BiologyBotany QuestionsCell: The Unit Of Life Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Cell: The Unit Of Life Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Which of the following is an important site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids?

Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Cell organelle common to plant and animal cells i Centrosome B Cell organelle common to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells ii 80S ribosome C Cell organelle exclusively seen in plant cells iii 70S ribosomes D Cell organelle usually seen in animal cells and seldom in certain plant cells iv Plastids Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 ii iii iv i 2 iii ii iv i 3 ii iv i iii 4 iii i iv ii

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    Which cell organelle has its own genome?

    Assertion: Mitochondria are not easily visible under microscope. Reason: The limit of resolution of compound microscope is equal to the size of mitochondrion.

    Identify the energy converter or transducer.

    Which is correct related to cell theory?

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Cell was first observed by

    Choose the incorrect match.

    Statement A: Cells of an organism not only differ in shape and size but also in their activities. Statement B: A tracheid is a dead cell involved in conduction but a mesophyll cell is branched and involved in photosynthesis.

    Organelle with three different membrane systems is

    The orange colour of carrot root and red colour of ripened tomato is due to:

    The outermost layer of the cell envelope in some bacterial cells is

    Circular DNA is present in a. chloroplast b. mitochondria c. plasmid

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    The non-membrane bound organelle that is found both in prokaryotes and eukaryotes helps in:

    Statement A: Cytoskeleton is structural component of flagella and cilia of eukaryotes. Statement B: Microtubules are a component of cytoskeleton of eukaryotes.

    ‘A’ is a cell organelle involved in the formation of cell organelle ‘B’. ‘B’ is involved in the formation of cell organelle ‘C’. These cell organelles are

    Cell wall with calcium carbonate is present in

    Glue like component of cell wall that helps in attaching adjacent cells of a plant tissue is

    Component of endomembrane system with pigments is

    Component of endomembrane system with pigments is

    Select the correct statement regarding cell wall of plant cells.

    Which one of the following components of endomembrane system is rarely seen in animal cells?

    Which among the pairs do not belong to endomembrane system?

    The cell organelles involved in the formation of cell wall of higher plants is/are

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Stores a polysaccharide (Starch) i Aleuroplasts B Stores Glycerides (Lipid) ii Amyloplasts C Stores Polypeptides (Proteins) iii Elaioplasts Choose the correct answer from the options. A B C 1 i ii iii 2 iii ii i 3 ii iii i 4 i iii ii

    Chloroplasts of higher plants are usually

    The structures that are formed by stacking of organised flattened membranous sacs in the chloroplasts are

    Select the correct matching in the following pairs.

    Select the alternative giving correct identification and function of the organelle ‘A’ in the diagram

    Chromatophores take part in

    Balbiani rings are sites of

    Choose the pair of organelles that have DNA

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to cell membrane.

    Select the wrong statement.

    A cell organelle containing hydrolytic enzymes is

    Which of the following components provides sticky character to the bacterial cell?

    Which of the following statements about inclusion bodies is incorrect ?

    The cell organelle with cis-trans polarity is

    Select the correct combination for region ‘A’ of the given cell organelle.

    Glycocalyx of Bacteria:

    British Zoologist who studied different types of animal cells and reported that cells had a thin outer layer:

    Glycocalyx helps in

    The cellular structures that lack membrane are:

    The structural and functional unit of living organism is

    “Omnis cellula-e cellula” means

    Who proposed the hypothesis that the body of plants and animals are composed of cells and products of cells?

    A cell organelle ‘P’ is classified into two types on the basis of presence or absence of a cell organelle ‘Q’. This ‘Q’ organelle helps in protein synthesis. Identify ‘P’ and ‘Q’ respectively-

    The statement “ Omnis cellula e cellula”, which means all cells arise from the pre-existing cells was given by

    The structure of a bacterial cell that has the forms of vesicles, tubules and lamellae is

    Axoneme is

    The smallest cells that follow cell theory belong to kingdom

    The smallest living cell

    Identify the incorrect statement with respect to cilia.

    Match the following cell organelles with the correct function related to them Column I Column II A Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum i Organelle with two aqueous compartments B Golgi apparatus ii Non-membrane bound cell organelle C Centrosome iii Center for steroid hormone synthesis in animal cells D Mitochondrion iv Organelle with cis-trans polarity

    Select the correct match:

    What is the similarity between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

    In human beings, the plasma membrane of the erythrocytes has approximately …. protein and …. lipids

    Select the wrong statements (i) All eukaryotic cells are identical. (ii) All eukaryotic cells show compartmentalization. (iii) Contrioles are absent in almost all plant cells. (iv) Animal cells contain no large central vacuoles.

    Polysome is formed by

    Arrange the following cells in sequence of gradual increase in their size. A. Red blood cell of man B. Mycoplasma C. Typical eukaryotic cell D. Typical bacterial cell

    The controlling center of cell was discovered by

    Which of the following structures perform the function of mitochondria in bacteria?

    The prokaryotic cells are characterised by

    The movement of neutral solutes across the cell membrane takes place by

    March Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Robert Brown i Gave final shape to cell theory B Anton Von Leeuwenhoek ii Cells together form tissues of plant. C Matthias Schleiden iii Discovered living cell D Rudolf Virchow iv Discovered the component of cell that has chromosomes. Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv i iii ii 2 ii iii iv i 3 iv iii ii i 4 iii iv i ii

    Select the correct statement regarding cell wall of plant cells.

    The cell wall in plants is triple layered. The sequence of cell wall layers from outside to inside is

    Statement A: Cells of an organism not only differ in shape and size but also in their activities. Statement B: A tracheid is a dead cell involved in conduction but a mesophyll cell is branched and involved in photosynthesis.

    Assertion: Viruses are incapable of living independently. Reason: Viruses do not show cellular organisation.

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Metachromatic granules i Help in attaching to substratum B Pili ii Elongated tubular structures C Fimbriae iii Seen in photosynthetic prokaryotes D Gas vacuoles iv Polyphosphates Choose the correct answer from the below given options. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iv ii i iii 3 ii iv i iii 4 iv ii iii i

    A given polyribosome helps in the synthesis of

    Which cell organelle is in continuation with the outer membrane of nuclear envelope?

    Choose the incorrect statements. A. All ions move across the cell membrane only by active transport. B. All ions move across the cell membrane only by facilitated diffusion. C. Water is a polar molecule that can move passively through the cell membrane. D. Plasma membrane is selectively permeable membrane and it allows movement of some substances across it by active transport and some others by passive transport.

