HomeP – Block Elements Part 1 Questions for CBSE Class 11th

P – Block Elements Part 1 Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Condensation of two SiO 4 – 4 units involving one corner of the tetrahedron decreases number of oxygen atoms by (X) and negative charge by (Y) units. X and Y are respectively

The value of n in the molecular formula Be n Al 2 Si 6 O 18 is . . . . . .

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    The stability of +1 oxidation state increases in the sequence:

    Boron has an extremely high melting point because of

    Select the incorrect statement

    Whose aqueous solution is not acidic?

    Which of the following is non- reducing?

    Which of the halides does not exist?

    Na 2 B 4 O 7 ⋅ 10 H 2 O is correctly represented as

    Carbon forms a large number of compounds due to:

    Boron nitride is isoelectronic with

    How many statements are correct? 1.Prismatic borax has 10 water molecules 2.Borazine undergoes hydrolysis at very high T and gives ammonia and boric acid 3.Pyrosilicates contains two units of S i O 4 – 4 4.SnS is soluble in yellow ammonium sulphide and its basic in nature 5. Red lead is P b 3 O 4 6. Nitrogen di oxide is a mixed anhydride. 7. As per VSEPR the shape of N O 2 + is Linear. 8.If the difference in Electronegativity is 1.9, then the compound is equally ionic and covalent.

    Total cyclic isomers of B 3 N 3 H 4 X 2

    In the reaction B 2 H 6 + 2 KOH + 2 X ⟶ 2 Y + 6 H 2 , X and Y are respectively

    In Diborane correct statement is/are

    Sum of the Bond lengths ( in A°) of two types of B-H bonds in B 2 H 6 is (B-terminal ‘H’ and B-bridge H)

    Concentrated HNO 3 can be stored in container of

    The process used for purification of bauxile ore containing high silica content as impurity is

    Boric acid when burnt with ethylalcohol gives a green edged flame due to the combustion of

    Basicity of H 3 BO 3

    Which of the following is unreactive in air on heating

    Boric acid is polymer due to

    Reactivity of borazole is greater than that of benzene because

    The H-B-H bridged angle in diborane

    Specify the Co-ordination geometry around and the hybridization of N and B atoms in 1 : 1 complex of BF 3 and NH 3

    The number of electrons shared between the boron atoms directly in the formation of bonds in Diborane molecule

    The oxidation state of Boron atom in borax is

    Which is not true about borax ?

    Which of the following element does not form cation in aqueous solution

    The Hybridization of carbon in carbon sub oxide is

    CCl 4 is used as fire extinguisher because

    The BCl 3 is a planar molecule, whereas NCl 3 is pyramidal because

    The structure and hybridization of Si(CH 3 ) 4 are

    The hybrid states of C in diamond and graphite are respectively:

    Boron does not form B 3+ ion, due to

    Which of the following has least tendency to undergo catenation?

    Which of the following is chemically inactive allotropic form of carbon?

    Thalium (Tl) exhibits monovalency whereas Al exhibits trivalency. This is due to:

    In the thermite process, iron oxide is reduced to molten iron by Al powder because

    The process used for purification of bauxite ore containing high silica content as impurity is ?

    Regarding Al wrong statement is ?

    Electrolytic reduction of Alumina to Aluminium by Hall-Heroult process is carried out ?

    Aluminum chloride exist as dimer in solid state A l 2 C l 6 . When dissolved in water it gives ?

    The correct statements among I to III regarding group 13 element oxides? I) Boron trioxide is acidic. II) Oxides of Aluminum and Gallium are amphoteric. III) Oxides of indium and thallium are basic.

    Which of the following is unreactive in air on heating?

    Borax bead is a mixture of ?

    Borax when dissolved in water exhibits ?

    N a 2 B 4 O 7 . 10 H 2 O Borax can also represented as ?

    Boric acid when burnt with ethyl-alcohol gives a green edged flame due to the combustion of ?

    Orthoboric acid on heating to 373K gives ?

    Boric acid is prepared from the borax by the action of ?

    The Hybridisation of boron and oxygen atoms in boric acid are respectively ?

    Diborane reacts with carbon monoxide to form ?

    In the reaction 2 X + B 2 H 6 B H 2 X 2 + B H 4 − Which of the following is not X?

    When Boron is reacted with Conc. H 2 S O 4 , the gaseous product is ?

    The H t – B – H t bond angle in diborane where Hydrogens are at terminal is ?

    Methylation of Diborane give ?

