Chemistry Questions13th Group Questions for CBSE Class 11th

13th Group Questions for CBSE Class 11th

Incorrect statement regarding orthoboric acid is

Which is true for an element R present in 13th group of the periodic table ?

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    Which of the following metal (s) show (s) +1and +3 oxidation states both?

    Borax contains tetra nuclear unit [B 4 O 5 (OH) 4 ] 2- of 48 atoms. The correct formula of borax is:

    Which of the following molecular hydrides acts as a Lewis acid?

    The 13th group element with highest melting point is

    Based on E M + 3 / M 0 value, the best oxidant is

    The densest 13th group element is

    Precipitation of Al 3 + aq as Al OH 3 by CO 2 shows that

    Statement 1: Al OH 3 is amphoteric in nature. Statement 2: Al − O    and    O − H bonds can be broken with equal ease in Al OH 3

    Statement 1: Al OH 3 is insoluble in NH 4 OH but soluble in NaOH. Statement 2: NaOH is a stronger base.

    The elements B , C , N of 2 period in p block exibit maximum covalency of

    Which of the following will not give orthoboric acid?

    Boric acid is an acid because its molecule :

    13th group elements show +1 and +3 oxidation states. 14th group elements show +2 and +4 oxidation states. Correct order about the stability of their oxidation states is

    Hydrides of boron are not very stable. Diborane is one of the most important member of Borane family. Number of hydrogen atoms which cannot be replaced by methyl groups is/are from a molecule of diborane are

    Regarding orthoboric acid,incorrect statement is

    The 13th group element with least ionization enthalpy is

    Statement I : Boric acid is a Protonic acid Statement II : Aqueous solution of boric acid contains a proton

    Which of the following is realtively strong Lewis acid ?

    In trivalent state of elements of13th group, the total number of electrons around the central atom in covalent molecule will be

    Which of the following will give orthoboric acid?

    What are X and Y in the following reaction? 3 B 2 H 6 + 6 NH 3 ⟶ 3 [ X ] + BH 4 – ⟶ Δ 12 H 2 + 2 Y

    Which of the following is correctly shown bonding in diborane?

    Column(I) Column(I) (p) Borax (i) H 3 BO 3 (q) Boric acid (ii) Na 2 B 4 O 7 . 4H 2 O (r) Kernite (iii) Na 2 B 4 O 7 . 10H 2 O

    Borax is used as a cleansing agent because on dissolving in water, it gives:

    Atomic radius of Ga (135 pm) is less than that of Al (143 pm) because

    Which one of the following is a correct statement about 13 th group elements is

    The element used in high temperature thermometers is

    Based on E M + 3 / M 0 value, the best oxidant is

    Based on E M + 3 / M 0 value, the best reducant is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    Statement I; Boron cannot show +3 oxidation state in its compounds. Statement II; Boron can form trivalent cation.

    Which one of the following relation about electronegativity on pauling scale is incorrect ?

    The element used in high temperature thermometers is

    Statement (I) : White fumes appear around the bottle of anhydrous aluminium chloride. Statement (II) : Anhydrous aluminium chloride is hydrolysed with atmospheric moisture to liberate HC l gas. Moist HC l appears white in colour.

    Which one of the following is not a proper match ?

    Consider the structure of diborane Correct relation is

    False statement among the following is

    Boric acid is an acid because its molecule

    False statement among the following is

    Statement 1 : H 3 BO 3 is monobasic Lewis acid but salt Na 3 BO 3    exists. Statement 2 : H 3 BO 3 reacts with NaOH to give Na 3 BO 3 .

    Statement I; Boron cannot show +3 oxidation state in its compounds. Statement II; Boron cannot form trivalent cation

    Which one is more acidic in aqueous solution?

    Which of the following graph represents the order among the melting points of IIIA group elements

    The element that exhibits negative oxidation state in IIIA group is

    The order of abundance of IIIA group elements is

    Electronic structure acquired by compounds of IIIA group elements in bonding is

    Statement I : Concentrated nitric acid makes metal aluminium passive Statement II : A protective layer of aluminium oxide is formed on the surface

    Which of the following pair of group 13 elements have similar atomic radius

    IP 1 is least for

    Tendency for is highest for

    Aluminium exhibits diagonal relationship with

    AlCl 3 is considered as

    Which of the following is not an ionic trihalide?

    Statement I : Gallium is used as a thermometric liquid Statement II : Gallium has wide liquid range of temperature

    The electropositive character increases from B to Al and then decreases from Al to Tl because of

    Boron exhibits diagonal relationship with

    Boron compounds behave as Lewis acids because of their

    Statement I : The oxidation number of boron in BF 3 is +3 Statement II : Boron cannot form a cation

    Diborane on hydrolysis gives

    Number of moles of protons liberated by the aqueous solution containing 1 mole of H 3 BO 3 is

    The bonds not present in diborane are

    The H – B – H bridged angle in diborane is

    Diborane undergo clevage reactions with …. to give borane adducts.