    Which component of endomembrane system is actively involved in active influx of solutes?

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a Cisternae i Plasma membrane of animal cells b Membrane bound organelle with 80S ribosomes ii Lysosome c Organelle with acid hydrolases iii Endoplasmic Reticulum. d Microvilli iv Possessed by organelle involved in packing of materials a b c d 1. i ii iii iv 2. ii iv iii i 3. ii iii iv i 4. iv iii ii i

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a Cisternae i Plasma membrane of animal cells b Membrane bound organelle with 80S ribosomes ii Lysosome c Organelle with acid hydrolases iii Endoplasmic Reticulum. d Microvilli iv Possessed by organelle involved in packing of materials a b c d 1. i ii iii iv 2. ii iv iii i 3. ii iii iv i 4. iv iii ii i

    Microvilli are

    The stain used to observe mitochondria under light microscope is

    Janus green B is a

    Assertion: Mitochondria are the sites of aerobic respiration. Reason: Outer membrane of mitochondrion is involved in electron transport chain.

    Choose the cell organelle that can undergo fusion and fission.

    Microvilli are

    Which component of endomembrane system is actively involved in active influx of solutes?

    The longest cell of plants belong to the following tissue

    The prokaryotic cells are characterised by

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a Cisternae i Plasma membrane of animal cells b Membrane bound organelle with 80S ribosomes ii Lysosome c Organelle with acid hydrolases iii Endoplasmic Reticulum. d Microvilli iv Possessed by organelle involved in packing of materials a b c d 1. i ii iii iv 2. ii iv iii i 3. ii iii iv i 4. iv iii ii i

    In mature living plant cell, the cell organelle that occupies up to 90% of cell volume is

    Match Column I with Column II and select the correct option. Column I Column II a. Organelle containing hydrolytic enzymes i. SER b. Organelle with cis-trans polarity ii. Lysosomes c. Organelle involved in lipid synthesis iii. Golgi body d. Organelle of endomembrane system containing ribosomes on its surface iv. RER a b c d 1. ii iii i iv 2. iii ii i iv 3. ii iii iv i 4. ii i iii iv

    Stem tubers of potato have

    Stroma of chloroplast shows the synthesis of A. proteins B. carbohydrates C. DNA D. RNA

    Shape of chloroplast in Chlamydomonas is

    The Golgi complex plays a major role

    DNA is not present in

    Nuclear envelope is a derivative of

    In the structure of flagellum or cilium, the radial spokes connect

    Mitochondria and chloroplast are (A) semi-autonomous organelles (B) formed by division of pre-existing organelles and they contain DNA but lack protein synthesising machinery. Which one of the following options is correct?

    Basal bodies of eukaryotes structurally resemble

    The cell organelle not found in animal cells is

    Which of the following events does not occur in rough endoplasmic reticulum?

    Select the incorrect match.

    Many ribosomes may associate with a single mRNA to form multiple copies of a polypeptide simultaneously. Such strings of ribosomes are termed as

    Which is the important site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids in eukaryotic cells ?

    A is the cell organelle involved in Polypeptide formation and B is the cell organelle involved in Lipid synthesis A and B are respectively

    Which of the following statements about mesosomes is incorrect?

    Which of the following cell organelle modify proteins formed on RER?

    Which of the following structure is not found in eukaryotic cell?

    Identify the cells that lack nucleus.

    Which of the following is false for nucleoli?

    Protein synthesis and secretion is a function of

    In fluid mosaic model of the cell membrane

    Enzymes like lipases, proteases and carbohydrases are commonly found in

    Select the mismatch.

    Contractile vacuole:

    Bacterial flagellum is composed of parts.

    is the largest isolated single cell.

    Inclusion bodies in bacterial cells are

    Which of the following structure is equivalent to mitochondria in prokaryotic cell?

    Select the wrong statements w.r.t cell wall:

    The meristematic and parenchymatous cells have

    Read the following statements w.r.t cell wall and select the correct option: (A) A non- living rigid structure which forms an outer covering for the plasma membrane. (B) It gives shape to the cell and protect the cell from mechanical damage and infection. (C) It helps in cell-to-cell interaction. (D)It provides barrier to undesirable macromolecules.

    The plasma membrane of erythrocyte of human being is composed of

    Depending on the membrane proteins can be classified as integral or peripheral.

    Identify the structure of amino acid given below:

    Read the following statement carefully. a. F 0 – F 1 particles occur in the mitochondria b. ssDNA is found in chloroplast c. Organelle involved in oxidative phosphorylation divides by binary fission.

    Cells of angiosperm differ from animal cells in having all except:

    Neutral solutes may move across the membrane by a process of A ; B the concentration gradient.

    Select the incorrect statement w.r.t cell wall.

    How many of the given features are associated with both Mitochondria and chloroplast ? ATP synthesis, cristae, thylakoids, 70s ribosomes, circular ds DNA

    Which of the following feature is not similar in mitochondria and chloroplast?

    Term chromatin was coined by

    Which of the following structure provides a sticky character to the bacterial cell?

    Match column I with column II Column I (Chromosome) Column II (Position of centromere) A. Metacentric I. At the tip B. Submetacentric II. Almost near the tip C. Acrocentric III. At the middle D. Telocentric IV. Slight away from the middle

    Ribosomes are composed of

    Red colour of tomatoes is due to the

    Organelle that helps in protein synthesis is

    Which of the following cell organelle does not have the presence of deoxyribonucleic acid?

    70S ribosomes are present in

    The microfilaments are made up of

    Identify the non-membrane bound cell organelle.

    The single membrane bound cell organelle and non-membrane bound cell organelles associated with the envelope of nucleus are

    The structure of a bacterial cell that has the forms of vesicles, tubules and lamellae is

    The cytoplasmic structure of Eukaryotic cell having circular DNA and enzymes for the Oxidation of NADH and FADH 2 and reduction of oxygen is

    Identify the correct match.

    Choose the structures of eukaryotic cell not bounded by any membrane A. Flagella B. Centriole C. Ribosome D. Nucleolus

    Statement A: Reserve material in prokaryotic cells are stored in the cytoplasm in the form of polysomes. Statement B: The endomembrane system does not include mitochondria, chloroplast and peroxisomes.

    Choose the incorrect pair.