    Tau bonds formed by overlapping of ?

    The non planar molecule among the following is ?

    Which one of the following is not a Protonic acid ?

    White fumes appear around the bottle of anhydrous aluminum chloride due to the formation of ?

    How many moles of H C l react with one mole of borax to boric acid?

    General electronic configuration of 13 group elements ?

    Number of moles of O H – ions produced by dissolving 1 mole of H 3 B O 3 in water ?

    Which of the following statement is not correct?

    How many of the following have correct formulae N a 2 S i O 3 – S o d i u m s i l i c a t e , Z i r c o n – Z r S i O 4 , P h e n a c i t e – B e 2 S i O 4 , B e r y l – B e 3 A l 2 S i 6 O 18 , T a l c – M g ( S i 2 O 5 ) 2 . M g ( O H ) 2 , E n s t a t i t e – M g S i O 3

    The valency of C in CO 3 2 – is

    Among KO 2 , AlO 2 − , BaO 2 , and NO 2 + one unpaired electron is present in

    Products of hydrolysis of B C l 3 are

    The correct order of catenation among IVA group element is

    The electronegativity of Aluminium is similar to

    The correct order of Ionization potential among the Boron group elements

    Al is usually found in +3 oxidation state. In contrast thallium exhibit +1 and +3 oxidation states this is due to

    Thirteenth group element has highest density.

    Al + X Y Water Z + NH 3 Here X, Y and Z are

    Which of the following has no reaction with HCl

    Among the following most electropositive element is

    Dimeric Aluminium chloride and respective bond lengths are given below.

    Thermite mixture used for welding is

    Electrolytic reduction of Alumina to Aluminium by Hall-Heroult process is carried out

    Aluminium chloride exist as dimer in solid state Al 2 Cl 6 when dissolved in water it gives

    Diborane B 2 H 6 reacts independently with O 2 and H 2 O to produce, respectively.

    The Hybridisation of boron and oxygen atoms in boric acid H 3 BO 3 are respectively

    In the reaction 2 X + B 2 H 6 BH 2 X 2 + BH 4 − Which of the following is not X

    Which of the following pair contains with same structure.

    when Boron is reacted with Conc H 2 SO 4 , the gaseous product is

    B 2 H 6 + N H 3 120 0 X . Where X is

    Borazole on strong heating gives

    The number of atoms involved in bridged bonds in one diborane molecule is

    Correct order of Lewis acid order for Boron halides is

    Amorphous Boron obtained by the following steps Borax A H 3 B O 3 Hot Red B 2 O 3 B Boron . What are A and B

    Boric acid H 3 BO 3 has

    General electronic configuration of 13 group elements

    Which of the following compound does not contain 3-centred-2-electron bond

    B-H-B bridge in B 2 H 6 is formed by the sharing of

    Products formed when Pb(NO 3 ) 2 is heated are :

    Which of the following is only acidic in nature ?

    Which of the following is not hydrolyzed?

    In diborane

    Three centered bond is present in:

    Graphite is soft and lubricant, extremely difficult to melt. The reason for this anomalous behavior is that graphite

    In the reaction LiH + AlH 3 ⟶ LiAlH 4 , AlH 3 and LiH act as

    Boron compounds behave as Lewis acids because of their:

    Which of the following oxides is amphoteric in character?

    The stability of dihalides of Si, Ge, Sn, and Pb increases steadily in the sequence

    In borax, the number of —- OH group attached to boron atoms is

    For which one of the following minerals, the composition given is incorrect?

    The stability of dihalides of Si, Ge, Sn and Pb increases steadily in the sequence

    In the carbon family, the elements other than carbon do not form p π -p π bonds because the atomic orbitals are:

    Which of the following is not a mineral of boron?

    Which of the following compounds is formed in borax bead test?

    Which is used in high temperature thermometry?

    Al salts on heating with Na 2 CO 3 in , charcoal cavity gives a white infusible residue. On moistening the same with a drop of cobalt nitrate, it changes to due to the formation of cobalt meta-aluminate (Thenard’s blue)

    Which halides of the element of group 13 do not exist as dimer in the vapour state, the element is

    Carbon shows tetravalency due to

    The use of diamond as a gem depends on its

    Which of the following is the correct chemical formula for cryolite ?

    The relative stability of +1 oxidation state of group 13 elements follows the order.

    The increasing order of atomic radii of the following group 13 elements is ?

