be two statements, then ~ ( ~ p ∧ q ) ∧ ( p ∨ q ) is logically equivalent to

    If p , q , r are three statements and truth value of p ∧ q r is F then truth values of p , q , r are respectively

    Let p , q , r be the following three statements: p : n is prime q : n is odd r : n is 2 Then p q ∨ r means

    Let p , q , r be three statements, then ( p ( q r ) ) ↔ ( ( p ∧ q ) r ) , is a

    Which of the following is equivalent to p q ∨ r ?

    Let p , q , r be three statements. Statement-1: p ↔ q ≡ ( p q ) ∧ ( ~ q ∨ p ) is a tautology. Statement-2: p ∨ q r ≡ ( p r ) ∧ ( q r ) is a tautology.

    The negation of the following statement P: Neha lives in Ludhiana or she lives in Gurudaspur.

    Contrapositive of the statement :If a number is divisible by 9, then it is divisible by 3, is

    The only statement among the following that is a tautology is:

    Contrapositive of p ( q r ) is logically equivalent to

    The statement p ( q p ) is equivalent to

    If p ( ~ p ∨ q ) is false, the truth value of p and q are respectively

    Negation of the statement “If a number is prime then it odd”, is

    The contrapositive of ( p ∨ q ) r is

    Converse of the statement : If x 2 is odd then x is odd is

    Let p be the proposition: Mathematics is interesting and q be mathematics is difficult, then p ∧ q means

    Statement ( p ∨ q ) ( p ∧ q ) is equivalent

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