HomeHydrocarbons Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Hydrocarbons Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Which one of the following is having more heat of hydogenation

Number of moles of CH 4 formed on hydrolysis of one mole of aluminium carbide ?

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    Which of the following contain Cyclohexane like rings?

    The correct structure of cis 1,3 dimethyl cyclohexane is

    Which of following compound is not a polar molecule?

    Which of following compound is non- aromatic in nature?

    Minimum numbers of Carbon’s required for an alkyne to exhibit chain isomerism is?

    Compound A can be,

    Reductive ozonolysis of this give a product called A, Select from the option

    The product expected is

    The structure of that compound gives with tribromo derivative

    The alkene which is conjugated is

    The alkane used in common house LPG cylinders is, in more percent

    Gattermanns Benzaldehyde synthesis from Benzene is an example of reaction

    Benzene is molecule

    Sulphonation of benzene is reaction

    Which of the following do not give Benzoic acid on reaction with K M n O 4

    The structures given below are related to each other as

    The major product of the following reaction is:

    An unsaturated hydrocarbon X absorbs two hydrogen molecules on catalytic hydrogenation, and also gives following reaction: B (3-oxo-hexanedicarboxylic acid) X will be:

    Consider the following statement. I : -OH group in benzene nucleus is activating. II : There is stabilisation of phenolate ion through resonance. III : Rate of S E in benzene is faster than that of phenol. Select the correct statements.

    Number of π bonds present in Naphthalene is

    Cyclohexanone can be converted to cyclohexane by which of the following reagent ?

    Which of the following has least heat of hydrogenation per mole ?

    Aqueous H 2 S O 4 reacts with 2-Methyl-1-butene to give as final product ?

    Benzene + Propene H 3 P O 4 X ; X is

    P h − E t + C l 2 s u n   l i g h t X ; The IUPAC of X is

    The IUPAC of the following alkane is

    Cycloalkanes are

    The incorrect statement about Cycloalkanes is

    The most reactive Cycloalkanes is

    In Cycloalkanes torsional strain is caused by

    The two flag pole hydrogens atoms on the Boat form point wards

    Select the compound which has the least energy among the following compounds

    Select the stablest conformation of 1,2,4 tri methyl cyclohexane is

    Which of the following is expected to be more acidic?

    The major product of this reaction is

    Which of the following compound would yield highest percentage of meta product?

    Which of the following reaction is not possible?

    Number of lone pair electrons presence on nitrogen in pyridine is

    Select aromatic compound from the list

    Predict A in the reaction

    Acetylene on passing through red hot copper tube gives

    Halogenation of Benzene in the presence of Lewis acid is an example of reaction

    A l C l 3 is used in in Friedel-crafts reaction to

    Toluene reaction with chlorine is presence of F e C l 3 to give a mixture of

    The compound most reactive towards nitration reaction is

    The Reductive Ozonolysis product of Benzene is

    Formation of alkanes by action of Zn on alkyl halides is called as

    The product obtained in the reaction is

    What type of addition takes places in the above reaction?

    The major product in the following reactions is?

    Which of the following have least boiling point?

    How many of the following give alkane as final product.

    The correct order of reactivity of following compounds towards electrophilic aromatic substitution

    What are ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the reaction HC ≡ CH + H 2 O H 2 SO 4 HgSO 4      A       ISOMERISATION      B

    Which of the following is Non-benzenoid aromatic?

    The hybridization of central and terminal carbon atoms in are respectively.

    Which is aromatic species?

    The total number of sigma bonds in mesityl oxide between hybrid orbitals of carbon are/ is .

    Which of the following has least heat of hydrogenation per mole

    How many of the following compounds liberate H 2 gas when passed over ammonical cuprous chloride Ethylene, Acetylene, But-2-yne, Propyne, But-1-yne

    Propyne on reaction with aqueous chlorine gives

    How many of the following gives methane on hydrolysis Fe 3 O 4 , CaC 2 , Al 4 C 3 , Be 2 C

    A mixture of CH 4 , C 2 H 4 and C 2 H 2 is passed through a solution of Tollen’s reagent. The gas coming out will be

    Number of structural isomers theoretically obtained on monochlorination of 2-methyl butane is

    Cyclic polymerization of propyne gives

    The correct structure of the product ‘ A ‘ formed in the reaction is

    C H 3 3 C O H + C H 3 M g B r Hydrocarbon (A). A is

    Cetane number and octane number are zero respectively for

    Which of the following can be de-hydrohalogenated readily?

    The structure of propylide ion C 3 − 4

    Which salt can be converted into alkyne by Kolbe’s method?

    Consider the following reaction and reagents given

    The number of isomers formed on mono chlorination of neo hexane is

    A mixture of Methane, Ethene, and Ethyne is passed through a solution of Tollen’s reagent. The gas(es) coming out will be

    A compound on ozonolysis gives glyoxal, acetone and formaldehyde. The structure of the compound is

    Which is the correct order of decarboxylation of the following compounds is?

    Cycloalkanes can also be called as

    Large planar ring systems of Cycloalkanes do not exist readily because of the reason

    Cyclopropane in their chemical properties behave like

    The compound that gives dimethyl cyclopropane by the reaction with C H 2 I 2

    Which is the correct product of the following reaction?

    The energy difference between which of following conformation of Cyclohexane is minimum?

    The Baeyer strain in Cyclo propane is approximately

    1,2 Dimethyl cycloButane can exhibit

    The ratio between the axial and equitorial ,carbon & hydrogen bonds in frozen chair conformation of cyclohexane is

    Angle strain in Cyclopentane is

    Baeyer strain in Cyclohexane

    Reaction of cycloHexanone with Zn-Hg/HCl gives

    Conversion of alkenes into cyclopropanes, but the insertion reaction of carbenes is called as reaction

    The most unstable conformation of 1-Methyl cyclohexane

    Observe the following structures and select the correct order of stability

    Let the structure given below are A and B respectively , Now select the correct statement regarding them

    Which of following of the following undergoes Fast solvolysis in acidic medium?

    Among the given option the former is more stable than latter ?