    The pigment chlorophyll is present in:

    A spherical and membrane less structure present within the nucleoplasm

    Read the points given below and identify the cell organelle. (a) The organelle remains continuous with the outer membrane of the nucleus. (b) It bears two types of glycoproteins, ribophorin I and ribophorin II on the surface. (c) This organelle is involved in protein synthesis.

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Identify the incorrect statement w.r.t. the function of the golgi body.

    The main function of cytoskeleton is:

    The cell envelope in prokaryotes consist of a tightly bound three-layered structure. Arrange these layers centripetally.

    Who among the following was not associated with the cell theory.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to prokaryotic cells.

    Adjacent cells of a plant tissue are glued by one of the following cell wall material.

    A gram (+ve) bacteria differs from a Gram (-ve) bacteria because of

    A large number of proteins made by the ribosomes get modified in

    Which cell organelle comprises of cis and trans faces?

    In some prokaryotes, some membranous extensions are present in the cytoplasm which contain pigments. These arer known as:

    A type of cell called a lymphocyte makes proteins that are exported from the cell. It is possible to tract the path of these proteins within the cell by labeling them with radioactive isotopes. Which of the following might be the path of the protein from the site where its polypeptides are made to the lymphocyte’s plasma membrane?

    Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

    Choose the wrong statements regarding bacterial cell. A. Glycocalyx is outermost region of cell envelope in bacteria. B. Glycocalyx could be a loose sheath called capsule. C. Glycocalyx may be thick and tough called slime layer. D. A special structure formed by the plasma membrane is called mesosome. E. Small bristle-like fibres sprouting out of the cell surface are called fimbriae.

    Which of the following chemical components are involved as structural components in building up of plasma membrane?

    Which one of the following cell organelles is enclosed by a single membrane?

    Inclusion bodies that are exclusively found in aquatic blue green algae, purple and green photosynthetic bacteria are

    Choose the correct statement.

    Choose the incorrect match.

    The cell organelle seen in all living cells is a

    Match Column I with Column II Column I (Cell type) Column II (Cell shape) A Red blood cells of man i Elongated and unbranched B White blood cells of man ii Round and oval C Mesophyll cells iii Amoeboid D Tracheid iv Round and biconcave Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv i ii iii 2 iii iv ii i 3 iv ii i iii 4 iv iii ii i

    The criterion to cell theory based on cell division was added by

    Plasmid is

    Plant cells differ from animal cells in having a. cell wall b. large central vacuole c. plastids

    Assertion: The phospholipids of cell membrane are amphipathic. Reason: Each phospholipid molecule has a polar head and a non-polar tail with only one saturated hydrocarbon chain.

    Filament, hook and basal body are the parts of

    Cell wall material that glues the adjacent cells of a plant tissue is

    Statement A: In prokaryotic cell, ribosomes are associated with plasma membrane. Statement B: The sub-units of of prokaryotic ribosomes are 50S and 20S that together form 70S ribosomes.

    Which one of the following components of endomembrane system is rarely seen in animal cells?

    Which among the following pair are cell membrane extensions of bacteria or prokaryotic cells?

    Ramachandran plot was used by Ramachandran to determine the structure of

    Match Column I with Column II and select the correct option. Column I Column II a. Organelle containing hydrolytic enzymes i. Organelle involved in the formation of steroidal hormones b. Organelle with cis-trans polarity ii. Organelle formed by the process of packaging in the golgi apparatus. c. Organelle involved in lipid synthesis iii. Organelle which is an important site of formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids. d. Organelle of endomembrane system containing ribosomes on its surface iv. Organelle occurring abundantly in cells actively involved in protein synthesis and secretion. a b c d 1. ii iii i iv 2. iii ii i iv 3. ii iii iv i 4. ii i iii iv

    The chief component of lipid bilayer of cell membrane is

    Which among the pairs do not belong to endomembrane system?

    Which one of the following chemical components imparts quasi-fluid nature to cell membrane?

    Identify the structure of eukaryotic cell that shows the following characters. a. forms the Golgi complex b. associated with 80S ribosomes c. mainly present in the cells involved in protein synthesis and secretion.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a Round and biconcave i Columnar epithelial cells b Amoeboid ii Red blood cells c Long and narrow iii Nerve cell d Branched and long iv White blood cells a b c d 1. ii iv iii i 2. ii iv i iii 3. i ii iv iii 4. ii iii iv i

    The longest cell of plants belong to the following tissue

    Singer and Nicolson described the structure of

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Water balance of plant cell is regulated by

    Which cell organelle is usually sausage shaped?

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Region of mitochondrion mainly involved in electron transport system of aerobic respiration coupled to ATP formation is

    Assertion: Mitochondrion is semiautonomous cell organelle Reason: Mitochondrial DNA encodes for all mitochondrial proteins, tRNAs and rRNA.

    Plastids are classified into three types based on

    Choose the correct statement.

    Plasmid is

    Which one among the given options is not considered as inclusion body?

    Filament, hook and basal body are the parts of

    The correct sequence of layers from outward to inward in bacterial cell envelope is

    The criterion to cell theory based on cell division was added by

    Which of the following statements is incorrect ?

    Ramachandran plot was used by Ramachandran to determine the structure of

    Inclusion bodies that are exclusively found in aquatic blue green algae, purple and green photosynthetic bacteria are

    Which one of the following cell organelles is enclosed by a single membrane?

    A given polyribosome helps in the synthesis of

    Which of the following chemical components are involved as structural components in building up of plasma membrane?

    Each phospholipid molecule in a cell membrane consists of

    Rough endoplasmic reticulum is frequently observed in cells actively involved in the process of A and B . A B 1. excretion osmoregulation 2. protein synthesis secretion 3. protein synthesis cell lysis 4. excretion formation of glycolipids Select the option that correctly identifies (A) and (B).

    The movement of neutral solutes across the cell membrane takes place by

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Site for synthesis of lipid like steroidal hormones i Vacuole B Organelle involved in modification of proteins ii Lysosome C Cell organelle rich in hydrolases iii Golgi complex D Component of endomembrane system bounded by tonoplast iv Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum Choose the correct answer from the options given below. A B C D 1 iii iv ii i 2 ii iv i iii 3 iv iii ii i 4 iv iii i ii

    ‘A’ is a cell organelle involved in the formation of cell organelle ‘B’. ‘B’ is involved in the formation of cell organelle ‘C’. These cell organelles are

    Which among the following pair are cell membrane extensions of bacteria or prokaryotic cells?