    Al is usually found in +3 oxidation state. In contrast thallium exhibit +1 and +3 oxidation states this is due to ?

    The electronegativity of Aluminium is similar to ?

    Which of the following is used in high temperature thermometry?

    Which thirteenth group element has highest density?

    Which of the following is least electronegative element?

    The correct order of Ionization potential among the Boron group elements is ?

    Which of the following statement is incorrect for the Boron family?

    Which of the element of Boron family has highest melting point?

    Which of the following element is not likely to act as central atom in M F 6 3 − ?

    A l + X Δ Y + H 2 O Z + N H 3 identify X, Y and Z.

    Among the following most electropositive element is ?

    In metallurgy, the substance which can acts as deoxidizer is ?

    Which of the following has no reaction with HCl?

    Which one of the following has the lowest melting point?

    In gold Schmidt reaction, certain metallic oxides are reduced to the molten metal by heating with ?

    Which of the following element exhibit passivity with conc. H N O 3

    Concentrated H N O 3 can be stored in container of ?

    Thermite mixture used for welding is ?

    Aluminium vessel should not be washed with materials containing caustic soda because ?

    The process used for the purification of bauxite ore containing Iron oxide as impurity is known as ?

    Dimeric Aluminium chloride and respective bond lengths are given below. Identify the correct option.

    Alum is not used as ?

    Diborane B 2 H 6 reacts independently with O 2 and H 2 O to produce, respectively.

    Thermite is a mixture of X parts of F e 2 O 3 and Y parts of Al powder then X and Y are respectively ?

    The number of 2-centre-2-electron and 3-centre-2-electron bonds in diborane are respectively are

    Borax bead test is not given by ?

    Reactivity of borazole is greater than that of benzene because ?

    In Borax, the number of B – O – B links and B – O – H bonds present are respectively.

    Basicity of H 3 B O 3 is ?

    Specify the Co-ordination geometry around and the hybridization of N and B atoms in 1 : 1 complex of B F 3 a n d N H 3 .

    The gas liberated when Aluminum reacts with conc. H 2 S O 4 .is ?

    Boric acid is polymer due to ?

    Which of the following pair contains same structure?

    The number of σ and π bonds present in inorganic benzene are ?

    The H-B-H bridged angle in diborane is ?

    B 2 H 6 + N H 3 120 0 X What is X ?

    Borazole on strong heating gives ?

    The number of electrons shared between the boron atoms directly in the formation of bonds in Diborane molecule are ?

    Boric acid has ?

    Which of the following does not react with diborane?

    Diborane reacts with NaH to give ?

    Number of 3-centred-2-electron bonds in A l B H 4 3

    Which of the following method can be used for the preparation of purest Boron ?

    Which of the following compound does not contain 3-centred-2-electron bond?

    Amorphous Boron obtained by the following steps. Borax A H 3 B O 3 H o t Re d B 2 O 3 B B o r o n What are A and B ?

    Boric acid on heating at 100 0 C gives X. X on heating at 160 ∘ C gives Y and Y on heating at red hot gives B 2 O 3 . Find X and Y.

    Boron Carbide B 4 C is widely used for ?

    The number of 3-centred-2-electron bond in B e B H 4 2 is ?

    How many moles of N O 2 are produced when one mole of B reacts with H N O 3 ?

    Number of tetrahedral boron atoms in peroxo-borate obtained by the following reaction. 2 N a B O 2 + 2 H 2 O 2 + 6 H 2 O N a 2 B 2 O H 4 O 2 2 6 H 2 O

    The number of atoms involved in bridged bonds in one diborane molecule is ?

    The oxidation of N a B H 4 (Sodium Boro Hydride) with Iodine gives ?

    Number of moles of O H – ions produced by dissolving 1 mole of H 3 B O 3 in water ?

    The compounds of type E C l 3 where E=B,P,As(or) Bi the angles C l − E − C l for different E are in the order.

    Correct statements regarding A l 2 C l 6 is/are ? a)The covalency of Al in A l 2 C l 6 is 4 b) A l C l 3 molecules are dimerized through halogen bridging c)In A l 2 C l 6 the number of covalent bonds and co-ordinate covalent bonds are 6 and 2

    Correct order of Lewis acid order for Boron halides is ?

    Which element is used in measurement of high temperatures?

    B-F bond order in B F 3 is ?

    The number of 3-centre-2-electron and 2-centre-2-electron bonds in Diborane respectively are ?