    The cyclization of this product in acidic medium gives

    The product expected is

    The product obtained in this reaction is

    The product obtained on the reaction of KOH in watery medium as given below

    The final product of this reaction is

    The product is

    The final product expected in the reaction given below is

    Benzene can be converted in to benzaldehyde?

    Which of the following is correct structure of 4-bromo – 1-chloro – 2 nitro – Benzene?

    Among the following which will undergo aromatic electrophilic substitution easily ?

    The number of pie bonds in Napthalene is

    Benzene on ozonolysis gives three moles of

    Nitration of Benzene is an example of reaction

    Halogenation of Benzene in the presence of light is an example of reaction

    Sulphonation of Benzene is an example of reaction

    In the given molecules which of the following have delocalized electrons

    Coal tar is main source of

    What happens to Naphthalene balls when you put it inside kerosene?

    Carbon -Carbon atoms bond angle in benzene

    Dipole moments of Benzene is

    Reaction of Benzoyl chloride and Benzene in the presence of Lewis acids like A l C l 3 gives

    The product formed on reaction of toluene with chlorine in the presence of light is

    Nitration of nitrobenzene gives which of the following ?

    Among the following the compound that can be most readily sulphonated is ?

    On heating a mixture of sodium benzoate and CaO gives

    Reduction of benzene diazonium chloride with S n C l 2 & N a O H gives

    Aromatization of n – hexane in presence of C r 2 O 3 / A l 2 O 3 gives

    Toluene can be produced by treating zinc dust with

    Which of the following alkyne will produce 3–Ethylheptane on complete catalytic hydrogenation?

    1,3–butadiene and 2–Butyne are?

    Among the following which does not react with Tollens’ reagent is?

    3 HC ≡ CH A B If the catalyst A favors the linear polymerization of Acetylene find A & B in the reaction

    Ph − C ≡ CH H 2 O/H 2 O 2 O 3 A The product A is

    The ratio of sp, sp2 and sp3 orbitals in the product ‘B’ formed from the reaction below C H 3 − C H = C H − C ≡ C H − N H 3 N a N H 2 A − N a B r C H 3 − B r B

    HC ≡ CH + X 2 CHX=CHX The correct order of reactivity of halogens in the above reaction is?

    Among the following in how many formulas the DUS is equal to 2 ?

    The compound A of the following reaction is?

    How many among the following can have more Boiling points than the but–1–yne?

    The amount of the oxygen required to prepare 1 mole of Acetylene from controlled oxidation of methane,other gases formed are CO and H 2

    The total number of sigma and pi bonds present in the product formed from the reaction of 4,4–dibromobut–1–yne with excess of sodamide.

    The molecular weight of the product formed from the reaction of 2 moles of 1,1,1–trichloropropane on reaction with 6 moles of Silver

    The mass of the alkyne formed during the reaction of 1,1,2,2–tetra bromo butane with Zinc

    The amount of oxygen required for the complete combustion of 1 mole of Acetylene is?

    what is the C-H bond length in acetylene in Armstrong units(approx)

    The number of moles of HCN generated when Ethyne reacts with Nitrogen in the presence of electric arc.

    The C-C bond length in acetylene is approx(in armstrong units)

    The gases liberated at anode in the Kolbe’s electrolysis of sodium acetate are

    Which of the following can be obtained on Hydroboration oxidation reaction of Propyne?

    The IUPAC of the given cycloalkane is

    The IUPAC of the given cycloalkane is

    The compound given below is chiral. What would be the outcome of catalytic hydrogenation of a pure enantiomer of their compound?

    The final product obtained on heating n- heptane with a mixture of C r 2 O 3 – A l 2 O 3

    Which of the following liquid used for degreasing purpose?

    Alkane present in shark liver oil is

    What volume of methane (NTP) is formed from 16.4g of sodium acetate by fusion with soda lime?

    The product obtained as Major is

    The major product [B] in the following sequence of reactions is:

    The major product following the reaction is

    In which of the following reactions benzene will not formed?

    Tet − Butyl   chloride ii   CuI i   Li A n − Propylbromide B ,    B    is

    The enthalpy of hydrogenation of cyclohexene is -119.5 kJ mol -1 . If resonance energy of benzene is -150.4 kJ mol -1 , calculate its enthalpy of hydrogenation in kJ.

    Which of the following is non-aromatic in nature?

    Ph − C ≡ C − Ph Na / liq   NH 3

    3 C 2 H 2 red    hot    Cu    tube A HNO 3 + H 2 SO 4 60 0 C B Product B is

    The addition of HCl to 3,3,3-trichloropropene gives:

    Number of anti-aromatic compound in the following compound is .

    Number of s p 2 − s Bonds in C 2 H 4 is

    As compared to its parent ethane, an ethyl radical contains

    Observe the following structure, now imagine that if this compound is treated with H+ ion then at what position the H+ ion attach preferably?

    What are ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the reaction

    The hybridization of central and terminal carbon atoms in are respectively

    The ratio of SP to SP 2 carbons HC ≡ C − CH = CH 2 in is ————–

    What is the percentage of s-character of hybrid orbitals of ∘ C 2 ′ carbon in H 2 C = C = CH 2 is

    Electronegativity of carbon atoms depend upon their state of hybridization. In which of the following compounds, the carbon marked with asterisk is most electronegative?

    The linear shape of C 2 H 2 is due to

    In which of the following molecule all carbon atoms are in one plane.

    Strongest carbon-carbon bond is present in

    Number of carbons, which are having partial double bond character in picric acid is ———————–

    The ratio of σ to π bonds in

    Non Benzenoid aromatic compounds is

    The number of isomers of C 6 H 14 is

    Ph 3 P 3 RhCl is

    Which is the Lewis-acid Lewis-base reaction?

    Which of the following is correct increasing order of boiling point

    How many acetylene molecules involved in linear polymerisation to get divinyl acetylene

    The peroxide effect is observed in case of

    Which of the following is antiaromatic

    Which is correct order of decorboxylation, (I) CH 3 CH 2 COOH (II) CH 2 = CH − COOH (III) CH ≡ C − COOH

    Acetylene has garlic odour due to the presence of impurities of

    Chromic acid oxidizes acetylene in to

    The most volatile compound is

    Which of the following reacts with cold con H 2 SO 4

    The maximum numbers of isomers for an alkene with molecular formula C 4 H 8 is

    The electrophile involved in the nitration of benzene is

    Which of the following is not formed when methyl iodide and ethyliodide reacts with Na metal in the presence of dry ether

    How many liters of oxygen is required for complete combustion of 6 gms of ethane at S.T.P.