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Stores a polysaccharide (Starch) i Aleuroplasts B Stores Glycerides (Lipid) ii Amyloplasts C Stores Polypeptides (Proteins) iii Elaioplasts Choose the correct answer from the options. A B C 1 i ii iii 2 iii ii i 3 ii iii i 4 i iii ii

    Glue like component of cell wall that helps in attaching adjacent cells of a plant tissue is

    Identify the structure of eukaryotic cell that shows the following characters. a. forms the Golgi complex b. associated with 80S ribosomes c. mainly present in the cells involved in protein synthesis and secretion.

    Both carotenes and xanthophylls are present in I. Leucoplasts II. Chromoplasts III. Chloroplasts

    The nucleus of cell was discovered by

    The cell wall in plants is triple layered. The sequence of cell wall layers from outside to inside is

    Genetic material of prokaryotes is

    The size of chloroplast is

    Choose the correct statement.

    Which one of the following organelle in the figure correctly matches with its function?

    A major site for synthesis of lipids is

    Pigment containing membranous extensions in some cyanobacteria are

    The chromosomes in which centromere is situated close to one end are

    Which one of the following is not an inclusion body found in prokaryotes?

    Which of the following types of plastid does not contain stored food material?

    Which structures perform the function of mitochondria in bacteria?

    The solid linear cytoskeletal elements having a diameter of 6 nm and made up of a single type of monomer are known as

    The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in water is chiefly regulated by

    Match the following and select the correct answer. (A) Centriole (i) lnfoldings in mitochondria (B) Chlorophyll (ii) Thylakoids (C) Cristae (iii) Nucleic acids (D) Ribozymes (iv) Basal body of cilia or flagella

    The term ‘glycocalyx’ is used for

    Match the columns and identify the correct option Column-I Column II A. Thylakoids (i) Disc-shaped sacs in Golgi apparatus B. Cristae (ii) Condensed structure of DNA C. Cisternae (iii) Flat membranous sacs in stroma D. Chromatin (iv) Infoldings in mitochondria

    A protoplast is a cell

    Which of the following structures is not found in a prokaryotic cell?

    The structures that help some bacteria to attach to rocks and/ or host tissues are

    The motile bacteria are able to move by

    Why is a capsule advantageous to a bacterium?

    Microtubules are the constituents of

    Which one of the following cell organelles is enclosed by a single membrane?

    A complex of ribosomes attached to a single strand of RNA is known as

    Which of the following is true for nucleolus?

    The Golgi complex participates in

    Which of the following cell organelles is responsible for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form ATP?

    Schwann stated the following

    The concept of ” Omnis cellula-e-cellula ” regarding cell division was first proposed by

    Which of the following statements regarding mitochondria is incorrect?

    The shorter and longer arms of a submetacentric chromosome are referred to as

    Which of the following pairs of organelles does not contain DNA?

    Match ones present in List I with List II and choose the correct match. List – I List – II A) Discovered living cells I) Schleiden B) Discovery of nucleus II) Rudolf Virchow C) Plant tissues are made of cells. III) Leeuwenhoek D) Modification of cell theory. IV) Robert Brown

    Which of the following statements is not correct?

    Choose the pair of organelles that have DNA

    Flemming coined the term

    The smallest living cells are

    Match the list I with list II. List – I List – II A) Golgi complex i) Formation of proteins B) Ribosomes ii) Formation of Glycolipids C) Vacuoles iii) Digestion of Proteins D) Lysosomes iv) Storage of waste products

    Statement A: Chromatin is stained with basic dyes. Statement B: Chromatin has acidic proteins known as histones.

    Which among the following are membrane bound organelles?

    Which of the following statements regarding chloroplasts is incorrect?

    Statement A: Cytoskeleton helps in cell motility. Statement B: Flagella are made of a component of cytoskeleton known as microtubules.

    The chromosome with only one arm in anaphase is described as

    The chromosome with two almost equal sized arms is called

    Choose the incorrect statements with respect to mitochondria. I. Mitochondria are easily visible under microscope in unstained preparations. II. Mitochondria are cylindrical or sausage shaped. III. The outer compartment of mitochondrion is called matrix. IV. Infoldings of inner membrane are called as cristae.

    Kinetochores of chromosomes are present at the region of

    Choose the correct statement.

    The function not carried out by mesosomes is

    Choose the incorrect match

    Functions of which of the following cell organelle are not coordinated with the components of endomembrane system?

    p and q are the terms given to

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Inclusion bodies of blue-green, purple and green photosynthetic bacteria are

    The biosynthesis of ribosomal RNA occurs in:

    The size of Pleuropneumonia – like organism (PPLO) is

    Match the following columns and select the correct option : Column-I Column-II (a) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (i) Protein synthesis (b) Rough endoplasmic reticulum (ii) Lipid synthesis (c) Golgi complex (iii) Glycosylation (d) Centriole (iv) Spindle formation

    Which of the following cell organelles is present in the highest number in secretory cells ?

    Which of the following nucleic acids is present in an organism having 70S ribosomes only ?

    Non-membranous nucleoplasmic structures in nucleus are the site for active synthesis of

    Match the column I with column II. Column I Column II (a) Golgi apparatus (i) Synthesis of protein (b) Lysosomes (ii) Trap waste and excretory products (c) Vacuoles (iii) Formation of glycoproteins and glycolipids (d) Ribosomes (iv) Digesting biomolecules Choose the right match from the options given below:-

    The correct sequence of involvement of cell organelles in secretion of proteins from the cell is :

    The type of ribosomes is same in :

    Reserved material in prokaryotic cells is stored as:

    A complex of ribosomes attached to a single strand of mRNA is known as :

    Which of the following pathways is involved for packaging of secretory proteins ?

    Which of the following structures is not found in prokaryotic cell?

    Match the following List – I List – II A) Elaioplasts I) Store excess water B) Amyloplasts II) Store proteins C) Aleuroplasts III) Store oils D) Organelle with tonoplast IV) Store starch

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to cell membrane.

    One of the following stated that new cells are formed from existing cells by cell division.

    Chromosome that appears in ‘V’ shape in metaphase is

    Enzymes that can breakdown the phosphodiester bonds of genetic material are present in the following cell organelle.

    Among the cells given, choose the living cells that do not have genetic material. A. Sieve cells B. Companion cells C. Red blood corpuscles D. Albuminous cells

    The principle of grams staining method as differential staining lies in the following structure of bacterial cell.

    Arm ratio is maximum in:

    Which of the following statements regarding plastid is incorrect?

    Which of the following cell organelles are highly polymorphic?