    Diborane reacts with water to form

    The following has a potential to be used as a rocket fuel

    Statement I : Diborane is electron deficient molecule Statement II : In the formation of diborane molecule, boron atom uses sp 3 – hybrid orbitals

    The number of three centred, 2 electron bonds in diborane is

    Regarding ‘Al’ the wrong statement is

    Dihydrate of alumina is present in

    Borax on heating strongly above its melting point melts to a liquid which then solidifies to a transparent mass commonly known as borax bead. The transparent glassy mass consists of

    The hybridisation of 'Al' in [Al(H 2 O) 6 ] 3+ is

    Which metal forms a protective oxide layer to prevent corrosion ?

    In Al 2 Cl 6 , the covalency of aluminium is

    IIIA group element with highest density is

    Which of the following statement about aluminium chloride is not correct ?

    a) AlCl 3 fumes in moist air due to its hydrolysis b) Al metal is stable in dry air because of protective oxide layer. c) pπ – pπ back bonding does not occur in halides of aluminium because of larger size. d) AlCl 3 achieves stability by forming a dimer. Correct statements are

    Al and Ga have nearly the same covalent radii, because of

    Among the following most electropositive element is

    Which of the following is not correct ?

    . ‘X’ in the reaction is

    Least basic among the following is

    The maximum covalency of aluminium is ‘6’ where as that of boron is ‘4’ because

    The element of IIIA group with least density is

    Electronegativity is least for

    The statements regarding ‘B’ and Al are I) Boron is a bad conductor of heat and electricity II) Aluminium hydrides are stable III) Maximum covalency of Boron is 4 The correct statements are

    The correct order of ionization potential [IP 1 ] among the IIIA group elements is

    . The compounds, X and Y are

    The IIIA group element that does not displace hydrogen from hydrochloric acid is

    Statement I : Increase in the atomic radius from B to Al is more than that of consecutive elements of the same group Statement II : Electrons in penultimate shell of aluminium have greater screening effect

    Strongest oxidant among the following is

    Which of the following does not undergo hydrolysis?

    In the reaction between boron and sodium hydroxide to liberate hydrogen gas, boron acts as

    Hydrogen gas is liberated when aluminium is treated with A) Air B) Dilute HCl (or) H 2 SO 4 C) NaOH (or) KOH D) conc. HNO 3

    A compound H 3 BO 3 is heated with C 2 H 5 OH and H 2 SO 4 , the fumes produced burn with green flame.The green flame is due to the formation of

    . Z in the reaction is

    The products formed when boron trichloride is reduced with lithium aluminium hydride are

    Na 2 B 4 O 7 .10H 2 O can also be represented as

    Methylation of diborane gives [Me = methyl group]

    Diborane reacts with HCl in the presence of AlCl 3 and liberates

    The colour developed for Co 2+ basic radical in borax bead test is

    Observe the following statements : 1) H 3 BO 3 is used as antiseptic 2) In B 2 H 6 , each boron is sp 2 hybridized 3) Aqueous solution of borax is alkaline in nature The correct statements are :

    Which of the following aqueous solution used as antiseptic

    Diborane does not liberate H 2 gas with

    What is the nature of aqueous borax solution ?

    Some statements about the structure of diborane are given below A) Studies have confirmed that four hydrogens of diborane are one type and remaining two are of another type B) Diborane contains two coplanar BH 2 groups C) Diborane is a planar molecule D) Boron of diborane undergoes sp 2 hybridization The correct statements above are

    Correct statement regarding B 2 H 6 and Al 2 Cl 6

    Statement I : Al is highly electro positive metal in IIIA group Statement II : ‘Al’ has lowest negative S.R.P in IIIA group

    Tau bonds are formed by overlapping of

    Statement I : Among IIIA group elements, Boron has highest melting point Statement II : Boron has giant polymeric structure

    Statament I : conc. HNO 3 can be transported in ‘Al’ vessels. Statement II : ‘Al’ forms a protective layer of oxide on it’s surface with conc.HNO 3 .

    Statement I : B–F bond length in BF 3 is less than in BF 4 – Statement II : Back bonding is present in BF 3 but not in BF 4 – .

    Hoop’s process is used in the refining of :

    Al reduces most of the metallic oxides due to its greater affinity for

    Boron carbide, B 4 C is widely used for

    The correct Lewis acidic order for boron halides is

    The process used for purification of bauxite ore containing iron oxide impurity is known is

    Reactivity of borazole is greater than that of benzene because

    Which compound can make fire proof clothes ?