    How many acidic hydrogens are present in the compound formed by hydrolysis of calcium carbide

    C 2 H 6 uv Cl 2 X wurtz   reaction Y . What is Y

    Upon oxidation with acidified KMnO 4 ethyl benzene gives

    What volume of CH 4 is formed at STP when 32.8 gm of sodium acetate is fused with sodalime?

    n-Heptane when heated to 800k at high pressure in the presence of Cr 2 O 3 / Al 2 O 3 gives

    The number of propagation steps involved in halogenations of ethane is

    Which one of the following classes of compounds is obtained by polymerization of acetylene

    Pure methane can be prepared by which of the following method?

    C H 3 − C H 2 − C H 2 − C H 2 − F , In this compound if free radical substitution will occur then, as per IUPAC at what position stable free radical will form?

    From the reaction given, find the possible number of monobromo derivatives (structural) Reaction

    Ethyl iodide and n-propyl iodide are allowed to undergo Wurtz reaction. The alkane which will not be obtained in this reaction is

    Ethane is subjected to combustion process. During the combustion the hybridization state of carbon changes from

    observe the given reaction, n − B u tan e h υ C l 2 , the total number of mono-chloro products (Including stereo isomers) which are possible in this reaction.

    A hydrocarbon ‘A’ ( Vapour density = 36) forms only one mono-chloro substitution product, ‘A’ will be

    C H 4 + C l 2 h v C H 3 C l + H C l , to obtain high yields of Methyl chloride , the ratio of methane: Chlorine must be

    Which reaction is not correctly represented for the preparation of alkane ?

    Consider the following statements I) among isomeric alkanes always straight chained has the higher Boiling point and Melting point. II) Greater the branching in alkanes, lower will be its Boiling point. III) M.P of alkanes depends upon the packing of molecules in the crystalline lattice Select the correct statements

    Which is incorrect comparison of the boiling point of Alkanes ?

    What is the product A, In the above reaction

    R − B r M g / e t h e r A D 2 O C H 3 C H 2 D , R-Br by Wurtz reaction gives rise to which of the following product(s)

    Rank the following substances in decreasing order of reactivity with Bromine in the presence of light,

    The structure of (Z)-1-chloro 3-methyl 3-hexene is

    2-Pentyne can’t be obtained even as minor by the de-hydrohalogenation of the following with fused soda-amide at 200°C

    C H 3 2 C H B r i i )   C u I   i i i )   C H 3 2 C H C H 2 B r i )   L i A , This is Corey House method of synthesis of ‘A’ which

    In the following compound. Which (C=C) bond is more nucleophilic ?

    Which of the following alkene has the maximum stability?

    Select the correct statement among the following ?

    Which of the following pairs can be distinguished by Bromine water ?

    Among Ethane, Ethene, and Ethyne Carbon-Carbon bond length in Ethyne is shortest due to the following fact(s)

    Observe the following statements A & B and compounds X, Y, Z as given below and select the correct statement(s) A) Cyclohexyl acetylene is treated with Dil H 2 SO 4 in presence of HgSO 4 to form A B) Cyclohexyl acetylene is treated with B 2 H 6 followed by oxidation with H 2 O 2 to form B X is Methyl cyclohexyl ketone Y is cyclohexyl acetaldehyde Z is cyclohexanal

    Which of the following is a source of proton in aqueous solution or in the presence of basic medium?

    Which of the following cycloalkane has the maximum strained ring?

    Aromaticity of the Benzene ring is restored in the following case

    In which of the following reaction the product is Benzene in single step, if treated with suitable conditions ?

    Propane is obtained from propene by which of the following method

    Which of the following is correct increasing order of boiling point ?

    What volume of Methane formed when 32.8gm of sodium acetate is fused with soda lime (at S.T.P conditions)?

    Butane can be converted into 2-methyl propane by heating with

    1-Phenyl – 2 – Chloro propane on heating with alc KOH gives which of the following product?

    Which of the following compound decolorizes cold dilute alkaline K M n O 4 solution and also gives red ppt on heating with ammonical cuprous chloride.

    C a C 2 H 2 O A H 2 S O 4 H g S O 4 B L i A l H 4 C Product C is?

    Propyne on treatment with ozone, followed by oxidative degradation gives which of the following product ?

    In the reaction given below, B ← H 2 − P d / B a S O 4 C H 3 − C ≡ C − C H 3 A l c o h o l N a / N H 3 A A and B are

    The C-C bond order in Benzene molecule is

    Direct Chlorination of Benzene in presence of sunlight is an example of reaction

    The electrophile involved during the nitration process of Benzene is

    Which of the following is not aromatic in nature?

    The nature of residual solution during electrolysis of aqueous sodium acetate is

    Which of the following is not formed when methyl iodide and ethyl iodide reacts with Na metal in the presence of dry ether

    Hot alkaline KMnO 4 oxidizes methylacetylene into which of the following products?

    Which of the following is present in the highest amount in LPG gas cylinder ?

    The peroxide effect is observed in case of which hydrogen halide?

    The products formed by ozonolysis of 2-Ethyl But-1-ene are

    A group which is ring deactivating towards aromatic electrophilic substitution reaction ?

    Isopropyl bromide on Wurtz reaction at suitable condition, gives which of the following product as Major ?

    Propyne on reaction with aqueous C l 2 gives

    Cold and dilute aqueous K M n O 4 reacts with R-CH = CH-R to give

    An organic compound which readily decolourses bromine water and forms an anhydride on heating at high temperature, the compound will be ?

    n-Heptane when heated to 800K at high pressure in the presence of C r 2 O 3 / A l 2 O 3 gives

    In the acid catalysed dehydration of alcohols to alkenes. The intermediate formed is

    Which of the following is the correct order of acidic character?