    The reaction of H 3 N 3 B 3 Cl 3 ( A ) with LiBH 4 in THF gives a compound(B).Further the reaction of (A) with three moles of methylmagnesium Bromide gives the compound C and D. Then the compounds B and C are respectively ?

    The Hydride that is electron deficient is ?

    Which of the following is the most stable oxidation state of Thallium?

    The correct order of stability of +1 oxidation state of Group-13- elements follows :

    Which of the following statements are true about Quartz a) It is pure crystalline form of silica b) It is Tetrahedral polymer c)UV light Can pass through Quartz

    Which of the following is not hydrolysed easily?

    Silicones are group of organo silicon polymer , Select correct statement(s) about them, a) R 3 SiCl produce very complex cross linked polymeric silicones on Hydrolysis b) Their water repellency arises because silicone chain is surrounded by organic side groups c) Their strength and inertness are related to the stable silica like skeleton of d) Hydrolysis product of CH 3 SiCl 3 will block the end of the straight chain produce by hydrolysis of CH 3 2 SiCl 2

    The element that shows greater ability to form Pπ – Pπ multiple Bonds is ?

    Among the following Group 14-elements which one does not show catenation?

    Among the halides the correct order of Lewis acidic character is a) BCl 3 b) AlCl 3 c) GaCl 3 d) InCl 3

    In diamond and graphite the percentage of s-characters of the Hybrid orbitals in hybridisation are respectively ?

    Identify the reaction which does not liberate Hydrogen

    Example of most abundant three-dimensional silicate is ?

    Heating an aqueous solution of aluminium chloride to dryness will give ?

    Cross linked silicone polymer are given by the hydrolysis of which of the following substituted silanes ?

    Graphite is a soft solid lubricant extremely difficult to melt. The reason for this anomalous behavior is that graphite ?

    Which of the following are Lewis acids?

    In graphite and diamond, the percentage of p- characters of the hybrid orbitals involved in hybridisation are respectively ?

    Identify the incorrect statement.

    3 moles of B 2 H 6 are completely reacted with methanol. The number of moles of Boron containing product formed is ?

    What is the maximum covalency if silicon

    How many of the following are electron deficient Hydrides CH 4 , SiH 4 , AlH 3 , GaH 3 , C 2 H 6 , NH 3 , H 2 O , B 2 H 6

    How many of the following statements are correct? (I) ‘B’ has a smaller first ionization enthalpy than Be (II) it is easier to remove 2p electron than 2s electron (III)2p electron of ‘B’ is more shielded from the nucleus by the inner core of electrons than 2s electrons of Be (IV) 2s electron has more penetration power than 2p electron (V) Atomic radius of B is more than Be

    Aluminum liberates di hydrogen gas with both dilute H C l and aqueous N a O H , the volume ratio of di hydrogen gas evolved from equal amounts of aluminum in these reactions is

    B O H 3 + N a O H ⇌ N a B O 2 + N a [ B O H 4 ] + H 2 O How can this reaction is made to proceed in forward direction ?

    The reaction of H 3 N 3 B 3 Cl 3 A with LiBH 4 in tetrahydrofuran gives inorganic benzene (B). Further, the reaction of (A) with (C) leads to H 3 N 3 B 3 Me 3 . Compounds (B) and (C) respectively are:

    How many of the following are inert to hydrolysis B F 3 , S i C l 4 , P C l 5 , S F 6

    Which of the following is a pyrosilicate.

    Substance Colour imparted Ferric oxide Yellow Chromic oxide Green Cobalt oxide Blue Selenium metal Red Manganese oxide Purple Cuprous oxide Red Cadmium sulphide Yellow Nickel oxide Black Cobalt oxide Black Manganese oxide Blue How many of the compounds and they colors are mis-matched

    Observe this silicate and find out what will be negative charge on this ion(ignore the negative sign and predict only the number)

    In the given diagram, the formula of the salt X is

    When BCl 3 is strongly heated with ammonia the product formed is

    In the preparation of potash alum, from saturated solutions of K 2 SO 4 and Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 ,dilute sulphuric acid is added to Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 crystals while preparing its saturated solution. This is due to

    Correct statement(s) among (I) to (IV) regarding group 14 elements is (are) I) Silicon exists in diamond form and does not have an allotrope which resembles graphite. II) All elements other than carbon in this group can expand their octet. III) Hybridization of Sn in [ Sn ( OH ) 6 ] 2 − is sp 3 d 2 . IV) Lead does not from any tetrahalides while all other elements of the group form.