    Aluminium is usually found in +3 oxidation state. In contarast, thallium exists in +1 and +3 oxidation states. This is due to :

    Aluminium is not present in which of the following mineral ?

    Which of the following structure is similar to graphite ?

    In Gold Schmidt reaction, certain metallic oxides are reduced to the metallic state by heating with

    The composition of duralumin is

    BF 3 on hydrolysis forms

    Maximum pπ – pπ back bonding exists in

    The stable oxidation state of Tl is +1 hence its hydroxide is similar to

    Which one of the following does not exist in the free form ?

    Boron reacts with nitric acid to form

    Among the halides (1) BCl 3 (2) AlCl 3 (3) GaCl 3 (4) InCl 3 The order of decreasing Lewis acid character is

    Which of the following cannot liberate H 2 with acids ?

    Amorphous boron on burning in air forms

    When boron is fused with potassium hydroxide which pair of species are formed ?

    Borax is prepared by treating colemanite with

    Electrolytic reduction of alumina to aluminium by Hall-Heroult process is carried out ?

    Which one of the following is the correct statement ?

    The number of OH units directly linked to boron atoms in Na 2 B 4 O 7 . 10 H 2 O is

    AlCl 3 on hydrolysis gives

    In diborane, the two H – B – H angles are nearly

    Boric acid on heating at 150 0 C gives

    Boric acid heated to red hot gives

    Which of the following has the minimum heat of dissociation ?

    Diborane upon hydrolysis gives

    Aluminium chloride exists as dimer, Al 2 Cl 6 , in solid state as well as in solution of non-polar solvent such as benzene. When dissolved in water it gives

    In diborane, the banana bond is formed between

    The type (s) of bonds present in diborane is / are

    H 3 BO 3 ionises in water as

    Diborane belongs to the

    Boron nitride is isoelectronic with

    Which one of the following statement regarding BF 3 is not correct ?

    In the reaction : BF 3 + 3 LiBH 4 3 LiF + X ; X is

    A certain salt (X) gives the following tests (i) Its aqueous solution is alkaline to litmus. (ii) On strongly heating it swells to give a glassy bead. (iii) When concentrated sulphuric acid is added to a hot concentrated solution of (X), crystals of H 3 BO 3 separate out. Identify the colour of these crystals.

    Which of the following is called inorganic benzene ?

    In presence of aluminium chloride, diborane reacts with dry hydrogen chloride forming a substitution product

    Diborane is a Lewis acid forming addition compound B 2 H 6 . 2 NH 3 with NH 3 , a Lewis base. This

    Statement 1: Benzene is reactive while inorganic benzene is unreactive compound Statement 2: Inorganic benzene is borazine, B 3 N 3 H 6

    Statement 1 : The borax Na 2 B 4 O 5   OH 4 .    8 H 2 O is a useful as primary standard for titrating against acids. Statement 2 : Aqueous solution of borax contains equal amounts of weak acid and its salt.

    Statement 1: Boron has unusually high melting point. Statement 2: Boron shows non-metallic character.

    The geometry and the hybridisation present about the central atom in BF 3 is:

    Statement 1: On throwing aluminium powder in air, it catches fire. Statement 2: 2 Al    +    3 2    O 2       Al 2 O 3 ;     ΔH = − ve . The reaction is highly exothermic and once started continues to develop fire.

    Statement 1: AlCl 3 forms dimer Al 2 Cl 6 in gaseous state but it dissolves in H 2 O forming Al H 2 O 6 3 + and 3 Cl − ions. Statement 2: Aqueous solution of AlCl 3 is acidic due to hydrolysis.

    Boron cannot form which of the following anions?

    Al 2 O 3 can be converted to anhydrous AlCl 3 by heating

    The stability of +1 oxidation state increases in the sequence

    Which of the following statement is incorrect

    Number of bridged B – O – B and terminal B – OH bonds present in tetraborate ion are respectively

    p-block of elements of periodic table contains

    The valence shell electronic configuration of elements of p-block is

    Which of the following increases regularly down the group in 13 group?

    Which of the following is correct for Ga?

    Borax bead test is performed on platinum wire. Many transition metals give characteristic colour of metaborate. CoO reacts with B 2 O 3 to give Co(BO 2 ) 2 whose colour is

    Which of the following is industrial method for the manufacture of B 2 H 6 ?

    Which of the following is laboratory method for the preparation of B 2 H 6 ?

    Most common hydridoborates contains tetrahedral [BH4] – ion. These are also called as ……… and are used as ……….. in organic synthesis.