    C H 3 − C H 2 − C H = C H 2 N B S X a l c K O H Y , In in chemical reation given here, the final product Y is

    Cyclic polymerization of propyne gives or The product obtained if propyne is passes through red hot metal tube is

    Catalytic oxidation of Methane in the presence of copper gives

    C 2 H 6 h v C l 2 X W u r t z   r e a c t i o n Y , The product Y is,

    Which of the following statement is wrong regarding Alkenes?

    Acetylene has pungent odor with garlic smell due to the presence of impurities like ?

    Which of the following is antiaromatic compound ?

    2-chloroButane is heated with alc.KOH. The Major product formed is

    The most volatile compound among the following is

    Grignard reagent is not prepared in aqueous medium but prepared in ethereal medium because

    Which of the following carbide can be called as Methanide carbide ?

    An alkene gives two moles of formaldehyde, 1 mole of carbon di oxide and 1 mole of 2-oxo propanal on ozonolysis. What is structure of that alkene

    When 2-butyne is heated with hydrogen gas in the presence of Pd- BaSO 4 dissolved in Quinoline, The product is

    Electrophile in case of chlorination of Benzene in the presence of light is

    The compounds that will give an isomer of 2-methyl Butane on catalytic hydrogenation are

    Dry distillation of sodium butanoate salt with sodalime gives

    The dehydrohalogenation of neopentyl bromide in basic medium mainly gives

    Which of the following reaction can gives alkane, alkyne and alkene when subjected to identical conditions

    Which of the following is most reactive towards aromatic electrophilic attack ?

    The compound with molecular formula C 8 H 10 , exist in four isomeric forms, of which one of the isomer will give only one isomers on electrophilic substitution with C l 2 / F e C l 3 is

    Imagine you took an unknown compound in lab, The compound gave the following features in lab performed by you It decolorizes the pink color of potassium permanganate. It liberates hydrogen gas when Na metal is added. The compound is

    Which of the following is liquid (s)?

    Heat of formation of Cycloalkanes typically ­­­­ value.

    Cycloalkanes are prepared from

    Clemensons reduction of cyclic ketones gives

    Lower stability of Cyclopropane is due to

    The most stable Cycloalkanes if 10 carbon ring is taken is

    When a bond length or bond angle is distorted, potential energy stored in Cycloalkane is referred to as

    Cyclopropane is no longer used as an anesthetic the main reason is because it is

    When Cyclopropane reacts with hydrogen gas in the presence of Ni, it gives

    The number of axial and equitorial bonds in cyclohexane is

    The combustion data show that Cyclohexane has

    Cyclohexane achieves tetrahedral bond angle and staggered conformation by assuming it in which of the following form

    A substituent on Cyclohexane ring in the chair conformation, usually and generally can occupy position

    The two possible chair conformation of methyl Cyclohexane are in equilibrium at

    The ‘ring – flip’ of Cyclohexane during chair – chair interconversion undergoes a change in the position of hydrogen or any substituent from

    Careful measurements and study of all the conformations of Cyclohexane’s have shown that the most energetic of all conformations is

    The energy difference between the Chair conformations with simple alkyl group at equatorial position and at axial position is

    Cyclopropane is used in

    Which of the following is basic required condition to prepare Cyclohexane from benzene?

    Which of the following is a method of preparing Cycloalkanes?

    The Major product formed when one mole of 1,3- di-bromopropane reacts with Zn at high temperature are

    Which of the following is the reagent to prepare Cycloalkanes by Freund’s reaction?

    The energy difference between which of following conformation of Cyclohexane is minimum?

    Baeyer strain in Cyclo-Butane is approximately

    Total number of axial carbon – hydrogen bond in frozen chair conformation of Cyclohexane is

    The conformation energy diagram of Cyclohexane is as follows. Then the chair conformation is represented by

    Reaction of 4-Hydroxy cyclohexanone with Zn-Hg/HCl/heat

    In 1,3 Cyclohexane diol stablest conformation the two bonds holding the OH groups are

    In cyclohexane 1,4 diol the stablest conformation is

    The order of strain in cycloalkanes is

    Stablest conformation of 1,2 di methyl cyclohexane is

    In general equatorial bond is more stable, now select the stablest considering other factors

    The stablest conformer of 4-Flouro Cyclohexanol is

    The correct structure of cis 1,3 dimethyl cyclobutane is

    Select the stablest conformer from the following structure

    Select the conformer which is expected to have least energy among the following.

    Among the following molecule select the one which has the highest potential energy ?

    The stablest conformer of 1,2 di methyl cyclopropane is

    Observe the pictorial given and select the correct option given

    This ring is membered cyclo alkane

    Which of the following is not a bridged compound ?

    The double bond equivalence of the following cycloalkane is

    A cycloalkane was subjected to reaction with silver nitrate solution to form a pale yellow color ppt as shown below. The compound is

    Observe the given experiment done below. Predict which product is NOT obtained.

    Select the option which has the most unstablest form of cyclopenetane

    Which six member ring do you expect to show highest extent of Hydrogen bonding ?

    Considering the concept of BMO and ABMO, which of the following is the correct representation in terms of cyclopropane

    Observe the given cycloalkanes, of these two cyclo alkanes are almost equally stable, now select the correct option in terms of stability

    Observe the experiment given, and predict the product obtained at the end of reaction? EXPERIMENT

    Observe the reaction given below. Now imagine these are performed in the presence of Bromine and light, Then select the Incorrect option regarding the reaction A to B

    In the given option, what is the meaning of the wavy line in the given structure

    Observe the given compounds, then select the conformer which can exhibit highest extent of hydrogen bonding

    Which of the following compound ionizes readily to release chloride ion?

    Which of following has greatest extent of dipole moment?

    Which of the following is correct method to prepare 1,3,5 – tri bromo Benzene as final product and as major product?

    Which of the following is correct method to prepare meta chloro Benzoic acid ?

    Which of following compound on reaction sodamide liberates ammonia Gas? very fast and easy ?

    Which of the following has most acidic hydrogen ?

    Which of the following has most acidic hydrogen ?

    Which of following is more reactive towards aromatic electrophilic substitution reaction?

    Alkynes cannot exhibit isomerism

    Acetylene is iso-structural with

    Acetylene reacts with which of the following ?