    DNA is present in which of the following cell organelles?

    An organelle responsible for trapping photon energy coming from Sun is

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II (a) Robert Brown (i) omnis cellula-e- cellula (b) Purkinje (ii) Nucleus (c) Rudolf virchow (iii) Ribosome (d) George Palade (iv) Protoplasm

    Formation of secretory vesicles is a function of

    In a polysome, strings of ribosomes is seen on

    Select the correct match.

    Inclusion bodies take part in:

    Site for active ribosomal RNA synthesis is:

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Lipid storing plastids are called as

    Chromosomes whose arms are unequal are called as

    All are the cell structures present in angiosperms cell except:

    RNA is present in all of the following except

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to eukaryotic plant cell.

    Which of the following structures is equivalent to mitochondria in a prokaryotic cell?

    Match the following Column I Column II A. Omnis cellula-e cellula I. Singer and Nicolson B. Fluid mosaic model II. Flemming C. Ribosomes III. Rudolf Virchow D. Chromatin IV. George Palade

    Mitochondrial cristae are sites of

    Cytoskeleton is made up of

    Which of the following statements is incorrect.

    Who reported that cell had a thin outer layer which is today named as plasma membrane?

    Which of the following statement is not a part of final cell theory?

    The feature which differentiate cells of human cheek with the cells of onion peel is

    Identify the mismatched pair with respect to different shapes of the cells. Cells Shapes (i) Tracheids Elongated (ii) White blood cells Round and biconcave (iii) Nerve cells Branched and long (iv) Mesophyll cell Round and oval

    Match the following columns. Column-I Column-II A Mycoplasma (i) Longest cell B Human RBC (ii) 7 μm in diameter C Nerve cell (iii) 10 – 20 μm D A typical eukaryotic cell (iv) 0 . 3 μm in length (v) Largest isolated single cell

    I. It is the extension of plasma membrane into the cytoplasm. II. These extensions are in the form of vesicles, tubules and lamellae. III. It helps in cell wall formation, DNA replication and secretion processes. The above features are attributes to bacterial.

    Consider the following statements about prokaryotic cells and state true(T) or false (F): A. The organization of the prokaryotic cell is fundamentally similar even though prokaryotes exhibit a wide variety of shapes and functions. B. The size of a typical bacterial cell is 1 – 2 μm C. Prokaryotic cells have no chromosome and lack well-defined nucleus. D. In bacterial cell, DNA is extensively looped and coiled with the help of basic histone proteins.

    In some cyanobacteria, there are membranous extensions into cytoplasm called A which contains B .

    The ribosomes of a polysome translate the into proteins.

    An animal cell differs from higher plant cell in possessing

    A student studies cell structure under compound microscope and concludes that the cell is an animal cell.Of the following ,which observation might have helped him to conclude it ?

    If the cell wall of a plant cell is removed,which of the following ability will be lost by the cell ?

    Read the following statements for endomembrane system and state them as true (T) or false(F). (A) In the animal cells,lipid-like steroidal hormones are synthesized in SER. (B) Convex or trans face of Golgi apparatus is maturing face from which lysosome arise. (C) Membrane of lysosomes has an active H + pump mechanism which maintain acidic pH in lumen of lysosome. (D)Contractile vacuole of Amoeba helps in osmoregulation and excretion.

    Fluidity of membrane is measured as

    The molecule in a membrane that limit its permeability are

    Identify the organelles on the basis of given features. A. Involved in the synthesis of lipid-like steroidal hormones. B.Show different morphological and physiological states during functioning. C.Involved in the cell plate formation during cytokinesis in plant cells.

    Select the incorrect statement w.r.t fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane:

    Tonoplast is

    Round and biconcave cells are

    Chromosome with centromere just aside to the centre of chromosomes and having a short arm and a long arm is called-

    Read the following statements. A: Na + / K + pump participates in active transport. B: Lateral movement of proteins is possible within the overall lipid bilayer.

    Centriole arises

    Which of the following cellular part is incorrectly described?

    Consider the following statements and select the option that correctly fills the blank: (I) The interphase nucleus has a loose and indistinct network of nucleoprotein fibres called A (II) Primary constrictions of chromosomes are also called B . (III) A part of chromosome beyond non- staining secondary constriction is called C (IV) Kinetochores are D structure. A B C D 1. chromatin primary constriction centromere disc shaped 2. chromosomes kinetochores primary constriction fibrillar 3. chromatin centromere satellite disc shaped 4. chromosomes primary constriction satellite spindle shaped

    Material of nucleus is stained by

    Microtubules are made up of

    Identify the figure and choose the correct option which has correct set of statements regarding the same. A. Flat disc- shaped cisternae are concentrically arranged near the nucleus. B. The cis and trans face are entirely different but interconnected. C. Principally performs the function of packaging materials for intracellular targets or secreted to outside of the cell. D. In the animal cell, it is the site of steroid hormone synthesis.

    Match the following w.r.t shape of chromosomes anaphase of mitosis. Column-I Column-II A Telocentric (I) L-shaped B Metacentric (II) I-shaped C Submetacentric (III) J-shaped D Acrocentric (IV) V-shaped

    The given figure shows a fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane. Identify correctly the four labels A,B,C and D.

    Which of the following cell organelles is not considered as a part of endomembrane system?

    Choose the incorrect match.

    The function of centriole is:

    Nuclear envelope is different from the membranes of other double membrane bound cell organelles in being A. The outer membrane studded with ribosomes B. Fusion of both outer and inner membrane at certain places. C. Having contact with endomembrane system. D. Having a space between outer and inner membrane.

    In the structure of flagellum as seen under electron microscope, one can observe the following features of a flagellum of eukaryotes.

    The component of cell membrane which has contact with outer aqueous environment but not with the cytoplasmic aqueous substance.

    Plant cells have all except

    Identify the structure that help in cell wall formation, DNA replication and aerobic respiration in prokaryotes.

    Identify the structure that helps in cell wall formation, DNA replication and aerobic respiration in prokaryotes.

    Which of the following cell organelle helps in lipid like steroidal hormone synthesis in animals?

    The statement that plants and animals are composed of cells and cell products was given by

    The selective permeability of cell membrane is mainly attributed to the following component of cell membrane

    The dumping center for unwanted materials of plant cell is

    Cell organelle whose membrane can be associated with ribosomes is

    Which of the following statement is correct with respect to vacuoles?

    Which of the following cell organelle is rich in acid hydrolases.