    Statement-I: Boron does not form [BF 6 ] 3- . Statement-II: Boron does not have d – subshell in its valence shell.

    Statement-I: Ga is useful in measuring high temperature. Statement-II: b.p. of Ga is very high.

    Which of the following is electron deficient?

    The last electron in elements of p-block enters in

    AlCl 3 is stable as a dimer. The structure of dimer is :

    Which of the following produces oxides as well as nitride on heating in air?

    Wrong match about electronegativity on pauling scale is

    Regarding orthoboric acid, incorrect statement is

    Melting point is least for

    The most electro negative 13th group element is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    Formula and colour of cobalt metaborate is

    Kernite is Na 2 B 4 O 7 . xH 2 O . ‘ x ‘ is equal to

    Based on E M + 3 / M 0 value, the best oxidant is

    Regarding orthoboric acid, incorrect statement is

    Correct statement among the following is

    Hydrides of boron are not very stable. Diborane is one of the most important member of Borane family. Number of hydrogen atoms which cannot be replaced by methyl groups is/are from a molecule of diborane are

    Statement I ; BF 4 – cannot exist. Statement II ; Orthoboric acid has layered structure due to hydrogen bonding.

    Borax is heated in a bunsen burner flame with a compound X on a loop of platinum wire. A blue colored bead of compound Y is formed. Identify X and Y. X Y (1) Ca(BO 2 ) 2 CoO (2) CoO Co(BO 2 ) 2 (3) CoO 2 Co(BO 2 ) 2 (4) CoO CoBO 2

    Match the following columns and choose the correct option from the codes given below. Column – I (Element) Column – II (Element) (Density/g cm -3 at 298K) a) Ga i) 11.85 b) In ii) 5.90 c) Al iii) 2.70 d) B iv) 7.31 e) TI v) 2.35 (a) (b) (c ) (d) (e) (1) ii iv iii v i (2) iii v i iv ii (3) ii v iv i iii (4) i iv iii ii v

    Number of planar atoms in diborane molecule is

    The process, M ( s ) M + 3 ( aq ) is least feasible when ‘M’ is

    Statement-I : Aluminium when burnt in air forms oxide and nitride. Statement-II : Gallium hydroxide is amphoteric in nature.

    Number of hydrogen atoms of diborane molecule which cannot be replaced by methyl groups when diborane is subjected to methylation is

    Incorrect statement about orthoboric acid is

    The 13th group element with least ionization potential is

    Which one of the following elements is unable to form M F 6 3 – ion ?

    The correct order of atomic radii in group 13 elements is

    The stability of +1 oxidation state among Al, Ga, In and Tl increases in the sequence

    Which of the following is electron-deficient?

    Which of the following structure is similar to graphite?

    AlF 3 is soluble in HF only in presence of KF. It is due to the formation of

    False statement among the following is

    Column-I Column-II I. B – 10 A) Flux in soldering II. H 3 BO 3 B) Thermite welding III. Na 2 B 4 O 7 . 10 H 2 O C) Neutron absorber IV. Al D) Antiseptic to eye infections

    Boron is a rare element in Earth’s crust. Kernite (or) Razorite is a mineral of Boron whose formula is

    SRP values are useful in predicting the oxidizing and reducing nature of a species. The 13th group element with positive E M + 3 / M 0 value is

    Aluminium chloride in acidified aqueous solution forms a complex ‘A’, in which hybridisation state of Al is ‘B’. What are ‘A’ and ‘B’, respectively?

    The tendency to form monovalent compounds among the Group 13 elements is correctly exhibited in :

    Number of water molecules of crystallization in alum are

    Improper match among the following is

    Regarding 13th group elements and their compounds some statements are given below. False statement among the following is

    Diborane reacts with ammonia at high temperatue( 200 0 c ) to form

    Borax is Na 2 B 4 O 7 . xH 2 O . ‘ x ‘ is equal to

    Most Electropositive element of 13th group is

    Statement I: Boron always forms a covalent bond. Statement II : The small size of B + favours formation of a covalent bond.

    Violet colour appear in glass when we add

    The +1 oxidation state is more stable for the element

    Thallous chloride is more stable than thallic chloride because of

    The nature of B 2 O 3 is

    Statement I : BCl 3 and AlCl 3 are both Lewis acids and BCl 3 is stronger than AlCl 3 Statement II : H 3 BO 3 is strong tribasic acid

    Boron does not form B 3+ ions where as Al forms Al 3+ ions. This is because

    The atomic radius of which element is least

    Which is true for an element R present in group 13 of the periodic table

    When boron atom undergoes sp 3 hybridization

    Boric acid is polymer due to

    The number of possible disubstituted Borazine (B 3 N 3 H 4 X 2 )

    The number of atoms involved in bridged bonds in one diborane molecule is

    Diborane does not undergo cleavage reaction with

    In water orthoboric acid behaves as a weak monobasic acid giving H 3 O + and

    Which of the following can’t exist ?