    Which of the following statement is correct about the given compound?

    Alkynes undergo which of the following reaction(s)?

    The reaction of acetylene with HCN in presence of Ba(CN) 2 gives a compound A, This compound is used to make orlon and BUNA-N rubber the compound A is?

    A derivative of acetylene that was used in world war-II is?

    A hydrocarbon mixture contains acetylene, ethene and ethane. The reagent used to separate or distinguish acetylene is

    The nature of higher alkynes is?

    What is incorrect statement above alkynes?

    The cylindrical shape of an alkyne is due to the fact that it has (reference to the functional group only)

    The final product when methyl acetylene is treated with methyl magnesium iodide followed by reaction with methyl chloride

    Predict A in the following reaction is? HC ≡ C – CH 3 Me – Br NaNH 2

    Product A in the following reaction is?

    The final product of the given reaction is? HC ≡ CH Et – I excess Excess NaNH 2

    The final product when acetylene is treated with an excess of NaNH 2 followed by treating with 2 molar benzyl chloride

    Product A in the following reaction is?

    Predict the product A of the following reaction

    In the following reaction X is?

    In the following reaction X is?

    If NaH is taken in excess then the product of the following reaction is? HC ≡ CH Br – CH 2 – CH 2 – OH NaH H + Product

    The major product obtained in this reaction is?

    The product obtained in the final step of the following reaction is? CH 3 – CCl 2 – CH 2 – CH 3 ∆ Alc KOH Na / Liq NH 3 product

    Which of the following reacts with silver nitrate solution most readily?

    Which of the following compound do not ionizes readily to release chloride ion?

    Which of the following is correct method to prepare chloro Benzene ?

    This compound is expected to be

    The compound is expected to be

    The molecule is expected to be

    The molecule is expected to be

    Reaction of cyclohexanone with Clemensons reagent gives as major

    Reaction of cyclohexanone with Wolf-Kishner reagent gives as major

    The product NOT obtained in the given reaction is

    The product of the reaction is[using lindlars catalyst]

    The major product in the reaction given (one mole) is

    Predict the product of this reactio given

    The product of this reaction is[using HI/Red P]

    The final product of this reaction is

    This reaction can be classified as reaction

    The major product obtained in this reaction is[usig lindlars catalyst]

    Ozonolysis of cyclohexene gives which of the following as major product

    Reductive ozonolysis of the follwing gives which product

    The final product expected is[using HI/RedP]

    The final product of this reaction is

    Predict the product for the reaction given based on hyperconjugation

    Which of the following more reactive towards aromatic electrophillic substitution reaction ?

    Which of the following is most reactive towards aromatic electrophilic substitution ?

    Which of the following compound is non aromatic?

    Which of the following compound undergoes bromination of its Aromatic ring at the faster rate

    The number of pie electrons in Benzene is

    Among the following which will NOT undergo aromatic electrophilic substitution easily ?

    Among the following which will undergo aromatic electrophillic substitution easily ?

    Which one of the following is NOT isomer of the other aromatic compound?

    Select the alkyne which has acidic nature?

    Stablest alkene among the following is

    Benzene generally undergoes reaction

    Friedal crafts alkylation is an example of reaction

    Friedal crafts Acylation is an example of reaction

    Which of the following Aromatic electrophilic substitution reaction(A.E.S.R) is impossible to occur ?

    Decreasing order of C-C bond length is 1.Ethane 2.Ethene 3.Ethyne 4.Benzene

    Reaction of Formyl chloride and Benzene in the presence of Lewis acid A l C l 3 gives which of the following

    Benzene with Acetyl chloride in presence of Lewis acid gives which of the following product?

    Presence of a nitro group on benzene ring

    Reaction of Benzene with Propanoyl chloride in the presence of Lewis acid like F e C l 3 which of the following product

    Electrophile generated in nitration of benzene is

    Which of the following would be least reactive towards bromination reaction in the presence of Lewis catalyst?

    Catalytic hydrogenation of benzene in the presence of catalyst like Ni gives

    Reaction of Toulene with K M n O 4 gives which of the following product

    Reaction of Ethyl Benzene with K M n 0 4 gives which of the follwoing

    Phenol on distillation with zinc dust gives

    Observe the given reaction and predict what is Y in the reaction given below

    Benzene sulphonic acid on treating with steam at 150 0 – 200 0 C gives

    How many moles of acetylene is needed to polymerise it to Benzene?

    One mole of phenol on distillation with Zn dust gives moles of ZnO

    Friedel – Craft reaction of benzene and methyl chloride in presence of A l C l 3 gives

    Reaction of n- propyl chloride with benzene in the presence of A l C l 3 produces

    The reaction below is known as

    This reaction can be also called as

    The reaction is also called as

    The reaction is called as

    This reaction can be called as

    These two reactions are called as

    The reaction is called as

    This reaction is an example of

    Benzene is

    The number of nitro groups in the product if phenol is subjected to nitration reaction at 100 0 C

    Select the correct statement about Gamaxene

    An insecticide which was synthesized in the II world war period is (Benzene as one of the starting material)

    Which of the following hydrocarbon is mixed with petrol as motor fuel?

    TNT is also used with a mixture of aluminum nitrate, alumina and charcoal under the name of

    Iodobenzene on heating with copper in a sealed tube forms biphenyl, name of the reaction is

    The simplest homologue of benzene is

    The ratio of Pi bonds to sigma bonds in benzene is

    Which among the following suits perfectly to the functional class of Alkynes?

    An alkyne, an alkadiene, and a cycloalkene are having the same molecular formula. Which of the following is correct based on the given statement?

    Among the following alkynes, which is having eight sp hybrid orbitals?

    The molecular weight of a hydrocarbon is 96. Index of hydrogen deficiency of the compound is 2. Which of the following structure is suitable for the hydrocarbon discussed?

    The common name of 3,3–dimethylbut–1–yne is?

    IUPAC name of the following compound is?

    the maxiumum Number of latoms are present in 2–Butyne and 1–Butyne are

    Find the correct answer based on the number of minimum carbons required for alkyne to show the corresponding isomerism Isomerism Minimum number of carbons required (i) Chain isomerism (a) 2 (ii) Positional isomerism (b) 3 (iii) Functional isomerism (c) 4 (iv) Ring chain isomerism (d) 5 (v) Optical isomerism (e) 6

    Find the correct order of the Boiling point

    Find the incorrect statement among the following

    Which among the following exist in liquid state at room temperature?