    Nissl bodies are mainly composed of

    Plastids are found in

    The plastid which contains only carotene and xanthophyll but not chlorophyll is called:

    Identify the correct statement.

    Mitochondria and chloroplast are both characterized by

    Identify the correct statement

    Find the correct match.

    Ribosomes was first observed by

    Which cell organelle is called “Organelle within organelle” ?

    Identify the correct match.

    How many of the following statement is correct about ribosome? (a) Palade particle are ribosomes (b) Polysome is a chain of ribosome seen in prokaryotes. (c) Acetocarmine is used to stain ribosome.

    Microtubules are composed of:

    An elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous structures present in the cytoplasm involved in maintenance of the shape of the cell is collectively referred to as

    The thickest and thinnest cytoskeleton fibres are

    Identify the correct statement.

    Identify the correct statement w.r.t cytoskeleton. (a) It is an elaborate network of filamentous proteinaceous structures present in the cytoplasm. (b) It consists of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate filaments. (c) They are involved in many functions such as mechanical support, motility, maintenance of the shape of the cell.

    The single membrane bound cell organelle and non-membrane bound cell organelles associated with the envelope of nucleus are

    Arrange the following cells in increasing order of their size. a. Bacteria b. Mycoplasma c. Human red blood cells d. Egg of an ostrich

    The ratio of length of the long arm to the short arm of a chromosome is called arm ratio. The maximum arm ratio is found in:

    A semi-fluid matrix that occupies much of the volume of the cell

    Identify the incorrect statement

    Choose the incorrect statement with respect to prokaryotic cells.

    Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct match. Column-I Column-II A Endoplasmic Reticulum i has thylakoids B Golgi complex ii has cristae C Mitochondria iii has no ribosomes D Chloroplast iv has ribosomes attached to outer surface of membrane

    One of the following anaphasic chromosomes has only one arm.

    A is the organelle having cisternae and B is the cell organelle having cristae. A and B are respectively

    Statement A: Starch is stored in amyloplasts. Statement B: Starch can be formed in chloroplasts.

    Cytoskeletal components are present in these structures of an eukaryotic cell. A. Flagella B. Centrioles C. Ribosomes D. Endoplasmic reticulum

    Choose the correct statements. A. Centrioles are integral parts of spindle apparatus of animal cells. B. Spindle apparatus has all the components of Cytoskeleton. C. Only microtubules of cytoskeleton are involved in spindle apparatus formation. D. Chromosomal spindle fibers of spindle apparatus are directly attached to DNA of chromosome.

    Non-cytoplasmic structures of eukaryotes are A. Chromatin B. Nucleolus C. Microbodies D. Cytoskeleton

    Choose the pair of cell organelles that do not divide during M phase but have genetic material in them

    Among the following, choose the mitotic anaphasic chromosomes with relatively unequal arms. A. Acrocentric chromosome B. Metacentric chromosome C. Sub-metacentric chromosome D. Telocentric chromosome.

    Statement A : Ribosomes are not a part of endomembrane system of cell. Statement B: Ribosomes are not associated with any component of endomembrane system of cell

    Thylakoids in higher plants are the site for:

    The cell membrane is mainly composed of:

    All are the main functions of cell wall except:

    The outer membrane of the nucleus usually remains continuous with the:

    Which amongst the following is not a double membrane bound cell organelle?

    Which of the following organelle is site for aerobic respiration?

    Arrangement of axonemal microtubules in a cilium or a flagellum is in the pattern of

    Identify the correct statement for the organelles that have their own DNA.

    The first formed part of cell wall during cytokinesis of plant cell is made of

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Which amongst the following structures are not bound by any unit membrane? (a) Centrosome (b) Cilia (c) Inclusion bodies (d) Ribosome

    80S ribosomes are present in eukaryotes. What does S stand for and what does it indirectly measure?

    which of the following cell organelle can multiply by fission?

    Choose the correct statement.

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    Number of chloroplasts found in a cell of Chlamydomonas is:

    Choose the cell organelle of eukaryotes that has microtubules as its structural components.

    Aleuroplasts store food in the form of:

    Identify the thick and tough structure in some bacteria which is usually made up of polysaccharides and rarely proteins which can impart virulence to the bacteria.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a. Cilia i. (9+2) arrangement of microtubules b. Centrioles ii. (9+0) arrangement of microtubules c. Prokaryotic Flagella iii. Flagellin protein d. Pseudopodia iv. Microfilament

    The hub of centriole is chemically made of

    Which amongst the following is not the function of the cell wall?

    The organelle that helps in conversion of light energy to chemical energy is also involved in:

    Select the incorrect match.

    Which of the following statements is incorrect w.r.t shape of cells?

    Which amongst the following is not true regarding mitochondria?

    Column I Column II A Largest cell i Mesophyll cells B Smallest cell ii Red blood cells C Round and biconcave cells iii Mycoplasma D Round and oval cells iv Ostrich

    In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes ribosomes can be associated with

    ATP forming cell organelles of eukaryotes are

    Select the incorrect statement.

    Which cell organelles have ribosomes attached to their membrane ?

    Fluid mosaic model best explains the structure of

    Statement A: All nucleated cells are living. Statement B: All living cells are nucleate.

    Identify the cell organelles associated with ribosomes.

    Choose the structure of prokaryotic cell which can be in the form of vesicles, tubules and lamellae.

    Choose the correct statement.

    Initial studies on the cell membrane were carried out by using which of the following cells?

    The components of prokaryotic cells that can be seen even in eukaryotic cells are A. Mesosomes B. 70S ribosomes C. Circular DNA D. Gas vacuoles

    Read the following statements and identify the structure it is referring to: (a) This structure helps in motility in bacteria. (b) It is composed of three parts: Filament, hook and basal body.

    Which of the given cell organelles is the important site of glycosylation of proteins?

    Which of the given chromosomes appear L-shaped during anaphase?

    Select the incorrect statement about plasma membrane.

    Which of the following components provides sticky character to the bacterial cell?

    Identify I and II from the diagram given below:

    Secondary cell wall grows by

    The telomeres of eukaryotic chromosomes consists of short sequences of

    As the ……… (A) ……… molecules cannot pass through the …… (B) ………. lipid bilayer, they require ….. (C) ……. to facilitate their transport across the membrane. Choose the correct combination respectively.

    Periplastidial space is found in

    In chloroplasts, chlorophyll is present in the

    Which of the following is considered as the sugar factory of the cell?