    In diborane, the hybridisation of Boron is

    The correct order of melting points of IIIA group elements is

    Among the III A group elements, the difference in the atomic radius is large in between

    The product formed in the reaction BCl 3 + H 2 O →

    Which of the following is weakest Lewis acid ?

    B 2 H 6 + 2MH → 2M + [BH 4 – ] In the above equation, M could be

    Which of the following is a correct match?

    Which of the following statements are correct ? i) Boron reacts with concentrated HNO 3 to form nitric oxide and boric acid ii) Boron reacts with fused NaOH to form boric acid and hydrogen iii) Boron reacts with SiO 2 to form Si and B 2 O 3

    Which of the following statements is correct?

    Slippery nature of orthoboric acid is due to

    A convenient laboratory preparation of Diborane is

    Orthoboric acid on heating above 370K gives

    Boric acid (H 3 BO 3 ) has

    In the reaction : 2X + B 2 H 6 → [BH 2 (X 2 )] + [BH 4 ] – 'X' 'X' cannot be

    Borax bead test is not given by

    The number of σ and π bonds present in inorganic benzene

    The non planar molecule among the following is

    BCl 3 on hydrolysis forms

    The number of electrons shared between the two Boron atoms directly in the formation of bonds in diborane molecule

    The hybridisation of boron in borax is

    Formulae of metaborate and borate ions respectively are

    The hybridisation of boron and oxygen atoms in a molecule of boric acid are respectively

    The statements regarding Diborane are i) Diborane contains 2-centred – 3-electron bonds ii) B – H bond is formed by sp 3 –s overlapping iii) It contains two coplanar BH 2 groups The correct statements in above are

    The maximum number of atoms present in the same plane in diborane molecule is

    In Al 2 Cl 6 the number of covalent and co-ordinate bonds are

    Addition of mineral acid to an aqueous solution of Borax, the following compound is formed

    The products of the reaction between Ca 2 B 6 O 11 and Na 2 CO 3 are ……

    The aqueous solution of AlCl 3 contains Al 3+ ions because

    Dimeric aluminium chloride and respective bond lengths are given below

    In the following reactions sequence A + N 2 ∆ B H 2 O C + D White ppt. (C) is formed and gas (D) is evolved. White ppt. (C) dissolves in NaOH solution, while gas (D) gives white fumes in HCl. Thus, (A) is

    Statement I : In water orthoboric acid behaves as a weak monobasic acid Statement II : In water orthoboric acid acts as a proton donor

    Statement I : Al is more electro positive than Tl. Statement II : Al 2 O 3 is more basic than Tl 2 O.

    Statement I : ‘Al’ utensils should not be kept in water over night. Statement II : ‘Al’ may get oxidized to Al +3 ions which are more toxic.

    Statement I : Boric acid burnt with ethyl alcohol in green edged flame. Statement II : Boric acid when burnt with ethyl alcohol it forms tri ethyl orthoborate.

    Which one of the following is a correct statement

    Al 2 O 3 formation from aluminium and oxygen involves evolution of a large quantity of heat, which makes aluminium useful in

    On hydrolysis of a nitride of an element, NH 3 and an acid were formed, then the element is

    Anhydrous AlCl 3 is obtained when

    The following compounds are obtained when NaBH 4 is treated with I 2

    AlCl 3 dissolves in conc. NaOH to form

    Which of the following substance sublimes on heating

    Which of the following is not a Lewis acid ?

    The number of 2-centre-2-electron and 3-centre-2-electron bonds in B 2 H 6 , respectively, are :

    Aluminium vessels should not be washed with materials containing washing soda since

    When Al is added to potassium hydroxide solution

    The purification method used for mineral Al 2 O 3 .2H 2 O is

    Red liquor is :

    Conc. HNO 3 can be stored in container of

    Boric acid when burnt with ethyl alcohol gives a green edged flame due to the combustion of

    Which cannot be prepared by B 2 H 6 ?

    Alumina may be converted into anhydrous aluminium chloride by

    The process used for purification of bauxite ore containing high silica content as impurity is

    The precious Ruby stone is

    Alane is chemically

    Which is used as disinfectant ?

    Heating an aqueous solution of aluminium chloride to dryness will give

    Aluminium chloride exist as dimer Al 2 Cl 6 in solid state as well as in solution of non-polar solvent such as C 6 H 6 . When dissolved in water it gives

    Which statement is not rue about potash alum?