    True statements about silicones/ silicates are: I) Silicones resist oxidation and attack by organic reagents II) Silicones are lubricants at low as well as high temperature III) Cross-linked silicones are formed by the hydrolysis of trichlorosilicone and subsequent polymerization IV) Silicones are good electrical insulators and are antifoaming agents. V) Both Silicones and Silicates compound contains Si – O – Si linkage

    The hydride that is not electron deficient is

    Which of these statements is not true?

    Which of the following statements regarding aluminium is not correct?

    Which of these statements is not true

    The number of 3-centre-2-electron and 2-centre-2-electron bonds in Di Borane respectively are

    The correct order of stability of +1 oxidation state of Group-13- elements follows

    Silicones are group of organo silicon polymer , select correct statement(s) about them, a) R 3 SiCl produce very complex cross linked polymeric silicones on Hydrolysis . b) Their water repellency arises because silicone chain is surrounded by organic-side groups. c) Their strength and inertness are related to the stable silica like skeleton of d) Hydrolysis product of CH 3 SiCl 3 will block the end of the straight chain produce by hydrolysis of CH 3 2 SiCl 2

    In diamond and graphite the percentage of S-characters of the Hybrid orbitals in Hybridization are respectively

    How many of the following are electron deficient Hydrides CH 4 , SiH 4 , AlH 3 , GaH 3 , C 2 H 6 , NH 3 , H 2 O,B 2 H 6

    How many of the following are Lewis acids CCl 4 , SiCl 4 , NH 3 , BCl 3 , AlCl 3 , CH 4

    The strongest lewis acid among Boron Halides is ,

    Which of the following minerals does not contain aluminium?

    The relative stability of +1 oxidation state of group 13 elements follows the order.

    Which of the following is used in high temperature thermometry

    Which of the following is least electronegative element

    Which of the following statement is incorrect for the Boron family

    Which of the following element exhibit passivity with conc HNO 3

    Which one of the following has the lowest melting point

    The process used for the purification of bauxite ore containing Iron oxide impurity is known as

    Thermite is a mixture of X parts of Fe 2 O 3 and Y parts of Aluminium powders, then X and Y respectively are

    The number of 2-centre-2-electron and 3-centre-2-electron bonds in B 2 H 6 , respectively are

    Borax bead is a mixture of

    Boric acid is prepared from the borax by the action of

    Borax when dissolved in water exhibits

    Na 2 B 4 O 7 , 10 H 2 O (Borax) can also represented as

    Orthoboric acid on heating to 373K gives

    Diborane reacts with carbon monoxide to form

    The gas liberated when Aluminium reacts with conc. H 2 SO 4 is

    The number σ and π bonds present in inorganic benzene.

    The H t − B − H t bond angle in diborane where Hydrogens are at terminal

    Methylation of Diborane give Me = methyl group

    The non planar molecule among the following is

    Which of the following does not react with diborane

    Diborane reacts with NaH gives

    Which of the following method can be used for the preparation of purest Boron

    Number of 3-centred-2-electron bonds in Al BH 4 3

    Boric acid on heating at 100°C gives (X). X on heating at 160°C gives (Y) and Y. On heating at red hot gives B 2 O 3 then X and Y are

    B 4 C Boron Carbide is widely used for

    The number of 3-centred-2-electron bond (Hydrogen bridges) in Be BH 4 2 is

    How many moles of NO 2 are produced when one mole of B reacts with HNO 3

    Number of tetrahedral boron atoms in peroxoborate obtained by the following Reaction 2 NaBO 2 + 2 H 2 O 2 + 6 H 2 O Na 2 B 2 OH 4 O 2 2 6 H 2 O sodium peroxoborate

    Tau bonds formed by overlapping of

    The oxidation of NaBH 4 (Sodium Boro Hydride) with Iodine gives

    White fumes appear around the bottle of anhydrous aluminium chloride due to the formation of

    Which one of the following is not a Protonic acid

    Number of moles of OH – ions produced by dissolving 1 mole of B OH 3 in water

    How many moles of HCl react with one mole of borax to boric acid.

    The compounds of type ECl 3 where E=B,P,AS(or) Bi the angles Cl-E-Cl for different E are in the order.

    Correct statements regarding Al 2 Cl 6 a) The covalency of Al in Al 2 Cl 6 is 4 b) AlCl 3 molecules are dimerised through halogen bridging c) In Al 2 Cl 6 the number of covalent bonds and co-ordinate covalent bonds are 6 and 2

    Which of the following statement is in correct.