    The correct order of pKa values among the following is?

    Which among the following gas used for artificial ripening of fruits, it is also a plant hormone?

    Which of the following hydrocarbon is used as a rocket fuel?

    Which of the following gas is used for welding purposes and can produce the highest heat of combustion?

    Alkynes usually show which type of chemical reaction?

    Which of the following is not a functional isomer of hex–3–yne?

    The odor of Acetylene is due to which of the following combination of gas in it

    Which among the following is more soluble in water?

    The correct decreasing order of dipole moment among the following is?

    Which of the following will float on the surface of water?

    Illuminating agent in Hawker’s lamps and lighthouses is?

    Incorrect statement among the following is?

    Among the following the trade name of Acetylene is?

    Westron can be synthesized by the addition of chlorine to which of the following?

    Lewisite can be prepared by using which of the following combinations

    Which of the following is used to treat Lewisite poisoning?

    Which of the following is used to volatilize carbon in radiocarbon dating?

    Which of the following can be used to prepare Mesitylene?

    Which of the following product of a two carboned reactant can have bond angle of that of linear molecules?

    In the following reaction, what is Y

    Which of the following will give propyne on hydrolysis?

    What is ‘B’ in the given reaction if R=Me

    Which among the following reactions will not give alkyne?

    Product ‘C’ in the reaction is, Maleic anhydride H 3 O + (A) NaOH (B) Kolbe electrolysis (C)

    Which of the following will give alkyne on reaction of phosphorous-penta -chloride followed by dehydrohalogenation with Sodamide ?

    The gases formed at anode when potassium fumarate is subjected to electrolysis?

    Which among the following will give 3,3–dimethylbut–1–yne on reaction with NaNH2/ ∆

    Sodium on reaction with propyne formed compound ‘A’. Compound ‘A’ on reaction with secondary alkyl halide formed compound ‘B’. the molecular weight of the compound ‘B’ is 82. Find the alkyl halide among the following.

    The homologue of Ethyne can be prepared from

    Acetylene can be prepared from

    Which among the following reaction sequence is useful to synthesize the unsymmetrical alkyne like CH 3 − C ≡ C − CH 2 − CH 3

    Which among the following is called Berthelot’s reaction?

    An unknown compound A has been prepared from the reaction of dehalogenation of a tetra halo derivative with zinc and B is its positional isomer. B gives a white precipitate with ammoniacal Silver nitrate but not A. A and B maybe

    Which of the following reactions which cannot give an alkyne?

    The number of pie bonds formed during the dehydrohalogenation of one mole 1,1,6,6–tetrabromohexane with 6 moles of sodamide?

    In which among the following reaction do we get two different products on reaction with acidified KMnO 4 ?

    Among the following which gives 520 gm of Acetylene as a product

    Which among the following reaction will form a liquid alkyne as a final product?

    In which of the following, alkyne is not formed as a final product?

    Which among the following reactions will give phenylacetylene?

    In which gas atmosphere electric discharge is passed through graphite electrodes in Bertholots method?

    In the following reaction, HC ≡ CH A CH 3 CHO , ‘A’ can be?

    1–Butyne on reaction with hot alkaline K M n O 4 followed by acidification gives?

    product A in the given reaction is? H 2 C = CH – C ≡ CH 1 M HCl A

    Compound X of the molecular formula C 4 H 6 takes up one equivalent of hydrogen in the presence of Pt to form another compound Y which on oxidative ozonolysis gives only ethanoic acid. The compound X can be?

    But–1–yne can be distinguished easily from But–2–yne by (in lab)

    Find Y, in the following reaction

    4HC ≡ CH THF/pressure Anhydrous Ni(CN) 2 A , In this reaction the compound A is?

    Select the correct statement about Lewisite from the following statements

    In the following reaction X and Y are respectively

    Which of the following will give white precipitate with Acetylene?

    Product A in the following reaction is?

    Product in the following reaction is?

    The major product of the following reaction is?

    In the above reaction ‘P’ is

    The Major product of the following reaction is?

    The major product obtained is

    Product X in the following reaction (under vigorous conditions) is?

    The major product of the reaction of 3–Hexyne with cold alkaline K M n O 4 is

    Oxidation of Acetylene with acidified KMnO 4 produces?

    HC ≡ CH + HCN Ba(CN) 2 CH 2 =CHCN The above reaction is an example of

    CH 3 − C ≡ CH 1% Hg 2+ 40% H 2 SO 4 X The correct statement among the following is?

    Correct decreasing order of acidic strength among the following is?

    HC ≡ CH + CO + H 2 O NiCl 2 A . Product ‘A’ in the above reaction is

    Select the correct option(s) about A&B of the following reaction

    Maximum number of moles of sodamide reacts with 1,2–dibromopropane,till the formation of final product

    The amount of Silver required to prepare one mole of Acetylene from iodoform (mw of Silver is 108)

    The ratio of sp and sp3 orbitals present in the product formed from the reaction between 1,1,5,5–tetrabromopentane and sodamide?

    The number of distinguishable products obtained on oxidative ozonolysis of 2,4–hexadiyne is?

    The total number of distinguishable compounds formed by octa–1,3,7–triyne on reaction with acidic potassium permanganate is?

    Product ‘X’ in the following reaction is?

    The percent of acetylene supplied to industries for oxyacetylene flame production is

    Observe the reaction and select the number of HCl molecules lost during the process

    The IUPAC of the given cycloalkane is

    The IUPAC of the given cycloalkane is

    The IUPAC of the given cycloalkane is

    The IUPAC of the given cycloalkane is

    The IUPAC of the given cycloalkane is[name already given in the question]

    The IUPAC name of the compound is

    IUPAC name of the compound given

    IUPAC of the cyclo alkane is

    Reaction of Pent-1,5 dioic acid with calcium hydroxide gives a salt, followed by distillation give a ketone. This ketone on Clemensons reduction gives

    The product not obtained in this reaction is

    The product not obtained in this reaction is

    This reaction is called as

    The product NOT formed in this reaction is

    The product NOT obtained in the below reaction

    If Ethyl chloride reacts with sodium metal then which of the following is irrelavant

    The final product of the reaction given is

    1,2 dichloro cyclohexane on reaction with sodium metal give a compound, which on reduction with hydrogen and in presence of catalyst as nickel give as final product.