    Borax is used as cleansing agent because on dissolving in water it gives

    Identify X and Y in the following reaction.

    The colour imparted by Co(II) compounds to glass is

    The bond dissociation energy of B – F in BF 3 is 646 kJ mol –1 . where as that of C – F in CF 4 is 515 kJ mol –1 . The correct reason for higher B – F bond dissociation energy as compared to that of C – F bond is

    Electronegativity of aluminium is 1.5. Electronegativity of thallium is

    A compound X, of boron reacts with NH 3 on heating to give another compound Y which is called inorganic benzene. The compound X can be prepared by treating BF 3 with lithium aluminium hydride. The compounds X and Y are represented by the formulas

    An alkali metal hydride (NaH) reacts with diborane in ‘A’ to give a tetrahedral compound ‘B’ which is extensively used as reducing agent in organic synthesis. The compounds ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively are

    Hot and concentrated solution of borax is treated with hydrochloric acid to give A and B. “B” on strong heating undergoes dehydration to give C. then “C” is

    Statement I : Al liberates hydrogen gas with both NaOH and HCl Statement II : Al is amphoteric metal

    Statement I : In IIIA group ionization enthalpy do not decrease smoothly down the group. Statement II : In the heavier elements of IIIA group the ‘d’ and ‘f ’ electrons have poor shielding effect.

    An inorganic compound 'A' shows the following reactions i) It is white solid, exists as dimer and fumes in wet air ii) It sublimes at 180 0 C and forms monomer if heated to 4000C iii) Its aqueous solution turns blue litmus to red and gives a white precipitate with AgNO 3 solution which is soluble in NH 4 OH iv) Addition of NH 4 OH and NaOH separately to the soltion of 'A' gives a gelatinous precipitate which in however soluble in excess of NaOH. The compound 'A' is

    Statement I : Boron can be used as refractory solid. Statement II : Boron has very high melting point.

    The electronegativity of aluminium is similar to

    Select correct statement (s) about H 3 BO 3

    Aluminium is more reactive than iron. But aluminium is less easily corroded than iron because

    Aluminium appears like gold when it is mixed with

    Thermite is a mixture of iron oxide and

    Which one of the following represents the correct order of stability of the ions

    Which of the following statements is correct ?

    An aqueous solution of BCl 3 is

    Boron compounds behaves as Lewis acids because of their

    Which of the following statement is not correct ?

    The main factor responsible for weak acidic nature of B – F bonds in BF 3 is

    B 4 C is also known as

    On small scale, boron is best isolated by reducing boron trioxide with

    The shape of jeweller’s borax is

    Aluminium (III) chloride forms a dimer because aluminium

    Aluminium is obtained by

    BCl 3 does not exist as dimer but BH 3 exist as dimer B 2 H 6 because

    The power of halides of boron to act as Lewis acids decreases in the order

    The product formed in the reaction, BCl 3 + H 2 O Product is

    Which one of the following mixed sulphates is not an alum ?

    From B 2 H 6 , all the following can be prepared except

    A mixture of boric acid with ethyl alcohol burns with green edged flame due to the formation of

    AlCl 3 on hydrolysis gives

    An aqueous solution of hydrated aluminium chloride contains the following set of ions

    The dissociation of Al OH 3 by a solution of NaOH results in the formation of

    The bonds present in borazole are

    How the reaction below can be made to proceed in forward direction B OH 3 + NaOH NaB OH 4 or NaBO 2 + H 2 O

    Which of the following statements regarding boric acid is false

    An aqueous solution of borax is

    Aqueous solution containing 1 mol of borax reacts with 2 mol of acids. This is because of

    There are two H-bridge bonds in diborane molecule because there are

    Identify the statement that is not correct as far as structure of diborane is concerned

    Borax bead test is not given by

    Which of the following compounds are formed when boron trichloride is treated with water ?

    Which statement is not true about potash alum ?

    Heating an aqueous solution of aluminium chloride to dryness will give

    Boron cannot form which one of the following anions ?

    When a solution of sodium hydroxide is added in excess to the solution of potash alum, we obtain

    Reactivity of borazole is greater than that of benzene because

    Boric acid is not used

    In diborane

    Which of the following general formulae represent alum ?

    Alane is chemically

    The structure of aluminium bromide is best represented as

    Pick up the wrong statement.

    When alumina is heated with carbon in the atmosphere of nitrogen then products formed are

    The form of BN which is as hard as diamond is

    Borazole is obtained by reacting B 2 H 6 with

    Statement 1: Borazine is more reactive than benzene. Statement 2: Borazine is polar while benzene is nonpolar in nature.