    B-F bond order in BF 3

    B OH 3 + NaOH ⇌ NaBO 2 + NaB OH 4 + H 2 O How can this reaction is made to proceed in forward direction ?

    About the crystalline form of Borax in correct statement is

    An aqueous solution of alum is

    The blue coloured mineral ‘Lapis Lazil’ used as semi precious stone.

    BCl 3 does not exist as a dimer but BH 3 exist as, B 2 H 6 because

    Which of the following statement (S) is/are correct I) Both B and Al forms anionic hydrides II) Both forms Alkaline hydroxides of formula M OH 3 III) Both Boran and Al forms a series of polymeric Hydrides IV)Both forms monomeric halides MX 3

    Which of the following is Incorrectly matched.

    Which of the following is Incorrectly matched.

    The values of X and Y in the below diagram is repectively

    Stability of ions of Ge, Sn and Pb will be in the order

    On the addition of mineral acid to an aqueous solution of borax, the following compound is formed

    Thallium shows different oxidation states because

    Which of the following compound is known as inorganic benzene?

    AlCl 3 on hydrolysis gives

    Which of the following halides is least stable and has doubtful existence?

    Which of the following is correct composition of water gas?

    Which of the following is most stable?

    Marsh gas contain

    Percentage of lead in lead pencil is:

    The material used in solar cells contains:

    Graphite is a soft solid lubricant extremely difficult to melt. The reason for this anomalous behavior is that graphite

    Which is likely to show inert pair effect?

    Diamond is hard because

    Nitrogen molecule is chemically less active because of its

    Correct order of bond angles for the following is

    BCl 3 does not exist as dimer but BH 3 exists as dimer (B 2 H 6 ) because

    The bonds present in borazole are

    Lead chromate is

    Correct chemical formula of Red lead is

    An aqueous solution of BCl 3 is:

    The stability of +1 oxidation state increases in the sequence

    C-C bond length is maximum in

    Alumina on heating with carbon in nitrogen atmosphere give

    Which of the following structure is non-planar ?

    Anhydrous AICl 3 is obtained from

    Al 2 O 3 can be converted into anhydrous AlCl 3 by heating

    The solution of borax in water is

    BF 3 is used as catalyst in several industrial processes due to its

    The chemical formula of feldspar is:

    Solder is an alloy of

    Butter of tin is

    Litharge is chemically

    The straight chain polymer is formed by :

    Which of the following is pseudo alum?

    Among the halides 1. BCl 3 2. AlCl 3 3. GaCl 3 4. InCl 3 The order of decreasing Lewis acid character is:

    Which of the following statement about boron carbide is wrong?

    Which one of the following methyl diboranes does not exist?

    Al dissolves in molten NaOH with the formation of

    In borax bead test the colour is due to formation of

    Which is correct for the structure of diborane?

    The structure and hybridisation of Si(CH 3 ) 4 is:

    Boron cannot form which one of the following anions

    H 3 BO 3 is

    Glass is a

    C 60 an allotrope of carbon known as Fullerene contains ‘x’ hexagonal rings and ‘y’ pentagonal rings. Sum of x + y is —————

    Match the property given in Column I with the related element(s) given in Column II and select the answer from the codes given below Column I Column II i. Unusual low melting point p. B ii. Extremely toxic q. Al iii. Forms acidic oxide r. Ga iv. The most stable in +1 state s. In v. Semiconductor t. Tl vi. Forms molecular fluoride

    Which of the following minerals does not contain aluminium?

    Which one of the following is hardest compound of boron?

    When aluminium is heated in atomoshere of nitrogen it forms:

    The colour of ferric metaborate is

    Boron behaves as:

    Which of the following exhibits inert pair effect?

    Which one of the following is more abundant in the earth’s crust?

    The liquified metal expanding on solidification is

    Aluminium vessels should not be washed with materials containing washing soda because:

    B 2 H 6 and B 4 H 10 respectively are examples of

    Which of the following atom would likely form a cation.

    Silicon resembles B due to

    Which of the following is a good conductor of electricity?

    Which of the following statement is false about carbon?

    The element which forms only one hydride is:

    In the ground state, carbon atom has how many unpaired electron(s)?

    Interlayer distance in graphite is:

    Aluminium is more reactive than iron. But aluminium is less easily corroded than iron because

    In CH 4 , valency of carbon is four. Valency of carbon in acetylene is

    Thallium shows different oxidation states due to:

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