    The term ‘glycocalyx’ is used for :

    Which one of the following cellular parts is correctly described?

    may move across the membrane by the process of simple diffusion along the concentration gradient, from higher concentration to lower concentration.

    Photosynthetic bacteria have pigments in

    The amount of the Golgi bodies will be highest in

    Polysomes are aggregate of

    The cytoskeletal elements are involved in i Amoeboid movement ii Seperation of chromosomes iii Ciliary movement iv Cytokinesis

    Select the incorrect statements.

    The passage through which movement of RNA and protein molecules takes place in both directions is

    Select the incorrect statement about nucleolus.

    Statement I : Lysosomes are membrane-bound structures Statement II : These are golgian vacuoles.

    Which of the following sequences represent a possible pathway in the production of a secretory protein?

    Microfilaments are involved in i. Cyclosis ii. Amoeboid movement iii. Furrow formation on cell membrane

    Microfilaments are

    Choose the incorrect statements from the following. A. Mitochondrial and Chloroplast DNA is organised as chromatin B. Mesosomes are extensions of plasma membrane of eukaryotes. C. Lipid imparts fluidity to cell membrane. D. Lipids formed in a part of endomembrane system can be digested by other component of endomembrane system.

    How many cell organelles are bounded by a single membrane? Nucleolus, ER, Sphaerosome, Ribosomes, Mitochondria, Lysosome, Peroxisome, Golgi body, Nucleus

    Mark the incorrect about ribosomes.

    In which of the following organisms, ‘contractile vacuole’ play important role in excretion ?

    The ‘Fluid Mosaic Model’ of plasma membrane was proposed by

    The cell organelle showing extensive polymorphism is

    The mitochondria:

    Axoneme having 9 + 2 doublet microtubule arrangement is found in

    The set of the organelles/structure that are absent in plant cell are

    Which set of the cell organelles are considered to be semi-autonomous?

    Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding mitochondria?

    Mesosomes are formed by the extension of plasma membrane into the cytoplasm and help in many functions except

    Nucleolus is :

    Which of the following organelles is present exclusively in plants?

    Which of the following is closest to the plasma membrane?

    The nucleolus is an important site for

    Which one of the following organelle in the figure CORRECTLY matches with its functions

    The ribosomes present in the cytoplasm of the causative organism of cholera and mitochondria of causative organism of malaria, respectively, are

    Which type of vacuole in Amoeba is important for osmoregulation and excretion?

    Match components of List I with components of List II and choose the correct match. List I List II A Cell organelle with RNA but not DNA I Golgi complex B Cell organelle with circular DNA and linear RNA II Ribosome C Cell organelle with linear DNA and RNA III Chloroplast D Cell organelle with neither DNA nor RNA IV Nucleus Choose the correct answer from the options given below A B C D 1 II IV I III 2 II III IV I 3 III II I IV 4 III I II IV

    There are many cell organelles in the cells and each of them have specific functions. Some of them have their functions coordinated. These are

    Which is correct related to cell theory?

    Read the following statements and select the incorrect one.

    The statement “All living organisms are composed of cells and their products” was given by

    A genophore is

    How many of following cell organelles are found only in animal cells and not in the cells of flowering plants? Cell wall, Centrosome, Chloroplast, Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Nucleus

    Each phospholipid molecule in a cell membrane consists of

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    A polysome is

    The principle related to some bacteria retaining the Gram’s stain and some fail to retain it, lies in which one of the following structures of bacterial cell?

    Rough endoplasmic reticulum is frequently observed in cells actively involved in the process of A and B . A B 1. excretion osmoregulation 2. protein synthesis secretion 3. protein synthesis cell lysis 4. excretion formation of glycolipids Select the option that correctly identifies (A) and (B).

    Which statement is correct with respect to structure of plasma membrane shown in fluid mosaic model?

    The cell organelles involved in the formation of cell wall of higher plants is/are

    Choose the correct pair.

    In mature living plant cell, the cell organelle that occupies up to 90% of cell volume is

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Site for synthesis of lipid like steroidal hormones i Vacuole B Organelle involved in modification of proteins ii Lysosome C Cell organelle rich in hydrolases iii Golgi complex D Component of endomembrane system bounded by tonoplast iv Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum Choose the correct answer from the options given below. A B C D 1 iii iv ii i 2 ii iv i iii 3 iv iii ii i 4 iv iii i ii

    Luminal compartment of intracellular space of eukaryotic cell is

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A RER i Reservoir of hydrolases B Golgi complex ii Organelle that synthesizes hydrolases C SER iii Organelle that processes hydrolases D Lysosome iv Organelle that is involved in detoxification of cell Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 ii i iv iii 2 ii iii iv i 3 iii ii i iv 4 ii iii i iv

    Choose the pair of organelles that show more structural similarity.

    Refer to the given figure. Identify the given organelle P and select the option which is related to P. P

    Which one among the given options is not considered as inclusion body?

    The correct sequence of layers from outward to inward in bacterial cell envelope is

    Main “ATP formation center” of a cell is

    Statement A: Meristematic cells have more mitochondria than parenchyma cells. Statement B: Meristematic cells are in cell cycle and parenchyma cells are not.

    Mitochondria show variation in A. Size B. Shape C. Number per cell

    Assertion: Outer membrane of mitochondrion is more permeable than inner membrane Reason: Outer membrane has porins but not inner membrane.

    Cell was first observed by

    Power house of the cell is

    Choose the correct statement.

    Match Column I with Column II and select the correct option. Column I Column II a. Organelle containing hydrolytic enzymes i. SER b. Organelle with cis-trans polarity ii. Lysosomes c. Organelle involved in lipid synthesis iii. Golgi body d. Organelle of endomembrane system containing ribosomes on its surface iv. RER a b c d 1. ii iii i iv 2. iii ii i iv 3. ii iii iv i 4. ii i iii iv

    The nucleus of cell was discovered by

    Assertion: Mitochondria are called as “power houses of the cell”. Reason: Mitochondria produce more cellular energy in the form of ATP all the time compared to any other organelle.

    Cell organelle that resembles prokaryotic cell is

    Choose the correct statement with respect to mitochondria.

    Genetic material of prokaryotes is

    Cristae are

    In green cells of plant, the source of ATP for cell energy requirements during dark period is

    Assertion: Outer membrane of mitochondria is homologous to outer membrane of gram negative bacteria present external to cell wall. Reason: Both outer membrane of gram negative bacteria and mitochondria have porins.