    Statement 1: AlCl 3 ionises in solution. Statement 2: The hydration energy of AlCl 3 exceeds the ionization energy.

    Statement 1: Boron does not show univalent nature but unipositive nature of thallium is quite stable. Statement 2: Inert pair effect predominates in Thallium.

    Statement 1: Tl 3 + acts as an oxidizing agent. Statement 2: Tl + is more stable than Tl 3 + due to inert pair effect.

    Statement 1: Borax bead test is not suitable for Al (III) Statement 2: Al 2 O 3 is insoluble in water.

    The liquified metal expanding on solidification is

    Which of the following is only acidic in nature?

    Which of the following statement is incorrect?

    The maximum oxidation state of an element of p-block can be :

    In p-block the maximum oxidation number along a period

    The oxidation state two units less than the group oxidation state becomes more stable progressively for heavier elements in 13 to 16 groups of periodic table. This is called

    Non-metals belong to

    Metalloids belong to

    Which of the following is correct for boron?

    In India borax occurs

    Which metal of group 13 is mainly found in mica, bauxite and cryolite?

    Which of the following has 4f 14 5d 10 6s 2 6p 1 electronic configuration?

    Which of the following is correct with respect to the atomic size in 13 th group?

    Electronegativity of elements of group 13 decreases from B to Al and then increases marginally because of discrepancies in

    ln group 13 of periodic table

    Ionization enthalpy of elements of 13th group

    ln +3oxidation state covalent molecules of 13th group behave as

    The relative stability of +1 oxidation state of elements of13th group follows the order

    Which of the following is the correct statement?

    Select the correct choice for the statements (I) and (II). (I) Boron reacts with acids at high temperature to give boric acid. (II) Boron does not react with alkalies at all.

    Select the correct choice for the following statements (I) and (II) : (I) Al reacts with dil. HCI to give a clear solution and H 2 gas. (II) Al reacts with aqueous alkali to give a clear solution and H 2 gas.

    In the following equation of reaction, supply the coefficients xAl + yHCl ⟶ a Al 3 + + bCl − + cH 2

    Elements of 13th group react with halogens to produce (X is halogen, M is element)

    MX 3 of elements of 13th group are

    Borax dissolves in water to give alkaline solution. The missing chemical in the following equation is Na 2 B 4 O 7 + 7 H 2 O 2 NaOH + . ……

    On heating, borax first swells up by losing water molecules. On further heating it changes to transparent liquid which solidifies to glass like material known as borax bead. In the following equation, supply the formulae of compounds. A and B respectively. Na 2 B 4 O 7 · 10 H 2 O ⟶ Na 2 B 4 O 7 A + B

    Which of the following is/are correct for H 3 BO 3 ?

    What does the following reaction show for H 3 BO 3 [i.e., B(OH) 3 ] ? B ( OH ) 3 + 2 HOH ⟶ B ( OH ) 4 – + H 3 + O

    Which of the following is correct for diborane?

    Which of the following is called inorganic benzene or borazine or borazol?

    Boron fibre used for making:

    Select the incorrect statement out of the following ?

    All elements of 15 th group form many compounds in +5 oxidation state. The well known only compound of Bi in +5 oxidation state is :

    Which of the following is correct?

    False statement about 13th group elements is

    What are A, B and C in the following set of reactions? H 3 BO 3 ⟶ 100 ° C A ⟶ 140 – 160 ° C B ⟶ Δ C

    Orthoboric acid has a sheet structure with :

    How are B 3 N 3 H 6 and C 6 H 6 related with each other?

    Which of the following reactions is shown by B 2 H 6 ?

    Which of the following is incorrect for Al metal?

    Incorrect statement about orthoboric acid is

    Which of the following oxides is acidic in nature ?

    The element which exists in liquid state for a wide range of temperature and can be used for measuring high temperature is :

    In the structure of diborane :

    The stability of +1 oxidation state increases in the sequence:

    The tendency of BF 3 , BCl 3 and BBr 3 to behave as Lewis acid decreases in the sequence:

    The correct order of matching of the following compounds is (A) Borazine (B) Plaster of Paris (C) Boric acid (C) Qwartz (E) Buckminsterfullerene (i) C a S O 4 . 1 2 H 2 O (ii) C 60 (iii) SiO 2 (iv) B 3 N 3 H 6 (v) H 3 BO 3

    Heating of aqueous solution of aluminium chloride to dryness will give :

    The colour observed by burning the vapours obtained by heating a mixture of borax or boric acid with C 2 H 5 OH and H 2 SO 4 is :

    The bond dissociation energy of B — F bond in BF 3 is 646 kJ mol –1 whereas that of C — F in CF 4 is 315 kJ mol –1 . The correct reason for higher B – F bond dissociation energy as compared to that of C – F bond is :

    The correct statement(s) for orthoboric acid is/are:

    Among 13th group elements, E M + / M 0 is positive for

    Diborane does not liberate hydrogen gas in its reaction with

    Regarding the structure of Al 2 Cl 6 (g) , false statement is

    Lewis acid strength is highest for

    Boron is not found in the form of

    The important mineral(s) of Al is/are

    Which of the following element is the most abundant metal and the third most abundant element in the earth’s crust?