    Reaction of Benzyl bromide with sodium metal gives

    Reaction of cyclohexene with butadiene in the presence of heat gives which of the following product

    This reaction is called as

    The final product of the reaction is

    The product of the reaction is

    The product of the reaction is

    The product formed during the reaction is

    The product expected in the reaction is further subjected to reduction with hydrogen and Nickel, select the final product from the options

    The final product is

    The final product is

    If steam reacts with cyclopropane as shown, then the final product is

    The final product of the reaction is

    The final product of the reaction is

    The final product is

    The product of this reaction is further subjected to reduction with Hydrogen in Nickel, the product is

    Cyclohexanol on reaction with concentrated sulphuric acid followed by reduction gives

    The reaction product is

    Which of the following statements regarding free radical halogenation of alkane is not true ?

    Octane number can be changed by which

    In hot air balloons air is kept hot by burning which of the following alkane

    Which of the following number of carbons are needed for an alkanes to be used as aviation fuel?

    Which gas is used as a fuel in Cigarette Lighters?

    Bitumen (A black semi solid to liquid) mainly consists of

    The major product of the reaction

    The product of the reaction is

    Anti-Markovnikov’s addition of HBr is not Observed in

    Which of the following molecule is isolated diene

    which is observed during Diels Alder reaction is

    All terpenes have carbon skeletons made up of:

    Consider the following reaction: a) CH 3 3 CH OH CH 3 conc . H 2 SO 4 b) CH 3 2 CHCH Br C H 3 alc . KOH c) CH 3 2 CHCH Br C H 3 CH 3 3 O − K + d) Which of these reaction(s) will not produce Saytzeff product?

    Consider the following reactions: A) B) C) D) Which of these reactions are possible?

    The decreasing order of reactivity towards dehydrohalogenation (E1) reaction of the following compounds is: (A) (B) (C) (D)

    The major products A and B in the following reactions are:

    In the following sequence of reactions the maximum number of atoms possible in molecule ‘C’ in one plane is A Cu tube Red hot B Anhydrous AlCl 3 CH 3 Cl   1 eq . C (A is a lowest molecular weight alkyne).

    Which of these will produce the highest yield in Friedel Crafts reaction ?

    The correct order of heat of combustion for following alkadienes is : a) b) c)

    The major product obtained from E 2 − elimination of 3-bromo-2-fluoropentane is:

    The total number of monohalogenated organic products in the following (including steroisomers) reaction is .

    The major product [R] in the following sequence of reactions is:

    Select the in-correct reaction among the following reactions.

    When the above compound reacts with Bromine in carbon tetra chloride, then the major possible products of the above reaction is

    In the reaction sequence the product C can be

    Number of different products formed by the ozonolysis of 1,2-dimethyl benzene is

    The number and type of bonds between the carbon atoms in calcium carbide are

    How many isomeric bromides are possible for the compound on monobromination with NBS(Including stereo Isomers) ?

    The major product obtained in the following reaction

    (heat of hydrogenation energy) A,B,C are Alkenes or dienes. Then Alkene / diene (C) is:

    Major product of the following reaction is

    When phenyl magnesium bromide reacts with tert – butanol, the product would be

    C 2 H 2 Hot   metallic   tube Product(P). Then “P” is

    Reagent (S) for the conversion of propanol into propane is

    In which of the following reactions, organic product cannot show conformational isomerism?

    The reagent for the following reaction would be

    Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of polarity(I,II,III respectively)

    What is true regarding the compound shown below?

    Number of π -electrons in anthracene is

    The degree of unsaturation or index of Hydrogen deficiency in the following is i) C 6 H 14 ii) C 4 H 6 iii) C 6 H 6

    If ethyl chloride and methyl chloride is subjected to reaction with sodium metal, then how many organic products are obtained.

    Electronegativity of carbon atoms depend upon their state of hybridization. In which of the following compounds, the carbon marked with asterisk is most electronegative?

    Which of the following compounds contain all carbon atoms in the same hybridization state?

    The linear shape of C 2 H 2 is due to

    Which of the following compound contain most electronegative carbon atom?

    Strong carbon-carbon bond is present in

    Number of π bonds and σ bonds in the following structure is

    In which of the following molecule all carbon atoms are in one plane.

    In which of the following molecule all the carbon-carbon bonds are not equal.

    The percentage of s- character on second carbon in HC ≡ C − CH 3 is

    Which of the following is aromatic carbocation?

    Non bezenoid aromatic compounds is

    How many of the following compounds are aromatic according to Huckel’s rule?

    The general formula C n H 2 n is true for

    In the reaction ‘A’ and ‘B’ are

    What are ‘A’ and ‘B’ in the reaction

    The ratio between σ and π bonds in cyclo-hexa − 1 , 4 -diene are

    The ratio between hybridized and pure orbitals in o-xylene are.

    The substance which is having zero pure orbital in carbon atoms?

    The compound in which carbons uses only its sp hybrid orbitals for bond formation is

    Which of the following represents the given molecule of hybridization; s p − s p − s p 3 − s p − s p from left to right?

    Which is a polycyclic compound?

    Which of the following is not aromatic compound?

    Which of the following is Benzenoid aromatics

    Which is an acyclic compound?

    Which of the following is an unsaturated compound?

    Which of the following obeys Huckel rule.

    Number of possible benzene isomers for C 8 H 10 is / are

    Which one is strong acid, with reason, select the suitable option?

    The Reaction of alkenes with electrophile occurs readily, this can be explained by

    Which one of the following compounds will have highest p ka value

    Which of the following has maximum number of resonating structures?

    Select the species which is aromatic.

    Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of polarity

    The species which can be considered as to be aromatic is

    Three moles of simplest alkyne is subjected to cyclic polymerization gives compound ‘x’ correct statement about ‘x’ in the following

    Which one of the following compounds is non aromatic?