    Assertion: Inner membrane of mitochondrion has more surface area than outer membrane. Reason: Inner membrane has cristae and outer membrane is lacking any folds.

    In mitochondria, porins are present in

    Matrix is the region of

    Choose the incorrect statement.

    Plant cells differ from animal cells in having a. cell wall b. large central vacuole c. plastids

    Water balance of plant cell is regulated by

    Cell wall with calcium carbonate is present in

    Assertion: The phospholipids of cell membrane are amphipathic. Reason: Each phospholipid molecule has a polar head and a non-polar tail with only one saturated hydrocarbon chain.

    Choose the pair of organelles that show more structural similarity.

    Which statement is correct with respect to structure of plasma membrane shown in fluid mosaic model?

    The statement “All living organisms are composed of cells and their products” was given by

    Choose the wrong statements regarding bacterial cell. A. Glycocalyx is outermost region of cell envelope in bacteria. B. Glycocalyx could be a loose sheath called capsule. C. Glycocalyx may be thick and tough called slime layer. D. A special structure formed by the plasma membrane is called mesosome. E. Small bristle-like fibres sprouting out of the cell surface are called fimbriae.

    There are many cell organelles in the cells and each of them have specific functions. Some of them have their functions coordinated. These are

    Statement A: In prokaryotic cell, ribosomes are associated with plasma membrane. Statement B: The sub-units of of prokaryotic ribosomes are 50S and 20S that together form 70S ribosomes.

    The chief component of lipid bilayer of cell membrane is

    Choose the incorrect statements. A. All ions move across the cell membrane only by active transport. B. All ions move across the cell membrane only by facilitated diffusion. C. Water is a polar molecule that can move passively through the cell membrane. D. Plasma membrane is selectively permeable membrane and it allows movement of some substances across it by active transport and some others by passive transport.

    Arrange the following cells in sequence of gradual increase in their size. A. Red blood cell of man B. Mycoplasma C. Typical eukaryotic cell D. Typical bacterial cell

    Choose the correct statement.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a Cisternae i Plasma membrane of animal cells b Membrane bound organelle with 80S ribosomes ii Lysosome c Organelle with acid hydrolases iii Endoplasmic Reticulum. d Microvilli iv Possessed by organelle involved in packing of materials a b c d 1. i ii iii iv 2. ii iv iii i 3. ii iii iv i 4. iv iii ii i

    How many of following cell organelles are found only in animal cells and not in the cells of flowering plants? Cell wall, Centrosome, Chloroplast, Mitochondria, Ribosomes, Nucleus

    Which cell organelle is in continuation with the outer membrane of nuclear envelope?

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A RER i Reservoir of hydrolases B Golgi complex ii Organelle that synthesizes hydrolases C SER iii Organelle that processes hydrolases D Lysosome iv Organelle that is involved in detoxification of cell Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 ii i iv iii 2 ii iii iv i 3 iii ii i iv 4 ii iii i iv

    Which of the following structures perform the function of mitochondria in bacteria?

    Which one of the following chemical components imparts quasi-fluid nature to cell membrane?

    Assertion: Viruses are incapable of living independently. Reason: Viruses do not show cellular organisation.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a Cytoskeleton i Has grana b Ribosomes ii Intermediate filaments c Chloroplast iii Power houses of the cell d Mitochondrion iv Present in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes Choose the correct answer from the given options a b c d 1 ii iv i iii 2 ii iii iv i 3 ii i iv iii 4 iv ii i iii

    Choose the correct pair.

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II a Round and biconcave i Columnar epithelial cells b Amoeboid ii Red blood cells c Long and narrow iii Nerve cell d Branched and long iv White blood cells a b c d 1. ii iv iii i 2. ii iv i iii 3. i ii iv iii 4. ii iii iv i

    March Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Robert Brown i Gave final shape to cell theory B Anton Von Leeuwenhoek ii Cells together form tissues of plant. C Matthias Schleiden iii Discovered living cell D Rudolf Virchow iv Discovered the component of cell that has chromosomes. Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv i iii ii 2 ii iii iv i 3 iv iii ii i 4 iii iv i ii

    A polysome is

    The principle related to some bacteria retaining the Gram’s stain and some fail to retain it, lies in which one of the following structures of bacterial cell?

    Read the following statements and select the incorrect one.

    Lamellae or thylakoids are absent in

    Statement A: Chromoplasts have fat soluble pigments. Statement B: Carotenes and xanthophylls are soluble in organic solvents.

    The membranes of eukaryotes responsible for generation of electrochemical proton gradient are associated with

    Assertion: Mitochondria and chloroplasts have similarity with bacteria. Reason: Like bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts have 70S ribosomes and circular DNA molecules.

    Choose the correct statement with respect to chloroplast.

    Chloroplast has porins in

    Size of typical chloroplast is almost equal to the size of

    Cell wall material that glues the adjacent cells of a plant tissue is

    Ribbon like chloroplast is present in one of the following plant

    The cell organelle seen in all living cells is a

    Only one chloroplast is present in each cell in

    Lumen is

    Match Column I with Column II. Column I Column II A Metachromatic granules i Help in attaching to substratum B Pili ii Elongated tubular structures C Fimbriae iii Seen in photosynthetic prokaryotes D Gas vacuoles iv Polyphosphates Choose the correct answer from the below given options. A B C D 1 iv iii ii i 2 iv ii i iii 3 ii iv i iii 4 iv ii iii i

    Luminal compartment of intracellular space of eukaryotic cell is

    Number of chloroplasts of a mesophyll cell ranges from

    Singer and Nicolson described the structure of

    Match Column I with Column II Column I Column II A Cell organelle common to plant and animal cells i Centrosome B Cell organelle common to prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells ii 80S ribosome C Cell organelle exclusively seen in plant cells iii 70S ribosomes D Cell organelle usually seen in animal cells and seldom in certain plant cells iv Plastids Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 ii iii iv i 2 iii ii iv i 3 ii iv i iii 4 iii i iv ii

    Match Column I with Column II Column I (Cell type) Column II (Cell shape) A Red blood cells of man i Elongated and unbranched B White blood cells of man ii Round and oval C Mesophyll cells iii Amoeboid D Tracheid iv Round and biconcave Choose the correct answer from the given options. A B C D 1 iv i ii iii 2 iii iv ii i 3 iv ii i iii 4 iv iii ii i

    Refer to the given figure. Identify the given organelle P and select the option which is related to P. P

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