    The discontinuity in the ionisation enthalpy values observed between

    Which of the physical properties is/are shown by boron?

    Which of the following trend followed by electronegativity down the group?

    Boron does not form B 3 + ions because

    Except boron, all other members of group- 13

    Which of the following oxidation.state(s) is shown by Ga, In and Tl?

    The relative stability of +1 oxidation state follows the order

    Due to small size of boron, the sum of its first three ionisation enthalpies is very high. This prevents it

    In trivalent state, the number of electrons around the central atom in a molecule will be

    The tendency to behave as Lewis acid decreases as the size

    AlCl 3 achieves stability by forming a dimer. Structure of this dimer is

    4 B ( s ) + 3 O 2 ( g ) ⟶ Δ I 2 Al ( s ) + N 2 ( g ) ⟶ Δ II Here, I and II are

    Which of the following statement is incorrect?

    Boron trioxide is acidic and reacts with metal oxides forming

    The geometry of the dimer of AlCl 3 is

    The similarities among the trichlorides, bromides and iodides of all group-l3 elements is/are

    Which of the following elements does not exist in aqueous medium, as species like tetrahedral M ( OH ) 4 – and octahedral M H 2 O 6 3 + ?

    Which of the following statement is correct?

    Which one of the following is a false statement about 13 th group elements is

    Which one of the following is a false statement

    Statement I; Boron can show +3 oxidation state in its compounds. Statement II; Boron can form trivalent cation

    Statement I; Boron can show +3 oxidation state in its compounds. Statement II; Boron can form trivalent cation

    Boiling point is least for

    Boron has the least atomic size in 13 th group. After Boron, atomic radius is least for

    The element with wide liquid range is

    The element with least electronegativity on Pauling scale in 13th group is

    The 13th group element with highest boiling point is

    The 13th group element with highest ionization enthalpy is

    The 13th group element having highest IP 1 is Boron .Which element of this group is having IP 1 next to Boron

    Statement I; Boron cannot show +3 oxidation state in its compounds. Statement II; Boron can form trivalent cation

    Incorrect statement regarding diborane is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A < B < C < D < E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘A’ in the sequence is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct atomic radius trend for these elements is A< B <C < D< E . The element ‘C’ in the sequence is

    Among 13th group elements, E M + / M 0 is positive for

    Regarding the structure of Al 2 Cl 6 (g) , false statement is

    A, B, C, D and E are the elements belonging to 13 th group of Modern periodic table. The correct trend of melting point for these elements is A > B > C > D > E . The element ‘D’ in the sequence is

    Diborane reacts with ammonia at high temperature( 200 0 c ) to form

    Screening effect influences periodic properties. Influence of screening effect is very high in 13th group elements. Incorrect trend among the following is

    BF 3 + NaH X NaH Y ; Hybridization of Boron in the compound ‘Y’ is

    Statement I ; Orthoboric acid is a weak antiseptic. Statement II ; Diborane has high calorific value.

    Incorrect statement is

    Wrong match is

    AlCl 3 in acidified aqueous solution form a complex ‘A’ in which hybridisation state of Al is ‘B’. What are A and B respectively?

    The correct order of atomic radii in group 13 elements is

    Which of the following statements is correct for the compound Al 2 Cl 6 ? I) Six Al — Cl bonds are of same length. II) The angle Al — Cl —Al is 101 o . III) Four Al —Cl bonds are of same length and two of different length. IV) The angle Cl — Al — Cl is 79 0 and 118 o . Choose the correct option.

    Assertion (A) : Boron has unusually high melting point. Reason (R) : Boron has very strong crystalline lattice.

    The relative stability of +1 oxidation state of group 13 elements follows the order

    Correct decreasing order of melting points in 13th group elements is

    Aluminium chloride in acidified aqueous solution forms a complex ‘X’. Hybridization of ‘Al’ in the complex is

    The 13 th group element with positive E M 3 + / M 0 value is

    Number of planar hydrogen atoms in diborane molecule is

    Borax is a very important compound of Boron. It finds a lot of applications. Its formula is

    The process, M ( s ) M + 3 ( aq ) is most feasible when ‘M’ is

    Correct trend of boiling points in 13 th group is

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