    Rank the following in order of stability (lowest to highest)

    2-Butenyl group has the structure:

    The number of σ , π bonds and lone pairs present in Tetracyano ethylene molecule

    Aromatic compound in the following is

    The total number of Carbon atoms and the number of sp 3 hybridized Carbon atoms in the simplest alkyne containing a tertiary Carbon atom is given by the set

    Which compound (s) out of the following is/are not aromatic? (A) (B) (C) (D)

    The number of monochlorination products are formed by an alkane with one neo Carbon atom and whose molecular mass is 72.

    Which of the following compounds contain all carbon atoms in the same hybridization state?

    Which of the following compound contain most electronegative carbon atom?

    Number of π bonds and σ bonds in the following structure is

    The ratio of sp to sp 2 carbons in HC ≡ C − CH = CH 2 is ————–

    The percentage of s- character on second carbon in HC ≡ C − CH 3 is

    Which of the following is aromatic carbocation?

    Which of the following is not a hetero cyclic aromatic compound?

    Benzenoid compound is

    Which of the following is benzenoid aromatic compound?

    How many of the following compounds are aromatic according to Huckel’s rule?

    The minimum number of moles of O 2 required for complete combustion of 1 mole of propane and 2 moles of butane is

    In the following sequence of reaction the maximum number of atoms possible in one plane in the product C will be (A is a lowest molecular weight alkyne) A r e d h o t F e p o l y m e r i s a t i o n B A l C l 3 m e t h y l c h l o r i d e C

    give the correct IUPAC name of the compound,find the correct sum of locants as value x, then x is

    number of chain propagation steps in ethane molecule, during chlorination is

    If simple Benzene is considered then how many electrophilic carbon positions are available (irrespective of product(s)).

    If ethyl chloride and methyl chloride is subjected to reaction with sodium metal, then how many organic products are obtained.

    The number of sigma and pi bonds in prop-2-enal are

    Acetophenone C 6 H 5 COCH 3 can be reduced to ethyl benzene C 6 H 5 CH 2 CH 3 by I. Clemmensen reduction (Zn-(Hg)/ conc. HCI) II.Wolff-Kishner reduction (N 2 H 4 /Glycol, KOH) III.Birch reduction Na / NH 3 / CH 3 OH Select the correct methods to carry the above function.

    Benzene sulphonic acid is treated with steam. Final product is

    Birch reduction (dissolving metal reduction) of o-xylene gives

    Nitration of the following takes place in the order :

    The treatment of benzene with iso-butene in the presence of sulphuric acid gives

    The major product obtained in the reaction is

    How many structural isomers are possible for alkane with seven carbons

    1-propanol is obtained as major product from propene using

    How many of the following alkenes are more stable than given compound (A)

    Propane is obtained from propene by which method

    Which of the following decolourises alkaline KMnO 4 and gives red ppt with ammonical cuprous chloride.

    Propyne on ozone treatment followed by oxidative degradation gives

    The bond order between carbons in benzene is

    Chlorination of benzene in presence of sunlight is an example of

    The nature of residual solution during electrolysis of aqueous sodium acetate is

    The products formed by ozonolysis of 2-Ethyl but-1-ene are

    A group which is ring deactivating towards electrophilic substitution but decreases incoming group towards -O and -P positions is

    Aqueous H 2 SO 4 reacts with 2-Methyl-1-butene to give

    The number of isomers formed on mono chlorination of neo hexane is

    Isopropyl bromide on Wurtz reaction gives

    In the acid catalysed dehydration of alcohols to alkenes. The intermediate formed is

    Which of the following is correct order of acidic character

    Dilute aqueous reacts with RCH = CH – R to give

    Propyne on reaction with aqueous Cl 2 gives

    A compound on ozonolysis gives glyoxal, acetone and formaldehyde. The compound is

    Ethyl benzene + C l 2 sun   light X ; X is

    CH 3 − CH 2 − CH = C H 2 NBS X alcKOH Y , Y is

    How many acids can be taken to obtain isobutane from decarboxylation

    Benzene + Propene H 3 PO 4 X ; X is

    Catalytic oxidation of CH 4 gives

    How many of the following compounds gives methane on hydrolysis Al 4 C 3 , Be 2 C , CaC 2 , Mg 2 C 3

    2-chlorobutane is heated with alc.KOH. The product formed is

    Which of the following statement is wrong regarding alkenes

    Isopropyl alcohol is prepared by reacting the following alkene with conc   H 2 SO 4 and H 2 O

    Carbide which react with water to give propyne is

    An alkene gives two moles of HCHO 1 mole of CO 2 and 1 mole of CH 3 COCHO on ozonolysis. What is structure

    When 2-butyne is heated with pd- BaSO 4 . The product is

    In the reaction B ← H 2 pd − BaSO 4 CH 3 − C ≡ C − C H 3 H 2 Na − NH 3 A , A and B are

    Electrophile in case of chlorination of benzene in the presence of AlCl 3 is

    The compound with molecular formula C 8 H 10 which will give two isomers on electrophilic substitution with Cl 2 / FeCl 3 is

    Dry distillation of sodium butanoate with sodalime gives

    The dehydrohalogenation of neopentyl bromide with alc KOH mainly gives

    The compounds that will give an isomer of 2,2-dimethyl propane on catalytic hydrogenation are (i) (ii) CH 3 − CH = CHCH 3 (iii) CH 3 CH = CHCH 2 CH 3 (iv)

    Which of the following is most reactive towards electrophilic attack

    How many of the following compounds gives white ppt with ammonical silver nitrate solution. Acetylene, But-l-yne, But-2-yne, Propyne

    The number of grams of bromine that will react with 0 . 021 Kgs of propene is

    Which of the following reaction gives both alkane and alkene

    How much propanol is required for dehydration to obtain 2 . 24 litres of propene at S.T.P is grams

    How many methyl groups present in the product formed when but-2-yne is passes through hot metallic tube

    Which of the following statements is wrong?

    How many Grignard reagent reacts with alcohol to give n-butane? (Excluding stereoisomer)

    The product (B) is:

    Which of the following on reductive ozonolysis gives only acetaldehyde

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